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FR  She disappeared after kissing


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Hello gentlemen.

Last Saturday night I was out with a friend. As we were about to switch on the engine in our car, we stopped 2 women passing by. They complied. One of them was instantly attracted to me as I was small talking to her. I asked her for hand (supposedly to inspect her rings) while I was sitting next to the driver's seat. She complied. They invited us to a bar. We said we would check something else first, then we would join them. So we did. The woman was a 6 appearance-wise, but she was ok for sex. I deep dived in a very relaxing way. She picked up the conversation every time I stopped talking. I asked her for a drink for the next day (Sunday). She agreed. She gave me her number. Long story short: we invited them for coffee at 7am (we were out until that time) to my friend's house which happened to be near one of the girls' house. They came. Initially she sat away from me, then I told her to sit next to me, which she did. I started caressing her back and hair. She complied. Her friend told her that they should be going. She said yes. I continued caressing and turned her face to me. I kissed her (in front of the others). She complied. Then she stood up to go. I let her, while sitting as I was. While she reached the door I said: "Oh Vanessa I forgot." I stand up, approached her, pushed her gently against the wall, put my hands on her ass and made out even more. She melted. I could feel it. She said she needed to go with her friend and that we would meet the next day (Sunday). I called on Sunday. She did not reply. One day radio silence on my part. Today I called her. Nothing.

I understand that emotionally and psychologically I might have let the erotic enthousiasm to go away by not pushing for sex the same night. What I don't understand is this: don't women have bodily needs anyway? How can a kiss replace the need for sex in their world? Is there anything I can do now or should I just erase her number and go next?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake