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FR  Second date or maybe not


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
I'm starting to date again after my uni exams. During the past two weeks, I've managed to secure two dates with two different girls and since I was busy, just had one of them last Tuesday. Now, this girl is a bit of the conservative type but I've heard she's also the type that enjoys going to clubs and dance parties although a bit balanced.

So I had the date with her and I can't say it went amazing but it went pretty well. I was cool and dominant and had my sexy vibe and not nervous at all when I met her at the local restaurant for dinner. I immediately started deep diving. It went great to the point she was more interested in me and showing interest and asking lots of questions but I tried to not reveal too much and direct the focus on her.

We ate food and I deep dived more and finally left the restaurant where I led her out by putting my hand on her back and below spine to direct her out of the door. Then started a light conversation about weather when at the high point suggested to go towards my home (we live nearly close) to watch a movie since the night wasn't even finished and I was basically trying to move fast . However, she was making an excuse and I tried several times during the transition point to persuade her to come home with me but didn't work. So I led her to her home when she said she's not going to invite me upstairs since she didn't want me to lose uni in the morning.(Same excuse made earlier). I did actually tried to short circuit her logic as I knew these were all excuses but at the end she was not convinced to come home with me. Therefore, I tried to set another date and told her about a restaurant I know that we should go to another day. So that night didn't end with a lay. My friends say that girls will try to not come home with a guy on the first date and since she was the conservative type I thought that might be the reason but I also know somehow it is possible even for this kind of girl.

I followed Chase's guide on getting second dates and texted her two days later:
"Finally finished my GEC class . Free as a bird finally! :D . Kate, enjoyed hanging out with you on Tuesday. You're very pleasant to talk to. What's your plan for this weekend to grab some lunch or dinner together?"

When she replied :
"Hey, yeah I know how gr8 it feels after finishing GEC :))... Oh actually I'm not in town this weekend..."

Now, since she didn't suggested another day and seems to be making excuses again, I sent her these two lines (1 & 2 ) as a final message:

"1- Oh forgot you told me on Tuesday you might be out of town. No worries. wanna rearrange sometime next week then?
2- If you're busy next week as well, that's ok. You're a great girl! Had a nice time with you the past week. :) "

This might be a bit harsh but would potentially work since this would tell her I'm tired of her excuses and playing games and I've already told her I want to see her more. If she can't open up a day for me in the following week and she's not interested, I'm willing to easily walk away. But, also She might actually be out of town and it might make her auto-reject if I send the message with the second (2) line.

What do you guys think? Should I've sent her the first line or both lines? I sent her the full message.

To update this post , I got a message back : " Yeah, arrange some activity 4 next week in the society . sth like paintballl, climbing, hunting :) ...anything"
Which in other ways means I'm friendzoned. This might have been happened because I moved too fast on her when I asked her to come home with me on the date (she's the traditional type I guess) or the message I sent was looking like an ultimatum I guess? My friend suggests that I should I ask her why she dumped me but I'm not sure that's a good idea as she might not tell me that although I might learn my actual mistake if she does.

Anyway, I ended the conversation by sending her a text : "Too busy for that. I think you can manage. :)"

So that means although I liked her and she could be a potential girlfriend, she's dropped but I would appreciate your views on this experience guys.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
I think you handled the follow up texts well. Her first response did imply to me that she wasn't all that interested. I've gotten text like this where they say they are busy this week but aren't enthusiastic to suggest another day.

Also a good move to decline the activity stuff, which had no potential. I think that stuff would have been fine if you already had some physical contact (even first base) but since not it would have been a waste.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
Cam87 said:
I think you handled the follow up texts well. Her first response did imply to me that she wasn't all that interested. I've gotten text like this where they say they are busy this week but aren't enthusiastic to suggest another day.

Also a good move to decline the activity stuff, which had no potential. I think that stuff would have been fine if you already had some physical contact (even first base) but since not it would have been a waste.

I guess I moved too fast with her without building more emotional connection here. I did during the date but I was just trying to get things going fast during the date. Going fast is good but it needs a good emotional connection. I'm good at doing good dates but need to work a LOT on doing AMAZING dates where I can pull it off in the date #1.

The reason I declined her suggestion on the society activities was not because it was a suggestion but rather a "ok, Look, I'm not interested in you . If I do something remotely close to meeting you is through society activities. Meaning pretty much you're friendzoned" Haha Amazing how you can compress such a message in two sentences.

The other reason she used this text was because I'm the president of the society so I can actually organise those activities easily if I want to.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Yeah the emotional connection and giving off a sexy vibe is huge in my experience as well. Sure you can deep dive all you want, but if you don't give of sexiness there is only so far one date can go.

For instance last night I had a girl over for dinner, drinks and a moving. My first move went just fine, but when I tried to round 1st base she wasn't having it. Granted I did try SEVERAL times, but she locked it down, so I took what I can get. It's really on me for not making her feel more comfortable going further.

Practice makes perfect man!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take