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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Great feedback @AspiringStoic and @Jan (and everyone who replied earlier).

In general im still quite risk-averse and anxious in some areas of seduction - nobody wants to fuck up and look incompetent.

Needless to say im working hard on this. The best way to describe my goal would be to become calmly daring.

Nothing happens if u take a risk and it blows up. Just keep calm - this will enable u to focus on the present, easily reassess the situation and stay in control.

Mistakes are not the problem. Shell probably forgive a mistake or two if she likes u.

Just dont panic and give up. Dont relinquish control and wait for her to fix things. That kills any attraction she might have for u.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take