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FR++  Number Grab @Party, plus Date


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2012
Okay, so this is my first FR, I'll try my best.

Scene 1: (more of a description of how we met)

Sat. night I was in the library studying (Nerd... I know lol; it was the weekend b4 finals week and I had an exam Mon.)

My roommate txtd me about a banging party told me to come ASAP.

Finished up some studying, went home, got fresh. Arrived at the party around 12:30 AM

Party was poppin 300+ people, DJ playing some good EDM.

Found some familiar faces, a bunch of my buddies drinking, but no interaction w/females.
I don't drink alcohol anymore and didn't want to stick around, so after some hellos and some social interaction I went wandering around for some action.

I ran into 3 girls that I knew and started chatting with them; 2 are very sexy a (9) and a (8) and the other (5). All strictly friends though in social circle. They were all vibing pretty hard to the music, and I realized they were rolling; and I ended up popping a roll myself. I had planned on staying sober for the night... but how could you say no!? (drugs are dangerous. don't do them. But so is alcohol... so yeah)

When I roll, I am a social fucking butterfly, I go from flower to flower, approaching multitudes of women. The approach anxiety I normally have on a night out was absolutely gone. ( I am not saying it is a good idea to roll and approach women, or that you should roll and try to work on game, but I only roll every once in a while and saw this as an opportunity to have fun at this party; and I ended up getting interesting results)

I would walk up confidently, asking women how their night was going, and then introducing myself. I would comfortably flirt with some light banter and some sensual touch, and then leaving the interaction with a "nice meeting you" and kept bouncing around until I found a girl I liked.

I saw two girls dancing by themselves and decided to approach. Same format as b4, but I stuck around these two a little longer. I could tell one was really interested in me. She was a very cute; fair skinned; skinny, but fit Cuban girl (7.5) (just my type. Latinas always get me) She was wearing a black tube top and a red skirt and heels (long heel... red bottom lol) Really turned me on.
I deep dived a little, but found it hard with two girls so again, I ended it with nice meeting you both.

I left and joined conversation with a gay friend of mine and a very pretty lady friend of his. He introduced me to her and I chatted her up and made her smile and laugh alot. I honestly think that this made the Cuban girl even more attracted to me because 15 min later I went back to her and we really hit it off, just the two of us.

I got to know her a bit more, then asked if she'd like to see me again. She said yes, gave me her number, but her friends wanted to leave to after party to do shots. She said she would have invited me but she knew I didn't drink, and I didn't pull it off smoothly so I let her go. I honestly didn't want to leave the party yet, I was vibing way to hard! (might of been a mistake... we'll see.)

Scene 2: (Texts)

That night
Me: Hey Cuban Girl (CG), this is kneek0... save my number.

Her: Will do! :)

(Notice I used Ricardo's famous first text, which I find to work out great)

Next day
Me: Hey CG, what's your schedule like this week?

Her: I have a test on Friday at 5 and a test on Wednesday at 3. You?

Me: Cool, let's get some coffee Wednesday at the Panera on XYZ... Say 6:30?

Her: I'm down :) I don't have a car though :/

Me: Oh, well I could pick you up

Her: Aww Id like that :) I've never been to Panera

Me: You're gonna love it.
Where should I pick you up?

Her: Can't wait! I might be at my house or on campus, I'll let you know then :)

Me: Cool, sounds good :)

(Notice I didn't get sidetracked by her question about my schedule, focused on meet.
And I use Chase and Ricardo's text strategies for a meet up almost to the T)

Scene 3: The Date, Wednesday evening

She texted me saying she was at her friends dorm, so when I got there to pick her up, I called, she said she was still getting ready, and had her friend let me into the dorms and we went up to the room. (A little thrown off from what I had planned)

We chilled in her room for 15 minutes chatting the three of us, until she was ready to go. Then, she asked her friend if she wanted to come with us. In my head I was like WTF! lmao. She asked me if that was ok, I said sure, but I bet my facial expression said other wise! But anyway, all three of us went for some coffee. (major curveball)

So the date didn't go as planned. It was more of a hangout, but I definitely focused my attention on her, making her smile and laugh and made sure I was still on point with touch. Her friend went to the bathroom about 5 min, where I immediately deep dove and really connected with her. even when her friend came back didn't brake the focused interaction for another 10 min.

Anyway, I had to get her alone with me. I told her to come back to my place to chill and smoke hookah, she agreed, and her friend said she had to study! Success. Partially.

Dropped her friend off. On the way to my place, she told me her friend texted her and that she approved of her 'new guy'. kinda threw me off. But it was cool, because I was starting to like her too.

Got to my place. Set up the hookah in my room. No chairs, only my bed. we listened to some music and this time we really got into good conversation. I didn't move fast though, and we ended up just chilling and talking on my bed for a while. I was holding her in my arms, and she was like stroking my leg, but I never made the move. I dropped the ball. I was thrown off buy the odd date, I was starting to like her, and I hadn't been in this position of closing in over a month so a bit rusty. Something just wasn't right so i didnt want to force it. She did feel really comfortable laying there with me though, I can tell she really likes me so I don't think I totally boufed it, just might go into relationship category. I don't have a problem with that, just wasn't my initial intention. When I dropped her back off I could see her grinning as she walked back to her place, so I know she enjoyed the time we spent. And she texted me the day after, furthering my assumption of possible relationship.

The only problem is that we're now on winter break, and won't see each other for another 3 weeks. Hopefully attraction doesn't die down. Writing this FR really helped me understand whats going on though, Im glad I did it, And I appreciate you reading it.
When I get bck, I will make her my lover! Not making same mistake twice!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Next time you wont freeze during close and you get a last 5% fail or if you manage to fight off all the objections you could score. Chances are this will happen with another girl not CG...
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers