- Joined
- Oct 9, 2012
- Messages
- 6,170
Welcome to the Boards! You’re new here, and that’s exciting. There’s a TON of very valuable information in this forum, some exceptionally high level members, plenty of other enthusiastic playboys who will be happy to join forces with you on your journey, and many excellent times ahead.
Not everybody needs a post like this (some guys just know how to comport themselves from square one), but it’s worth going over some general “rules to live by” when you are new, in this community or in any other.
You may be here because you’re bad or average with girls and want to do better. Awesome! Welcome. We’re going to kick some ass together (or… get some ass together?).
You may be here because you used to be good with girls but you’re very rusty. Welcome back to the fold, brother.
You may be here because you’re already a PHENOMENON with girls and you want a community of likeminded men to share war stories and battle strategies with. We’re honored to have you and love bringing new pros into the community.
If you’re TOTALLY new, you need to focus on getting into action first (probably with the Newbie Assignment and posting either Field Reports or starting a Journal), READING the forum — try to get acquainted with topics covered in the past… and “DAFS” (do a fucking search) — 95% of the things you want to ask about have been asked about before, and you can find some really juicy threads on them if you use the search function. If you can’t find it at all, ask — please read the rules of the forum you’re thinking of posting in first to make sure it’s appropriate for that forum.
If you’re shaking off rust, it’s fine to shoot the breeze with guys a bit, but you’ll want to get into action sooner rather than later too. Field Reports are your very good friend here. You should be posting some.
If you’re an old pro joining the community, welcome. Keep in mind: it usually takes a few weeks to get a solid feel for a new community, and maybe up to a few months before you’ve really totally got the angles of the place down solid. You can get a TREMENDOUS amount of value out of a place like this — from new ideas, insights into sticky problems that have long bugged you, and even a few really cool contacts you’d never have met otherwise — but you should expect to take a little time before you’re fully synced with the place and it’s become familiar with you as well.
Remember, you’re wading into a group of guys who already know each other reasonably (or very) well.
You’re the “odd one out” — for now. That’ll change soon enough, but you’ll want to avoid these NEWB mistakes that many a new member makes, which only serve to raise hackles and make the guy wonder what the heck is with those jerk seducers for turning all against him.
So don’t make these silly mistakes:
If you just can’t help yourself from doing some of this stuff, then I daresay you are not ACTUALLY looking for a game forum… you are looking for therapy / social media mosh pit / a bunch of bros to talk about political issues with. Therapy, social media, and likeminded political bros are cool, but that’s not what this place is. So you might want to get that somewhere else, then come back here later if you decide you want to talk game.
We love that you’re here.
We NEED you here! Forums need a constant influx of awesome new blood to remain awesome places.
I hope you stick around and become a vaunted member of this community.
Just keep the rules above in mind, and you can avoid stepping on any toes with those big old seducer cowboy boots you’re wearing as you clomp around as the “new guy” in the forum here.
Have fun,
Chase Amante
Not everybody needs a post like this (some guys just know how to comport themselves from square one), but it’s worth going over some general “rules to live by” when you are new, in this community or in any other.

You may be here because you’re bad or average with girls and want to do better. Awesome! Welcome. We’re going to kick some ass together (or… get some ass together?).
You may be here because you used to be good with girls but you’re very rusty. Welcome back to the fold, brother.
You may be here because you’re already a PHENOMENON with girls and you want a community of likeminded men to share war stories and battle strategies with. We’re honored to have you and love bringing new pros into the community.

If you’re TOTALLY new, you need to focus on getting into action first (probably with the Newbie Assignment and posting either Field Reports or starting a Journal), READING the forum — try to get acquainted with topics covered in the past… and “DAFS” (do a fucking search) — 95% of the things you want to ask about have been asked about before, and you can find some really juicy threads on them if you use the search function. If you can’t find it at all, ask — please read the rules of the forum you’re thinking of posting in first to make sure it’s appropriate for that forum.
If you’re shaking off rust, it’s fine to shoot the breeze with guys a bit, but you’ll want to get into action sooner rather than later too. Field Reports are your very good friend here. You should be posting some.
If you’re an old pro joining the community, welcome. Keep in mind: it usually takes a few weeks to get a solid feel for a new community, and maybe up to a few months before you’ve really totally got the angles of the place down solid. You can get a TREMENDOUS amount of value out of a place like this — from new ideas, insights into sticky problems that have long bugged you, and even a few really cool contacts you’d never have met otherwise — but you should expect to take a little time before you’re fully synced with the place and it’s become familiar with you as well.

Remember, you’re wading into a group of guys who already know each other reasonably (or very) well.
You’re the “odd one out” — for now. That’ll change soon enough, but you’ll want to avoid these NEWB mistakes that many a new member makes, which only serve to raise hackles and make the guy wonder what the heck is with those jerk seducers for turning all against him.
So don’t make these silly mistakes:
- Arguing with senior members. We kind of understand if you’re a pro, who has some pretty set opinions and is not used to operating within a community of other guys, some of whom may be very skilled but have very different seduction “operating systems” to yours. But you should still avoid arguments until you’re more seasoned. Folks don’t know who you are yet. Give them time to figure out you are ACTUALLY skilled… and give yourself time to figure out who’s who here. If you are NOT a pro, then you REALLY should not be arguing with senior members. Don’t do it, man. If you’re new and arguing, we’re probably going to ban you and force you to take your anger to the YouTube comment section instead.
- Not respecting senior members. The guys at Rank 2 (Tool-Bearing Hominid… the green rank) can get there purely just on the basis of a positive attitude and an action-orientation. But anyone above that rank reached his rank because we think he’s skilled enough. Rank 3s (Cro-Magnon Men) are decent with girls. Rank 4s (Modern Humans) are very solid with girls and usually getting laid regularly and have their own novel techniques and skills sets. Rank 5s (Tribal Elders) are the legendary boss players at the top of the game. You’re new here, you don’t know who everyone is yet, the relationship between other members… don’t make the mistake of disrespecting guys. Seriously. Get a feel for the place. Be chill. In time, you will know who these guys are (you might not see eye-to-eye with all of them, but you will at least understand them better, and they you).
- Sharing a bunch of opinions. Opinions are like assholes — everybody’s got ‘em. Here’s the thing: for every clever opinion you have, there’s another guy on this forum with the opposite one. So guys saying, “Here’s this strong opinion I have!” right away invite someone else to come in and reply with, “Well your opinion is rubbish! Here’s my better opinion!” and the whole forum gets real stupid, real quick. The point of this place is action, ACTION (a second time… see that?), getting laid (something that happens when you are… in action), sharing techniques, brainstorming solutions, and to some extent discussing obstacles or trends in the environment. If you’re looking for a place to share your opinions, your Facebook feed or the comment sections below YouTube videos are a much better place for that. You can have some really sloppy and heated debates these places — no one will even bat an eye and you won’t get any warnings! Great, right? Here, a good rule of thumb is “keep your opinions to yourself, unless it’s DIRECTLY game-related, at least until you are a Cro-Magnon Man — and possibly even beyond then.”
- Bringing up hot button issues. Dude, you’re new. If you start bringing up hot button issues, that says one thing to everybody here: “TROLL!” Whether you’re a troll or not, that is what trolls DO: they go on Internet forums and bring up hot button issues to get everyone riled up and arguing about things. If you do that here, especially with a new account, don’t be surprised when you try to log in one day and get the “Banned for Trolling” message smacking you right in the face. Again, save those shenanigans for social media, not a game forum — even if you THINK it’s game-related (if it really is, a more senior member will bring it up. Maybe).
- Venting about your difficult life. We’ve all had it rough, brother. Everybody’s got his struggles he deals with. Maybe yours are objectively worse. Maybe there are other guys on this forum with it even worse than that. Who knows. The point is — this is a place for the study and practice of game. It’s not a therapist’s office. This is NOT the place to vent, and as sorry as we are for whatever bad stuff you’re going through, if you treat it as a place to vent, we will show you the door (and likely recommend you get therapy, rather than try and use Internet forums for that).
If you just can’t help yourself from doing some of this stuff, then I daresay you are not ACTUALLY looking for a game forum… you are looking for therapy / social media mosh pit / a bunch of bros to talk about political issues with. Therapy, social media, and likeminded political bros are cool, but that’s not what this place is. So you might want to get that somewhere else, then come back here later if you decide you want to talk game.

We love that you’re here.
We NEED you here! Forums need a constant influx of awesome new blood to remain awesome places.
I hope you stick around and become a vaunted member of this community.
Just keep the rules above in mind, and you can avoid stepping on any toes with those big old seducer cowboy boots you’re wearing as you clomp around as the “new guy” in the forum here.
Have fun,
Chase Amante