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My genuine and extreme sadness of guys going over red pill movements

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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
There's something in between pure smv as how red pill considers it and pure game as technical skill, or even frame control as mental fortitude, that it seems is missing from all the narratives that seems more important than either.

Yeah a girl will stay with a deadbeat if she finds him exciting, but he has to be a cool sexy deadbeat, and it's not just that he is calm and knows how to use pickup techniques.

The deadbeat must be a cool guy in the sense that by virtue of his charisma he can charm anyone that his girl, or a girl that hot, can be rolling with socially. As in, he wouldn't stick out as being below them and awkward, perhaps a bit of a rebel or outsider, but one that's admired and can win most people over to liking him by his social skills and a captivating personality.

Typically such abilities also reward the man with life success, so these are correlated. Also they make it easier for him to learn game, again resulting in correlation.

So a guy who has his own business and is very wealthy, and also has memorised and internalised loads of pickup theory and technique, but is otherwise awkward and dull in personality, will not keep a woman relative to a guy who may be poor and also ignorant as to proper pickup technique, but not only has a strong confidence but also is fun and outgoing and generally socially charming.

My friend/wing noticed this and we discussed it recently, it seems that this has
A lot of truth.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Manosphere is generally a boatload of unactionable crap when it comes to both seduction and LTRs.
  • Roosh was a religious hermit last I checked.
  • Rollo talks about "hypergamy" - vague, rather unactionable and irrelevant ref Chase's post. Krauser has recently called him out for promoting scammers.
  • Dalrock, Vox etc talks about religion as a solution - unactionable on the individual level.
  • Jordan Peterson is technically not Manosphere but speaks to a similar demographic - talks about "culturally enforced monogamy" - unactionable on the individual level.
With possible exception Roosh, all these older guys are total KJs on frame control with Millennial and Gen Z women. You need "hands on" experience to actually have something useful to say about this (pun intended).

I note that the worse momentum I have the less I write about tech and the more about sociology - note how much these guys have to say about sociology and how little tech they have, especially on the individual level. At best they have some outdated screening criteria that maybe worked in 1960. "OK BOOMER"...

Since these guys still have some valid observation at the sociological level, guys may think they are learning something when reading their stuff, but this is something we dubbed "false learning" in the Norwegian community - mostly unactionable knowledge. It just increases your narcissism.

MRAs here in Norway seem to be chodes who wifed up a cluster B or C woman and suffered the consequences. Then they project their failings on society and claim "women" are like what they experienced. This is a rather toxic message to noob/intermediate PUAs as they also run into a lot of cluster B/C and hence it will partially resonate.

Notice how guys are observing some outlier female behavior like this extreme attention whore (this is light cluster B, histrionic) Toni Lahren and starts to talk about how LTRs are unfeasible or how "women" are with this case as "evidence" - this is why Manosphere crap should be severely restricted here.

Red pill without fundamentals only results in fatalism and whining, which is the real reason most of these "gurus" are fading*. Simply observing something negative and complaining about it is neither wisdom nor an achievement. There is no "red pill" unless the knowledge was put to use and resulted in measurable improvement. You can also not red pill a guy without abundance on actual screening criteria to avoid cluster B and C, he will just be succumb to the first magic pussy he gets access to, no matter how crazy, and rationalize it.

* JP is an exception as he has some general life advice and elite level expertise in psychology which is valid.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2019
A few weeks ago I started reading a book written in 1932... You probably have heard about it, it's Aldous Huxley's masterpiece Brave new world.
The ressemblance with usual redpill's message was unexpected to me but is real. He talks about hypergamy, alpha/betas/gammas/etc which determines your position in the sociosexual hierarchy (SMV) , sexual liberalism as a way to enhance people's complacency for submission to a reality they have little control over.
However in Huxley's work it is stated that people are not naturally born and that they are conceived/programmed to accomplish a certain role in society. As far as I know this is not what's happening... (at least not yet).

However believing in such vision makes anyone powerless/hopeless since they can't do anything about it (they are destined to be a certain role that was written as they were born). Welcoming thoughts that tend to make you hopeless so you justify your inactivity as not to feel guilty...is called rationalization.

I've also noticed many similarities between incel talk and redpill...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Seduction is over with, nobody cares is back to underground, hating on women and doom is in you see all this clowns being pua coach then mgtow then red pill then religion whetever the wind blows and/or life coach

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Seduction is over with, nobody cares is back to underground, hating on women and doom is in you see all this clowns being pua coach then mgtow then red pill then religion whetever the wind blows and/or life coach

Let them be.. More for us.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I don't want to dismiss this as they are idiots. But i want to bring this to light.

- Operating from old state
- We all are limited in some form.

The reason why we don't do things is because we either fail or we don't do it. Thus that state keeps reinvigorate.
Sidenote: Schrodinger Cat multiverse

Chase and Zac went into a philosophy discussion on why Zac's uncles left his old third wife by planning to send her to a nursing home. Chase emphasize on the macro, the phase of men. Zac emphasize that if we are not limited, we all be doing what we want.

Both are interdependent. Capitalism and Socialism. Walls and No Walls. You guys kinda get where I'm trying to go here?

Skills bring up a point that this guys pivot from redpill coach to mgtow coach to religion coach and so on. In my opinion, This is because they are limited. And also because they need to convey the message to groups of people, which are actually individuals. This is strongly amplified by what we are seeing around the world. We just kept lying to ourselves and pretend we are not this.

the fact is that we are limited to the people who hears our message. We all are individuals and i have not mentioned beliefs/states from where you all are.


I told GC members that I'm limited for there's no forum like Girlschase. I'm limited

Even this post, I'm limited to the fact that some of you guys just want to stick to purely pickup, instead of me trying to make sense out of all things, while retaining that everything is independent.

I think we should dig into this.


If I get trashed on this post, I'm definitely on to something. I don't care what anyone says.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I don't want to dismiss this as they are idiots. But i want to bring this to light.

- Operating from old state
- We all are limited in some form.

The reason why we don't do things is because we either fail or we don't do it. Thus that state keeps reinvigorate.
Sidenote: Schrodinger Cat multiverse

Chase and Zac went into a philosophy discussion on why Zac's uncles left his old third wife by planning to send her to a nursing home. Chase emphasize on the macro, the phase of men. Zac emphasize that if we are not limited, we all be doing what we want.

Both are interdependent. Capitalism and Socialism. Walls and No Walls. You guys kinda get where I'm trying to go here?

Skills bring up a point that this guys pivot from redpill coach to mgtow coach to religion coach and so on. In my opinion, This is because they are limited. And also because they need to convey the message to groups of people, which are actually individuals. This is strongly amplified by what we are seeing around the world. We just kept lying to ourselves and pretend we are not this.

the fact is that we are limited to the people who hears our message. We all are individuals and i have not mentioned beliefs/states from where you all are.


I told GC members that I'm limited for there's no forum like Girlschase. I'm limited

Even this post, I'm limited to the fact that some of you guys just want to stick to purely pickup, instead of me trying to make sense out of all things, while retaining that everything is independent.

I think we should dig into this.


If I get trashed on this post, I'm definitely on to something. I don't care what anyone says.

My context is that sometimes I don't know if these people are authentic or just a marketing strategy, there is this dude that was a pua then mgtow then tradcum etc... this dude explains it here minute 5.43 on the seducer jogy as a response to zack:

and another video on some of the wrong with the red pill:

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Very difficult to know if someone is authentic. :/ Usually seeing the middle ground is often close to who they are.

But yea man, I checkout the video.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
My context is that sometimes I don't know if these people are authentic or just a marketing strategy, there is this dude that was a pua then mgtow then tradcum etc... this dude explains it here

Regretfully, this CBP (which is an acronym for "Coach Black Pill"....!) guy is just a dishonest soyboy gamma prick himself. I saw some of his videos and in one, he trashtalks my countryman Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen who for being some sort of "harmful" "far right activist" spreading "pseudo masculinity" when he in reality is a very mild and considerate guy, former elite competing powerlifter and a father who is just saying some obvious stuff like boys need fathers, get out of your fucking cubicle and spend time in nature etc. He also goes on to claim that guys like Bull-Hansen are "damaging confidence" of boys and that Bull-Hansen is a homophobe because he tells men to pass on their genes to the next generation. This does not even logically follow. He also puts a lot of other words in his mouth with no proof.

Another reason why such crap should have NO place on a PU forum. Red pill, black pill, whatever, it is just noise.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I consider those black pill guys basically as losers who have admitted defeat in life. I'm sure some poor bastards had traumatic experiences in life which they never recovered from but there are also too much guys who have lost for the wrong reasons and cower in victim mentality.

Anyway I do not even see reason to give them attention. They have cancelled themselves. For some I have sympathy.. for a lot of them I don't.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Regretfully, this CBP (which is an acronym for "Coach Black Pill"....!) guy is just a dishonest soyboy gamma prick himself. I saw some of his videos and in one, he trashtalks my countryman Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen who for being some sort of "harmful" "far right activist" spreading "pseudo masculinity" when he in reality is a very mild and considerate guy, former elite competing powerlifter and a father who is just saying some obvious stuff like boys need fathers, get out of your fucking cubicle and spend time in nature etc. He also goes on to claim that guys like Bull-Hansen are "damaging confidence" of boys and that Bull-Hansen is a homophobe because he tells men to pass on their genes to the next generation. This does not even logically follow. He also puts a lot of other words in his mouth with no proof.

Another reason why such crap should have NO place on a PU forum. Red pill, black pill, whatever, it is just noise.

Yeah i agree! He kjs at times, but i like those 2 videos.... I don't care about people just content .... (in this case i agree with the 2 videos specially his reference to jogy that went from community to community i edited the videos to make it more clear is in the context i was trying to make about jogy or whatever he names is that went from community to community for marketing)

and yeah i am done with the red pill stuff, the only reason i post this to show the contrast with how we see things, cause a lot of guys are in both communities now...

I also think there are some useful red pill concepts such as getting zeroed out, emotional equity etc... (i just don't like the kj and paranoia)
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I consider those black pill guys basically as losers who have admitted defeat in life. I'm sure some poor bastards had traumatic experiences in life which they never recovered from but there are also too much guys who have lost for the wrong reasons and cower in victim mentality.

Anyway I do not even see reason to give them attention. They have cancelled themselves. For some I have sympathy.. for a lot of them I don't.

he is not a black pill his name is coach black pill as sarcasm for coach red pill, making fun of him (trolling).. and as carousel says he kjs at times...
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Not only that sparxx, CBP also claims that masculinity is “performed,” and that the family “emerged with modernity,” so he’s obviously bought into this gender performativity nonsense and doesn’t know his history.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Anyway I’m closing this thread as it’s not relevant to the board’s stated mission (no politics/religion/red pill/trust fund kid paying for girls/etc.)

If red or black pill is different to pua/seduction, there’s no need to talk about it.
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