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Openers  Natural Walking-by opener


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere so I thought I would share it here.
It's a simple and very natural opener for players of all levels.

Night-game. (All kinds of venues, loud-quiet. Chaotic-Non chaotic) Every kind of venue.
The opener:
So I'll just be posted up somewhere, maybe on the bar or a railing. Can even do it when your standing and looking off into space.
You have to be grounded when doing the opener, so feet planted, looking straight, and you aren't on the move anywhere.
Pretty simple, when a girl you would like to talk to walks by, just give her a slight tap on the elbow. Just anywhere on her upper arm really.

Really simple and easy to execute.

Big benefit:
So at night, it will usually be a little bit noisy. When the girl keeps walking by and I've given her a slight tap, I will then say something very softly.
This is what I use to screen. Most of the time the girl will say "what' or any variation of 'I can't hear you but I'll just keep smiling and talking. THE INTERESTED GIRLS will get closer and into my space to listen to what I was trying to say.

Neutral girls will remain in that zone. I just do a 'come hither' motion while smiling and then it's off to the races when they come closer.

Disinterested girls will be polite but keep walking. Not bothering with you.

Pre-opening/Getting her to look at me:
Since the girl will be walking by while I'm looking straight ahead. Most of the time they will have got a good look at you. Girls have incredible peripheral vision and you are also in their span of vision as they walk up and move past you. What I do to make it even more powerful is this...
After I nudge the girl, I'll keep looking ahead for just a second. Letting her look at me first.......
Then I'll deliver my opener.

To make it even more effortless and like she's chasing me... When I've opened I'll just turn my head and speak to her like that. My body is still facing forwards and planted. Then when she's starting to invest more into the conversation or that I've got more interest.... then I'll start giving her more of my body.

If the venue isn't that loud. Just deliver a normal opener at your usual volume. No need to use the loudness of the club to your advantage in this instance.

And lastly, this is not for when a girl is walking towards you in a straight line. This is for when you are facing forwards and they will be walking past you... but in front of you. I've attached a gif so it makes sense...


It will look like this, then just give her a little tap



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
the 2 finger tap in the shoulder:

2.- This one is cringe but it works.- Face palm, because for years i fought rsd guys on how retarded it was…… You will GENTLY TAP on shoulder, I do 2 GENTLE taps, I SAID GENTLE RIGHT.. I get her attention and open….. Never to be done when she has already noticed you, in other words no face to face, but her to giving you the side or her giving you the back, after you get her attention you open…. Example.- As I am in some part of the club off the dance floor and she is talking to friends or listening to friends, kind of distracted, I tap her in the shoulder twice, once I get her attention, I say “hi you seem interesting had to come say hi and meet you, I am skills, how is your night going? blah blah blah….



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
the 2 finger tap in the shoulder:

yes even better... I do this as well.
2 taps.
sometimes club is too chaotic that she doesn't notice with just the one... 2 taps and they always pay attention

rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
when a girl you would like to talk to walks by, just give her a slight tap on the elbow. Just anywhere on her upper arm really.
how can you tell if she is hot in short amount of time she is about to walk by you?

do you just look at the face as she gets closer?

also, will this not result in the low status/low value behavior of scanning?

meaning for this to work would you not then have to look at every girl about to walk by to see if she is hot?

rr2021 aka DEVENCI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2021
Since the girl will be walking by while I'm looking straight ahead. Most of the time they will have got a good look at you.
yes the girl will have good look at you as she can see your entire face and see how tall you are.

how do you get a good look at her with this technique?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake