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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
For most 17 year olds, I am highly inexperienced due to growing up in a family that discouraged assertiveness, risk taking, and just about everything interesting with the opposite sex. However, thanks to the help of GirlsChase, I am doing what AsianPlayboy would call, "Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling", and and I'm demolishing it rather quickly for my inexperience. This site has shaped my social life and the perception of women to me more than anything I could have ever imagined, so Chase, if you're reading this, you have my sincere thanks!

This happened about a week ago, but I haven't had time to post anything since December due to a tight schedule from four AP Classes at once. I wasn't supposed to even go out on the date due to my lack of time, but I squeezed it in anyway and I will try to remember as many details as I possibly can.

This was a girl who was just recently single and still had some bad emotions from her last relationship, but had moved into the locker right next to mine. I decided to ask for her number one day, and that nigh I scheduled the date a few days in advance through text and told her "I feel like I need to decompress a bit before Finals, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner in crime for the night! That is, if you promise not to get the two of us into too much trouble of course :)" She said yes and asked what I had in mind, and told her of how much I like to go exploring in mall areas at night.. Minnesota has some cities that look absolutely gorgeous at night. I used the plenty of colorful and emotional language as I could. The date was set for after sunset.

I was wearing freshly shined black shoes, blue jeans, a black dress shirt unbuttoned three times at the top, a red shirt underneath, a shiny necklace, and Victoria's Secret cologne on my chest, wrists, and neck. I was also in a fasted state so that my hormone output would be at maximum.

I picked her up at her house and asked her where she would like to go exploring at and gave her three choices. She told me she didn't care where, so I made the decision for us, something I would have hesitated to do just a little while ago. We drove to the mall area, and on our way there and in the mall, I focused the conversation on her completely. I learned in vivid detail, her dream occupation, her hobbies, interests, family life, and personal baggage from her past, and what happened to her last relationship. I also focused on framing myself as a horrible boyfriend candidate while still maintaining a likable personality. I remarked on my lack of time, my stubbornness, how I'm easier to seduce than would be ideal, and my difficulty to work with. At one point, I outright said, "Someday I'm going to get a bunch of prize money for a worst boyfriend contest... You just watch me." After a while, I felt like we'd been walking and talking long enough and I decided it was time to leave

When we got out, night had fallen, and I had parked far away under the excuse of wishing to enjoy the walk. I continued talking as we walked and as I we got to the car, I leaned my elbow into the car, and finished our conversation thread. Then I touched her cheek and remarked that she looked adorable tonight. Then I kissed her and we made out briefly in the parking lot before I said that I wanted to continue this in the car for a while. She smiled and blushed and after a few shy expressions on her face, we both got in continued to make out..

She was smiling and blushing like crazy, and was visibly shaking. She told me while we were making out that this was her first time doing anything like this in the backseat of a car, and that she wasn't expecting the kiss because she's had to make the first move with every other guy she's been on dates with. I smiled and asked, "Really? What kind of guys have you been hanging out with?" After she remarked that she thought they were pussies compared to me, but she still too nervous to continue. I said, "I won't bite you know.. Well.. I might, but not in this context." After that we continued fogging up the windows of my car, and through the course of it, I brought my hands all over her, it was the first time I've had them in any intimate place by the way, and I was surprised at how little she resisted me. I kissed her cheek, neck, and boobs, and ran my hands just about everywhere I pleased, while she bit my bottom lip many times, ran her nails across my back, and proved my skin was not too dark for hickeys.

Despite all this, she refused to let the interaction escalate beyond that and refused to take anything off, no matter how many times I threw her objections back at her and tried to short circuit her logic. She seemed to be following something more ingrained in her than logic could remove, and saying that she was "not that easy," that "this doesn't feel right," and that she'd be more "open to it after date three." Despite the fact that she was kissing incredibly passionately, and the interaction had become plenty more intimate, she asked me to take her home. At this point, as stubborn as I was, her continued objections had worn me down greatly, but I decided it would be a bad idea to let the interaction end on her terms and without at least escalating a little bit further, so in the end, I ended up getting her bra off and got her boobs in my mouth for a while before I defogged the car, drove her home, and kissed her goodbye.

Even though I don't have the honors of posting an LR, I have to say that everything I've read on GirlsChase is coming true in my life faster than I could have imagined, and for a guy as inexperienced as I, progress is being made just as quickly. Just little while ago, I would have asked what she wanted to do instead of leading us into my own plans. I would not have planned my logistics for a backseat seduction in the dark, I would not have gone into the date planning to lay her on the first date, and I would have been too much of a wuss to kiss her like all the other guys. In short, none of this would have happened.

So that night, I have proved to myself that girls do indeed prefer that guys lead and that bad boyfriend framing works. I have proved that the confidence I picked up from this site, despite me thinking I was behind in confidence levels, is actually seen as very rare. I have proved that the Asian reputation for not being confident enough to escalate is a good thing because it catches people off guard when the stereotype is busted, and I proved to myself to what I could potentially do in the future.

Hopefully during spring break I'll be able to prove to myself how open girls are to first date sex if you play your cards right :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 9, 2013
Hey AsianPersuasion,
props on taking steps towards a better dating life early. I found out about the community when I was 17 also (wayyyy back in 2001) and boy has sticking to it given me the freedom and choice to have the kinds of relationships I want now.

Props on taking this step and writing about it to. This exercise/habit will improve your game more than you realize now.

With regards to what happened - it sounds like there were things that weren't addressed. In my experience you want to show a woman either that you're

• a bad boy with a nice guy side (think 'bad boy' on the outside and 'nice guy' on the inside')

• a nice guy with a bad boy side (which is what most people in the community become in my experience.)

It seems that you've shown her the bad boy side to you but not enough of the nice guy.

Think about it - what is it about being a 'nice guy' that women ACTUALLY want? I'll follow your answers.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Thanks Dan! The freedom really is much better than I could have imagined and I'm glad to hear of someone else who started early!

I have my past as a guy who constantly doted on girls and being almost their surrogate gay friend, so I try to distance myself from my 'nice guy' side as much as possible but without hurting their feelings or being a douche. Like I said part of it is a culture thing. Normally I show my nice guy traits only through genuine interest in what she has to say, genuine compliments, care for the way she felt over care for the actual events, and through brushing upon my vulnerabilities. On the date, I lightly touched on how I used to be fat, how I used to be depressed all the time, and a few more things about my past, but I didn't expand on any of them so that her imagination could form the rest of the story and so that I wouldn't bring negative energy to the interaction.

When she pressed I'd end the thread with "Oh well, we're here to have a fun time and forget about life's troubles. So let's do that okay?"

Do you think I should bring them out more? Would it bring out the 'nice guy' part of my personality too much?



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Inspiring progress. Keep it up, AsianPersuasion.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 9, 2013
Hey AsianPersuasion,
It sounds like you showed both your nice guy side and bad boy side. The question now is to sharpen your skills at showing both of those sides to where they help you. That combined with a few other things might just do the trick.

Lets take another look at this interaction...(opening the hood) ;-)

So I noticed that you told her "Someday I'm going to get a bunch of prize money for a worst boyfriend contest... You just watch me." What made you say this and what was your desired outcome when you said this?

Another quick 2 questions that might bring some light to this - what do you like about her besides her looks and did you communicate that to her?

2 reasons for why it didn't escalate imho are:

#1 - she just got out of a relationship (and had bad emotions) and you've miscalibrated this (too much bad boy or too much nice guy)

#2 - she doesn't know why you like her and thus she might feel like a slut (or something "feels wrong")

A great book I recommend reading for dealing with LMR is "Everything Out of Her Mouth is a Test" by Frank Kermit. He lists out 10 emotional needs that will give you a good in-depth look at what women subconsciously want out of a relationship. It also gives practical advice as to how to hit each one of those needs. You can probably find it on Amazon.

Looking forward to reading your answers...



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Hi Dan, the reason for the "Bad Boyfriend contest" comment was to frame myself out of boyfriend territory and let her know that she didn't have anything to lose around me, along with showing that I was honest with my flaws where others would try to pin themselves as the perfect boyfriend despite them. It's difficult to frame yourself out of boyfriend territory when it's a school thing and it's almost like a gigantic social circle where everybody competes for relationships, and that was my phrase to break that.

Well she told me about her art and how she dreamed of being a tattoo artist, and that conversation thread lasted the longest. I told her I thought it was refreshing to meet someone that wasn't afraid to dream and follow their own desires instead of what mainstream society tells them they should do. I talked of how I was also an art person at heart, I asked her to show me some of her art, poetry, and some of her favorites from other artists. She talked of how her father had anger issues and that she'd lost trust in him, and I remarked at how my father was the same way. In short, I worked upon our shared interest in the arts, my love for the fact that she was not afraid to dream, and our shared family baggage (though I cut the family thread early so things wouldn't get too heavy).

Other than what I can extract from a conversation and what she currently looks like, I'm not entirely sure what else I can put to use. What else do you normally use to let them know that you like them?

I'll have to take a look at that book before I become too busy with AP classes again.


you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 9, 2013
Hey Don,
good stuff man. I like that you've thought out your steps in the interaction with her.

Did you do 'future projecting'? For example did you say things that you would do in the future together (whether true or not?)

For example when you talk about her art - did you say things like "next time we meet let's make up our own poetry together!' Or "Let's get married and tour the world! We'd go to every country once and draw a sketch of each place. But then we're getting divorced....we're just too much alike!" ;-)

Future projecting creates the idea that you will be seeing each other again no matter what happens. Women want to choose between seeing you again or not. No woman likes to be a "tissue girl" (used once and then tossed away.)

Did you use these?

With regards to qualification - there are 2 parts to it.

1/ that you qualify her and

2/ that she feels qualified

So for example a lot of guys mistakingly qualify a woman based on her looks (well, unless she has low self-esteem and believes to be ugly.) The reason why that doesnt work is because she doesn't feel qualified. She figures that you've said that to every woman and that she's not special because of just her looks.

My point is this - did you get the impression that she felt qualified (genuinely grateful) about you qualifying her on her art? I'd imagine yes but we never know...Did she thank you? did she 'liven up' when you qualified her? Or did she just take it like any other thing you said?

Let me know as we're dissecting this interaction bit by bit. ;-)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Wow I can't believe I forgot about future projecting! I was more focused on the non-boyfriend frame that I forgot about that. No, I didn't do that. Instead, because I wanted her to see that she had nothing to lose with me, I avoided speaking of the future as much as possible and that might have killed my chances a bit.

Though I did qualify her well because I was legitimately interested in her artist personality. I felt like I related to her well through that and through issues with family, so I think showing that I legitimately liked her for her wasn't much of an issue.. Though like you said I don't really have a way of knowing for sure. I think most of the time we talked about this, we were either walking or I was driving, so I didn't get a chance to see her facial expression when it came up. I only complimented her on her appearance when I first saw her and right before we kissed.

Thanks for your help in helping me refine my approach! I appreciate it!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 12, 2013
I started early as well, 16 when I found this site. 18 now, and still trying to get the hang of things in college, but seeing stories like this is what's keeping me motivated. I want some of that. lol Way to go, man.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 9, 2013
You're very welcome Asian persuasion.

All we can do is give ourselves the best chance of a relationship happening. Fine tuning our skillset is like fine tuning our batting for when the pitcher throws that ball.

Wow Vash you started early to eh? This is a great area of your life to get handled earlier. If you stick to it you even get better results than 'naturals' and here's why: Naturals by default dont have choice in their results. It's all subconscious and they're not aware of what's working for them. For us because we are learning to put the pieces together (and put in the work and effort) will enjoy much more satisfying relationships.
