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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 8, 2025
Continued from here:-

I made a new thread because I didn't like the title of the previous thread. Anyway, these are the new field reports:-

04/03/25 (street)

Approach 1:- Girl seemed receptive when I said hi. But I dunno why I started to smile/laugh too much when delivering my direct opener. She said "no, sorry" after I used my direct opener. I shouldn't have smiled so much. I wasn't matching her energy.

Approach 2:- Ignored me.

Approach 3:- She was in a rush. She ignored me but I kept talking, then she stopped and listened to me. I used my direct opener, she was receptive. I started talking to her and she was listening however, she told me she was in a rush so I ejected. I should have told her I am in a rush too and introduced myself and exchanged numbers.

05/03/25 (street)

Approach 1:-

Me:- "Hey excuse me"

(she removes her earphones but seems irritated that I stopped her)

Me:- "Hi, do you speak English?"

Her:- "Yes" (still seems irritated)

Me:- "I saw you and I wanted to meet. I noticed your fashion sense.... "

(she starts smirking, her whole demeanor changes from "irritated" to "amused")

Her:- "Sorry I have a boyfriend"

I eject

06/03/25 (street)

Approach 1:- Girl seemed receptive but she was in a hurry

Approach 2:- Girl was very receptive. We talked for a while. I ran out of things to say and tried to number close early. She said she has a bf. I could have tried to go for an instant date but I overthink this a lot because I run out of things to say

Approach 3:- She didn't stop but I remained unreactive and kept talking, then she stopped. However, she rejected me after I used my direct opener. Not receptive.

07/03/25 (nightclub)

Approach 1:- Self-ejection
Approach 2:- She seemed interested but her friends dragged her off
Approach 3:- She held my hand but then went away. Could have tried to talk more to her.

08/03/25 (nightclub)

Did handful of approaches. One approach that could have maybe worked:-

Me:- "You wait!"

The girl stops

Me:- "Hi, I am Julian" (handshake)
Girl:- "Hi" (smiles)

She stops for me and I start speaking. She definitely was interested in me.

Girl:- "Sorry my friends are waiting"

Her friends were two steps in front of her.

Me:- "What about me?"

She was smiling and still waiting. But I let her go. I should have tried to go talk to her friends to win their approval to let her come with me.

09/03/25 (street)

Approach 1:- She said she has a bf after I used my direct opener. Maybe I should have still continued.

Approach 2:- Receptive. Talked for 20 minutes. I asked for instant date too soon (after just 2 mins in the convo) and didn't ask for it confidently. She was still willing to talk more but I ejected. Number closed and she replied to my text but may flake.

Approach 3:- It was too weak. I did it at night.

Me:- "Hey excuse me, do you speak English?" (approached from side)
Girl:- *ignores me*

I give up, turn my back on her and move on. Then I hear a "yeah" from the back.

Me:- "I saw you and wanted to meet you"

She rejects me.

10/03/2025 (various places)


Approach 1:- Self-ejection.

(college canteen)

Approach 2 :- Receptive. Had a good convo but my friend was waiting. I didn't ditch him unfortunately and number closed. Fuck man, I really shouldn't number close. This is such a bad habit of mine.


Approach 3:- Neutral. I still ploughed and she hooked into the convo then I tried to number close as I was going to the gym and didn't have time for an instant date but she said she is seeing someone.

Side note:- Approach 1 from 25/02/25 gives too many excuses whenever I try to ask her out but still replies to me. Giving up on her.
Last edited:


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 8, 2025
11/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- Self ejection.

Approach 2:- She stopped but I didn't notice.

Approach 3:- She didn't stop.

Approach 4:- Kinda receptive but had to meet her friend. I tried to plough but she was still in a hurry.

12/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- Rejected. However, she seemed a little receptive. Could have ploughed.

13/03/2025 (various places)


Approach 1:- Ignored me.

Approach 2:- She was very nervous. She didn't do eye contact with me. But I kept ploughing and we talked for a while and she became calm and then we went for an instant date. I qualified her and also disqualified her then she tried to win my approval. I also polarized her and she was loving it. We talked for 2 hours. She was very socially introverted but we did have good eye contact occasionally. I also kino'd her somewhat. Our date ended with a number close and she replied to my initial text. Seems really receptive even in texting.


Handful of approaches. I should use false-time constraint more and keep ploughing instead of giving up. Also, should not lose frame when I see guys shove me off. When approaching a group, talk to everyone and then try to pull.

14/03/2025 (various places)


Approach 1:- Ignored me
Approach 2:- Didn't reply to me. Either she was nervous or didn't understand me. Should have talked more slowly instead of ejecting.


Handful of approaches. Too much nice guy aura. Didn't take risks or even escalate when the girls were receptive. I did every thing half-heartedly and kept reopening same girls. I even tried to supplicate. Also, I should go for number closes if nothing works out.

15/03/2025 (various places)


Handful of approaches. Be unreactive and don't talk to the guy too much. Used stupid openers and wasn't confident enough.


Approach 1:- Rejected
Approach 2:- Had a bf
Approach 3:- Rejected
Approach 4:- Had a bf
Approach 5:- Engaged
Approach 6-11:- Rejected
Approach 12:- Receptive but self-ejected
Approach 13:- Self-ejected
Approach 14:- Receptive but self-ejected in middle of the instant date. Regret not number closing as she was one of the hottest girls I ever approached.

I used a bad opener in majority of the approaches. I don't number close and I give up too easily even if the girl is extremely receptive.

16/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- Rejected

17/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- Extremely receptive but I self ejected due to age difference
Approach 2:- Rejected. Told me she is married
Approach 3:- Rejected. However, I was too reactive to the girl's expressions. This is probably because I lost social momentum as I ate ice cream alone after approach 2 which made me more stifled and less social.

Side note:- I didn't give up on approach 1 from 25/02/25 like I said in my last reply and still tried to ask for a date but she flaked. Approach 2 from 09/03/25 and approach 2 from 10/03/2025 also flaked


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 8, 2025
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the reply bro. Makes me feel I am not alone.

Field report:-

18/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- Extremely receptive. She had a bf but she was still there with me. I even flirted with her and she was receptive, she also had strong eye contact, was smiling and not leaving the interaction even when I stopped speaking. I ejected because I had bachata classes. Should have tried to at least number close. Fix this bad habit.

19/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- Kind of receptive. She teased me asking if I do this shit with random people to make friends. I just changed the topic. I told her to walk with me but I was too passive when asking for it and I walked with her towards her tram station instead of making her walk with me opposite to where she was going. We talked a little but her tram arrived fast and then I tried to close, she said she won't give her number but will give her Instagram. However, she also said she has a boyfriend. Then I didn't take her Instagram and instead ejected.

Approach 2:- Ignored me. I guess I was too unconfident and I could have used a more polarizing opener.

Approach 3:- Indirect opener. I commented on her hiking bag. Then we talked a little but she was going on a different direction than me. I could have kept talking. I didn't reach a hook point so didn't ask for number and also because she was near my neighbourhood.

Side note:- Approach 2 from 13/03/25 blocked me. I think I tried to polarize too much via texting and also became too supplicating. Should have been more normal and just tried to close.

20/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- Ignored me

Approach 2:- Receptive. I ploughed but she said she has to go to a friend. I should have still ploughed and be more polarizing, instead I went for a number close and got rejected.

Approach 3:- I said "do you speak English?" and she said "no". Could have still kept going instead of just giving up

Approach 4:- Set of 2 girls. Opened indirectly. Also, talked to the girl's friend. The girl was really receptive. Instagram closed in front of her friend as asking for number would put too much pressure on her since she is with a friend.

21/03/2025 (various places)


Approach 1:- Rejected

Approach 2:- Was in a hurry. Tried to close but got rejected

Approach 3:- Kinda receptive. Walked and talked with her because she didn't stop. Ejected the set after one guy came to greet her.

Approach 4:- Neutral receptive. I tried to polarize too soon. First plough more until she is comfortable.

Approach 5:- I sucked at ploughing. She was receptive but then I told her to walk with me too soon and she rejected me. Fucked up the set. Build comfort first. Think calmly and say. There is no rush. She won't go away anywhere.

Approach 6:- Ignored me

Approach 7:- I asked her do you speak English and she said "No". Should have told her "then how do you understand me?"


I was too stifled and unconfident. Did only few approaches unconfidently and got rejected. In two approaches, the girl was receptive but I self-ejected because I lacked "state". I need good inner game. Due to a bad experience in nightclub, I am more stifled now. Need to let go

22/03/2025 (nightclub)

First approach was a set of 3 girls. Receptive. Talked a little but couldn't plough. One of the friends took away the attention of the girl I was interested in then the other one told me to go away politely and I did. I should engage my target more, talk more confidently to the group and try to close.

Second approach was also receptive but I engaged her while she was going to buy some drinks. She held my hands then went to buy drinks. Could have approached again but she was in the dance floor and with her friend. Difficult to isolate.

I still get scared to approach when a girl is with a guy (they may not always be a couple). Get rid of this fear. And also learn to approach outside the club.

23/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- Got rejected. Neutral receptive. Didn't reach the hook point. Tried to plough more but she said she needs to go visit a friend. Use false time constraint next time and try to plough even more.

Side note:- Approach 2 from 10/03/2025 messaged me some days ago but then flaked again

24/03/2025 (street)

Approach 1:- She was receptive but told me she has to go to a friend. However, she was still waiting there for me to continue the conversation. I should have noticed her body language. Instead I tried to close and got rejected.

Approach 2:- Receptive but self-ejected due to age difference.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
Kind of receptive. She teased me asking if I do this shit with random people to make friends.
When she teased you about making friends with random people, how do you think you could’ve used that moment to build a more playful dynamic and keep the conversation going without feeling like you needed to explain yourself? What would it look like if you embraced the teasing and used it to amplify the connection?

For example,
Her: "Do you do this shit with random people to make friends?
You: Smiling "Well, yeah, but I’m really picky about who I get to call a friend. You seem interesting, though, maybe I’ll make an exception