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Not getting dates in high school


Aug 14, 2021
Sup guys, first post on this forum. 17yo guy from Finland, big fan of girlschase material. I was wondering if you guys could help me with a problem I have. I've been told many times that i'm a charismatic and confident guy. Above average in looks too, getting girls running 30 meters to get my instagram and having had hot chicks crushing on me. I just have a problem with getting dates even though there have been serious signs of interests such as a female friend of mine has told me that a girl has a big crush on me and when I asked the girl to come and get coffee with me the girl just gave me a lame excuse ( The friend told me later that she was too nervous to go on a date). I'm pretty liked amongst the popular girls in high school, them often coming to me and doing some small talk. They seem to be responding well to my flirty behavior. Idk what's missing. I've thought about just asking these hot girls who come talk to me to come get coffee with me until someone says yes, but I'm afraid of poisoning the well since they are all in the same friend group and they will probably tell each other if I ask someone out. Do you guys believe in the theory? Any thoughts appreciated

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Do things withte attractive girls in a group setting. I'm sure your school has clubs and activities? Take part in those to get close and have light conversations with these attractive girls to make you more attainable. I know Finns aren't known for being out going



Aug 14, 2021
Do things withte attractive girls in a group setting. I'm sure your school has clubs and activities? Take part in those to get close and have light conversations with these attractive girls to make you more attainable. I know Finns aren't known for being out going

High schools here dont have any clubs :/ I wish they did though lol. I do sit with them sometimes during breaks thats the most contact I have with them. Outside of school I don't spend time with them since they have their own social circles which seem to be girls only :p
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
It's hard for us outside of your country to give advice when we are unfamiliar with the culture. GOOGLE tells us

Teenagers in Finland have a lot of independence and enjoy spending time outdoors, even in the winter. Finland’s active culture includes going cycling, boating, skiing, soccer, track-and-field, and pesäpallo (Finnish baseball). Finnish teenagers attend high school formal dances called vanhojen tanssit with both modern and traditional music.

Most active evenings are Friday and Saturday evenings when people like to go out. Teenagers usually go out with friends to the movies, having coffee with friends, or someone’s home. They may also go for a walk around in the city and people who have their driving license go “cruising around.”

Finland has one of the best education systems in the world, so Finnish teenagers are usually engaged and challenged in school. They are also direct communicators in school, often referring to their teachers by their first names! Teenage children often make their own decisions when their parents are not available.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Many time in school , we would have study dates prior to exams. it was a low pressure way to interact with persons of the opposite sex. Frequently I felt the attraction of women as I explained concepts I understood in some of our upper division college courses.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Hey @ruoho,

Welcome to the forum!

This place has been the origin story for many elite seducers and many unforgettable experiences. I am personally immeasurably grateful for the massive amount of resources here and graciousness of those who have helped me along the way. Many of us have completely revolutionized our sex lives for the forum to witness, including young seducers such as yourself. Trust me when I say that this place can and will truly change your life if you make the choice to really buy into this culture of going out, doing approaches, and writing field reports to quicken your improvement process.

In terms of your question, I think a good way to look at this would be from the long-term perspective. As in, what could you do right now to start building yourself not only to be the sexual god of your high school but also to have your pick of the hottest girls for the rest of your life? That’d be cool, right?

To do this, I’d highly recommend to start digging further into what this community has to offer and understand female sexual psychology at the most profound levels. This will help you uncover new perspectives regarding the hotties you encounter in school and also set you up for success with any other girls you may meet. In conjunction with this, I’d urge you to consider approaching girls who do not necessarily go to your high school. Imagining your town as your seductive playground and how approaching other women will provide you more outlets for sex as well as providing reference experiences to call upon with the high schoolers, all while protecting your in-school reputation while not alienating a group of people as you learn - perhaps even turning them into virtuous female mini-circles instead.

Building this powerful foundation will allow you to see crystal-clear opportunities to take girls on happily agreed upon dates or even aim straight for sex. These are very nuanced processes which revolve around a concept called the 3 keys of sexual arousal, emotional stimulation, and social frame, and again, the best way for you to hone your skills and verbal game in these regards is by getting out there and building your own in-field experiences. Textgame is also an important factor when arranging dates and for this, so it’ll be good to refine your skills a little bit on the touch screens, too.

In all, I also would urge you to explore the SMMA course from the aforementioned seduction legend Gunwitch that has formed the base for many top seducers such as @Bacchus. It really helped me and many others here as we looked to improve ourselves as quickly as possible. Some of the linked articles touch on these concepts (such as the 3 keys), and here’s also a good primer to the SMMA course to see if it’s something that interests you. Other “gurus” may say they care about your results, but honestly, many of them only want to lead you down an ugly stream of false-propheted, wallet-gouging LMS dependency.

How about starting a journal to keep note of your seduction adventures, analyze your interactions, and receive feedback from seasoned vets along the way? Lastly, consider checking out some lay reports and journals to see what goes on around the forums and maybe excite your imagination of what can happen with a dedication to the mastery-oriented approach.

Here's to all of your upcoming wet successes.
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