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FU  New years resolution

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
I'm a norwegian 21 year old guy that currently lives in Seoul, South-Korea.
i'm active on the korean lair and on a norwegian board, and I figured I should post my FR's here as well for extra feedback.

My new years resolution is to go for the hottest women (the top 1%), and I started the new year with a D2 with a model. (HB MJ)

Met her at coffee bean in Gangnam. Tension and kino was good, even though we had a table between us. She asked me if I had eaten dinner, and suggested we go check out this italian place.
And so we did.
The tension died out a bit during dinner, but chemestry was good, and after we were done eating I took the lead and told her we should get out of here.
When we got out she asked me if I had to go home. I told her no, and that I wanted to grab a beer. We went to HO-bar in Gangnam.

We did a shot, had a beer and played dart for about an hour. I had a lot of touching going on, and I'm pretty sure I could have kissed her. I decided to wait untill I had built up even more tension before going for the kiss.
We talked a bit and we talked about things that don't usually comes up during a conversation:

- She had some bad sexual experiences at a young age
- She had only slept with three or four guys (I don't remember) but had 32 "boyfriends."
- She was bisexual
- She didn't trust guys

She told me she usually wasn't into white guys (I'm white) but that eminem was hot. I think this was a shit - test that I'm fairly certain I passed, but probably should have been even more unreactive.

She asked me what my plan was tonight. I said I didn't have a plan, and she suggested we should go to a club.

This is where things didn't go so well any more.
I said sure, we can go to a club. She started calling her friends to ask where we should go tonight. She said to me "my friends will come meet us!" At first I got the impression two girls were coming, but it turned out to be one guy. That she met the same night and the same club as she met me.
So now we were two guys and one girl drinking together. Both me and the other guy knew very well that the other guy wanted to get into this girls pants, so the it got pretty tense. Things started to get a little awkward. Then her female friend called wanted to meet us. She was with two friends as well, which turned out to be two guys.

So now the night that started as a date had transformed into a group thing with four guys and two girls. Fuck. Yeah.
I shot the shit with the guys while the girls were talking about other guys they were dating. I felt like the biggest chode ever.

We all walked to the club together. The girls were dressed all sexy, and HBMJ tied a knot on her top so her stomach was showing. So fucking hot.
I don't like dancing so I tried to stay away from the girls as much as possible. It was obvious that they wanted attention from guys, I didn't wanna be seen as a guy that was drooling all over her.
Tried to open a few girls here and there, but the girls weren't really receptive.
Made sure that HB MJ could see me talking to the other girl.

The rest of the group wanted to go home, and we all walked outside and went our seperate ways.
That other that was hitting on HB MJ whispered something to her, and they decided to split a cab since they were going the same way.

I don't think he's gonna be able to lay her, but it's soooo annoying to think that this guy that showed up in the middle of the D2 got her at the end of the night.

My analysis:
- I should have been more desicive. If I had said "I don't want to go out. Let's watch a movei/something else" instead of agreeing to go to the bar, none of the other people would have showed up in the first place.

- She asked me directly how many girls I've slept with. This has never happend to me on a D2 before unless I've led up to that question myself. She also brought up, out of the blue, some serious sexual harassment she had been exposed to when she was young.
I think this might have been a defence mechanism/shit test to ward off guys. She said in a totaly matter-of-factly tone, which was kinda weird.

Pretty sure I blew it with this one, might try and make her my friend so she can hook me up with different parties etc.

Anyways, this was my first D2 with a "10/10" in societies standards, so I'm still happy. I'm pretty sure I know what I did wrong, so next time I won't make the same mistake. It was interesting to hear the stories from her life, she had dated so many top-level guys (DJs, CEOs etc etc) that it wasn't even funny. Some guy that owns a club in Hong Kong inveted her to come to the opening, because he had paid Psy to come and perform, and he needed someone to "be pretty and take care of him."


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
The interaction starts out pretty well, I see nothing that was done incorrectly.

When we got out she asked me if I had to go home.

PULL. It sounds like she is communicating, "Take me home." If she was giving all the right cues this is definitely an emotional communication to try and get you to think about leaving somewhere private with her.

- She had some bad sexual experiences at a young age
- She had only slept with three or four guys (I don't remember) but had 32 "boyfriends."
- She was bisexual
- She didn't trust guys

Yeah.. A lot of girls will say things like this. Most had bad sexual experiences at young ages and don't trust guys especially if the girl is really hot.

She asked me what my plan was tonight. I said I didn't have a plan, and she suggested we should go to a club.

This is the point where she gave up. Once she heard you had no plan, she decided to go and try to find another guy or at least have fun that night by going to a club.

Tried to open a few girls here and there, but the girls weren't really receptive.

Probably due to you feeling like absolute shit from screwing up and being just another guy to these women. Your spirits were dampened and it's not very productive to approach in a bad emotional state.

That other that was hitting on HB MJ whispered something to her, and they decided to split a cab since they were going the same way.

She was probably thinking FINALLY a guy asked me to go home. It seems like she was trying to do this all day.

I think this might have been a defence mechanism/shit test to ward off guys. She said in a totaly matter-of-factly tone, which was kinda weird.

Definitely. She's high value and she doesn't want some schlub sleeping with her that is going to be needy and attached.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take