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Need compliance fast


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
I've been finding it difficult moving girls in nightclubs, probably because no compliance has been built up previously. It's a lot to ask a girl to abandon their friends to come and sit with a stranger, and they even resist the hard push ("She'll be fine, she can text you if she needs to find you" etc.). What can I say to get a little compliance before I try to move her? I was thinking "Tell me something interesting about yourself" to create the frame of her trying to impress me. Thanks :).
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Personally I'm not a fan of the hard push - I've only used when I recognise that she's interested but doesn't want to appear too 'forward' in front of her friends. If that doesn't break down any last minute resistance, you may have a different problem.

You have a few options here -

Befriend her friends, which requires a lot of work and savvy conversational skills, than attempt to steal her away again. (This goes against the law of least effort)

Make light of the situation - "Your mother probably warned you about talking to strange men."

Rely on your charisma and impression upon her. Give her a half smile, look her in the eyes and walk off. This can be very successful if done correctly.

Hope this helps



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Penguin,

It sounds to me like the kind of compliance you are asking for is "too great" for her to comply with. For example, instead of asking a girl to completely leave her friends and come sit down with you, instead, ask her to walk 10-15 feet with you over to the bar to have a drink. When she exclaims that she doesn't want to leave her friends, just calmly and confidently tell her, "the bar is right over here. Your friends will be close by. Come on!"

You can also build up smaller forms of compliance before-hand (i.e. like a compliance ladder). Ask to see her a ring on her hand. If she complies, ask her to show you her dress (you can even spin her if you're feeling confident), then finally, ask her to come get a drink with you.

These little tips might help your cause.


- Franco