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Prostitute scams experience


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Bringing sugar babies and escorts into rotation is a very different experience that requires a set of very particular skills. No, they are not your "regular women" to date, so there's way less seduction involved (and you do have to throw around some money at first)...but they do have vaginas and are gamable for sure.

A hoe is a hoe. A good hoe is the one that makes you believe she ain't a hoe.

What skills would this require to game a girl you are paying for keeping you company? I used to have 4 FB's who were Escorts/sugardaters. They never talked respectfully of their sugardaddies. Usually they talked about them as big suckers.

Yes they are gamable. And if you do it right, you don't pay for it (like in my case, I don't pay for sex - I have only done so 3 times in my life, last time was in 2010). The moment money is involved, a frame is set - a frame of "buyer and seller". Considering money has to be involved at first, make it an EFA (early frame announcement), and as we know, those frames tend to stick hard. Now can you eventually get out of this frame? Sure. But I am sure getting out of the friend zone is a piece of cake compared.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Bringing sugar babies and escorts into rotation is a very different experience that requires a set of very particular skills. No, they are not your "regular women" to date, so there's way less seduction involved (and you do have to throw around some money at first)...but they do have vaginas and are gamable for sure.

I would just not start with them though: because they are very high risk/low reward (and boring as fuck to seduce).
Pob, the correct use of sugar baby is to bait and switch = seduction were not money is exchange but the illusion that money have the possibility to be exchanged to get the meet, once in the meet post sex you got it free, the goal is to access the higher quality woman. My problem with what is being reframe at some type of game were money was exchange and calling it game is ridiculous rationalization....with that being said, I have been in situations in which for whatever reason I paid when it was the goal from the get go aka biz and the girl was so attracted to me that after she wanted to see me as off biz like any other girl, but this is not what guys are giving bd shit for.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 24, 2019
A hoe is a hoe. A good hoe is the one that makes you believe she ain't a hoe.

What skills would this require to game a girl you are paying for keeping you company? I used to have 4 FB's who were Escorts/sugardaters. They never talked respectfully of their sugardaddies. Usually they talked about them as big suckers.

Yes they are gamable. And if you do it right, you don't pay for it (like in my case, I don't pay for sex - I have only done so 3 times in my life, last time was in 2010). The moment money is involved, a frame is set - a frame of "buyer and seller". Considering money has to be involved at first, make it an EFA (early frame announcement), and as we know, those frames tend to stick hard. Now can you eventually get out of this frame? Sure. But I am sure getting out of the friend zone is a piece of cake compared.


you’re right


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
I have only done so 3 times in my life, last time was in 2010).
Is there a risk some guys would make that a habit? Were you a beginner with women back in 2010, or were you close to being as skilled with women as you are now, back in 2010?
The moment money is involved, a frame is set - a frame of "buyer and seller". Considering money has to be involved at first, make it an EFA (early frame announcement), and as we know, those frames tend to stick hard.
I'm wondering, with "normal" dating advice, guy buys woman coffee/drinks or a few dinners and maybe sleeps together on 3rd date, or maybe not for a few months/or marriage eg commitment depending on which variable you want to go with. But, because its only dinner, its not as "bad" of a frame as what you said here. Maybe not as good as being a "lover" of some sort, but certainly no where near as bad as the prostituion frame?
ie the provider frame is one thing, but prostitution is on a whole nother level, right? They're not even close to being the same?
I do wonder if some of the 'beta providers' dont do tooooo badly with women , even if they have to wait a while for sex.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
ie the provider frame is one thing, but prostitution is on a whole nother level, right? They're not even close to being the same?
I do wonder if some of the 'beta providers' dont do tooooo badly with women , even if they have to wait a while for sex.
They surely don't, as long as their inexperience doesn't hurt them from escalating and eventually get the goodie once they are blantatly on their face... Of course it's not effective game, for obvious reasons, but I know some average providers that do reasonably well with girls (aka have a cute nice girlfriend or smash a cutey here and there).

Also, paying for stuff is not always that bad, you can do it in a dominant way, but it has to come from a place of abundance (I'll pay because I can and it's easier) rather than scarcity (I need to pay for this or else she'll bail). Women are very good at sensing this.
I deff lost girls for being a bit too stuborn and having too much pride to give girls even the slightest investment in some form that could be material/$ - like a girl insinuating I would be paying for the motel room (like she implying we would be smashing and me getting salty she say I had to pay for her lol, sometimes I can be really dumb and emotional in unproductive ways)

Is there a risk some guys would make that a habit? Were you a beginner with women back in 2010, or were you close to being as skilled with women as you are now, back in 2010?
I think is a lot like drugs, I once did cocaine and smoked weed a couple of times, I also always drank alcohol when out and about, and I don't feel the slightest urge to do any of those things compulsively (specially dat coco, disgusting stuff lol), but people are different, some people have tendencies to become addicted to things. @Chase actually has an article about it and I find it quite enlightening, I know that I probably wouldn't have any problems with those "hired guns" (in fact I saw an ad on a site here and I found one of the girls on it quite attractive, like the type of girl I would rarely see out there for me to game, and I got quite temptated, but I never went throught with it, maybe I just have better stuff - and girls - to do, but who knows, maybe someday), but some people I'm sure wouldn't be able to stop. It's a really easy form of "satisfaction" (I think there's a better word for this but whatever) if you have the money for it
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Sep 1, 2020
Well thank you everyone for your answers including the ones morally superior. I'll get back here to review the experience when I do it lol. I'm not trolling, you ever been to disney world, do you "wanna try it?". It's the same here, i wanna try the hooker experience, most people say thats a bad idea and that it will suck but i am convinced it will be a great story to tell (to myself at least). It's not me on the profile picture, I have deceived you lol


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
A hoe is a hoe. A good hoe is the one that makes you believe she ain't a hoe.

What skills would this require to game a girl you are paying for keeping you company? I used to have 4 FB's who were Escorts/sugardaters. They never talked respectfully of their sugardaddies. Usually they talked about them as big suckers.

Yes they are gamable. And if you do it right, you don't pay for it (like in my case, I don't pay for sex - I have only done so 3 times in my life, last time was in 2010). The moment money is involved, a frame is set - a frame of "buyer and seller". Considering money has to be involved at first, make it an EFA (early frame announcement), and as we know, those frames tend to stick hard. Now can you eventually get out of this frame? Sure. But I am sure getting out of the friend zone is a piece of cake compared.

I see where you are comming from and I agree with mostly everything you said. Paying should not be the norm if you call yourself a seducer and for sure sets up the wrong frame. But there's a bit of caveat depending on some factors, like your age, age difference and if you are married or not.

For some guys/situations it's interesting to fake accept this "there's gonna be a transaction" frame just to open the door and at the same time tool them to pay less (or don't pay at all like you said). Is it right? Dunno. Does it involve skill? Some, yes. Is it fun? Perhaps not to us...but we have to acknowledge that some dudes do get a kick out of it.

Personally the little I've seen of the sugar daddy scene made me realize it's not for me, at least right now (who knows how it gonna be 20-25 years in the future when I'm past 60 trying to fuck 18s).

In my very brief experience I had sex with four women and only one of them was worthy it IMO. In the end all of them turned out to be ONSs because either they ghosted me or I felt uninspired to fuck them again. But at the same time it was very liberating to be completely upfront about my situation (already have a serious woman) and tell them what I wanted out of it. Made a comment on a post a while ago describing what I saw, I'll reproduce here if I can find it.

Anyway, SBs has become a larger pool (especially now with COVID) and some women are there just because they are curious and/or want to hook up with more mature men (they even shrug about the money part). Some just want small gifts or perks to feel validated. Others continue to be vampires who wanna suck your blood dry.

As a final note, to avoid further confusion, lets change the word "game" to "tool" in that context.
Hope that clarifies my stance on the matter.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I see where you are comming from and I agree with mostly everything you said. Paying should not be the norm if you call yourself a seducer and for sure sets up the wrong frame. But there's a bit of caveat depending on some factors, like your age, age difference and if you are married or not.

No. I can list many examples that goes against this. But the best one is RAZORJACK.

For some guys/situations it's interesting to fake accept this "there's gonna be a transaction" frame just to open the door and at the same time tool them to pay less (or don't pay at all like you said). Is it right? Dunno. Does it involve skill? Some, yes. Is it fun? Perhaps not to us...but we have to acknowledge that some dudes do get a kick out of it.

If people enjoy paying for sex, that's fine. I am not anti-prostitution. I am just against calling it seduction, or claiming that paying for sex is not prostitution.

There is always a transaction in all human interactions. What is unique with prostitution is that it is a transaction of wealth for sex. Yes you may buy a girl a drink in a club without it being prostitution. It is when the transaction of wealth is a direct exchange of sex for material goods.

Personally the little I've seen of the sugar daddy scene made me realize it's not for me, at least right now (who knows how it gonna be 20-25 years in the future when I'm past 60 trying to fuck 18s).

Yeah sure. Your call. But it is still prostitution. Just like Westerner banging girls in ladybars... it is prostitution.
In my very brief experience I had sex with four women and only one of them was worthy it IMO. In the end all of them turned out to be ONSs because either they ghosted me or I felt uninspired to fuck them again. But at the same time it was very liberating to be completely upfront about my situation (already have a serious woman) and tell them what I wanted out of it. Made a comment on a post a while ago describing what I saw, I'll reproduce here if I can find it.

You can do this without paying for it. Paying does not secure anything - in fact you may end up dealing with a girl like an old FB of mine who would be selling her services on sugardating sites, then fuck married men for money and once they dissapear, she will bribe them.

Anyway, SBs has become a larger pool (especially now with COVID) and some women are there just because they are curious and/or want to hook up with more mature men (they even shrug about the money part). Some just want small gifts or perks to feel validated. Others continue to be vampires who wanna suck your blood dry.

Yes covid led to a burst in prostitution - mostly because young girls have no way of making money these days. Poverty increases the odds of prostitution.

Subardating is prostitution. Hell even sugarbabies admits it. Do you know why sugarbabies shrug and act weird when you talk about the money? I can tell you - it is because they are uncomfortable with taking the prostitute mantle. Sugardating is just a nice repackaging of prostitution.

You know some prostitutes enjoy their work? It is likely some sugarbabies enjoy their work too. It is still prostitution.

As a final note, to avoid further confusion, lets change the word "game" to "tool" in that context.
Hope that clarifies my stance on the matter.

Let us just call it "prostitution".
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
No. I can list many examples that goes against this. But the best one is RAZORJACK.
Can you elaborate a bit on what happened with him (maybe it will even help the op).

If people enjoy paying for sex, that's fine. I am not anti-prostitution. I am just against calling it seduction, or claiming that paying for sex is not prostitution.
Mmm, I never said it was seduction (quite the opposite in fact, just look at my first post on this thread).

There is always a transaction in all human interactions. What is unique with prostitution is that it is a transaction of wealth for sex. Yes you may buy a girl a drink in a club without it being prostitution. It is when the transaction of wealth is a direct exchange of sex for material goods.

Yeah sure. Your call. But it is still prostitution. Just like Westerner banging girls in ladybars... it is prostitution.
The day someone comes up with a reliable repeatable technique to bang very young chicks (<23) when you are over 60, without involving any kind of status or wealth, I'll be the first in line. (edit: maybe soon this number will go up as older guys have more SMV than ever right now).

You can do this without paying for it. Paying does not secure anything - in fact you may end up dealing with a girl like an old FB of mine who would be selling her services on sugardating sites, then fuck married men for money and once they dissapear, she will bribe them.

For two of them there was no money involved...just an uber ride and some food at my place, then sex (and this happended during peak COVID season). One of them was a hooker and tricked me bad till the last minute (I was pissed bc she lied to my face). Also I never had anything close to that bribing experience you mentioned because any serious woman in my life knows about my stance against monogamy, and new girls figure that out pretty quickly too. I never lie to women. So even if they came up with that threat I was just gonna laugh at their faces.

Yes covid led to a burst in prostitution - mostly because young girls have no way of making money these days. Poverty increases the odds of prostitution.
Agree. That onlyfans crap is also booming right now.

Subardating is prostitution. Hell even sugarbabies admits it. Do you know why sugarbabies shrug and act weird when you talk about the money? I can tell you - it is because they are uncomfortable with taking the prostitute mantle. Sugardating is just a nice repackaging of prostitution.
I don't disagree. They act even more weird when you don't talk about money and they have to bring it up themselves. But you missed my point. Not every girl who is on a sugardating app is a de-facto sugarbaby.

Some are just regular chicks who are curious about the scene, and those are the ones you can fuck regularly without paying. Just not worth the hassle IMO of going through the process of avoiding the actual gold-digging vampires who populate those places.

You know some prostitutes enjoy their work? It is likely some sugarbabies enjoy their work too. It is still prostitution.
Nothing against enjoying money for sex (although working on the sex industry is a sure path to take a heavy toll on your soul and psyche).
With rare exceptions, I think those women will never enjoy sex on a deeper level, even with guys they have feelings for. It's just not there anymore.

Let us just call it "prostitution".
Ok man, let's call it prostitution if it makes you happy.
Not here to argue, just to have a productive discussion (btw, thx for the reply).
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