Outing w buddy & 2-set
Steady seduction, missed window + social management, didnt let her turn me on, a few mental blocks
So a Friend had 2 chicks coming over. another one joined.
We met - restaurent
I was in black leather jacket, cool scarf, trendy fit shirt. Hair a lil messy in a good way.
Felt good, knew the outfit gave me that lift to an attractive guy that triggers butttons.
Seating was good - back against sofa window w ESTO - the prettier of the 2 chicks. a 7 maybe albeit in a more exclusive packaging and ddef. w high standards.
Bubble w. ESTO at the table
Along the dinner i basically riker things w her, just eliciting things then framing and emotionally stimulating. Added in several SOTS - being in the moment, surrender and alikes. Did a few stimulating emotional descriptions of being in certain environments, doing things you love etc. cant remember which . just riffing. And some listing on her likings.
one place i noted she switched was when i talked about the topic of being in the moment is very much about letting go of or not having expectations. Taking authority which flips her from screener/harsh into flirty. I sense that was the moment where it all changed.
Bar/club - mood rise
We go to a bar. She seeks back to my friend entering girly mode so i chat up the friend and connect. we get to the club and they sit down at a table, get drinks. I tell them to standup and lets go - theres a better one (in the middle of where the party will be later) and so they follow and we go. Here we enter let go mode, dancing ,drinks, hard to hear each other. lot of fun. Noticed im a lil stiffled here hit by the environment - note to handle this. We're all dancing around, girls dances more freely loosing themselves, ESTO brings on some sexy moves.
The change here is important, theyre releasing it all, going into sporty mode. Were ahead of the rest of the environment and place in the centre. loads of eyes on us. I note a 4 set laughing a lot of the ugly girl in our set. stiffles me. again bad reaction from me to environment. it was actually an exposed situation w lots of pressure and me having a sexy hottie gravitating towards me and releasing herself. The dynamic of this i get stiffled in though. not a breaker but just to be aware of. i do snap out of it but never really realise that its a GREAT position to be in - socially in the centre, observed and we were the party w the hottie semi grinding me w her looks and being. At this time she wasnt inviting me yet but she was enjoying the feelings of it, attracted and liked the connection.
Girls making their selection
girls go outside and comes back. ESTO comes up to me and telss me shes trying to hook up ug and my friend. I laugh inside. i had checked off if i could go for ESTO w him but sorta funny to see this move. They had talked and divided. ESTO leading things. And now she came to attack. She turned soft, sweet, sexy connected as she did. like she had passed over a resistance point. All i had to do was escalate/sex talk.
Missed window
And i failed here. i did get her close sometime, hand on hr hip while explaining which i sensed she liked (long time) Uncertain at the time. A bit lost in the pressure of the situation. and did not be ready to escalate. also i didnt let her feed my desire. Guess i never really decided inside to go for her. From here the musci changed to shit, we moved out to a more bar like entry and we lost the mood - she faded, despite my small attempts but i didnt realise that i had to reactivate her. So i decided to split.
Also somewhere along it she seeded the idea of party at my apartment in case the other place wasnt fun. Several times she went into fight mode w me, one part taking the green shti in her drink sticking it in my mouth cause i told her she had to take it - like the worm of teuqila etc. She hd some interesing wild sides coming out here and there. But i dont do 4 sets. her and me fine. but id rather wait if i need to have other people in my apartment. not that needy.
also fun to note her friendly girlynesss around my friend. this behaviour is often confused for sexual attraction which its not. just noted.
Progression rating
+ My verbal game is amazing. always surebet bubble and i can shift the girls w taking authority. But My verbal game is tight - as soon as i materialise in i can hook them and bubble them. [quite good]
+ Next phase good as well - being together, leading, attractive fundamentals, continuing verbals, girls feel very well w me here. Im patient.[good]
- next be /enjoy the party phase i really need to work on - let loose wild side. [not so good]
- escalation needs work. i need to awaken it again in me. brainstorm on what i could have done when she turned sexually inviting.[not so good]
Good stuff. Realising many key moments and things that i can manage to lift. Got to sense how this sorta classy, sexy type woman w sligth bitch attitude gravitate around a guys she finds attractive.