Rage Journal 13
The Seducer’s Triangle of Fulfillment Pt. 2 (probably relevant to you)
I have been thinking incessantly about the triangle. My seducer’s triangle (see journal #2).
My friend and I have been discussing it a great deal.
My friend and I (the one I always write about) are really alike to a point where it is scary or you wouldn’t think you’d be able to have things in common that much with another person. But were both looking at this from a similar angle of how it applies to our own lives.
The Seducer’s Triangle
Anyway, the triangle: let’s get to it
You get to have a oneitis or unicorn girl or love at first sight girl, random girls /doing many girls, and your goals/mission/purpose.
Three tiers of a triangle and we as seducers will want all three
This is what composes the triangle .
I should also distinguish here that the triangle dilemma is only really faced by seducers.
Other people, regular people don’t have the pull to fuck many guys like we seducers have from really young ages. They also don’t strive crazily for goals and self-improvement; and don’t work or endeavor for the ideal relationship and what that should look like consist of or what they should do to work to build that.
Where I’m at On the Triangle
I realize that myself, and my friend as intj logical very mechanic type guys have prioritized goals over girls. Mission over girls.
This isn’t most guys and I’d argue that most guys on the boards aren’t here. That’s not good or bad or right or wrong.
That’s a value judgment: a difference in values and what you have made your pritoity and invested your energies into primarily.
In the sex transmutation article, Chase talks about how you put sex energy into your work or you can put that into banging women. Or of course you could put it into a relationship with a girl you really like (the unicorn or oneitis here; these three respectively composing the triangle model).
In regards to this, I have a notion that guys who have banged tons and tons of random girls will have done so at the expense almost of bigger notable achievements.
Blasphemous you say? How dare I say this… and yet it feels this way to me to some degree.
My friend is a mirror to myself in many ways and I asked a bunch of questions and he did too; we looked at this from many angles but couldn’t come up with definitive answers.
If we had to pick goals or girls what would we pick? Goals without a doubt.
My friend is an aspiring speaker and I have gotten into his line of work as well.
I am, you could say, an aspiring writer and he has gotten into my line of work as well.
We care about our goals more than anything else. Seriously everyone and everything and the whole world could go fuck itself if it came in the way of our work, our own friendship easily included.
For me, the greatest feeling I ever felt in the world was finishing my book. I told my friend that and couldn’t express how happy I felt and that it was like that, then he finished his first book 6 months or so later and felt the same himself.
Work as a mechanic matters to me or him more than just everything else.
Asked my friend a series of questions; after the first one I next asked “why is it that after one of us gets done banging a girl we will want to go watch a brian tracy video?”
This is a running joke we have, but what it means and it is truth based is that: after we get done having sex with a girl we orgasm and finish and then after want to instantly go and do self-development work. Go write or work on our presentations or go and read and learn something and work on our self-development.
We read voraciously, study endlessly incessantly are fucking obsessed with learning what we can and progressing growing and going further and further with our goals.
The other guys on this site are goal oriented BUT many of them I’d say more of them and I appear not to be one of these people, lean towards prioritizing girls to some degree more than goals. Goals sure: but fun with girls too in there.
They DON’T have to or need to get that strong urge to watch a Brian Tracy video directly after cumming into the random girl. That’s something that is unique to me and my friend shares this… likely from sharing the same personality disorders and from being mechanic I would guess…
When Are You Hedonistic and No Longer Skill Building
The next question I posed: how is banging a ton of girls not hedonistic? At what point is it not?
At what point am I or are you not building the skill up any longer and are instead just doing it for the fun of it and the hedonism of it?
Hedonists are ok with this, and many guys fit that role and character on the board here.
I personally try to not do stuff that is really hedonistic because I enjoy it a tiny bit but past that it takes away from ebbing productive and away from my goals and growth which I prioritize within as first. Also I see that I get a pleasure of hedonism and fun oddly enough from working towards my goals and from growing in the pursuit of them by myself or with like-minded people).
AGAIN will reemphasize this and briefly discuss this: no one here is right or wrong, good or bad.
People just have prioritized and valued different things. You express your values not in what you think or say or feel or think you would do or would like to do.
You express them only in your ACTIONS. And what you DO and DO CONSISTENTLY and tend to do more times than not.
Your actions make you who you are. They define you: what you do, defines you. And what you choose to do and select first and prioritize: where you place that value, defines you.
It’ll be what you value first over the others.
The Degree to Which I Prioritize Sleeping With Randoms
So is banging girls hedonistic or not? I realized something here that was true for my friend and I: I want to bang new random girls to the extent that I have to get off. To the extent that I have to sexually satiate myself.
Now that I am largely almost entirely off of porn. And am at a point I orgasm once where you reach that going batshit insane point after 4 or 5 days, that’s when I relieve myself once and then back to work and nothing for as many more days as go on (consistently so).
I want to sleep with girls to the point that I can satiate that need.
I want it like that, in the same way that I am hungry and want to eat. But past that I don’t care for pussy all that much, or for banging a lot of girls or for putting girls before work all that much.
It is an animalistic thing a reptilian thing. But as soon as that need is met and satisfied and good, then I am crazy for my goals and I have to get back to my mission and working to achieve the big things that I want to.
Once I nut that’s all that matters and nothing else fucking does.
Back to an earlier theory (next question posed): does banging and pursuing and spending a lot of time on random girls detract from your work. I would theorize that yeah quite a bit so, potentially.
I should sleep with girls to a point that I can meet bed and sleep with girls fairly consistently just to meet that need of getting off. However I see that it isn’t a high lofty goal at all: just a survival based thing like being able to cook my own food is or being able to drive and get around places.
I am pretty close to there, perhaps nearly so and once I am fully there at that level, then there isn’t a lot of point to it. The reptilian part that wants to fuck a lot of girls also wants to travel and sleep with girls around the world and all that is much smaller in me I now realize and comes after my goals of mission and legacy, contribution and achievement… and you get to be anything you want in life but not everything I believe…
Coming away from these questions, the solution that I seem to lean on becomes that the most practical thing for my work/goals/achievement would be to have a love at first sight or unicorn girlfriend who I could nut in time to time and other than that have her affect me positively and better my work and better my goals.
This would be the one girl in a fucking million who I could bust inside and then want to spend a little bit of time with after actually… and not have to immediately go to my Brian Tracy videos after sex.
The Ideal Girlfriend Tier of the Triangle
Let’s call this tier of the triangle for our discussion right now: ideal girlfriend.
Amongst the other questions: if I had the ideal girlfriend love at first sight like fucking made for me matching all my qualities growing in the relationship and all that other jazz, then would I choose that and give up the random girls all together?
It would seem practical to do so; and for the goal oriented guy who is most leaned toward the goals in the triangle it would make good sense and reason and be of immense benefit to do that. AT least under first impression/glance…
I come to this conclusion by asking: what did the greatest achievers in history do? I asked this; why are none of them players?
The players tend to be guys who are smarter than the average, are pretty bright guys, live cool lives, do cool things, BUT aren’t the elon musks and steve jobs of the world. They aren’t greatness aren’t elite level godly achievers.
Those elite level achievers follow a pattern it seems to show or correlate of get a wife/a partner that improves them, helps them and benefits them immensely; balances out there weak points and shortcomings and is a good complimentary opposite.
Further this ideal girlfriend/wife of theirs sees the potential in them even more than they do in themselves; she is their stable their constant their rock. And believes in him and his mission so incredibly much.
These guys tend to have something like this.
What about the Guys Who Want the Randoms First?
So the above works pretty well for the guy leaned most on goals in the triangle.
But what about for you hell bent players what about you guys?
The guys who have to be fucking their randoms and have their rotation and tons of girls to bang out there. Or even in relationships want to have mltrs and such.
There is personal growth in relationship and with random girls you don’t get that.
If you are keeping a random sub par girl as a repeat customer you also aren’t getting that and are getting something lacking.
Chase has said that he quit friends with benefits with random girls a long time ago because they influence you if you keep them around. If you bang them as a one night stand, they don’t affect or influence you; but if lkept around any longer than that, they do.
For the players who are leaned more towards the randoms tier of the triangle they are more hedonism based. But they have to do other shit too achieve their goals and stuff too.
For these guys usually it means getting just enough of goals, achievement, wealth, status, prestige/all that to be satisfied and be able to do the other random girls too.
How the Triangle and the 3 Types of Seducers Align!!!
I realize something !!!
The hedonist the romantic and the mechanic.
Each value one of the three tiers of the triangle the most !!!!!!!!!!!
The hedonist values the randoms the most
The romantic values the oneitis/unicorn relationship the most.
The mechanic values the goals/achievement contribution the most.
It is fucking brilliant and works !!!!
And I realize that there is no right or wrong answer
There is no solving the triangle because it can’t be solved. It isn’t a problem or equation to be solved or proved.
It lies outright and exclusively in what YOU value more and you express your values in how you work with the triangle.
You will necessarily not have all to full degree and won’t have that and can’t have that.
Instead you will have variations of different parts of the triangle and will pick some over others necessarily.
We as seducers will have parts perhaps of all three in us, because part of us wants all three. Wants the goals, wants the ideal woman, wants the randoms.
But you prioritize and pick between them and have value judgment and draw distinction between them.
Chase’s Solution to the Triangle
Just to look at this very superficially and not delve deeply into Chase’s personal life at all (sorry Chase will keep this brief and look at on a surface level), I recall Chase saying in interview that: when he is in a home country he will have a unicorn girlfriend that he is more or less exclusive too.
And when he is traveling he will sleep with randoms then.
And throughout it all of course, he is working on his goals.
So in this way he has: some ideal relationship, some randoms, and some goals.
Chase said in the comments of the 3 archetype article that he comes off as mechanic because of how he breaks things down as a writer on Girlschase, but that in real life he is in fact two parts romantic and one part mechanic.
Whatever the case; his ideal balance then I conjecture would look something effective in catering to that unique balance in what he values.
You Only Get to Have 2…
Anyway, I think that with solutions of the triangle eventually you get to have two and pick two and don’t really get to pick all three.
Funnily enough it makes sense to me now that this kidnap aligns with Chase said in the 3 lady killer article: you have one archetype as primary and another as secondary.
I am for sure that the mechanic is primary for myself.
And likely it seems that the hedonist is second after that and that would put romantic as last for me (for the little speck of emotion that is within me lol).
This would mean that the romantic isn’t really there within me and is smallest within me.
And has the least emphasis or focus.
Romantic aligning with the ideal girlfriend/unicorn girl. Perhaps this would be true and I think about this the least, in some respects it would seem.
But something that affected me is feeling a true love at first sight and knowing something like that is possible. It just changed my mind that some kind of relationship like that would be possible and opened my mind to it.
I'm a mechanic though of course. I think of the ideal girlfriend and a unicorn in the context of “wow what it would do for my work and the insights I would gain and her counsel and wisdom and how she would help my personal growth”.
Be my queen as I take what's mine and build my empire.
Someone I would learn from and gain a lot from and could help her grow too.
Not very romantic sounding huh? She's not gonnna be someone who watches sunsets with me and we do emotional bullshit and stuff.
And likely I’ll be having sex fairly often but not tons and tons and tons of it because I of course want to keep a good amount of my sex energy for my work and investing it into what I have to do the next morning.
Anyway what this signifies is that whichever archetype is your primary, you will still think of and want all three tiers of the triangle to varying degrees. Even the tier that aligns with the archetype that you don’t seem to have much of in you (you will still have a little bit of it and still have desire for that part of the triangle too).
Well at leastt I am spinning my head less about all this. I kept asking my questions and my friend and I were both like well fuck this is debatable and you really can’t fucking know and who knows what the answer would be?
But some conclusions I have come to, let’s list:
- The triangle is goals, random women, ideal relationship. Seducers will want all three. Will tend to at any point in life be able to have two and will want to have all three to some degree but will NEVER quite get to have the same high degree in all 3.
- The hedonist aligns with random women, romantic with ideal relationship, mechanic with goals and achievement first
- You will once again tend to want all three
- You do not really choose consciously what you prioritize or go for; you value certain tiers unconsciously more than others and express that through your actions
- What you express isn’t right or wrong, and there is no right answer or perfect solution to the triangle. It is unique to each individual and each seducer balances it in a unique way in his own life. How YOU balance and rest that is upon you , and it will look that way based on what you value and what you end up doing. (I think that even consciously you can go and do certain things but if unconsciously you don’t at a heart level want to balance it in that way… then you will eventually go and change it necessarily (1) or just continue on with your current balance but be miserable for the coming future as a result of that (2))
So this has been some emerging theories and ideas of mine on my seducer triangle model.
Hope you guys enjoy.
And hope you balance it in the way you best at essence wish to at any time (whatever that may be or appear to express as or look like for you in that moment in your life; likely your own balance of the three tiers shifts throughout various stages and year of your life).