I was there approx last March, 2019.
I pulled a stunning Indian flight attendant from the hostel a few blocks from Khao San. My student pulled (in his words) a 9/10 rich Thai girl from some high end nightclub. He's Pakistani, but not a cheesy guy.
There are plenty of men with hot Thai girlfriends that aren't looking for cash, or pro's. But Thailand is known for it's sex tourism because it's one of the biggest countries in the world for sex tourism. So, yes a lot of women are pros, especially in Pattaya. Personally I found Pattaya to have filthy beaches, depressing sex tourism, and it's a sketchy place in general. I also don't find Thai women all that hot overall.
Right next door is Vietnam, which has crap beaches but beautiful women.
I agree that its easier to pull girls for free in bangkok than in pattaya thats pretty logic its richer and not known as a cheap filthy old mans whore city like pattaya, and especially when your staying in the high end priced areas as your saying and "high end clubs", but its not as easy as it sound like to find a rich thai girl but i addressed it in my thread as well....
1 thing missing from the above is that there are 2 parts of thailand or something (i forgot what the old man i met told me) but there is a part of thailand where the people are wealthy and some other part where they are poor, if you manage to hit up with those from the wealthy area, it should be quite easy to get a girl for free.
Its not only wealthy areas in bangkok where rich girls hang out, the old man whos been living there for decades, figured out a city or region or something i cant remember of that were rich.. He said something like, if you ask the girl what provinisal shes from and she answered "idkforgot" then the chance that she would sleep with you for free is high.. That girlfriend i used to have were from that area, she was basically rich, but choose to be a prostitute anyway, she was buying me food basically everyday that i got mad at one point that i put some money in her pocket "all that money she spent on me" and told her to get out as i cant let a thai girl pay for me, im not in fucking europe.
And your saying that "theres plenty of men with hot thai girlfriends" how do you know that brother? dont u think ive spoken to many of those guys? on my border run to laos i met up with 5 russian guys who looked like athletes, some of them who with over 100 lays from back home, and they havent had luck finding hot girls for free. I do agree with you that IT IS possible, but its not easy as your claiming it to be...
"you dont find thai women hot overall" brother welcome to the club, the only hot women there is are hookers
thats why we should come up with a strategy to find out how we can get them for free, from my experience its either to show them proof that your living in thailand, or know the language fluently, this is why i wanted to ask you guys whos been there for advice as i also said in the thread
If there's something you disagree with, then enlighten me as i have no clue what i was doing wrong, this is my own experience and perspective.
I agree with you, i find vietnamese hotter, i havent been there but from what i can see in youtube, i would rather fuck viets than thais thats for sure, only problem i have with vietnam after doing a lot of research is that theyre gyms are really bad, some of them doesnt even have an airconditioer which makes it really hard for me to go there as im a bodybuilder, and their food, massage arent as good as thailand, + its overall more expensive than thailand regarding gym, food, and accomodation