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LR  Preselection Snowball / Sexologist


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
WOW. Fucking amazing night last night.

I've been writing here and there that most of my game these days is through social circle. SC is hard to teach because the dynamics of each one are sorta unique, but there's principles that shine through and are applicable from the GC basics. My job at my nightclub catapulted me into this crazy party scene and I've met TONS of girls in the process.


Just leaving my FB's house (a MILF I picked up from one of my tables at my nightclub job a few weeks ago) and was ready go listen to some house music and party. A good friend of mine has blown up in the DJ scene in my area and was having a V day event. Really proud of the dude. There's always tons of chicks at his events, and I had a hunch several past lays of mine would already be there.

To be exact, there were 3 past lays at the party. Two are girls I fucked twice and one is Old Reliable (didn't expect her though). One girl I want in my rotation, but she found out about the OLTR and doesn't like it - she wants a more stable partner or something. Also knows that I've fucked multiple of her friends and doesn't want to be a slut. The other one is full of red flags and I believe wants to get pregnant, so no thanks lol.

At the party I'm basically warming up without any real hard plans to approach or pull any single girl. I was bouncing around talking to like 7 different groups, mostly girls, and getting my dance on. Just enjoying myself and being in the moment. Ran into some girls from my highschool who used to think I was a scrub and now are all over me haha. Feels good man. I left the party with high social momentum and feeling very confident because of all the female attention I was getting. Anything from genuine compliments coming my way to Old Reliable getting annoyed and nonstop looking at me because I'm not taking her into the bathroom to fuck her brains out lol (she also had all this V day attire on so she's probably reevaluting her relationship with me).


There's another show I want to go to, so I leave the first one and head to the central bar hopping area. I pick the most popular place that always has hotties. Pulling can be hard here because of SC influences but it also has the best talent. My plan was to go cold approach a group of chicks, offer free tickets to the concert (I have a hookup from the nightclub gig), and then either go for a cold approach threesome or just take one of them home.

I was there for literally 30 seconds, and my buddy's ex girlfriend (let's call her Sally) comes up to me. (Earlier this week she was trying to set me up with her other friend and I almost did. I actually got bored of her and decided to try my luck with these other two girls at the bar, so I delayed closing with her friend until another day. As of now she's supposed to come to my house on Wednesday, but now I think I might have to bail on that again so I can lock in the girl from this LR).

Behind her, is an absolute smokeshow. Gorgeous, symmetrical face, nice full lips, super cute eyes.... and a pornstar body. HUGE tits (I believe they're implants) and a fat ass. Fairly tight waste. Thicc in the best way possible. HB 9.5, in my opinion. I've never seen her before, so I was stoked that Sally of all people was introducing me. She knows I'm a desired man and have this huge social network, so I had no reason to believe she wouldn't position me favorable with her friend.

She asks me to come to the show I was about to go to, because she has a bottle table. I say that "yeah, I was about to go to that in a bit". She tells me I have to come right now, they're leaving. I play a litttlllee hard to get and say "right now?.... hmmm. well - okay, let's go". They light up and we get in their car. I was kidnapped ;)


In the car I get in a fun little game to guess this girls' age. We're gonna call her Doctor (she's a clinician - which makes this even fucking better for me lol) and it's her birthday, allegedly. I tell her 23 - because even though I know she's older than that, it's super flattering to hear that as a slightly older woman. "This day just keeps getting better", she says. Turns out she's 29, which actually seems close to what I believed based on her body language and general appearance. She takes super good care of herself and it shows.

I just keep this fun, flirty vibe in the car ride over and really try to shine my internal frame of "I'm a fucking badass, let's show these chicks a good time at the club that I regular at and get hooked up whenever I'm there. This is my party". We pull up and get through. I get delayed at the door because my ticket reader is acting up. Stan Wilder is there with some chick and his free ticket isn't working but he's broke ass bitch so they're struggling to get in. I tell him the promo code and keep moving.

