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PUA and neuroticism


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2023
While there is a grain of truth in the OP, the author’s claims about 150+ and suggestions that he is a natural (after starting a thread just recently asking what a natural is, or what natural game is) are doubtful.

Simply because the illusion that naturals don’t discuss among themselves on how to lay specific girls is akin to the pedestalization of women that doesn’t ascribe a 10 rating to any because such women “don’t exist.”

The author probably isn’t a natural (most likely since if he was he wouldn’t be here) and, what’s more, has never hung out with successful naturals, or at least for any considerable length of time.

Again I sense insecurity behind this incredulity. I never even suggested I was a natural, I was surmising/investigating what the term referred to.

I didn't come here to make you feel smaller, my man! I am in my 30s, which means that ~150 amounts to less than 10 women a year since my late teens. I don't think this is hard to believe or even that much

I guess the explanation is that my relationships are short (shorter than I would like, I have trouble keeping girls around), which results in high turnover

Did me prefacing my post with something as simple as that cause people to reflexively going into defensive mode? Maybe it's 135, I dunno. Much to think about
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Why? What's so great about it?

And I don't think there's actually a 'community', anymore there are 8th grade boys hanging around behind the middle school gym (don't get me wrong, I'm floating around back here too)...

And I don't really think there are elders, or hierarchies, or 'advanced' guys, either... all part of a collective roleplay imo.

I would be curious to understand the merits of the article better.

It aptly describes a pattern I've seen play out dozens of times:

  • "Self-made" successful seducer finds the seduction community (or whatever you care to call it)
  • Comes barrelling in, gets a bit shocked at some of the issues some guys are having, which seem super basic
  • Decides to mete out some advice, and is surprised when people respond his advice is too basic or won't work
  • Attracts criticism from senior members or criticizes their approaches himself
  • Misunderstandings all around, and general mistrust between the hardcore "came up in the community" guys steeped in methods and dogma vs. naturals who seem like they're breaking all the rules and are offensive to community sensibilities

I much prefer a community with various guys using and sharing various methods, including naturals, mPUAs, all kinds of students, etc. But I'm a bit of a seduction junkie -- I tend to find useful things you can learn from any guy who is good. The more guys sharing their own diverse-yet-effective approaches, the better, if you ask me.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
The more guys sharing their own diverse-yet-effective approaches, the better, if you ask me.

Interesting, very middle-of-the-road, maybe even an equanimous position. None of my questions to you are loaded, purely exploratory, though the questioning may reveal some suspicions I have about certain concepts.

What about when "techniques" or perspectives undermine or diminish connections between people? (Maybe a second order moral question-- is it better to have 'quality' connections or experiences with the people [women] that you interact with? -- And I really do not know, by the way. For my part, in a practical sense, I just know it seems to -feel- better).

Do you often feel you see needless sophistication? And, if you do, the root of why something simple might be presented in a sophisticated way?

Have you ever intuited repetition in concepts across domains? Say, if you got really great at interpretative dance, to a masterful level... would it inform anything about what you have learned about what you are calling "seduction"?

Do you feel you often see post-hoc rationalizations, skewed by perspective, for events that were obtaining for external reasons outside of locally described action?

I ask these questions to you because I find a lot of value and insight in your articles.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
And, also, from such a position as described (watching), you who have seen so many cycles go by... what actually sticks? What holds true? What has been firmly tested by time and repetition in this business?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Interesting, very middle-of-the-road, maybe even an equanimous position. None of my questions to you are loaded, purely exploratory, though the questioning may reveal some suspicions I have about certain concepts.

What about when "techniques" or perspectives undermine or diminish connections between people? (Maybe a second order moral question-- is it better to have 'quality' connections or experiences with the people [women] that you interact with? -- And I really do not know, by the way. For my part, in a practical sense, I just know it seems to -feel- better).

Do you often feel you see needless sophistication? And, if you do, the root of why something simple might be presented in a sophisticated way?

Have you ever intuited repetition in concepts across domains? Say, if you got really great at interpretative dance, to a masterful level... would it inform anything about what you have learned about what you are calling "seduction"?

Do you feel you often see post-hoc rationalizations, skewed by perspective, for events that were obtaining for external reasons outside of locally described action?

I ask these questions to you because I find a lot of value and insight in your articles.

I enjoyed these questions. Response here:

And, also, from such a position as described (watching), you who have seen so many cycles go by... what actually sticks? What holds true? What has been firmly tested by time and repetition in this business?

This question's a bit broad. Are you asking about patterns guys go through? Underpinnings of successful romancers even as methods / trends in outer game come and go? Etc.?

If the former, I have some discussion of fairly consistent patterns I've observed in these articles:

If the latter, I labored to make both my book How to Make Girls Chase and my course One Date & The Dating Artisan timeless on that front, focused on underlying principles that do not change. The first is pure how-to; the second is heavily science-based (1092 references throughout the whole course). Doing the same thing with the book I'm writing now ('Pillars'); that one is up over 500 scientific citations already and is probably going to be above 1500 when it's fully written. I've covered bits and pieces of attraction throughout a variety of eras and across species as well as modern humans to better highlight how universal many parts of courtship & mating are. Any of those would be good places to start.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Your seemingly endless ability to deliver value is astounding and second to none.

We all could take a few cues from that.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake