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Rio de Janeiro 8.4 beach approach multi-day game lay


Modern Human
Modern Human
May 27, 2013
Rio de Janeiro this past weekend. I went to the beach alone waiting for some friends. I walked a while looking for a spot with proximity to hot girls. I didn’t find anywhere great so eventually chose an open space about 20 yards closer to the water from a group of 2 - one hot chick and one whale. I noticed them but am not sure they noticed me.

I sat down and just chilled on my towel waiting for my friends. Luck would have it that they decided to move closer to the water and sat down somewhat close to me. I do not believe they did it in response to me.

I saw the hot girl get up at some point and go check out the water. She was thin and little with medium-small but nice tits and a super nice ass with tan skin. I could tell she was Brazilian. She came to sit in the chair next to her whale friend. After a minute or so her whale friend went to the water and I knew I had to make a move. For context, she didn’t go in the water because it’s somewhat cold and very rough and I knew this.

I slowly got up and made my way over to her with a big smile and sharp eye contact on my face. I said hi in Spanish and asked her if she went in the water. She didn’t really understand so I switched and asked her slower if I could leave my stuff with her while I went in the ocean. She happily agreed, saying of course. Sometimes the Brazilians can understand Spanish and sometimes they can’t, some better than others. The communication with this girl was consistently difficult. My Spanish is not fluent and I really struggle understanding Portuguese but I can understand some. So anyways, I simply wrapped my phone in my shirt and left it with her. I may have said something about how she looked trustworthy but the interaction was purely friendly and I noticed warmth from her but it could have been chalked up to typical Brazilian behavior.

I went into the water and came back wet. On my way back I’d seen that my friends (one guy and two girls) had found where I’d been (they probably saw me) and had set up shop in the same place. I said something to them wondering about how they found my stuff as I was walking back. I got my phone and shirt back from the hot girl and thanked her smiling. I then went and sat down with my group and talked a bit and chilled and talked.

After about 5 minutes of talking, the girls me and my friend were with (family friends, much younger, somewhat attractive) went into the water and so I figured I’d go over and talk with the two girls. I was just asking them basic things, making basic conversation - are you from Rio, why are you here, basically just finding out what the situation was. I had close proximity to the hot girl while I was doing this but it wasn’t overly sexual or anything. It was just the two of them together traveling on vacation for 5 days and so I figured it would be best to go for the approach of we can all do something. Travelers are open for fun and experience and I’ve found going for group hangouts to be the best entry to making things happen for girls who are just on a trip with their friend. We were communicating a bit better but having fun with the language barrier and when I asked for the girl’s number I made it clear I was asking for HER number. The conversation kind of trailed off at the end, a bit of talk back and forth, me kind of looking around and out at the sea, down the beach, no pressure, no pressing conversational content or tension really. I exited by saying I’m going to go back to my friends and I’ll see her later.

After I left her they left within a couple of minutes and headed out. Communication went like this from there:

[Quick note: Her phone was dead when we were together. I started the conversation by sending her a message on WhatsApp while we were right there together (in front of her) which wasn’t going to deliver until she went home and charged her phone.

Me (while we were together): (6:08 PM)



Hi :) (6:55 PM)

Hi :)
Do you have plans for tonight?


Not yet

Do you have something?


I haven’t decided. I’m thinking of going out with my friends in the center. But I’m not sure. Are you two interested in going out?


We are also thinking of going out

Have you thought about going out in Ipanema?


We are eating in Ipanema right now and I’m staying here. I don’t know great bars here but we can go to one. When are you thinking of going?


We want to go somewhere with good music

Do you know one?



In Ipanema I don’t know

When are you going?


If we are going to go we will go soon

Because if not it becomes very late

Ok typing out this texting is becoming annoying but basically we didn’t link that night. I told her where we were going and she never texted back. We ended up having a sick night out with two best friends having me make out with each one at a time for like in an hour in this crazy club and then they ghosted me and I had a bunch of make outs and bad beats and didn’t go home with anyone but that’s another story lol…

The check texted me the next morning at 6 am saying good morning we fell asleep. We talked about getting together that night and I was under the slight impression it was just going to be me and her but then I realized the whale was coming along. So I took my same group of us 4 and met the two of them at a bar in Ipanema that night. It’s becoming clear that we’re texting because I’m interested in her but I haven’t shown any explicit directness.

When we arrived it was the two of them sitting at the table. I hugged them both to greet them and told the one girl that the four of us were sitting two tables over and they could join us. She said they would join us in a bit and they did about 20 minutes later. In that 20 minutes I had some thoughts like… why don’t you just join us now (though I get it, they were having a time just the two of them.) Wow this girl looks good as fuck in this dress. A few minutes after we sat down she actually texted me saying “they have music inside” because she’d said that they wanted to find a place with music. I’m not sure if she said that because she told us to come there and put us under the impression we’d be expecting music. I said “Haha for us this is great! You can come with us whenever you want.” And 8 minutes later she responded saying that when her friend got back from the bathroom they’d join us. And I said OK.

I switched seats with my friend to be next to my girl and it was 3 across from 3 making conversation as a group but me also zeroing in on the girl and asking her date type questions as she was on my left at the end of the table. My group was cool about talking with them and is supportive of my horniness.

I was doing typical shit like asking her about her tattoos, holding her hands and asking about her rings, staring at her with a big smile or seductive eyes and holding the stare when I didn’t understand something to make some cute nervousness, tension. That laugh about not understanding each other can lead to connection. So we used the translation sometimes but really not that often.

I’d had my arm across her chair but I didn’t have my arm around her or anything or too much touch. It was known that I was engaging with her because I was interested in her and I began to show it more and more with my eye contact, attention, proximity to her. Her friend was fat as fuck and wasn’t too interested in much of anything and knew what was going on.

As we were hanging out with her -- Ahh fuck I actually noticed this on the beach — I touched her necklace when we were on the beach and it had a D and I said what’s this for and she said for Deus which means God. (Great...)

But I asked her about some of her tattoos and some of them were bible verses, and I also saw that when she pulled up her phone she had bible verse alerts like notifications from an app. She also randomly pulled out her Instagram and showed me a picture on it of her getting baptized like 9 months ago. Great!!!

It was a weird dynamic as the girl was enjoying my proximity but not being overly interested in me or touchy at all. Really not that engaging. She had lots of tattoos but was on this born again Christian type thing. And then there’s the fact that her friend was literally a 1/10 and she’s a solid 8.4. which to me indicates ideas. I don’t know. They’re actually on vacation because they had the same exact birthday (two days later) and did this same trip together last year. It was just an odd culmination of details. But we ride on.

I’d talk with her and then talk with my group and we were trying to convince my friend to go to this other nice bar/club that another girl I was working on was encouraging us to go to. We convinced him and so we all decided to go together. I grabbed an Uber for me and Lucia and the Whale. I’m being mean let’s just call her Alex. Something a bit more brutish perhaps. Olga. Yes.

So me and Lucia and Olga rolled in one Uber, arriving first, and then my three friends arrive da few minutes later. It was like 11 and it was this sick outdoor club type venue along a lake. It was filling up.

When we arrived the girls didn’t get drinks and were potentially a little bummed about paying a cover to enter that was high for Rio. I didn’t pay for them. And they declined to get drinks when we arrived. They wanted Samba music or something more lively and they were just playing beginning of the night type electronic music (no words.) Typical music they kind of play to get the vibe going at these places before it goes full blast and they break into the Funk and classic bangers.

Anyways we’re all standing around and I’m starting to get more touchy with my girl. I told her my typical line which is “I’m a very touchy person. If you don’t like it just let me know, okay?” And as typical she said “no I like it, it’s fine.” But not that interested. Not that into me. We talked a bit more and closed more proximity. OH, also in the Uber I was kind of caressing her leg and bit and she took my hand and forearm and began rubbing it back and forth which was the first affection from her really.

But we began to get closer at this bar, listening to the music, vibing, talking a bit in the group, but a lot of it was her staring off into space or talking to her friend, not really giving me much to work with. They were very tired they said and I gathered and I figured they were going to leave before we were. At some point we had more proximity and touch, tension, my arm around her back, moving my face gradually closer to hers while talking with dripping pauses in between, gaging her reaction a bit. We kissed at one point and it was good but she stopped it before I did. It had tongue but not the typical Brazilian enthusiastic tongue. there was some more of this, it was almost as if she was push pulling me, but with very light pull.) at a certain point I’d asked her ifs he wanted to go to another bar just me and her since she didn’t like the music there but she said no and that she had to stay with her friend and that they were going to go one soon.

At one point when I went to the bathroom I came back and they had left my friends told me. I was kind of like… fuck. These brazilian girls are so damn flakey and will Irish goodbye you, ignore you, like savages and pretty consistently too. But I looked down at my phone and saw she’d texting me saying that her friend was tired and so they’d left, and for me to please not be upset with her. I told her it’s totally fine (Don’t be bitter - chase article - really valuable - sometimes you want to be better and show disappointment with them but it won’t elicit any positive reaction from the girl and it’s best to always act unbothered, especially if it’s with a chick you haven’t fucked yet). She asked if I was going to stay there for a while and I said no and we can go to another bar by where she’s staying (like 5 min from where I’m staying) if she wants. She said she can’t and I think I persisted in a different way one more time but she just said she has to go to go to bed and we can do something tomorrow when we have more time. That was fine. I won’t write up the rest of the night.

Next day…

She texted me out of the blue at 2PM I picture of the beach and asked if we’d gone to another place during the day we’d talked about going to. I told her that my friends had gone but I’d stayed home. She said she was at a part of the beach (which was very close to where I was staying) and that I should come.

Now this left me with an interesting dilemma. I didn’t pull this girl last night. She’s really into Jesus. She’s giving me weird vibes. The whale - Olga - didn’t seem to love me (but nothing actively negative) and especially in dangerous places like Rio girls don’t like to leave their friends so extraction could be difficult. I was thinking that potentially I’d really need sexual attraction to make this work. And I think that hanging out with her at the beach for a couple hours could hurt my chances. I wasn’t going to be able to pull from there and with the amount of time together the sexual tension and attraction which I may need could die. Not to mention I had a bit of a hint by watching the way she handled her phone that there may be another guy whose attention she wanted, or something along those lines. And I don’t want to be competing with a guy for whose attention she’s wanting more of when I’m giving her lots of mine.

Despite these thoughts, I went with my gut and went to the beach with them. The way that we interacted was enjoyable and I felt like I could handle our time together in a way that didn’t cost me attraction despite not having real opportunity to dial up tension. I felt like it was the best play.

So I walked to the beach and found them and laid on my towel and chilled with them for about two hours. She wasn’t super affectionate towards me. She did the same thing the night before which is not show me much attention and then stare at me as a bit of a shit test, to see if I’d fade, how I’d react, what I was made of. But I’d comfortably look back at her and intensify eye contact when appropriate.

At one point I asked her to walk to the beach with to look at the water and I put my hand around her back a bit but she was somewhat resistant to more. She was frigid. But sometimes the exact combination of lack of affection but still compliance is good for getting laid. It’s as if she’s really, really thinking about fucking you but she’s jut not sure about herself. I don’t know…. I grabbed her ass at one point but she moved my hand away just as she did last night. I’d say “you’re shy” and she said yes. And then I’d make a comment about how she’s shy in private (emphasizing private) and she’d give a bit of a soft acknowledgement. Another way I pumped in some more sexuality the night before is by asking her what her favorite place to be kissed was, after she’d drawn back from kissing me - er actually I think after I kissed her neck a bit but she pulled back. She said something along the lines of how she’s not going to answer that but it had an affect on her.

Anyways, at the beach, I hung there for a while and we ended up being more affectionate as she sat on her chair and I sat on my towel. We held hands and she stroked my hand and arm a bit as we were a bit affectionate but not so much. It was almost passive affection from her. She was in her head and just kind of doing it. They decided to leave before me, kissing me goodbye, and we agreed to get together tonight because their birthdays (turning 26 btw) were at midnight and they wanted to go out for that. I gave a yes but not a full, super committed yes, to create a bit of uncertainty in her.

To summarize the beach time, it was more comfort building while me not showing much weakness. It was me showing investment. And I think that she needed a bit of that to feel good about trucking me. Still, though, between her weird phone activity about another guy (just a hunch I had) and her odd infatuation with God (I asked her if she read any books and she literally said “just the Bible) I was having doubts I was going to be able to close this. We’d find out tonight, I thought. I don’t like wasting my time. Though I did enjoy our time at the beach and enjoyed chilling with her.

We left the beach at like 5 pm and at 8 she texted me unprovoked letting me know me where she was going. Now I knew they were going to be waiting up until 12 at the least for their birthday at midnight, and I wasn’t sure about this situation because I didn’t want to spend time with her and just be a big orbiter. And I knew I had to have some tension, some spice, on my side to execute the pull tonight. So she texted me at 8 where they were going to go, and then at 9 she texted me again a picture of the place just as a notice she’d arrived. I then replied 15 minutes later saying great, I’ll go there in a bit. And she said she’ll wait for me.

I showed up at 10:20. They were both sitting at a table drinking at this outside bar, very low energy, chilling together. I hugged them both to say hi and gave a little kiss to Lucia. They’d been waiting for me a good bit (not with plans of leaving once I arrived) but I knew I’d built up some desire to see me. i got a drink too and was a bit affectionate with her, holding hands, stroking her hair, neck, back, but due to the constant communication difficulty and her more quiet demeanor we didn’t talk much.

About 10 minutes in and saw this girl I’d fucked the last time I was in Rio a few months previously on the sidewalk. She was with her new boyfriend. I’d hit her up to hang out like 5 times and the one time she hit me up out of the blue (in her words to fuck) I was with a girl and said we could do it tomorrow - and then she said she didn’t know if she’d want to the next day. I also banged this girl’s really good friend who I’m close with as well… I won’t get into that. But I saw her coincidentally on the street and told Lucia and Olga I was going to say hi to my friend. We had a big hug and I met her boyfriend. It was an interesting situation but super smooth all around and I’m happy it happened. It’s so nostalgic and wonderful when characters from your past re enter unexpectedly in the future. It’s actually one of my favorite thing. The sentiment of all coming full circle. Her boyfriend is going to Thailand and she’s moving back to Medellin, literally it was her last night here, she was moving back the next day, and i’ll be there sin a month so we said we’d see each other when I was there. She was really happy to see me which was sweet and I think her boyfriend was chill with it all but could probably tell we fucked.


The place was unexpectedly closing at 11 so lucia and Olga wanted to go somewhere else and sit and drink, so I proposed a place I knew. When we were heading out to pay I realized I’d forgotten my card at home (or it was stolen or I lost it) so I got concerned. I gave the girls cash for my drink and then we all walked to my place which was on the way to the new place I wanted to go. Me and Lucia held hands while Olga drifted behind us. I was, really this whole time, making an effort to periodically engage her in conversation and be sweet to her, but she seemed not so interested in talking to me, not in a negative way but just in a way of we have nothing to gain from each other or talk about.

So we walked to my place and they elected to go on ahead and meet me at the next place. Thankfully I went upstairs and my credit card was there. I didn’t think it was going to be. I went down quickly to meet them at the next place and went around and upstairs but they weren’t there. These girls did not ditch me… I talked to the hostess chick a bit wondering if they were there but they weren’t. Turns out they’re dumb and took a wrong turn. I met them out front and we found a table and sat down.

So a lot of our time hanging out together is me sitting next to them and them talking in Portuguese and me kind of not listening, staring off into space, drinking my drink, touching her back or hand a bit and then pulling back and then going again, communicating a bit. And when I met them I led them to their table and there was a bit of that. At one point we talked about the other night that she left and how the music got better after she left and how she would have wanted to go out with me but she couldn’t because she had been tired. And not much happened and then probably 10 minutes later (and then by this point I’m not sure if I’m going to get it and I was bored and kind of agitated about the whole situation and I think she sensed that) she pulled out the google translate and wrote “after this we will drop Olga off and I will stay with you.) And asked me if that was okay?

I said bueno. No big smile. Nothing. As if it was normal. Regular.

But inside I was like fuck yes, this was a surprise. Now I just can’t fuck it up.

So we chilled more and more of the same. The clock hit midnight and it was her birthday. I paid for their drinks and little desert they got which they thanked me for. We then went outside to the beach to take some pictures on the beach and chill there. It was all taking so long. And then finally, fucking finally, we ubered back to her hotel to drop off Camila, the three of us. When we arrived there Lucia told me to wait there because she was going to go up and she’d be right down.

What am I going to do? Say no, you have to come with me right now I don’t want to lose you? I had to play it cool. But fuck… I’ve lost lays in this exact scenario before. Fuck. So I anxiously waited outside the hotel for probably 15 minutes, no text, nothing, thinking wow, fuck my life, this waste of time, I might get ghosted. Anxiety. But finally, FINALLLY, she texted me, “you can call the uber I’m coming down.”

So she comes down and we get in the Uber and she sits on the other side of the row away from me. we made small talk but barely any and when we arrived she was distant in the elevator. And then distant when we got inside.

I’ve had this before. Where they really want to settle in. Take some time. They’re not all over you or anywhere close to it all. And you think, damn is this chick going to come all the way over here and change her mind, or worse not want to do anything because of Jesus? I’ve had it before and it’s tough not to feel negative from that fear of failure, not getting it, knowing that of course if you’d run better came you could hav gotten it. I actually had a very, very similar situation in Sao Paolo with a Brazilian girl who I ended up fucking off an instant day street approach. So I tried to play it cool.

I went to kiss her and we kissed a bit but then she pulled back and nothing. and we talked a bit and I smiled. I talked about something else. And then we kissed a bit more and I started kissing her neck and tried to go down to her boobs but she wouldn’t let me take her top off. A bit more of the same. Made some sort of conversation about something and then I said something deep about my ideas on something, as if I really cared about whatever the fuck we were talking about and had something important to say. And then I went back and went kissing her again and I tried to pull her onto my lap so she straddled me. But she wouldn’t do it. More pause. Eye contact. Soft talk. i really pulled back. Sometimes in these decisions you have to let them know they’re making the decision and let them do it on their own time, because they will. Comfortability.

Another makeotu was initiated, slower, better, and I pulled her onto me and she adjusted herself so was straddling me. We kissed. We stared at eachother. Slow. Sensual. Intimate. We kissed more. I kissed down her mouth to her cheek to her neck to her chest and pulled down her top, slowly, ever so slowly, to take out one of her boobs and put it in my mouth. One of my favorite ways to kiss girls boobs is to kiss them around and when you go for the nipple you really enjoy it by putting more of her boob than just her nipple into your mouth, bring it to the back of your mouth, and rub your tongue towards the back of your mouth across her nipple at the pace that makes sense. They all really enjoy it.

So I moved slow and we got her top off and more kissing, more staring, and then she was grinding on me and feeling my hard dick against her pussy. She enjoyed it. And I pushed nothing. I just enjoyed the moment. The only thing that could make her back out, I felt, was in calibration. But at one point, after taking time. I picked her up as she straddled me and took her to my bed and gently laid her down on it and got to work kissing her again, down her neck, taking some time with her boobs as I stroked my hands through her hair, back to her neck - good to take 2 steps forward and 1 back so to speak so they want more and you don’t appear to eager, steamrolling through the escalation. I kissed her boobs again and moved down to the sides of her stomach down towards her shorts. She had small thin shorts on. And I skipped over there and move toward the bottom of her thighs near her knees and slowly, powerfully, moved my way up her thigh towards her pussy and before arriving did the same on her other leg, then kissing over her pussy area where her thin shorts were. I took her shorts off so slowly and did the same, hovering above her pussy just her underwear and then did the same with her underwear. And then I repeated, kissing around her pussy, her groin and above her pussy and down on the under cheeks of her nice ass but not yet getting to her pussy. And then I did and I French kissed her pussy slowly, like a pro, and the rest was history. Amazing.

After sex we talked and she was super sweet. Her boyfriend of a long time recently broke up with her, three months ago, by ghosting her. She’s distant because she’s hurt, probably. She said I was the first guy she’d been with since him. We saw eachother and fucked that next day again and may be linking in another part of brazil here shortly.

Insecurity draws many of us to seduction and I often think it leads to us identifying roadblocks, lack of fluidity in the progression of the seduction, as a symptom of lack of attraction. We’re not attractive enough. But I’m realizing that for me it’s comfort. The more I pay attention to comfort in that last 20% of the seduction, the better things go. I’ve lost some bad beats not playing this correctly. But we’re getting better. Always.

Chase has an article on why different girls decide to fuck different guys. I forget the one. But it talks about different scenarios - girl goes on an online dating date and shes quiet but the guy is loud and boisterous and uncalibrated to her so they don’t fuck. Guy takes a girl home but doesn’t make a move at all so she gets agitated and leave. Guy progresses too fast. But the guy who LISTENS to her signals, FOCUSES OUTWARDS, isn’t timid to make a move but understands some people need time, too, is the guy who wins.

20th kill of the year and one that was tedious and I didn't think was going to get. kind of weird. figured I'd write while fresh in my mind. am proud of it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
When the man who's fucked a new girl nearly every other day for the last month decided this is the one he wants to write about-it's worth immediately reading.


Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
This is one of the best LRs I've read. Not because there was anything crazy in it, but because you documented every detail, walking us through your mindset at the time of what was unfolding.

And god damn, this was a lay well deserved. You persisted against all odds in a situation where it looked like things were going nowhere. A serious Christian girl who, over several meetings, showed little visible interest in you and was constantly attached to her fat friend, and with whom communication was near impossible. Most guys (myself included) would have given up on this one somewhere along the way. But you pushed on and emerged victorious in the end. I can only imagine the feeling of satisfaction!

At one point I asked her to walk to the beach with to look at the water and I put my hand around her back a bit but she was somewhat resistant to more. She was frigid. But sometimes the exact combination of lack of affection but still compliance is good for getting laid. It’s as if she’s really, really thinking about fucking you but she’s jut not sure about herself.
This is a very interesting point. If there's one conclusion we seem to continually circle back to on this forum, it's that compliance is king. I recall reading similar things from @Bloom's SDL reports in Rio - girls who showed almost no interest or affection, but as long as there was still compliance he would eventually get the lay.

In my experience too, Brazilian girls can be elusive in the way that they show interest. Even making out with a girl doesn't mean that you will fuck her. It's like there's a switch that has to flip in her brain - she has to allow herself to fuck this guy, and once it's flipped then she's yours.

And not much happened and then probably 10 minutes later (and then by this point I’m not sure if I’m going to get it and I was bored and kind of agitated about the whole situation and I think she sensed that) she pulled out the google translate and wrote “after this we will drop Olga off and I will stay with you.) And asked me if that was okay?
In this case, it looks like this was the moment the "switch" flipped. Although clearly you still faced some resistance in the bedroom, so it wasn't quite so straightforward.

So I moved slow and we got her top off and more kissing, more staring, and then she was grinding on me and feeling my hard dick against her pussy. She enjoyed it. And I pushed nothing. I just enjoyed the moment. The only thing that could make her back out, I felt, was in calibration. But at one point, after taking time. I picked her up as she straddled me and took her to my bed and gently laid her down on it and got to work kissing her again, down her neck, taking some time with her boobs as I stroked my hands through her hair, back to her neck - good to take 2 steps forward and 1 back so to speak so they want more and you don’t appear to eager, steamrolling through the escalation. I kissed her boobs again and moved down to the sides of her stomach down towards her shorts. She had small thin shorts on. And I skipped over there and move toward the bottom of her thighs near her knees and slowly, powerfully, moved my way up her thigh towards her pussy and before arriving did the same on her other leg, then kissing over her pussy area where her thin shorts were. I took her shorts off so slowly and did the same, hovering above her pussy just her underwear and then did the same with her underwear. And then I repeated, kissing around her pussy, her groin and above her pussy and down on the under cheeks of her nice ass but not yet getting to her pussy. And then I did and I French kissed her pussy slowly, like a pro, and the rest was history. Amazing.
Getting strong @Teevster vibes from this tantalizing escalation style. Love it.

Such an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing!
Last edited:


Modern Human
Modern Human
May 27, 2013
When the man who's fucked a new girl nearly every other day for the last month decided this is the one he wants to write about-it's worth immediately reading.

haha thank you bro I could've done better but I had it fresh in my mind so I figured I'd take through some of the thought process type stuff in depth like we've talked about


Modern Human
Modern Human
May 27, 2013
This is one of the best LRs I've read. Not because there was anything crazy in it, but because you documented every detail, walking us through your mindset at the time of what was unfolding.

And god damn, this was a lay well deserved. You persisted against all odds in a situation where it looked like things were going nowhere. A serious Christian girl who, over several meetings, showed little visible interest in you and was constantly attached to her fat friend, and with whom communication was near impossible. Most guys (myself included) would have given up on this one somewhere along the way. But you pushed on and emerged victorious in the end. I can only imagine the feeling of satisfaction!

This is a very interesting point. If there's one conclusion we seem to continually circle back to on this forum, it's that compliance is king. I recall reading similar things from @Bloom's SDL reports in Rio - girls who showed almost no interest or affection, but as long as there was still compliance he would eventually get the lay.

In my experience too, Brazilian girls can be elusive in the way that they show interest. Even making out with a girl doesn't mean that you will fuck her. It's like there's a switch that has to flip in her brain - she has to allow herself to fuck this guy, and once it's flipped then she's yours.

In this case, it looks like this was the moment the "switch" flipped. Although clearly you still faced some resistance in the bedroom, so it wasn't quite so straightforward.

Getting strong @Teevster vibes from this tantalizing escalation style. Love it.

Such an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing!
appreciate the kind words homie. compliance is definitely king and you need to take advantage of that compliance too.

you're definitely right about the showing interest thing. the kissing does not mean they're leading towards sex necessarily. it's just so different culturally here. they're also flakey as fuck holy shit.

Yeah the physical escalation is pretty detailed. I wanted to put that in there. just going off of the feel and though tat the time and then rehashing what I did.

glad you enjoyed it I definitely could have written it better and it was kind of tiring to write. I don't remember a lot of specific dialogue and stuff but more the chain events and that thoughts that go through my mind as we go. cheers.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I really enjoyed reading this. Nice outcome independence, persistence, calibrating but still showing interest while keeping cool.

Fucking Olga though... Poor girl did nothing wrong, but I'm still blaming her. Maybe Lucia is naturally reserved, but it seems it could have been her reputation management at work, especially if they share a Christian social circle.

Seems she finally realized she was risking losing you and had to show she was attainable.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake