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Potential Gym Opener


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
You mean my opener? I don't really think about it. The goal is to talk with the girl. Kind of depends on the girl as well, if she has given me interest or if she has been more occupied with whatever she is doing. In first case I come in a bit gamey and usually playful joke around. I have certain cheesy lines I use a lot of times (in the same venue) and it has become something of an inside joke, but I do not want to share it here. Otherwise I tend to pre-open, and then make comment about something in the room , an "insight". Or I start make a comment about something she is doing and that it looks pretty cool and actually I could use it with my training, sometimes this causes that we can use the same machine and talk with eachother.

With breaking the ice I do not have a set in stone strategy. Don't need it either.

The biggest problem with a lot of guys is that they need an EXCUSE to talk with the girl. They need to feel that it is socially acceptable, but I run with different programming. I do not grant the environment power about what I should be or should not be doing (not saying that I am purposely fucking up my social frame). But I consider myself the highest authority, so I do not really need an excuse to talk with a chick. And because I am quite bold with this sometimes some meatheads get angry because it feels to them like I am leapfrogging, but I could not care less as I can handle myself very well. And also why give people power who do not want you to get girls anyway (because they want girls themselves ofc) doesnt make sense to me

The main problem you are looking to solve is probably:
1. How can I make this socially acceptable
2. Can I deal with social pressure if it doesnt go well

If you solve the above you will not worry too much about talking to new girls in gym setting


also I need to be honest. Gyms are pretty much hit or miss. If there are not a lot of girls in the venue like you are saying, it is probably best to find a gym with more girls. Population matters a lot. My very best gym has still not recovered from the lockdown. It was such a great place.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 28, 2016
Hmm, so you start things more indirectly. Directness has been mostly great initial reactions, but no translation so far. Maybe it is the gym population? Do you make any efforts to address her need for discreetness? How do you go about asking them out? First approach, or over time?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Hmm, so you start things more indirectly. Directness has been mostly great initial reactions, but no translation so far. Maybe it is the gym population? Do you make any efforts to address her need for discreetness? How do you go about asking them out? First approach, or over time?
It is again a "depends" kind of question. I can be direct as well, but why do that unless the girl seems very into me (happens though). I do not do any effort to adress her need for discreetness, because I avoid gyms with enmeshed social circles. Perhaps adressing her need for discreetness is not asking her to do anything with me in front of peers/friends? That is ofcourse something I take in consideration. You can compliance test, you can move them "we should try this machine" so there is isolation. But assuming you are not going to bang her in the gym , get her outside.

Asking them out also depends on the vibe , how they respond to me, who is around us, if she is someone I will see in the future (the hottest girls tend to disappear pretty fast). There is no set in stone answer, it all depends, it is all about calibration.

I recall this chick who I had opened, I walked past her and made a bullshit comment about how she went about the exercise, I was supposedly "walking towards somewhere else but happened to walk next to her". She responded in a sceptical, "angry" manner. Next time I saw her when she looked at me she smiled and looked downward blushing. So she had probably processed my interest. So at first she was cold, sometime later she was warm and you can game on. Or sometimes when a chick does not seem into me enough I use preselection.

It all depends.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 28, 2016
Right, have to be adaptable. Makes me think of a pair of sisters I approached yesterday and I specifically complimented one, though both were similar looking. Throughout the convo, the target one was kind of a jerk (realizing now she may have just been horny, need to get used to that interpretation), and the other sister was super into it. I ended up asking the other one out, but she had a boyfriend. Closed that out with, "Am I really making it that awkward?" (very high energy and playful) to the stuffy one. She came back with, "yeah, you made me lose count", and I responded with, "I thought you were good with numbers (she's studying analytics). So you just start over, see I helped you by giving you more reps." Still high energy and playful. The other sister was laughing a ton at this.

Feels like a situation where coming back around could be much more promising. Ugh... wish it was more reliable that I'll see girls again so I could draw things out a little more.

Going to try testing the speedrun direct cold approach, but moving gyms may be in order. On the bright side, starting to feel a return of outcome independence. Should give me a healthy bump and lead to more improvements.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I had a lot of female staff chasing me (in multiple gym) , so I am not that impressed by their competition :D
Me neither, game is game, and mostly theirs is subpar, just like most guys...

Do NOT unnecessarily break circle for them. They are just staff doing their job and you are a patron who is frequenting the place. Just react politely and short.
Yeah makes sense, but I was thinking more like... Maybe befriending them could make it easier to access the girls in the gym. Like this teacher talks to these girls, and then you're friendly with him, maybe someday one of them comes talk to to him and ends up talking to you too. Or at least they see you being friendly with the staff so they feel more at ease with you. Though by the end of the day you gotta approach anyway and make your move(s) anyway, so whatever. But as you said, it's not like I'm afraid of them (though they DO have some authority, working there), so being friendly with them shouldn't hurt, right?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 28, 2016
Had more indirect conversations with a couple hot ladies today:

The first started working out right by me, so I chose to see it as interest. Started with asking about her tattoos and getting really into it, talked a ton about her wrist tattoo and I asked to see it and just held her wrist and moved it around as I checked it out lol, then how mine is built around my sign, what's her sign (same as mine), wow so much similarity, you seem chill, are you single, noooo I'm married (took it well, though), then closed out. "You're actually the only person I've talked to here"

The second lady, she's the only consistent girl I've seen when I go, but I've seen her come in with kids and hover around a dude. Asked her about the kids and turns out they are hers, she's not the nanny, that dude is her husband, chatted for a while, she's also a Sagittarius, similarities similarities, tattoos (she's a laser tech lol), she showed me her only one, which is right under her boob lol, talked more about her age, her husband a bit (already given up this route, so might as well), I closed out and left. She is so hot though... short frame but big chest (which were quite visible with her just in a sports bra), nice butt, cute face, is my age, but that ship has sailed.

There was a girl that came to workout next to me later on, but she was down on the ground, looking down, headphones in, no breaks between sets... I tried doing a farmer's walk with a hexgrip frame, and I spun around by her (slowly), the fucking plates flew off lol (people stole all the clips). I just laughed and when I got down to pick up the one by her, I said, "Sorry for almost hitting you" half playfully. She did say something but not much reaction from her, so I decided to just leave her and talk to the second lady above.

Guess the lesson is I need a different fucking gym where most of the hotties aren't moms... (though their shape post babies is impressive)

Come to think of it, the second girl said she knows like all the women in the gym. Could get a bit of pre-selection from interacting with her, as she's one of the hottest women there (and probably her husband for safe measure, he's super jacked, so not the worst thing if I'm noticeably friends with him).
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers