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Overcoming Approach Anxiety before the window closes


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I'm still fairly green with this sort of stuff, considering I've never bothered with fundamentals until recently. Suddenly I'm getting all these signs (or so I think they are signs) of attraction, and I'm trying to learn just now to react to them better. I'm having trouble approaching a girl that I think has shown me tons of signs for two months on a bus ride from school, and I need to get an approach going before time runs out (if it hasn't after all this time.)
Throughout the past two or three months, she has:

Laughed at jokes that were directed at one of friends on the bus
Randomly butt into my conversations
Talked about sex topics (not quietly I might add) to her friend when they were both a few feet from me
Randomly asked me to braid her hair
Acted completely aloof to me when I passed her at school, or seemingly avoiding my eye contact.
Whenever I dressed in something completely out of the ordinary, she looked at me and laughed when she normally would have just let me pass. I’ve done this three times for school related things, but on the last one, she seemed to avoid my eye contact again.
Seemed eager to talk when I offered her a hug after elections
Avoided my eye contact on the bus.
Waved "hi" to me when she saw me at a coffeeshop, but walked out afterwards with her friends, only to come back in because she spotted free samples and asked me why I was there, and then left with her friends again.
Seemed to act jealous when I asked another girl if I could sit with her and then sparked a conversation. She mocked my laughter after the other girl said something I found amusing.

This is a very attractive girl that I think has been showing me signs that she’s interested, which I am completely unaccustomed to. There are many more that seem like they’re interested;
A girl that’s constantly touching my arms and has complimented my posture and taken many pictures with me
A girl that’s very outgoing that has complimented my legs, clothes, and butt
A girl that was stone cold to me when I met her but suddenly warmed up to me greatly after I stopped trying to talk to her and made friends with some other girl
A girl that has a boyfriend, but has said that I looked “stunning,” talks to me about a lot of her personal stuff, talks to me randomly in the hallway, and asked me to sit with her while we were studying
And a girl who has a boyfriend, but laughs every time I say something unusual to a buddy, laughs and blushes whenever I ask something unusual of her, has stood next to me to avoid falling asleep in class (I do that everyday)

I don’t feel any nervousness around these girls though, but the first one has me to the point where I can’t will myself to approach her. Chase has already given me the advice to ask her out, but I haven’t been able to shake this approach anxiety. Does anybody have any advice for me to kick myself into taking action before I lose the chance?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Im not very experienced on this either, but I always find it easier to just do it instead of thinking about it, because that's where the anxiety comes from (at least for me, overthinking). Sometimes I find myself talking to a new girl somewhere and only later realize that I had just approached a girl (although nothing really out of the ordinary, just people in class).
You know that trick people do before a piercing, injection, etc? Where someone supposedly counts to 3, but does it right before, when the receiver isn't expecting it. Now turn that to yourself(?)

So yeah, I guess all you have to do is walk up to her and start talking, get straight to the point. It's kind of hard to make you forget but I really dont know if theres a way to go around.