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FR  running at the park


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 28, 2013
"I never do this."
I started saying this after reading FRs by AsianPersuasion actually. Some guys had replied on his FRs saying that you don't want the girl to think you're a player or do this all of the time. You want the girl to feel special, like it is serendipity and a once-in-a-lifetime-chance-encounter. However, ultimately, I think this was an outcome of being nervous, and saying it directly/bluntly is probably not good. This can either make the experience good and rare, or it can backfire and make me look like a guy without abundance/courage and slot me into boyfriend land (which, I do want a girlfriend, but if you've read GC, you know that this is bad even if you are wanting a girlfriend). I haven't said it a lot so directly, so I will see what results I get.

Chase wrote an excellent article called Make a Girl Feel Special: Seduction's Silver Bullet. I am coming to realize that there is a peculiar tension between this need to make a girl feel special, and the need to appear effortless. For example, in order not to come across as chasing, it is better to open a girl as soon as you see an approach invitation, such as lingering eye contact, rather than follow her another hundred feet and then open. The irony is that this doesn't give you time to appraise her properly and determine whether she is worthy of "special" treatment... and if she were rational, she'd recognize this and give you enough time to see that she really is special. However, in reality such behavior would either cause her to auto-reject at your lack of swift action, or would devalue you in her eyes as being too eager in pursuit!

THERE NEEDS TO BE AN ARTICLE ON THIS!!!! On finding a balance between 1) Making her feel special 2) Appearing effortless rather than over eager 3) A player.

How do you deal with women who don't want to "play" because they don't want to feel played or replaceable
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake