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Socializing  OnlyFans Girl while doing DayGame??


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Hey There,

So I'm trying to figure out how I could've closed this OnlyFans girl for a meet-up - who I met yesterday while daygaming.
Obviously I didn't know she did OnlyFans until I sat down with her at the park and had a conversation while she played with her dog.
She was a 10 - 6ft tall wearing a yellow athletic jumpsuit with no bra or panties.
I was walking past the park to my car after doing some shopping a nearby place and had to approach.

She was cool with the approach, and explained that she was recovering from recent night of partying, which lead into her job as a bartender at a nightclub, and how she's trying to get a bottle service gig to network for her passion - which is OnlyFans. She said she's looking to connect with other females to do girl/girl work on OnlyFans. She said she does do B/G work on her account but it's with her Manager-kinda boyfriend who lives on the eastcoast, visits Los Angeles about every 3 months and then they do their content together. She said he manages and does B/G work with other girls out there and they're in a kinda open relationship.

But when I asked when she last had sex, she said it was with this Manager-kinda boyfriend a month ago when he was in town. I asked about who she likes to date, or if she does date, and she said she really isn't into dating, but if the right guy came along who wanted to pay her and do some B/G filming for her content she might consider it...

Well, I'm NOT a filming sex kinda guy. Wouldn't work in my legitimate industry. But I have no judgement of what this girl does, and let her know about it. I did the Secret Society non judgement women's sexuality thing.

She did give me a compliment in saying I was one of the cool or confident guys who isn't afraid to approach her and talk about sex so soon - when most guys are actually scared of her because of how attractive she is...

Anyway, I did talk about my legitimate creative Fine Art Photography, and current work with a (Legitimate) TV and Film Working Actress and helping her try to find a new Hollywood Manager.

This girl liked my work, and I said we should meet-up for coffee this week and talk about doing a set, but then she said NO.
She said she's interested in a Get Paid, Get it done shoot, not one where you talk about concept, theme, wardrobe, emotion, etc (As the Actress acquatence of mine and I did, and do...)

So I gave her my number instead, since she didn't feel comfortable giving out hers.
She tried to make me an "Orbiter," by doing the instagram thing...

I did the man-to-woman handshake thing, and we parted ways....

I was really bummed too cuz I couldn't help but notice her bare breasts and thick v-jay-J through the skin-tight yellow jumpsuit...

So what more, or else could I have done in this situation to have gotten a meet-up, pull, or hookup??
Should I have offered an instadate?
I actually kinda do know of others who do the OnlyFans, or work with those models, but I'm not going to just give away their info unless a female invests in me a little and I know she's solid... maybe I should've punched that up??

What are some thoughts and takes, so when I encounter another female like this in LA, I am better prepared.

As painful as it is, I doubt I'll hear from this chick. Not sure how I could meet her again, or if I should try. And, YES, there are A-LOT of OnlyFans females like her out here!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 9, 2024
Neg her. When I was quite new to game, I ended up on a date with an OF girl from daygame (she asked me to come over on her last night, but I was with a girl who became my girlfriend! I had to decline :( She went on to do a scene with Johnny Sins...) and I've dated one proper model before (and other girls who did modelling in some smaller capacity). In my opinion, they must be negged.

I reckon you just showed too much interest and she just slotted you in as another guy who wants her. It's hard to say more with the information you've given, but I would guess that she considers herself high value, and higher value than you. Otherwise she wouldn't have complimented you on your confidence for approaching her. The frame is "I am a hot girl and you want me. But you can't have me. Good try, though! Proud of you. It's cute."

Guys who approach her either shy away from the topic of sex, or are interested and eager for her to teach them about her world (because they want to talk to her, and so they stay on her threads to supplicate.). Instead, cut her threads, don't spend ages talking about who she fucks (why do you care who she fucks? You're supplicating.), and put the conversation on your threads. Your a photographer, you know about OnlyFans, and how it works. Don't be too interested in her (like every other guy), and instead teach her about your world.

You did the same as probably every other guy she talks to. You just let her talk about her OF world. Cut that off, and talk about your own world. Neg her when she tries to make you fall into the same traps that every other guy falls into.

A classic line, from Mystery, which I have used a lot:
HB: I'm a model
Mystery: Oh, like a hand model?

But I have no judgement of what this girl does, and let her know about it. I did the Secret Society non judgement women's sexuality thing.
I feel like this could have come across as supplicating to her, rather than truly being alpha and unphased. You don't need to tell her you don't judge, just show her that you don't give a fuck in other ways.

- Tryst

Admiring this girl's sultry looks,
I asked about which guys she fucks.
Next time, that she open her legs,

I'll more freely apply my negs.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

You can't approach high value SHBs and just do standard-guy conversation and throw value offerings at them. It screams "I'm chasing you!" and deposits you firmly into the orbiter/simp zone for them. They see it all the time, and it is the default approach average men use with them.

If you're going to approach a girl like this, you need to approach with game.

You need to tease, flirt, banter. You can neg, like @Tryst suggests. You should definitely not be interested in the OnlyFans topic and asking about her love life.


  • DON'T treat SHBs like rare specimens that must be probed for juicy information and offered tempting treats to stick around.

  • DO treat SHBs like silly little girls who exist for your own amusement, to bust on, talk about whatever you want to, and who are boring you if they aren't being interesting enough to you.

If you just do that, you will start seeing very different reactions to your approaches.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Ok Tryst, and Chase.
Good stuff.
I'm trying to learn here...

So when I asked what her "passion" was, trying to "deep dive" when she sounded board about her bartending job, and wanting to make "connections" through a bottle service gig. She said her passion was to master OnlyFans, and then I thought that like Alek Rolstad - this would be an opening for a Sex Gambit, like the Secret Society thing...

YES, I admit I was stunned with the thought of having sex with her, especially when I could see all her shit through that yellow jump suit sitting close to her at the park.
I tried doing that Alek Rolstad thing of - "I could see myself having sex with a girl like you, but not you because we are total strangers who met at the park, and we don't know each other..."

Again, I'm trying to learn here!
- Adam C
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Two more questions??
What are high value SHBs - what is an shb?
And... Why can't you ask about her love life if she opens the door about it via the onlyfans stuff??
Just curious...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

So when I asked what her "passion" was, trying to "deep dive" when she sounded board about her bartending job, and wanting to make "connections" through a bottle service gig. She said her passion was to master OnlyFans, and then I thought that like Alek Rolstad - this would be an opening for a Sex Gambit, like the Secret Society thing...

All right, lots of stuff going on here.

I can see you are trying to use techniques.

Some remarks:

  • Don't lead with deep diving. Early on, you need to flirt, banter, and make small talk. Deep diving works best once she's hooked and attraction is thoroughly established. You're not at that point with this girl yet. Doing it before you've established it it's just "trying to interview her about herself", which is what every guy does.

  • Sex talk gambits are based around amazing her with insight. If you read Alek's gambits, they're all eye-openers designed to get girls going, "Wowwww, that is soooo true!" The aim needs to be telling her stuff she agrees with but she hasn't thought about consciously or put that way before. Doing that with a girl who works in the sex industry is using sex talk gambits on "BRUTAL" difficulty mode, because there's a lot less she hasn't heard or thought about already for sex. You need to be VERY experienced, and have a fair amount of interaction with her world, before you're likely going to be able to pull off sex talk with a girl working in the sex industry.

  • Don't talk to girls except in the most fleeting way on their high value points. I just wrote an article on this -- I suggest you read it. Unless you are really, really skilled conversationally and a master at maintaining value even as you get a girl talking about her own value, you want to get off of topics that build a girl's value way up as quickly (yet graciously) as you can.

What this conversation should have looked like was light banter where you made a little light small talk and showed some knowledge of her industry without giving any indication you were impressed or intrigued. e.g.:

YOU: [opener]​
HER: [response] I'm recovering from too much partying lately, haha.​
YOU: Geez, and you didn't even invite me, huh? What's happened to us... [shake head] [here you are role-playing with her]​
HER: [laughs] Well, I'm a bartender. It kind of goes with the territory.​
YOU: Ah. I have a buddy who bartends over at Ultimate. That's a fun life, but it'll run you ragged. [here you are relating to her]​
HER: OMG, it is so true. Gosh, it is such a drag after a while.​

Here is where IF you were deep diving her, you WOULD get into the whole "what really motivates you... what are your passions?" stuff. However, when you have just approached, and you are still establishing attraction, it is too EARLY for that.

Doing it too early just ends you up in platonic connection mode, where she is happy to have a guy listen to her, but it doesn't feel like it is furthering a romantic attraction, because romantic attraction isn't established yet.

From the 30,000-foot view... if you are a guy with a ton of female options in his life, are you going to CARE if a girl is bored with her job and CARE what her passions are when you have JUST met her? I can tell you you are not. Instead you are going to start feeling bored as soon as she starts feeling bored, and you are going to WANT to change topics fast before you lose interest.

So rather than deep dive (which is premature here), instead you are not even going to ask her about it, and do something like this:

HER: OMG, it is so true. Gosh, it is such a drag after a while.​
YOU: [body rocking / going back a bit, slightly disinterested because now she is showing to you she is not as cool as you thought / not living a really awesome life she is happy with] Oh yeah? Well I guess we can't all do what we love.​

See that? That is BAIT! Now she is either going to get intrigued and wonder if perhaps YOU do what you love (in which case you get to showcase value, provided you are able to frame what you do in a high value way... and with your job, you absolutely should be able to... and if you aren't doing so yet, you should probably start a thread on here titled something like "Help me figure out how to describe what I do to girls" then just give the guys on the forum the brief rundown and let them tell you how to frame your work -- you'll probably get something that gets girls' mouths watering as soon as you come out with it)... or else she is going to start trying to qualify herself by explaining that actually she IS interesting, she has this OTHER passion she is working on, and it is JUST a matter of time before it takes off.

See, this is the thing with this girl: she is not actually some hot-shot.

Sure, she is hot. But there are a LOT of hot girls.

She's selling herself on OnlyFans for money. And she isn't even good enough at it to not have a day job. She is stuck working a bartending job to make ends meet while trying to funnel patrons from that into simping on her OF.

This is one of the things you did not realize because you were blinded by her beauty + hearing "has an OnlyFans."

In her world, she is a struggling gal with a dream who is trying to make it work but so far mostly failing.

The disconnect between how she sees herself and how she can tell YOU see her (from the way you actually interacted with her; not from the example I wrote out for you) was sufficient to nuke any interest from her all by itself.

You need to be able to get past the superficial stuff with women and see them for who they are if you really want to bang the 10/10 gals.

YES, I admit I was stunned with the thought of having sex with her, especially when I could see all her shit through that yellow jump suit sitting close to her at the park.

I understand.

You are going to have to get over that though if you want chicks like this.

Check out this article:

I tried doing that Alek Rolstad thing of - "I could see myself having sex with a girl like you, but not you because we are total strangers who met at the park, and we don't know each other..."

Does @Teevster (Alek Rolstad) have a line like that?

I don't think I've ever heard/read him say something like that.

If he does (and I'd be a little surprised... he is typically much more circumspect than that), it would only be later in the seduction, when she is showing way more attraction than he is and he needs to balance things out a bit, and not soon after meeting when she is not showing much/any attraction at all.

(and again... I do not think that is an actual line of his... unless you are talking about a mentality here and not a line?)

Two more questions??
What are high value SHBs - what is an shb?

SHB = "Super Hot Babe"

It's old school seduction parlance.

Pardon my jargon.

"High value" just refers to how she is normally being treated by guys. In this case:

  • Very physically attractive
  • Very sexually revealing (see-through tight jumpsuit)
  • Bartender
  • OnlyFans model

The reality is, she's a struggling D-tier porn actress stuck making ends meet as a barmaid, a job she dislikes.

Her "manager" is some guy who flies in to fuck her every 3 months then flies away. She's probably either in-love with him and sad she doesn't get to see him that often, or she lets him fuck her hoping he is going to somehow blow her career up, but obviously if they've had this arrangement going for a while now and she's still working as a bartender, he is probably just selling her the dream while keeping her in his stable of hos.

So yeah... she knows she is hot, and flaunts it. But aside from that her life is pretty "meh."

So while she is "high value" superficially speaking (every dude she meets wants to bang her), she is not really that "high value" across the board.

And... Why can't you ask about her love life if she opens the door about it via the onlyfans stuff??
Just curious...

Her talking about OnlyFans is NOT her opening the door to talking about her love life!

Imagine this: you start talking to a girl, and she asks you what your hobbies are. You, in a candid moment, tell her, "Well, I post regularly on this seduction forum called 'Skilled Seducer'." SHE SAYS: "Oh, that's interesting. So are you seeing anybody right now?"

You are going to conclude one of two things. Either:

  1. She is dissecting you as a curious specimen because she has never encountered a beast like you before. In this case, it is going to make you feel dissimilar to this chick, damage her attainability, and cause you to feel like this is some sterile investigatory conversation she's having with you. Not sexy. ... OR...

  2. She is romantically interested in you. In the other case, "something something SEDUCING WOMEN" causes her to jump to "Maybe he's single and on the market!" and she's just directly asking if she might have a chance.

You probably won't know exactly which one, but based on her demeanor you are likely to lean to one or the other.

This girl went through the same thing with you. "Is he dissecting me or is he trying to date me?"

Either one is bad... dissecting her is bad because it blows up similarity/attainability.

Trying to date her is bad because she hasn't shown any attraction and you're acting exactly the same way every other guy does who meets her / sees how hot she is / finds out she's a bartender / finds out she's on OnlyFans.

The name of the game with GAME -- i.e., seduction... picking up GIRLS -- is to give them an experience they are not used to getting from guys, where they feel you are high value, feel they might have a chance with you, but cannot tell for sure, and begin to wonder to themselves, "Will we or won't we?"

That didn't happen with this girl.

If you can get it to start happening with girls, you can get those girls.

Even the really hot ones who are on OnlyFans, working as bartenders, or whatever else they're doing.


James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
Does @Teevster (Alek Rolstad) have a line like that?

I don't think I've ever heard/read him say something like that.
I don't think so either.

If it is a line of Alek's, would be curious to see in which context he used it


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

All right, lots of stuff going on here.

I can see you are trying to use techniques.

Some remarks:

  • Don't lead with deep diving. Early on, you need to flirt, banter, and make small talk. Deep diving works best once she's hooked and attraction is thoroughly established. You're not at that point with this girl yet. Doing it before you've established it it's just "trying to interview her about herself", which is what every guy does.

What this conversation should have looked like was light banter where you made a little light small talk and showed some knowledge of her industry without giving any indication you were impressed or intrigued. e.g.:

YOU: [opener]​
HER: [response] I'm recovering from too much partying lately, haha.​
YOU: Geez, and you didn't even invite me, huh? What's happened to us... [shake head] [here you are role-playing with her]​
HER: [laughs] Well, I'm a bartender. It kind of goes with the territory.​
YOU: Ah. I have a buddy who bartends over at Ultimate. That's a fun life, but it'll run you ragged. [here you are relating to her]​
HER: OMG, it is so true. Gosh, it is such a drag after a while.​

Here is where IF you were deep diving her, you WOULD get into the whole "what really motivates you... what are your passions?" stuff. However, when you have just approached, and you are still establishing attraction, it is too EARLY for that.

Doing it too early just ends you up in platonic connection mode, where she is happy to have a guy listen to her, but it doesn't feel like it is furthering a romantic attraction, because romantic attraction isn't established yet.

From the 30,000-foot view... if you are a guy with a ton of female options in his life, are you going to CARE if a girl is bored with her job and CARE what her passions are when you have JUST met her? I can tell you you are not. Instead you are going to start feeling bored as soon as she starts feeling bored, and you are going to WANT to change topics fast before you lose interest.

So rather than deep dive (which is premature here), instead you are not even going to ask her about it, and do something like this:

HER: OMG, it is so true. Gosh, it is such a drag after a while.​
YOU: [body rocking / going back a bit, slightly disinterested because now she is showing to you she is not as cool as you thought / not living a really awesome life she is happy with] Oh yeah? Well I guess we can't all do what we love.​

See that? That is BAIT! Now she is either going to get intrigued and wonder if perhaps YOU do what you love (in which case you get to showcase value, provided you are able to frame what you do in a high value way... and with your job, you absolutely should be able to... and if you aren't doing so yet, you should probably start a thread on here titled something like "Help me figure out how to describe what I do to girls" then just give the guys on the forum the brief rundown and let them tell you how to frame your work -- you'll probably get something that gets girls' mouths watering as soon as you come out with it)... or else she is going to start trying to qualify herself by explaining that actually she IS interesting, she has this OTHER passion she is working on, and it is JUST a matter of time before it takes off.
this makes it make so much more sense not to do deep diving early on. Something I've been guilty of for sure lately. Couldn't put the finger on why it felt so strange/off.

Though that also kind of goes against a little in the conversationalist article example in "get to the root" though I think that item is more related to what you said about seeing her as she actually is.

Still love this article you posted a lot and I think it's a really foundational one



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

this makes it make so much more sense not to do deep diving early on. Something I've been guilty of for sure lately. Couldn't put the finger on why it felt so strange/off.

I probably need a clarifying article on this.

I have it scattered in various articles and forum posts ("don't deep dive / only do the lightest of deep diving early into the approach") but it could benefit from an isolated article on just that topic.

Deep diving is a rapport-stage tech. I developed it for the problem of addressing the "Well all right, I've got this girl and she's hooked and I've done all the early stuff, but NOW WHAT? What do I fill up all the time between 'hook her' and 'pull her' with?" No one was talking about the middle seduction stage; everything was all just opening + hooking, and then pulling + LMR-busting. And I was good enough at opening and hooking but losing girls during the middle part.

Though that also kind of goes against a little in the conversationalist article example in "get to the root" though I think that item is more related to what you said about seeing her as she actually is.

Okay, I see how that could go that way.

Asking her what she does as like Sentence #10 of the conversation, then immediately jump into a deep dive.

(deep diving that fast is fine if she hooks fast & strong. But you don't want to do it if the hook isn't there yet)

If the hook isn't there yet, you do it more like this:
YOU: What do you do?​
HER: I'm an accountant.​
YOU: Gotcha, gotcha... [file it away then continue to banter for a bit, staying in repartee]​
[two minutes later, she hooks]​
YOU: So anyway... accountant, huh? [bringing the topic back up for a deep dive] Why not lawyer or lion tamer or any of a million other professions?​
HER: Well I blah blah blah​

Still love this article you posted a lot and I think it's a really foundational one

Glad you liked that one!

Those hyper-analytical breakdown step-by-step through the whole process pieces are some of the most challenging to write.

When you want to break a process down like that, you constantly have to ask yourself, "Am I sure this step always goes here? What if you do it 2 steps earlier? What if you skip doing this step? What if you want until after Step 7?"

Because it's not likely to be a very accurate or useful guide if the steps can easily be moved all around, or easily skipped...


Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I probably need a clarifying article on this
I also made the same mistake of deep diving early on ... That lead to deep but a bit boring convos .

Even I thought that rather than banter , deep diving is the way to go ....


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I also made the same mistake of deep diving early on ... That lead to deep but a bit boring convos .

Even I thought that rather than banter , deep diving is the way to go ....

Bloody hell. Lots of people doing that, apparently.

People are going to start saying, "Don't listen to that guy Chase Amante, guys! He makes everyone have boring conversations!"

Guess I'd better get that article up quick...

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Bloody hell. Lots of people doing that, apparently.

People are going to start saying, "Don't listen to that guy Chase Amante, guys! He makes everyone have boring conversations!"

Guess I'd better get that article up quick...
Well , tbf it was beneficial for me cuz before that I would only banter ( high energy game ) and would only get instaa at best ( but like 1 in 10 approaches at Max ) .

Deep diving helped me in getting 1 number / 4-5 approach , minimum of one 10+ min convos/ 4-5 approach ....

But then it plateaued ..
Where I was only getting bit boring convos and flakey numbers .


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 9, 2024
Deep diving is a rapport-stage tech. I developed it for the problem of addressing the "Well all right, I've got this girl and she's hooked and I've done all the early stuff, but NOW WHAT?
How do you define your deep diving tech? Sometimes I want to get into seriously deep conversation with a girl who is super into me, but we just don't seem to find it between us. I can still build comfort and so on for sex in other ways, but I'd much prefer to be able to consistently just settle into comfortable and deep conversation with a girl for hours. Obviously I have done this and can do this, but only with certain girls I really click with.

You know what I mean by this super comfortable deep conversation? Where you can just sit for hours with someone and chat about everything. That is what I want to be able to do with every girl, not just the small number with whom I really click. Any articles you could point me to?

I had a day2 yesterday, where I had to to basically just open a million other sets and DHV with social proof, preselection, and jealousy. If I had spent too much time talking to my girl, she'd have realised we have nothing in common...
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Just my 2 cents. Didn’t read all the comments yet. Manager/sorta boyfriend… AKA PIMP? Basically.

ok. So what I wanted to say was she probably only wants to fuck her pimp daddy. She basically not single. Every guy that come up to her (unless she’s like “daddy?” ) Then she will be telling them she’s an Only Fans girl, give her IG, refuse number, hope the guy eventually caves and subscribes.”networking” I honestly don’t know if you stood a chance once the OF comes out. Unless she’s downplays it. If she wanted you she would probably not want to bring it up.
So fundamentals bro. She didn't see you as pimp daddy? Shrs so tall too. I would’ve 100% take the IG. You take another shot later, make your IG look cool, post a story and see if she looks. and just don’t pay for her OF
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James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
Bloody hell. Lots of people doing that, apparently.

People are going to start saying, "Don't listen to that guy Chase Amante, guys! He makes everyone have boring conversations!"

Guess I'd better get that article up quick...
Not to add oil to fire...

...but I was guilty of it too 🥲


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Bloody hell. Lots of people doing that, apparently.

People are going to start saying, "Don't listen to that guy Chase Amante, guys! He makes everyone have boring conversations!"

Guess I'd better get that article up quick...

Haha glad I could help point it out-I've basically been guilty about this since I started game. It's only recently I realized it's not really optimal, so can't wait to see the article on it. I think it may also be worth updating the old articles on deep diving to link to whatever you post, as it's quite easy to read only the intro articles on GC and come away thinking that the order is:

Open -> deep dive -> ? -> close

When that's not what it is.

I don't mean to throw any shade on it btw, just that as someone new, it's very hard to get the nuance of it, and it's very easy to skip over those scattered section where it becomes apparent that deep diving should be reserved for later on.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
This post might be a little long but to begin with, I’m glad this post has related to many members, and highlighted some challenges we have all seemed to have.

It’s great that we have Chase - an expert with this stuff, participating and clarifying the missteps, I experienced with this DayGame OnlyFans Set, and offered some solutions I am trying to implement, since most people out there, or unfortunately in my sphere, don’t know Game, and especially since the industry I work in is drowned in #metoo, and super political correctness - where being successful as a straight man with attractive females is considered “predatory,” even when the females are actually interested.

So I am going to highlight my mistakes, and from this post how I can change them as to be able to Score SOON these “Perfect 10’s”who I actually encounter on a regular basis, or “SHB’s” as Chase calls them…

First I’ll say that I have been misusing “Deep Diving” as more a “Hook” or way to “Hook,” rather than actually understanding how to “Hook” a girl. Now. I’ll admit I’ve read several of the articles on how to “Hook” a girl. In-fact back in the fall when I formally began DayGame, Chase commented that I wasn’t getting solid numbers because I was failing to “Hook” correctly. I’m still having trouble figuring out how to really “Hook” girls. Instead what I seem to consistently get is a “fun, more complimentary-ish interaction with a female” in which she says to herself - “Ohh, that was a fun interaction with this cute guy - who hit on me, pat myself on the back, and I gave him my number just to be nice…”


And a waste of my time, cuz I gotta make a living and my days can’t just revolve around being a “fun cute, interaction guy” going around giving compliments to hot chicks to make the world a better place like “SpongeBob Square Pants” - “Imagination…”

What has worked, at least on the open, and in-fact I did get a solid number Wednesday, after the OnlyFans girl Tues, from this recent USC (University of Southern California) Grad, (10 years younger than I) who is actually getting paid by a production company to write a feature screenplay - is…

A push-pull opener.

I was standing in line at the coffee place, and was going to meet an older friend of mine for coffee, (who happened to be the former director of production at Playboy, referring to a missed connection opp the Onlyfans girl coulda had), when I saw this very cute girl walk across the street, into the entrance and come next to me in line, and I said “Ohh, Man, I saw you across the street, and then walk into the coffee shop and I said to myself - I hope she doesn’t come over and stand next to me in line…”

And she was like “Ohhhh, why not???”
And I said, “well you look like a voluptuous Romanian Girl who I worked with, and we kinda had a thing, and she was this Assistant Camera Girl becoming a Director of Photography and… You’re not Romanian are you?”
And she said : “No, I’m actually Swedish and German”
And I was like “Wheeeh…” And then I asked her name. Of which she has some really exotic name I could pronounce, so I actually asked the coffee-person at the register for a pen, and I had a piece of paper, and I asked her to write her name down so I could phonetically remember it. Then we had our blah, blah, blah. And I told her I’d catch up with her before I left.

We were supposed to hang out Friday afternoon, but she rescheduled to next week - which is a win in my book for a Solid Number, finally, after what feels like Thousands of DayGame not solid numbers…

I mean we’ll see what happens with her, but I’m actually going out tonight to practice Solo Night Game, maybe even get a pull if I do things right and my performance anxiety doesn’t shoot me in the foot like it has in the past…

This might be a bad thing, but I am going to hit up the quote “most popular bars” in Sherman Oaks - which is more of a wealthy family neighborhood than a party place like West Hollywood, Hollywood, or Downtown LA - because that OnlyFans girl said she was a bartender at a Club in Sherman Oaks on the weekends. Now there aren’t that many “Clubs” in Sherman Oaks.
However there are a lot of very attractive Persian and Israeli girls in Sherman Oaks…

But back to above and what I am trying to RELEARN and do different. After reading the comments on this post and while at the gym - I cartooonishly - slapped my forehead realizing how I should have Opened the OnlyFans girl with the see through spandex yellow jumpsuit. It should gone like this:

Me, Open: Hey, I was waling out of that store there to my car, and saw your outfit, and had to come over to see what’s going on… By the way have you ever seen the 1987 Movie The Running Man?
Her: No…
Me: Oh because you could totally walk off the screen with that outfit there - do you like Jazzercise??
Her: What’s that?
Me: Ohhh it’s and 1980s thing. You got a real 80’s thing going on here…
Me: Let me sit down next to you and your dog for a minute. I gotta go soon, but…

Feel free to critique, comment, etcetera…
Course it’s painful to write that here since I can’t go back in time and pitch it. But to remind myself to employ Push Pull.

Push Pull actually got me that Romanian Camera girl above. Without even thinking I passed her and said - “Wow, those are some loud pants…” And she was like “What do you mean these are loud pants?” and then she started qualifying herself to me… Three days later we were on a one-on-one meet up in which she commented “I’ve only known you for three days, and were having coffee together. Where I’ve worked camera with those other guys for 6 months on another show, and we never even had lunch together…” See she was the Hottest Female on crew. And everyone threw themselves at her, and were like overly nice, and super complimentary all the time…

This was before I found GirlsChase and another Coach on Youtube who I learned the Push Pull method from, and another method I’m trying to employ which is:

Question, Answer, Tease…
An example using the OnlyFans girl above could be:

Me: Ohhh it’s and 1980s thing. You got a real 80’s thing going on here…
Her: I love the 80’s, I’m a total 80s girl.
Me: Oh yeah, what’s your favorite 80s movie?
Her: Goonies…
Me: Goonies?? Oh man, you’re a total dork…

Again sucks that I didn’t have a clear enough head to actually perform this with her on Tuesday!
A mix of Performance Anxiety, and goin “Cro-Magnon” when I saw her erect nipples and thick Kooch through the see through Yellow “Running Man/Jazzercise” Outfit.

“I went “Cro-Magnon” like:
“Me throw rock…”
“Me want thick kooch through yellow jumpsuit…”

Only thing that’s going to solve going “Cro-Magnon” and Performance Anxiety with these “Perfect 10s” or “Shb’s” as Chase calls ‘em is to PRACTICE.
PRACTICE Approaching them and fortunately here in the Los Angeles area there are plenty of places where there are girls like this OnlyFans one on every corner:

West Hollywood - La Cienega & Santa Monica Blvd
Hollywood (might be good for a same day lay because of tourists) - Hollywood Blvd. & Highland
Santa Monica Third Street Promenade
DTLA particularly weekdays because of high-end business/finance Gals
And of course Venice Beach (Again good for same day lays, but challenges with logistics, and be careful of some of the "professional girls.")

Appreciate your time, and your thoughts!

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Bloody hell. Lots of people doing that, apparently.

People are going to start saying, "Don't listen to that guy Chase Amante, guys! He makes everyone have boring conversations!"

Guess I'd better get that article up quick...
Yeah, this thread was a bit of a lightbulb moment for me too lol

So definitely a plus 1 on the deep diving too early bit


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Have totally fallen prey to too much deep diving lately myself. I surely needed it at some point because I used to have very fun and teasing interactions that were not grounded at all, but now I do think I end up feeling a bit too serious. So going a bit back and focusing more again on the fun part to bring some excitement in the interaction, especially early on, is something to work on.

And this thread is truly eye-opening for how to game super hot girls in general. I think I have been treating them a bit too much like normal girls, assuming that since they talk to me they are attracted and now we just have to connect. I kinda had the idea that everyone wants to have a piece of them, so if you just treat them as normal humans and get to know them things will take their way. But they must consider you above their level first, and generally from the beginning they assume that you are not there, unless you really show it somehow.

And it does make sense from my experience as well, the hottest woman I've had clearly sexually attracted to me and manhandled kissed ( messed up the pull ) saw me hit on her friend in front of her, saying that she is hot but asking if she even has a degree, and then telling her she is full of bullshit and I can find her big boobs everywhere.

The only question I have is how do you recognise when to change gears in your seduction, because I feel with a number of girls this kind of approach would be too much. I assume it doesn't have to do with how you see the girl but how she sees you. I mean you could find a girl very hot and at the same time she could consider you even hotter for some reason. So I guess it's more about starting the interaction, and being ready if she is clearly very hot, to grill her more once you see signs of her being just polite and friendly but not excited or nervous around you.