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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
In my reply to Chris’s introduction and question post, I made a pretty bold statement about some recent successes I’ve had interacting with women, and I stand by those claims 100%. The thing is, as positive as those experiences were my results are not as consistent as I’d like them to be. There are a few factors contributing to this, some are well within my sphere of control while other simply are not. An outing today made me take a closer look at what elements were in play that lead to the lackluster exchange between me and a cute bank teller.

The first thing I had to take into consideration was the fact that I broke code and left the house without my fundamentals as sharp as they could have been. I knew I was being lazy about it even before I stepped out the door wearing flip-flops, old baggy jeans, and an oversized T-shirt. I didn’t seem to care about my appearance, and had convinced myself that this one time wouldn’t really matter. I was almost right. It was late in the afternoon and the bank was mostly empty except for the guy ahead of me and the male teller who was taking care of his transaction.

From one of the side rooms a stunning blond appeared and asked if she could help me, of course at that point it was ‘game on,’ or so I thought. Because of the location and limited time I had to work some kind of magic, I decided that a direct opener would be the best approach. She was wearing a nice scarf that accentuated her incredible blue eyes, both of which I commented on. Her response was more or less a neutral “thank you,” and I immediately followed up with an attempt to initiate some light banter about her holiday plans. That’s when she began to distance herself from my flirtations, avoiding eye contact and such, trying to keep things professional.

Needless to say, I wasn’t surprised by her reaction, even though I tried to get things moving with this girl something was just off. I knew I wasn’t projecting the sexy, confident vibe I normally do, even during these kinds of random encounters. I looked sloppy, and my game felt like a routine instead of a genuine expression of interest. She knew it, I knew it, and the whole thing felt contrived.

In retrospect, I don’t think I was in the right frame of mind to successfully attempt a cold approach with a hired gun at the end of the work day right before a major holiday event, and perhaps she too was distracted by whatever plans she had for the extended weekend. Either way it seemed that there were internal and external factors that came into play and made for a rather unsatisfying interaction.

So now I’m looking at the when to make an approach in a slightly different light. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to pick up girls or don’t have the energy to be as effective as I want to be. I like things to be challenging, but I don’t want to shortchange myself or the ladies, be disingenuous, or make things harder than they have to be. Just like with any of my other interests, (working out, playing guitar or whatever) I need to remain mindful of the burnout factor from over doing it. The only strategy I have for dealing with this is to pace myself and take short breaks from time to time.

Anyone have any other solutions for keeping your game running at peak efficiency on a daily basis without getting bogged down and losing steam? Thanks in advance.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Howdy Trilogy,

Good to see you on the boards.

Quick note: make sure when you post reports to follow the format of [prefix][colon][subject]; I slightly edited your subject line to match the posting guidelines (added a colon after the FR).

Trilogy said:
From one of the side rooms a stunning blond appeared and asked if she could help me, of course at that point it was ‘game on,’ or so I thought. Because of the location and limited time I had to work some kind of magic, I decided that a direct opener would be the best approach. She was wearing a nice scarf that accentuated her incredible blue eyes, both of which I commented on. Her response was more or less a neutral “thank you,” and I immediately followed up with an attempt to initiate some light banter about her holiday plans. That’s when she began to distance herself from my flirtations, avoiding eye contact and such, trying to keep things professional.

Catching women at their workplace can be particularly difficult, simply since they're so used to dealing with the public all day (and, if they're attractive, getting stared at / flirted with / hit on by men all day, too). It's still worth doing though, and you can learn a lot in the process. Even when I reached the point where I could routinely attract most women, I'll still have times when hired guns remain immune to my charms. You've really got break them out of autopilot before anything really even starts registering.

Trilogy said:
Anyone have any other solutions for keeping your game running at peak efficiency on a daily basis without getting bogged down and losing steam? Thanks in advance.

It's going to depend a LOT on how you work and how you get energy.

Some guys get energy just from pushing themselves and knowing that they're collecting more data points and learning that way. If you're that kind of a learner, doing things like pushing yourself to meet women wherever you find them will both help you advance and keep you going.

If it's draining to approach though (e.g., you're an introvert, or before pickup reaches the point where it's emotionally fulfilling in-and-of itself because you know that at some point, if you do enough approaches, you're going to find a girl you click with), you might pace yourself by building a routine around it (certain days to go out, to certain places, at certain times) and set incremental goals to try and reach, that are just outside of your reach but feel achievable (e.g., get 1 phone number, or 3 phone numbers, or whatever the case may be, the next time I go out; or get into one 10-minute long conversation; or invite 2 girls to come home with me; etc.).

Setting small goals that feel achievable, then hitting them, can be a very empowering way of going about learning and improving, and can lend you a lot of the motivation you need to keep up without burning out.
