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Sexiness and not promiscuous women's cycles


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
I've been reading the latest article on human female mating seasons and there is something I was trying to understand. It mentions promiscuous low value women behaving differently with sexy and non sexy men depending on their cycle and high value non promiscuous women being relatively consistent.

Based on this, does it make sense to adjust your game plan, based on your evaluation about the cycle of the woman and whether she is high value or not? I suppose trying to be safe and boring to get slow gamed for a relationship by promiscuous women doesn't make much sense, but when it comes to high value women, does it make sense to show a bit more boyfriend value, or be more aggressive, depending on when in her cycle they are?

I am basically trying to understand whether sometimes I get rejected because I have too low value in general, or I simply miscalibrate and appear too sexual when they are in a different phase. And even with high value women, if leading by being a sexy man can drive them away in certain parts of their cycle. Because if they are not promiscuous and open to hooking up, maybe you being the obviously sexual guy that would entertain a hook up is not appealing., especially when not fertile.

So I am wondering if it is possible to get sexy but still not be able to sleep with high value non promiscuous women fast, or it simply means you are not sexy enough when this happens, and generally high value non promiscuous women sleep with high value men fast, even if there is no clear relationship potential.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Based on this, does it make sense to adjust your game plan, based on your evaluation about the cycle of the woman and whether she is high value or not?

Well firstly how will you know if she is on or off cycle?

Secondly I see them talk about high and low mate value. But what criteria are they using to differentiate the 2 in studies?

Regardless I don't think it's useful overthinking this aspect of game. Overall work on improving your physical attractiveness and communication skills as high as possible and you won't have to worry much
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
It’s going to be hard to know for sure if her cycle is on or off at any given time, particularly if you have just met her.

Focus on on being adaptable. She will give you signals on what kind of approach she needs.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2015
I wonder what definitions they used for
- masculinity
- dominance
- status

Sometimes they use 'resources' other times they mean dominance as in how high up the hierarchy.