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Plain t-shirt vs plain polo shirt: Which one is sexier?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 24, 2019

Do you mean, eg no tripes, just plain solid colour like black/gray/burgundy polo?
What colour shorts or jeans/pants did you wear with it?
I wasn't clear above but you got my point exactly. I generally wear burgundy polo with navy pants/shorts. or black polo and gray pants, with silver and black belt, black and silver watch and black and silver glasses.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
I wasn't clear above but you got my point exactly. I generally wear burgundy polo with navy pants/shorts. or black polo and gray pants, with silver and black belt, black and silver watch and black and silver glasses.
Thankyou. I notice the Tom Holland photo with the polo you posted, he has white sneakers. Do you wear white sneakers with your polo combinations above or a different type of shoe or colour?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 24, 2019
Thankyou. I notice the Tom Holland photo with the polo you posted, he has white sneakers. Do you wear white sneakers with your polo combinations above or a different type of shoe or colour?
yeah I wear white common projects with a burgundy polo and navy pants like tom Holland, but with more accessories. If I wear a black top and bottom, Ill wear white shoes, but if I wear a black top and a gray bottom, Ill wear black shoes.

I personally try on all my clothing before buying to make sure they look good and match.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2019
Polos never feel really sexy at all. Remind me of a school uniform. They can be nice to wear when you want to feel polished and clean (after you’ve had a dirty night out for instance) but I don’t think they look tough or virile.

Better to go with a black/red button down in my experience. Most of my lays I’ve been wearing some variety of a black button down shirt, indigo jeans and black Chelsea’s. Let’s you be classy and dressed up while still looking mysterious and dangerous. That said, these clothes match my personality and looks and make me feel sexy. Don’t let anyone tell you which clothes will get you puss. I find it fun hitting on chicks in the day in flip flops and shorts ;)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake