The Basic Steps/Phases of Mystery Method
A1 - Open
A2 - Show her that you're worth dating/fucking
A3 - Get her to tell you why she's worth dating/fucking
C1 - Conversation, get to know each other
C2 - Deeper Connection, Vibe, Kiss
C3 - Intimacy, Heavy making out at the close location
S1 - Makeout in the bedroom, escalate
S2 - LMR
S3 - Sex
To me, this looks like a pretty standard advice these days. So why do guys have issues with Mystery Method?
The Main Issues Guys Have with the Original Mystery Method IMHO:
1. A lack of focus on just fucking, same night lays, pulling in less than 2-4 hours, and wracking up lay counts, and a much greater focus on getting numbers, getting multiple dates, spending closer to 7 hours to close the deal, and avoiding buyer's remorse.
2. Not liking the A3 Qualification phase in particular because honestly it's kinda hard, annoying, boring, highly misunderstood, not easily understood, often seemingly ineffectual, seems kinda unnecessary, and essentially often lying because maybe you really are just talking to girl because of her looks. And in general, the whole thing lacks the sizzle of other pickup concepts.
3. Not liking the particular ways that Mystery accomplishes his phases - peacocking, opinion openers, false time constraints, negs, dhv's, routines, magic tricks, storytelling, compliance testing, etc.
4. Guys not liking the terminology. A1, C3, S92, P90x is really easily to mock (I just did) and for a myriad of reasons never really caught on (mostly because it's easy to laugh at a guy asking for help with his C2, and because it's in no other seduction teacher's interest to be using another coach's terminology.)
5. Mystery claiming that this was the one true way, and the only real way, when it's obvious that there were tons of people having sex with hot girls that were totally unaware of MM.
6. The A2 phase (Showing her you're worth fucking) only being comprised of a bunch of memorized DHV stories and not incorporating teasing, banter, swagger, attitude, cockiness, aloofness, etc.
7. Guys don't like C1 Comfort and C2 Deep Comfort because it's boring, kinda unmasculine, and "bloody hell why this is taking way so long." And they see other guys in the bar having success with cavemanning, making out, grind dancing, etc.
8. MM doesn't cover certain, often newer pua topics (for better or worse) like transitioning, rewarding, framing, AMOGs, vibing, teasing, bantering, investment, persistence, cavemanning, kino'ing, sexual state transference, heart melters, thin-slicing, etc. (or at least it doesn't seem to cover these topics on the surface)
9. MM doesn't cover certain types of girls and certain situations like DTF girls, SNL girls, party girls, girls on vacation, dance floor game, modern fashion, cologne, cars, lifestyle, day game, parties, having cool friends, basic social skills, texting, etc.
10. The routines get boring as hell after a while and a lot of the spark in the delivery dies when guys get sick of saying them. You become required to be an actor, faking enthusiasm, but most guys aren't trained Shakespearean actors.
11. You get paranoid using the same material that other dudes might be using and aren't skilled enough to come up with your own stuff.
12. Getting a girl using only another man's words/lines/routines is just never going to be a super solid foundation from which to start a long-term relationship. You gotta use at least some (most) of your own stuff - she's going to be dating you, not the lines and routines you read on the internet.
13. It can lead you to becoming a long-term peacocked PUA, which might have worked as a long term identity a long time ago when all of this shit was way more underground (probably still wasn't a great idea), but then the VH1 show let the cat out of the bag and turned that fuzzy tap hat into a late night punch-line.
14. Some of the MM ideas don't line up with science. Peacocking is for peacocks. Does it work for human males? Maybe, but you gotta be willing to take a lot of shit. Mystery never claimed otherwise. And using false time constraints because the first thing a group thinks is "when is this guy going to go away" isn't always true either. Sometimes, but a bar is a social situation, often it's totally unnecessary.
15. A lack of focus on personal attitudes, personal beliefs, and inner game in general. Mystery Method was completely outer game focused, an attitude that does have quite a few merits but has lost favorability.
16. A complete lack of focus on lifting and other attractive activities that make girls wet
17. A total lack of focus or explanation on the reality that if you're trying to get the hottest of the hot girls, you're still competing with guys that have money, fame, drugs, tattoos, connections, and guys that generally act like scum (think drug dealers) and they're still getting chicks.
18. Mystery never really learning much from anyone else near as I can tell. He came up with most of his stuff on his own and it seems as though he was never really interested in wearing a student hat, only the master or the teacher hat. So he could never add any new ideas to his method unless he came up with them himself.
19. Mystery stopped innovating and updating his method, stopped participating in public or private forums, and pretty much didn't defend himself or his method from the haters/onslaught of people mocking it (often for their own marketing purposes.) I suppose he has no responsibility to update his stuff or to defend it from critics, but I wish he had.
20. DHV stories being poorly done and usually coming off as bragging. Can DHV stories be used correctly and have the intended "attraction switching" effect? Maybe, but no one seems to be field testing them these days because they're so easy to do poorly. Other concepts such as breaking rapport, teasing, and DLV'ing started being used instead.
Almost no one seems to do DHV stories in order to flip specific attraction switches anymore. Do these attraction switches exist? Can they be flipped? Maybe, this was a huge part of Mystery Method. In Mm, the goal was to flip as many attraction switches as possible. But you rarely hear of anyone going out and attempting to flip a series of attraction switches anymore, especially with DHV stories.
21. People not liking MM's central focus on Evolutionary Biology and conveying those traits through DHV stories. For whatever reason, while the concept of "Being Alpha" is still okay, the concept of Evolutionary Biology is highly disliked and likened to voodoo pseduo-science
Culturally, the Right in the United States hates evolutionary biology because they don't want to believe in evolution at all instead preferring to believe in religion, god, genesis, etc.
The Left hates evolutionary biology because it's in opposition to a lot of feminism and also might be seen as a philosophy of "survival of the fittest" which goes against their welfare state programs that they champion. It also opens a pandora's box of questions about race that the left is completely and totally against.
With many, many, many people identifying with either the Left or the Right in the United States and many other countries, they all have a vested interest in mocking or at least ignoring the entire field of evolutionary biology as much as possible.
22. MM's focus and insistence on approaching groups, handling group dynamics, and backwards and forwards merging sets so you can have a better chance at landing the really hot girl at the far end of the bar. Guys do not want to approach groups, let alone learn how to backwards and forward merge sets. Even if it works and is superior than just approaching the girl, no one I know actually wants to do it, learn it, discuss it, post about it, or trouble-shoot it. People hate approaching, let alone approaching the entire group all at once.
23. The Spontaneity Problem - Once you ran out of routines and lines, you actually had to have conversation skills, humor skills, leadership skills, people skills etc. And eventually, even if you had a 10+ hour stack, you are going to run out of routines and lines and you're going to have to open your own mouth and live your own life. And Mystery Method never truly, deeply addressed that. It never claimed to, but what it did claim was that it was the be-all, end-all. And for nerds looking to become ladies men, become better, and become cooler that wasn't exactly 100% true
24. The whole thing just seeming like a whole bunch of bloody work. Guys just wanting an easier way.
I honestly believe that the biggest issue Mystery Method had was Mystery's insistence that his was the one and only way and passing this attitude onto his students. If the material had accompanied an attitude of "this is one of the ways, this is the way that I use, it's not perfect, but it works for me, and you're welcome to use it if you wish" then it wouldn't have been as easy for people to laugh at.
Then again, if Mystery was that humble, he probably wouldn't have created any of it in the first place.