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Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
For me personally, I very rarely do more than 5-10 approaches in one session. After that, unless I'm really enjoying myself for whatever reason, like I've had a great conversation or whatever, I find it starts to feel bland, I start to feel bored.
Hey @Will_V where do you generally do your sessions? Street, mall, etc?

Do you walk about or hang around in the same place for a while?

I just walk about the city centre during the day at the weekends. I don't know if this is a good tactic or not. I don't seem to see girls on their own much.

Are you aporoaching girls on their own or groups?



Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Hey @Will_V where do you generally do your sessions? Street, mall, etc?

Do you walk about or hang around in the same place for a while?

I just walk about the city centre during the day at the weekends. I don't know if this is a good tactic or not. I don't seem to see girls on their own much.

Are you aporoaching girls on their own or groups?


There's a place by a river with a lot of bars/cafes I normally frequent, it's a place where a lot of girls hang or sit around waiting for friends, chilling on a work break, or walking around bored.

I usually avoid busy shopping areas, I personally just don't like gaming in that environment, my style is a bit slow burn not energetic, and girls there are usually charging around in shopping mode.

You really have to try a lot of different places, there'll be some you expect to find them but don't, and others that are surprisingly good. I find anywhere with a sort of 'common area' like a square, where people tend to slow down or stop, is usually good.

I think the river thing works well because it's a quite social place due to the bars/cafes, but not CBD, and it's the perfect place for a girl to chill without being in some deserted place. I took a girl home from there once who was sitting on steps looking out over the water, after a quick beer at a bar nearby.

I don't really do groups, I'm not very chatty.

As far as hanging or walking around, it depends. I'm trying to do less walking, I find it sometimes ends up feeling like I'm prowling around too much rather than occupying space. But if no girls are around I'll move on.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
There's a place by a river with a lot of bars/cafes I normally frequent, it's a place where a lot of girls hang or sit around waiting for friends, chilling on a work break, or walking around bored.

I usually avoid busy shopping areas, I personally just don't like gaming in that environment, my style is a bit slow burn not energetic, and girls there are usually charging around in shopping mode.

You really have to try a lot of different places, there'll be some you expect to find them but don't, and others that are surprisingly good. I find anywhere with a sort of 'common area' like a square, where people tend to slow down or stop, is usually good.

I think the river thing works well because it's a quite social place due to the bars/cafes, but not CBD, and it's the perfect place for a girl to chill without being in some deserted place. I took a girl home from there once who was sitting on steps looking out over the water, after a quick beer at a bar nearby.

I don't really do groups, I'm not very chatty.

As far as hanging or walking around, it depends. I'm trying to do less walking, I find it sometimes ends up feeling like I'm prowling around too much rather than occupying space. But if no girls are around I'll move on.

Thanks dude, interesting how you go about doing things.
I've found places that I thought would be good that aren't really so far.
I should probably stop and hang around in some spots where people are more likely to chill. I tend to have a quick look, not see anyone and then move on, but I should wait a bit.

I could do with less walking too, I know what you mean about feeling like you're prowling about.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Approach 4 chicks a day for 30 days

This appeals to me. I've got lunchtime at work, after work in the town we've got late night shopping. people hanging around after work, and Christmas markets for the next month. I can work from home a day or two a week and go out in my local area at lunch and after work. And there is the usual Saturday and Sunday stuff.

I shall start tomorrow - Monday 22nd November and keep going for 30 days.
Will report on my progress here


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
you're quitting the newbie assignment.

you found it hard to say hi to girls, and you got momentarily frustrated.

so you're ditching it for the newest, shiniest thing on the block - approach 4 chicks a day for 30 days.

remember what you said in your first journal entry:

What do I want to achieve?
  • I want to be a guy who actually takes action and gets things done
Things I’ve got working against me
  • Lack of follow-through on pretty much everything in the past

wheres the orgasmatron who actually follows through and gets things done? i dont see him anywhere around here.

cmon bro. stick with it.

i will give you my tip for your newbie assignment roadblock that will skyrocket you past it. and i will give you my tips to help you get past your next 1000 sticking points. but if i continue to see this kind of wishy-washy behavior from you, there is no way in hell i will use my time and energy to help you turn into the guy you so desperately want to be.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Approach 4 chicks a day for 30 days

This appeals to me. I've got lunchtime at work, after work in the town we've got late night shopping. people hanging around after work, and Christmas markets for the next month. I can work from home a day or two a week and go out in my local area at lunch and after work. And there is the usual Saturday and Sunday stuff.

I shall start tomorrow - Monday 22nd November and keep going for 30 days.
Will report on my progress here
If you switch now you'll miss out on two things.

1. Follow Through

2. The boost in experience from that follow through

3. Four days is frankly not enough by any means for you to decide the value of something. Especially since you are struggling with that thing I think you should consider if this is an Ego thing.

You'd benefit from committing to this publicly right now. Those who want to give you more know that you'll put your best foot into what they give you. More importantly you'll know that you will try your absolute best from A-Z and pull value from what others have to offer relentless.

I'm in a similar position. I have an overdue FR. It'd be easy for me to never post the Halloweekend FR's. It probably won't get much attention since it's so late and frankly for a long time I was deeply unhappy with the experience so I just wanted it to be gone. I wanted to just move to the next thing. Something more fun that didn't remind me of that period. I'm making little strides, but I was seriously crippling my pace by not truly confronting that monstrous week plus for anyone who remembered I said I would post it...it's a bad look.

Let's both promise eachother to not rob ourselves of the valuable gift that is following through.

The ability to follow through will not only aid your growth it will be imperative to your pickup.

If you are not eyeing opens, transitions, closes and committing to follow the interaction all the way through as the leader you'll have a hell of a time not getting burnt out from lack of results.

Do the Newbie Report. Then do the next thing. Take it step by step if you want to avoid

1. Finding every step harder because you didn't take the time to ground yourself on the one before and just having a rather inefficient and difficult time going upwards.

2. Never having the foundation of the initial steps in the first place so you don't even go up.

3. Tripping downward and rather than being able to just get back up the steps and back on track you'll be lost. Because you never took the time to locate and understand each step. Meaning luck and misfortune have a much bigger weight on your outcome and consistency.

Peace and consider following through with me friend


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
you're quitting the newbie assignment.

you found it hard to say hi to girls, and you got momentarily frustrated.

so you're ditching it for the newest, shiniest thing on the block - approach 4 chicks a day for 30 days.

remember what you said in your first journal entry:

wheres the orgasmatron who actually follows through and gets things done? i dont see him anywhere around here.

cmon bro. stick with it.

i will give you my tip for your newbie assignment roadblock that will skyrocket you past it. and i will give you my tips to help you get past your next 1000 sticking points. but if i continue to see this kind of wishy-washy behavior from you, there is no way in hell i will use my time and energy to help you turn into the guy you so desperately want to be.
Hey dude,

Yeah, you are right.

One of my biggest problems is quitting when things get tough and starting something else. Then I just quit that and move on to the next thing.

I like the idea of getting the result, but doing the hard work to get there and keeping grinding away until I get there is where I always fall down.

Thanks for calling me out on this.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
If you switch now you'll miss out on two things.

1. Follow Through

2. The boost in experience from that follow through

3. Four days is frankly not enough by any means for you to decide the value of something. Especially since you are struggling with that thing I think you should consider if this is an Ego thing.

You'd benefit from committing to this publicly right now. Those who want to give you more know that you'll put your best foot into what they give you. More importantly you'll know that you will try your absolute best from A-Z and pull value from what others have to offer relentless.

I'm in a similar position. I have an overdue FR. It'd be easy for me to never post the Halloweekend FR's. It probably won't get much attention since it's so late and frankly for a long time I was deeply unhappy with the experience so I just wanted it to be gone. I wanted to just move to the next thing. Something more fun that didn't remind me of that period. I'm making little strides, but I was seriously crippling my pace by not truly confronting that monstrous week plus for anyone who remembered I said I would post it...it's a bad look.

Let's both promise eachother to not rob ourselves of the valuable gift that is following through.

The ability to follow through will not only aid your growth it will be imperative to your pickup.

If you are not eyeing opens, transitions, closes and committing to follow the interaction all the way through as the leader you'll have a hell of a time not getting burnt out from lack of results.

Do the Newbie Report. Then do the next thing. Take it step by step if you want to avoid

1. Finding every step harder because you didn't take the time to ground yourself on the one before and just having a rather inefficient and difficult time going upwards.

2. Never having the foundation of the initial steps in the first place so you don't even go up.

3. Tripping downward and rather than being able to just get back up the steps and back on track you'll be lost. Because you never took the time to locate and understand each step. Meaning luck and misfortune have a much bigger weight on your outcome and consistency.

Peace and consider following through with me friend
Hey man,

Thanks. You are correct.

I need to stick with it if I want to get the benefits.

Cheers bro!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Well, that was super weak of me.

I even got so pissed off at myself yesterday that I went and bought cigarettes and spent most of the day in a whiney huff feeling sorry for myself.

Thankfully there are dudes on here that have a better perspective on things than me. I'm grateful for their input.

Anyway, I'll keep at the newbie assignment and I'll try to stop being a dick :)

It's going through the process and seeing it through from start to finish that's the most important thing. That's the thing that's within my control, so that's what I need to focus on.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Hey dude,

Yeah, you are right.

One of my biggest problems is quitting when things get tough and starting something else. Then I just quit that and move on to the next thing.

I like the idea of getting the result, but doing the hard work to get there and keeping grinding away until I get there is where I always fall down.

Thanks for calling me out on this.
Hey man if it helps I'm in a similar boat. I've had some successes but a lot of it seems to have been from haphazardly winging it with a vague plan rather than planning and progressing in a scientific, methodological way despite vowing to myself that I would. And being inconsistent and not putting in enough volume (some was due to COVID but can't blame that fully). I get the difficulty in trying to change these habits. Self discipline is a like a muscle though, it gets better and easier the more you train it. I'm on this journey to getting to that point too bro, let's get it


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Hey man if it helps I'm in a similar boat. I've had some successes but a lot of it seems to have been from haphazardly winging it with a vague plan rather than planning and progressing in a scientific, methodological way despite vowing to myself that I would. And being inconsistent and not putting in enough volume (some was due to COVID but can't blame that fully). I get the difficulty in trying to change these habits. Self discipline is a like a muscle though, it gets better and easier the more you train it. I'm on this journey to getting to that point too bro, let's get it
Thanks dude


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Thanks to @fog I've got an action plan to get to the next stage of the newbie assignment.

I'm going to go through each of these steps, one by one, and update my progress here.

• Say hi to 5 girls in your head as you make eye contact and walk by them
• Say hi to 5 girls in a quiet voice as you make eye contact and walk by them. They do not have to hear you.
• Say hi to 5 girls in a louder voice as you make eye contact and you walk by them. They must hear you.
• Stop in the general area of 5 girls and say hi in your head.
• Stop a little closer to 5 girls and say hi out loud in a quiet voice. They do not have to see or hear you.
• [DAY 4 TASK] Stop right next to 6 girls and say hi out loud in a louder voice. They must see and hear you. Eject

Looking forward to getting started


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Say hi to 5 girls in your head as you make eye contact and walk by them

So, yeah, felt like I made some progress today.

Made eye contact with 4 women throughout the day, on my way to work and a walk into town after work to take the long way home, and said hi in my head. I was trying to make eye contact with pretty much every woman I walked past. I wasn't getting it back from most, they are on their phones, in their own world, going about their day to day stuff, so I just said hi in my head anyway, and did some quiet voice hi's too.

Felt like I was starting to say hi as a matter of course, so I'm going to build on that tomorrow and do the quiet voice hi's.

Also, I realised that I should focus on improving my game and not be concerned with outcomes. If I put myself out there, do things that make me feel uncomfortable, and keep trying to improve my skills, then I'll get better and things will, eventually, get easier.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Say hi to 5 girls in a quiet voice as you make eye contact and walk by them. They do not have to hear you

Feel like I made some more progress today and feeling more confident about things. Trying to make eye contact a lot and continuing with the hi's even if I don't get any eye contact back. Hi's were getting louder too and I noticed after a while that hotter girls got a louder hi.

Again, eye contact with 4 chicks with a quiet hi during my walk to work, lunchtime, and after work went the long way home via city centre and through the shopping mall, so not quite 5 but close. Don't know if it's just me or if it's because it's a weekday and people are out on their own after work heading home, but definitely noticed a lot more girls on their own walking about. I suspect it's due to not being the weekend, but the town is busier than I thought it'd be. But interesting nonetheless as I don't have to just stick to the Saturdays and Sundays.

So, looking forward to tomorrow and keen to continue making progress.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Say hi to 5 girls in a louder voice as you make eye contact and you walk by them. They must hear you.

Definitely got a bit more out of my comfort zone today.
Again, I'm trying to make eye contact but not really getting it back and I'm not sure if I was heard as pretty much every chick I see seems to have her headphones in, but there's not much I can do about that, so I'm just saying hi anyway.

I saw a girl doing graffiti art on my lunch, couldn't tell what she looked like because she had a protective mask for the paint fumes on. But, I thought the graffiti stuff was cool, so I stopped, gave her a wave to talk to her, so she took off her mask and headphones too and I told her I liked ger art and chatted for a bit with her about that, so that was good.

And later on, after work, I stopped at a crossing and a cute girl walked up and stood beside me, so I said hi to her. I think she was expecting me to say something after that and I stood feeling awkward for a bit whilst we waited for the crossing lights to change, but it was fine, I didn't die and the world kept turning.

I definitely see how having a few warm-ups would help, so that's something I'll try to do in the future.

I've got a night out with work tomorrow, we're doing an escape room and then out for dinner. I imagine we'll be hitting a bar or 2 after that, so should be some opportunities to chat to girls in bars, and I'll be warmed up by then too. I don't want to rely on alcohol to be able to do that, so I'll try to keep the drinking to a minimum. I'll also try to do the stop and quiet hi on my lunch and keep going with the eye contact and louder hi on my walk to work in the morning.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Friday - Work Night Out

So, it turns out that going out with people from work is not conducive to talking to girls in bars. I don’t think I’ve got any potential wings there. I seemed to be the only dude that even noticed there were girls around. Plus, bars still suck here at the moment. You have to book a table and basically sit there, so there is no mingling. The town was pretty dead anyway as the weather was terrible.

Lesson leant - If you’re going to go out to bars to meet girls, you’d be better just going on your own.

I’ve got a few gigs to go to in December, so these would be a better bet. At least there’s the potential to move around and talk to other people.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
Stop in the general area of 5 girls and say hi in your head.
Stop a little closer to 5 girls and say hi out loud in a quiet voice. They do not have to see or hear you.

So, I went into town on Saturday and did these - it was fairly easy.

I was feeling a bit hungover and I didn’t manage to do anything apart from that, but I did notice a dude with his Instagram model looking girlfriend. Well, I noticed her first, and then I saw who she was with. He was totally normal looking, not some super good looking model guy, he didn’t dress like he was rich, and he didn’t have loads of muscles or anything. She was obviously totally into him though, so I walked behind them for a while and kept an eye on them both to see if I could see what this guy had going for him. He seemed to have a bit of banter and was making her laugh, and it didn’t seem like he thought she was the most amazing thing ever or anything like that.

So, if that guy can get a chick like her, then there’s no reason why I can’t.

I also had a look to see if any other dudes were checking her out. But no-one seemed to be paying her much attention. She was super hot, but no dudes were even looking. I keep seeing this, there are hot girls walking about everywhere here and virtually no guys seem to even notice them. I don’t know what’s up with that, it’s weird.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021
[DAY 4 TASK] Stop right next to 6 girls and say hi out loud in a louder voice. They must see and hear you. Eject

So, today, Sunday, I still didn’t manage to complete day 4, but definitely did better than my previous efforts.

Girl 1
Costa coffee - Blonde girl with glasses, mid 20’s, wearing a mask, waiting for her coffee, a bit chubby, average looking. I ordered myself a flat white and stood beside her, turned around, said hi, she seemed to smile, seemed a bit nervous, said hi back, both stood for a moment while we waited for coffee, she got hers and left. It was fine. I thought, hey, we’re off to the races!

Girl 2 - doesn’t count though
Stopped at a crossing near the university - Blonde, sunglasses, seemed pretty hot, mid 20’s. I’m waiting to cross at lights, she walked over and stood nearby, I turned around said hi, no reaction at all. Nada. I think she must’ve been wearing headphones, but I couldn't see because her hair was covering her ears. So, I was seen but not heard, so I don't think this counts.

I continued to walk around, went to the shopping mall and round the city centre, and up to the park near the university. Most of the girls I saw had headphones on, so they weren’t going to hear me.

I was getting bit frustrated with this, and I am really starting to get hackled off with the whole seeing girls I’d like to talk to and not doing anything about it, but I was determined not to let things get me down. I decided to go home for a short time and meditate and get my head right.

There wasn’t much daylight left, it starts getting dark here at about 3:30pm at the moment. But I really wanted to get my 6 hi’s done, and more than that, I wanted to get an actual proper approach done. So, after doing a short meditation, I went back out.

Girl 3 - An actual approach (although, a very bad one, lol)
So, I went back out with a renewed sense of vigour, primarily looking for girls to approach. After a while, I saw this very cute blonde girl who walked past me. I decided I was going to go and talk to her. I tried to talk myself out of it first, but chose not to listen to the voice in my head that says I shouldn’t do it.

It was starting to get a bit dark, but the street was still fairly busy, there were lots of people about. I caught her up and walked up alongside her, maybe 6 feet away to her right, and decided to make my move. Things, however, did not go as I had hoped.

I came in from the side, she did not have a chance to see me. I put my hand up to get her attention, she was startled and there was a look of terror in her eyes when I blurted out “hi. I saw you there and thought you looked very, very cute” She looked at me and said “ehh, have a nice day” and was evidently not interested and was quite keen to get away asap. My response was “ehh, okay”

So, a few things - obviously, as approaches go, this was pretty bad. She didn’t see me beforehand, I wasn’t really very far ahead of her, I spoke very fast, the actual line wasn't good, but that's the least of it, lol. But, hey, it was an approach, and I was glad I did it, regardless of the outcome. I survived, nothing bad happened. It’s a start.

Girls 4 and 5
There were 2 more attempted hi’s after that - but I don’t think either heard me as I got no reaction at all.

So, today's score was 2. Obviously, that’s a few short of 6. So, I’ll have to try again tomorrow. But, overall, feeling better about things.

A couple of other things - I’ve started reading No More Mr Nice Guy by Dr Robert A Glover. I’m pretty much the text book ‘nice guy’. So far, I’ve done a lot of nodding and saying “jesus fuck, that’s exactly what I do” a lot too. So, I’m going to read the rest of this during the week and start working on the stuff in there.

I’ve also got The Power of Now, and A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle to read soon too, which I hope will help me stop being in my head so much and start living in the moment.

I’m also going to work from home a few days a week, instead of going into the office, even though I hate working from home. But, I think the area near where I live is much better for approaching women than near work is, so I’d be better off going for a walk near my flat at lunch and after work than the office. Also, thinking about getting a job in the city centre - but that won’t be for a while yet.

And going to look into the whole meditation and being centered thing a bit more.

So, next steps are:
Continue with the 6 Hi’s and see how things are near my flat rather than near the office.
Read No More Mr Nice Guy.
Continue all the other stuff I’m doing - exercise, eat healthy, get proper sleep, etc
Incorporate meditation into my daily routine

Also, I'm on total no fap now, I've done 30 days in the past, so I know I can do it, and I think I'd be better off if I did that again. I don't think it gives you the super-powers that the no fap redditors claim, but I do think it will motivate me to approach more girls. I think I'm on 3 days atm, the first week or two are the worst
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2021

Day 4 (yet again) My Intrepid Quest Continues…​

The top-line numbers are that I did 4, let’s call them ‘interactions’, rather than ‘hi’s’. The task is to do 6, so, although I’m getting closer, I still haven’t got there yet.

So, first of all, I do realise these are the lamest field reports ever. Me not being able to say hello to 6 girls, isn’t quite as entertaining as the 20 girl a day approach frenzies and same day lay reports that some dudes on here post. But we’re all at different stages of the journey, and the stage I’m at is trying to get past my debilitating approach anxiety. So, prepare to be underwhelmed. You have been warned.

Saturday 4th December

The weather was terrible, it’s was very cold, windy, there was rain and even some snow. Not ideal for a day game. Just like Tony D, I hope it's sunny out, but it rarely is in Scotland at this time of the year. I did go out however but didn’t manage to greet any ladies. I went to the shopping mall and also spend a decent amount of time in the museum, it’s still mandatory masks inside here, which sucks, and doesn’t help. I think the government here should be a bit more considerate of my libido and lift the mask ban. I might write to my local member of parliament about the matter!

Anyway, I felt super awkward stalking women in the dinosaur and ancient Egypt sections and didn’t manage anything. Needless to say, I didn’t feel too good about myself as I traipsed home in the rain.

I did have a think and worked out that I feel good when I do approach, even if they bomb, and feel shit if I don’t. So, I’m trying to use logic on my brain and make it realize that the more approaches I do, the better I will feel. A bit of a breakthrough realization there I think.

Sunday 5th December

Went out, feeling positive and determined to get my 6 hellos. However, I continued my recent pattern of not saying hi for a few hours. So, I decided to do 5 stand nearby a group of girls and say hi in a quiet voice, which I did. Then, I went to a coffee shop for a caffeine hit and gathered my thoughts. I re-read some of the posts above, from @fog and @Mist22 which helped get my head in a better place.

On not being a nice guy

Nothing to do with game per se, but I’ve been working on not being such a nice guy. Well, I suppose it is related actually. This coffee shop was really busy, and there were virtually no seats. I got my usual flat white to sit in, hoping to find a table upstairs. There was one table free downstairs, which I was going to sit at, but some woman who was about 6 people back in the queue put her bag on a seat to save it for herself. There were no seats upstairs, so I decided to go back down and sit at the ‘saved’ table. I sat there with my coffee, she came over and said “excuse me, I put my bag there to save this table.” I looked at her and replied. “Really? I don’t think that means anything”. She was not pleased. I didn’t sit there to be a dick, but seriously, fuck off, it’s very busy, there are no seats, and she’s not even been served yet. You can’t just save the table like that. I’m glad I was assertive and didn’t just go along with that crap. Also, I’m not putting up with this saved table nonsense anymore either, I’m just going to sit there and if someone has a problem with it, they can fuck off. Anyway, on with the story…

Woman numero uno

Fairly uneventful. I went to use the toilet in the museum, and when I came out there was a seemingly attractive (remember, masks) woman, mid to late 30’s, on her phone. So I went over, said hi and asked if she knew what time the museum closed at. 5pm apparently if you’re interested.

Girl 2

Okay, so I lapsed from quitting smoking earlier in the year. Actually, I kindof did it deliberately because I thought it could be a good way to talk to chicks. Y’know, see a girl smoking, ask her for a light, you're both sort of locked in to talk for a few minutes. I had quit again, but, although not ideal, this is a tactic I can use. So, I bought some cigarettes for this purpose. I saw a group of girls, early 20's, they looked alright, all dressed up, obviously off out somewhere nice. One of them had just lit a cigarette (incidentally, we often call cigarettes ‘fags’ in the UK, but it might cause some confusion to our American cousins on here if I said she lit up a fag). So, I say “hi, have you got a light?” She said “yeah, sure.” I said “thanks, you look very smart, where are you off to?” So she was was all “oh thanks very much, we’re going to blah blah blah” and her friends called her away. So, I wished her a nice day and off I went. I felt good, I’ve got 2 in the bag.

Girl 3

2 minutes later, I saw this cute looking brunette, mid 20’s, just my type, standing at a crossing. I noticed she had matching burgundy woolly hat, scarf, and gloves.

So, I went over and said “I like your matching hat and scarf, it’s very nice” I’m not sure what she made of this, she seemed a bit suspicious, but said “oh, thankyou.” She had an English accent (I’m in Scotland btw) The road was quite busy and there was a tram waiting to move off.

Me - I’d make a run for it, but I don’t want to get knocked down by a tram

Her - No, definitely not

Me - oh, where’s your accent from?

Her - Brighton

(that’s south of London for any geography fans out there, down at the bottom, so quite far away in UK terms. It’s meant to nice, but I’ve never been)

Me - Are you just up for the weekend?

Her - I’m moving up here actually for work

Bit of chit chat about what her job was - she works in a fancy upmarket private bar, just across the road, and was just about to go in to work. I asked her how she liked working there. Good apparently. I said that Brighton was probably nicer than here. No, she preferred it here in Edinburgh.

Me - It’ll be sunnier in Brighton though.

Her - Yeah, the weather’s definitely better

We had been waiting to cross for a while now, and there were lots of cars.

Me - It’s probably easier to cross the road in Brighton too - that got a laugh.

I asked her what time she’d be at work until. 11pm. The lights changed. I got the impression she wanted to get away, not sure it was me or if she was just needing to get in to her work.

In retrospect, I should’ve tried to take this a bit further, and got her number. But I was that pleased to be on my ‘hi’ roll, I kindof forgot. I wished I’d asked now, I quite liked her. Of course, now I've also realised she was new in town, so I definitely should've. Bugger!

But, the object was to approach and that’s all, so I’m not going to be too bothered about it.

Felt I was on a roll after that and had some momentum. But couldn’t see any other opportunities for a while

Woman 4

Went to the Royal Mile, there was a street performer setting up some fire and chains. I saw a women (masked FFS, it’s not even inside!) She seemed like she was hot, mid-30s.

I stood beside her and said “so, is he any good” She replied “I don’t know, I’ve only been here for 10 seconds” So I said “Well, how have the first 10 seconds been? “Her - “uneventful.” I noticed she had an American accent, so I was going to ask about that, but I hesitated, and just stood for a few seconds, meanwhile, street performer wanted people to gather round, so she went in to watch, and I went off elsewhere.

I continued walking round for another 2 hours, determined to get 2 more. But it never happened and after a while it got dark, and I was tired and very hungry, I’d been out since 11am, it was now after 5pm - according to my step counter, I’d walked for over 10 miles. Pretty annoyed that I didn’t get the 6, but I really had to go home.


Based on previous weeks and crossing girl today - Don't eject early if things are going okay, and if she's new in town or visiting, get her number and offer to show her the sights - I've a few sights I'd liked to have shown her ;)

Actually, if she's not just walked off or something, get her number!

Sticking Points

I imagine this is a common one. I feel that I need permission to approach a woman. If I stood nearby, and she looked at me, to acknowledge me, then I don’t think I’d have much problem in going over and starting to talk to her. But then of course, that’s her making the first move, so that makes it easy. The problem I have is going over and interrupting her from doing whatever she is doing.

I think this is probably a mindset issue. Basically, I assume that they won’t be terribly happy that I’ve gone over and said hello, and I’m trying to get something from them, rather than offer something to them. So I need to get my head round that.

Again, probably a common one. If there are 2 or more girls, then it’s even more difficult. That’s 2 people to interrupt, and I probably only really want to speak to one of them. I did do 2 girl approaches in the summer, although only 2 out of about 25 approaches in total. I know, the numbers are low, but this is where I am at. Both times one girl seemed to like me but the other one cock-blocked.

So, it seems that hot girls aren’t just standing around on their own waiting for me to come over and sweep them off their feet, so I need to get past these 2 things. Well, maybe they are, but I need to make the first move.

So, some questions I have are:
  • How do you get into the thinking that you aren’t bothering her, you don’t need permission, and you are offering something good - as sleeping with me is obviously an excellent situation for any young lady to find herself in ;)
  • I know you need to entertain the friend and keep her onside, so she isn’t a cockblock. But how do you go about it with 2+ girls?
Anyway, I’ll try to get 6 next time. It will likely be next Saturday as I’ve got work all week, and I’m not in the city centre for that. I’ll go out at lunch and probably go into town a few times in the evening, but with the weather being crap and it starting to get dark at 3pm, I don’t imagine 6 is likely in any one day, but I will try.