Bottle Table

At the bottle table, most of the booze is already gone. Not a big deal for me, because I'm not there to drink. I'm there to dance and fuck, lol, what do I care? Me and Doctor get a little closer and talk about EDM for a second, then she goes to find Sally who's off at some other table. I'm hanging out there and some guy from the table offers me a free shot. Sure.

The bottle table next to ours has a chick that I tried to pull from a party last year, but she had boyfriend zoned me and given me heavy ASD/ LMR that I didn't get passed. She's being friendly with me and we chat a bit. The preselection begins. I'm dancing in our section and trying to keep my eyes on the whole room. I know like 70% of the people in the other sections because it's usually the same cliques that come to party here.

Our section starts filling up with girls and the ratio is crazy good. The host comes back and he's fucking shitfaced. Total beta, balding, bitch looking dude lol. Dude comes right up to me and goes "BRO - I DON'T KNOW YOU. I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET OUT OF MY SECTION!!!" lmao.

I just beam a smile at him and say "Hey man! What's your name? I came here with Sally and Doctor!". He's a broken record on this shit, and just keeps getting up in my shit like "I DON'T KNOW YOU BRO. THIS IS MY SECTION". Hahahaha.

"This is my section that I'm blowing thousands on so my virgin ass can power trip and have girls use me for booze. You're not in the picture, bruh"

So I just smile, grab my jacket and my drink and go, "Okay!". Then I proceed to walk 4 feet over to the adjacent section, where that chick who I tried to pull last year is. Jump tables and continue to party. I'm still directly next to the railing from their section, and I can still pull all the chicks from either lol. I make some friends with the guys in this section (being proactive this time to not spark envy or make them territorial) and pretty soon the dudes are asking for my IG and shit.

Pimp The Party (Creating a Max Preselection Window)

I keep conversation moving in all the directions, not focused on closing with any one girl yet. The snowball is fully in motion at this point for social proof and preselection, and I've got a cloud of it all around me. I keep my eye on the clock though, and know that my hooking window is coming soon. Basically when you're playing the whole party like this, there's a window that you're at MAX preselection, and you have to hook hard, and close hard in that window. One mistake I made in the past was to just keeping snowballing and having all these rapid / fleeting / compressed conversations with girls, and never make a decision (or fail to quickly jump on your Plan B if Plan A fails). When you have so many options because you've caught multiple girls' attention, it can be hard to time up your selection. What ends up happening is NONE of the girls fuck you, because the attainability goes too low and you didn't strike the iron while it was hot.

You get so caught up in the attention in and of itself, it's easy to forget what you're using the attention for, and now the bubble has exploded. I had to learn how to temper this because for a while it FEELS great with sheer number of IOI's you're getting, but the reality is most of these girls aren't hooked. You DO want some girls to be hooked. Problem is, now you've got multiple hooks "attached" to your mass.

You're driving around a speedboat with 3-4 lines in the water... and you have to drive in a direction that's not going to tangle the lines... and you have to drive at a pace that won't produce too much slack or jolts, to respectively let go of or snap the line accidentally.

And when you go for a new hook, it creates a very polarizing response in the cloud of women. Too many hooks and you'll see your original ones fall off (auto-reject). Some will maybe even want you further, but you're running a gamble.

So long as you ebb and flow with all of the women correctly, the decision for the best girl (hopefully the hottest AND the most interested, or at least interested enough) should present itself to you and you go for it. It's a max preselection window (MPW).

Since I hadn't talked to Doctor or Sally in a bit, I get back over to them and tell them I got kicked out of their section. They had no idea, and assumed I was just having fun bopping around. My devilish grin and amusement with the fact he was compelled to boot me is contagious - they start giving me a naughty little smile about it too. In fact, I think it turned them on. "Wow, so they thought you were a threat and kicked you out? And you don't even care a little bit? That's kinda hot!".

I go back to my "new" section and Doctor comes to the railing to talk to me. I find out it's not actually her birthday, but this is them celebrating it. Her birthday was last month, just four days off from my birthday. Pure luck. Women love this stuff.

Another girl that I tried to bang last year (ended up sucking her tits and she played with my dick a bit), HB9, let's call her Red Flag (she's fucking crazy lol) shows up. She's happy to see me and I think, "PERFECT. Other than Doctor, she's the hottest chick at the club. She's in a good mood and wants to dance. Sure, I'm not gonna fuck her and I probably shouldn't even stick my dick in crazy, but I can totally leverage her wild personality and top tier looks."

I spend a little bit extra time dancing with her to make sure the other girls see me. I go back to the bottle section I was invited to, and NOW the girl is pissed off at me, saying "what do I get from having you here?? I'm paying for this!!!" and starting drama. Imagine that, I spike preselection with a girl that rejected me and she turns it on me for being some kind of asshole, lol. I just show her my drink isn't even from her table (it was in a can - I usually bring one when I get invited to bottle service because they'll give you shots anyways, if you want to do them, and you get the appearance of providing for yourself), beam a smile at her and say "I'm fun, what do you mean!". The friendliness and the fact that I'm not costing her any of her precious Grey Goose disarms her because she knows there's no real reason to get pissed at me.

However, I recognize that the longer I stay here, the less of a chance I have of continuing my snowball. I dance a bit longer and move to the main dance floor. If she's being a cunt and I'm not trying to fuck her, then I'm not benefiting from staying in her section either. Cya bitch! Lol.

Go For Gold

I get invited into another section where Red Flag is dancing (guys, it REALLY helps to work at a nightclub if you're gaming nightclubs. You'll understand the dynamic better and you get hooked up all the time because staff from one nightclub actually tend to frequent other clubs too), I see this super fucking hot brunette, HB8. My momentum is high as fuck at this point and I hit her with, "what the fuck is your name?", and she's immediately charmed. She tells me she's a professional dancer (stripper) and I offer her a job at my nightclub. She gives me her number super fast and she actually has a card and shit. Pretty legit for a stripper.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Doctor watching me talk to this chick. I got a little concerned here because getting a number is such a preselection spike, it could make her attainability drop too low. Luckily for me, all it did was push it into the goldilocks zone.

This was probably the most fun part of the night. I was jumping back and forth between just Doctor, Red Flag, and this stripper for about 10 minutes. They were literally all the hottest chicks in the club, and (at least for attention) they were fighting over me. I just kept dancing, singing, and dropping one liners / making cute & sexy facial expressions to them like a ricochet. To be honest, I was fucking lit at this point haha. Really getting into the music and the DJ, and just the all around vibe of the club.

The snowball is at G-force speed at this point. When I say I carry a mindset of "this is my party", you can see it more than ever in every action I take. Every step and dance move is deliberate. Every glance is scanning the whole room as a radar. Every instance of touch is planned and not too aggressive. Honestly, I was in a total flow state.

Doctor gives me a look that shows she's really fucking attracted to me at this point. Boom. MPW. Time to close.

I start talking close in her ear with our cheeks touching and tell her that we're gonna go to my house for a short after party before going to the real one. She's down as fuck and I just need to confirm with Sally. I sit down with Doctor and basically do a seated dance with her. This part felt the most forced because I was toning down partying based on the vibe of the room and everything around me. I was totally focused on maintaining the perfect distance with Doctor to not be overly investing, but also to indicate that I'm with her now. In a high stimulus club this can be delicate.

Sally gives me a little bit of pushback asking why we need to go to my house before the party. I tell her it's to grab my tequila (which it kinda is) but ALSO because I hoped it would give me a micro isolation window. She says okay but then we're going to the party. Fine by me.

So now I've got my biggest obstacle in eye sight. Sally is gonna be a "good friend" and guard Doctor. Got it. Have to win over Doctor and Sally to make this work. They bring along some fat chick while we ride to my place. Doctor and I are in the back seat, so start the deep dive.

Sex Therapy Gambit

Now that we're out of the high stimulus environment, I take all my energy and focus it on listening very intently to Doctor. To my advantage, Sally said something about me being a complete stallion (based on my preselection shit in the club) but I don't remember exactly. Then something is said about how Sally makes Doctor feel young and I ask what she does, or why she is currently living a lifestyle that doesn't have her feeling that way. This is when I find out she's a clinician that works with kids and specializes in therapy.

As soon as she says she specialized in therapy I knew I was about to have the whole car eating out of my hands. While my current job is in sales + nightlife, last year around this time I was preparing for an interview to become a therapist, specifically a sex therapist or sexual health therapist. I don't know if everyone can grab onto this gambit the same way I use it without knowing a little bit about the literature (in case you get tested), but usually I don't get any pushback, just more intrigue.

"Ah nice - yeah I used to want to be a sex therapist.. therapy is super important".

When a woman hear's the word "sex therapist" their minds go, "wait, what?".

"What is that?"

"Does he fuck people for a job?"

"So he counsels people on having sex... he must know a lot about sex"

"And he's a therapist.. he's probably really mature and a good listener. He's probably open minded"

"Wow - this guy is totally open minded about sex. I bet he hears all sorts of shit... I doubt he'd judge me"

(I add on the "therapy is super important" so I'm making my comment about therapy in general. If I didn't add this part it would appear like I'm just shooting my hand up like an excited kid in class, "I'M A SEX THERAPIST! SEX!", which is not the frame you want. You're casually talking about it)

I've literally NEVER gotten a woman to shrug off this comment, and I've been doing it since Mar/April.

Usually, and in this particular situation, her response is just,

"You wanted to be a sex therapist?"


For those of you who don't know, Sex Therapy is a form of therapy to help people explore their sexualities, their sexual identity, their gender identity, educate themselves on sexual wellness, and further understand themselves as a human being. Sexual trauma can be one thing that comes out during these sessions - it's not all fun and games. Although, it is a pretty fun / awesome / kinky community. It's anti-kink shaming, female-empowering, homosexual & bisexual empowering, and anti-slut shaming. I highly recommend people read up on the community (there's also plenty of hot psychologists and therapists on Youtube and social media that create content on all this).

Oh, and there's a lot of online content on orgasms. Female orgasms. This makes it an excellent transition and stage-setter to the 8 orgasms routine, but we'll get to that later....

I usually just keep it VERY simple. I lay out all the correct frames, and say it very casually and positively, and then I let them make the necessary assumptions. I'm not kidding when I say that this usually starts a chain reaction where BOOM - you're now a sexual man. Once that's established, they're women, they're going to start thinking about you sexually. However, they're not totally sold on you yet. But you immediately spark sexual intrigue in a socially acceptable way. This has been pretty rock solid for me since I've said it.

A small percentage of girls, if they already think you're a fuckboy, are going to think that this is just something you say and it's some form of a gambit. "Oh look at me - I'm a sex therapist, I love to fuck. Did I mention I have sex?", is what they might hear. I think this can be avoided by keeping it simple, and being very calm and chill about the statement.

"Yeah, I had wanted to be a therapist for a really long time, and the more I looked into the literature in the sex therapy space, I just fell in love with the content and the community. Sexual wellness is totally overlooked in the United States, and it's right up there with diet in how important it is. Sex is part of everyone's life, and people should fully explore their sexual nature, and the sexual nature of their partners, with meaningful intent and purpose. It's a pretty beautiful thing."

I'll break this down sentence by sentence.

"Wanted to be a therapist for a long time" - plausible deniability, I'm talking about work and life choices

"I just feel in love with the content and the community" - plausible deniability ("It just happened", lol), there's many people who also think this way

"Sexual wellness is overlooked" - The status quo about sex is wrong. My way of seeing it is correct

"It's right up there with diet" - Sex as a topic should be normalized, it's normal for us to talk about sex

"Sex is part of everyone's life" - You and I are sexual

"People should fully explore their sex.." - You and I have the freedom to discover ourselves sexually. Fully = experimental, adventurous exploration. As a sexual therapist, I understand how to help people with this exploration. I can help you explore your sexual nature, because it's unlikely you have. And if you have, you're already there and it's normal for us to talk about sex or maybe even have sex

"Sexual nature" - You and I are naturally sexual, it's not up to us

"sexual nature of their partners" - As a sexual therapist, I understand the skills a person needs to understand not only my own, but understand another persons sexual nature in an intimate relationship. I counsel people on this, meaning that I too have those very skills. I'm sexually experienced

"meaningful intent and purpose" - Empathetic, understanding, positive attitude towards discovering sexualities

"It's a beautiful thing" - full reframe of any societal status quo on sex. Sex is beautiful.

Also, for all you NLP guys.... how many times did I just say the word, "sex"? Haha.

I should note, it helps when you believe all of this ;)

Better than knowing "how to use this gambit" is "being, seeing, and believing the truth behind this gambit" as a lover of women.

Deep Dive + After Parties

The vibe totally changed in the car after this, and Sally got very quiet lol. Doctor is giving me HUGE IOI's and smiling much more. I turn the conversation back to her about her experience with therapy. We end up really hitting it off in this regard, and I began to feel some excitement towards her as a person myself. She was also in the back seat with me so I could engage light touch.

I live pretty close to the club so we stop inside and grab my tequila. Turns out doctor used to live at the very apartments I stay at, and she feels some sort of connection to me because of it. Pure luck on that one. They all go to the bathroom and I mostly just hang out in my living room. Originally I wanted it to be just me her and Sally, but then this new fat girl is also here so I don't have a true isolation. No make-out quite yet, but perhaps that's for the best.

We go back to the car (my dumb ass is letting drunk Sally drive me) and Doctor and I are in the back seat again. I keep deep diving her and let her do most of the talking. It's obvious we're hitting it off to the rest of the car, and our eye contact is really intense. I tell her to give me her number now, in case I lose her tonight (this was a safety net for the chaotic nature of after parties, usually I never recommend this. In this situation I think breaking that "rule" actually helped because it showed her "I'm definitely interested in YOU", based on the timing of the conversation, and the clearly established preselection).

Right as we pull up to the after party Sally doesn't want to go anymore because a guy she used to fuck is inside the party. Now she wants to drive across town to a different party. Doctor actually almost leaves Sally right here to go in with me. That's when I knew I had her. I had to make a decision, and I assumed that I would have more drama inside this particular party than at Sally's, because party 1 is gonna be FULL of people from that original pregame. It's the DJ's house. I also would have more competition in there. Then, I also have to think that Sally might start drama between her and Doctor, causing Doctor to reach a decision to "stop getting caught up with this awesome guy, Sally is getting mad about it". On the other hand, then I have to hurdle over getting back home at this new party across town, but it's a much "safer" option.

I had about 4 seconds to process all of this and make a decision, or else they'd view me as indecisive. I play a little hard to get and "want to know how fun Sally's party is" and if it's "worth it". This gives me an additional 5 seconds to think, too lol. Because I already utilized the Maximum Preselection Window, and there's probably 3 girls (at least) I've fucked at party 1, I let them convince me to go to party 2.

I keep deep diving Doctor on the way there, and use a little more mild touch. When we arrive, I tell Doctor to hold on a second after they get out of the car. She looks at me like, "what?" with a smile. I pull her in and give her a manhandle kiss. Then and there I tell her, I don't want to be at either of these parties. I want to be with her right now, and I want privacy. She slowly processes this and is smiling, and then says "she would like that". I tell her, "we have to convince Sally we're gonna go then, I think she knows we're really enjoying eachother's company so I don't think she'll care... but you should probably tell her that's what we're going to do. I'll make sure she's got friends at this party too".

Basically I overcame the objections before she even had them. Helps to work in sales ;)

"Plus... we never got to celebrate eachother's birthdays. Yours was on [date], so why don't us (month) folks have a private event? Haha" (she LOVED that i remembered this lol)

She agrees, and we go into the party for a little bit. We need to get Doctor's keys from Sally. Stayed at the party for about 10 minutes, gave hugs and kissed babies for a bit (I actually did know a lot of people here too, just luckily not a ton of girls I've already banged or had as a FB). I didn't actually witness the convo between Sally and Doctor, but it looks like Doctor didn't have any problem getting the keys from her.

Sealing The Deal

To be completely honest, I kinda blacked out after this. I took a tequila shot at the party and the drive back to her car is super fuzzy to me. Part of me thinks that Sally was with us, and part of me says it was just Doctor and I? Wish I had more details there, gentlemen.

What I do remember is that when we got back to her car, she wasn't ready to go home with me yet. We actually just sat in the parking lot and drank seltzer for a little bit (terrible idea at 4:00 AM lol), and that she seemed very... stationary. I was being careful with basically every word at this point, and for the first time all night I felt just slightly nervous (other than that number grab I did at the club). I thought, "okay, how can I tie the bow on everything.....".

Fuck - I'm trying to remember the transition here.... I went into the 8 orgasms routine. Maybe I just said it? lol

I started saying something along the lines of "women have it so lucky..." and she was like "what do you mean?" (this is also anti-narrative if you're speaking generally. women have victim mentalities). I said, "Well, guys... we can only have like 2 types of orgasms.. we obviously have our dicks - that I think everyone knows - and then some men love to orgasm from the prostate. I've never tried it, but apparently it's extremely intense. Women on the other hand, well they get have to have like 8 different kinds of orgasms! Did you know that? (...No I didn't...) Yeah, so first there's obviously the clit, everyone's favorite gal pal haha. Then the G-spot you can get pretty easily if you take your hand to the right places (motions on g spot fingering), but I'd say my favorite...."

"Wait, hold on..." *starts the car*


"How do you know all of this?"

"Oh - about orgasms? Well they have a lot of content about it in the sex therapy space.. and, you know, trying out things with people I... trust." (Tying back in the sex therapy thing and saying I trust her. When you tell someone you trust them they're more likely to trust you)

Then, since she knows where I live, she just started driving to my house. We struggle to find parking, so I just tell her wherever is fine because it's already super late - she won't get towed at 4 in the morning.

Once in my house, it wasn't hard at all really. I made us some drinks and we talked. Great vibe, very calm. At one point, I slowly just started walking her into the wall, and gave her a very slow, passionate make out. I avoided her tits to start, because I wanted her to crave me touching them. They're fucking balloons, so I assume most guys go straight for them. I wanted to stick out and played with her waste more at first. Always gotta grab ass through the pants a few times, before touching her pussy. The moment I touch it (while kissing her neck) I say in a hushed, deep voice, "you're wet", and they almost always let out a gasp for air because it makes them so much hornier. After I got 2 fingers in she rushed to my bed to get naked.

Literally a pornstar body. Oh my fucking god dude. She's a fucking specimen. Fake tits or not, idgaf. That shit was HOT. I hardly knew what to do with her ass there was so fucking much of it lmao.

I made her cum like 4 times until she was too sore to fuck more (probably dehydrated). We cuddled and she had the cutest, most girly smile on her face. Adorable moans too. Just a girly-girl, pornstar looking beauty of a woman. And a doctor! Lol. For all of the above (the looks, career, personality, feminine nature), I'm giving her a 9.3-9.5.

Not gonna lie, I got a little gushy post sex. I was SUPER into her. I had to mentally be like "okay.. stay calm Hue. Just let her leave when she's ready.. don't get needy." I did ask her what her schedule looks like before she goes (which is a ROOKIE mistake), but I pulled back with our texts since then. She, actually, replies fucking instantly and was trying to keep conversation going. I have the power right now in the text convo, which was weird for me.

She's just a girl though, dudes.

She's just a girl.

And I don't mean that like "if she autorejects I won't care blah blah blah".

I mean, it wasn't that hard once you understand women.

Because she's just a girl, and we as men can give girls the experience they desire to have.

Yeah - that was a fun one. Hope to keep her around. Gonna be tough when she finds out about the OLTR though.

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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I definitely plan on coming back to this Hue. Chef's kiss on this shit.
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