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Shenanigans II


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
About me:
Age: 24 at the time of this post (birth year = 1990)
Height: 5'7''
Weight: ~135lbs, slim/fit/cut
Ethnicity: Korean
What I do: University student studying computer science
Started learning seduction: Early August of 2013 (GC is 90-95% of my source of knowledge to this day)
First cold approach: 9/8/13

I had an account under the same name, but I decided to start over because I did not game at all from mid March to late July of this year (2014). I was rusty when I returned to day gaming in July, and I felt like restarting fresh under a new account reflected how I felt about my level in seduction.

I recalled how helpful maintaining a journal/diary was to my improvement. Reflecting on what I wrote helped me notice things that I haven't realized at the time, and it helped me keep track of where I was repeatedly screwing up. Another reason why I'm starting over is because my old journal had an excessive amount of background story, so I'll try to cut those out and focus on the main points/dialogue.

With the contents of my journal, I hope to inspire newcomers and receive advice from the seniors.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
I can't believe it has been a year already since I did my first cold approach, and what an amazing year it has been. Most of my greatest memories of the past 365 days has been from girls and from being out and about trying to pick up girls.

When I started I couldn't maintain eye contact with ANYONE--not even with the cashier dude who rang up my groceries. There were also a few instances when girls CLEARLY gave me approach invitations, but I stood there frozen with fear and ended up looking straight ahead, off into the distance, until the girl gave up and left. Throughout the past year, however, I've been able to have like 3 girls throw themselves at me (on separate occasions), pull off like 4 instant dates (in one instance I out-framed like 6 dudes who were all bigger than me), and boned a girl who was with a date within 20-25 minutes of face-to-face time with her. Of course my successes came with pretty high cost: money, time, racking up close to 100 rejections doing day game, prolly around 50 rejections in night game (I don't really like bar/club girls so I don't night game much), and numerous embarrassing moments. My few successes were DEFINITELY worth it though.

I've improved so much. I have very little trouble maintaining eye contact now, the cause of my approach hesitation is no longer anxiety--it's me trying to come up with a good opener, and I've just grown really large balls. I've also improved as a man; I've learned how to start and maintain good conversation, became better socially calibrated, became more dominant in my mindset and actions, and learned to lead both women and men. Common social anxiety situations like public speaking...? LOL. Pretty much not an issue to me now thanks to the fact that I've approached random hot girls during the day on streets and malls and etc.

How I improved my sticking points:
Eye contact - I started off with cashiers at my grocery store and coffee shops, etc. I asked them how their shift was and tried to maintain eye contact. It also helped me a little in improving small talk.
Approach anxiety - Most of my day game approaches when I first started out were some variation of "Excuse me, you are really attractive. Are you single by any chance?" Most of the time the answer was no, in which case I'd just smile and wish them a nice day and walk away. A few times the girl was single, and I BUSTED ASS trying to have a small convo and pull off a number close. Once or twice I had to actually walk away because I had no idea what to say when the girl told me she was single, and I was nervous as shit.
Confidence - I trained myself to not give a fuck. I did stupid shit like cartwheel across the street instead of walking across, inside the elevator I'd say "ding!" whenever the door opened, I'd just laugh out loud like an idiot, etc.

Current points of improvement:
- I feel like I got most of the conversational element down--I'm pretty confident about my deep diving and relating skills, but I still need some improvement in screening and qualifying, creating a "us vs the world" type of frame, chase framing, etc.
- The biggest area I need to improve on is being a sexual man.
- I need to lower my standards if I wanna see more results and get more practice in.

The next 365 days is gonna be even better.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
So earlier in the week I got flaked by an Armenian with awesome tits and an Arab with pornstar-material ass, so I decided to day game again on Thursday at a college a couple of my friends attend. Ended up with 0 closes out of 4 cold approaches.

1. Direct opened a sorta-cute Russian with ass and had a decent, platonic conversation for about 10 minutes. She seemed either nervous or uncomfortable from the beginning, and she didn't really warm up in the 10 minutes that we talked, so I decided to attempt number close and bounce. She had a boyfriend.

2. Saw a cute Asian girl walk by. She had an amazing ass that was only 80% covered with her spandex volleyball shorts.
Me: Hey, hold up
Her: (Stops and turns around)
Me: You just passed by me back there, and I just had to come tell you that you are gorgeous
Her: Oh! Haha! Thank you!
Me: What's your name?
===Forgot interaction===
Me: So what are you up to?
Her: I'm headed to the library to study actually
Me: Ah I see. Well, I'll let you get to studying for now, but I'd love to take you out for frozen yogurt or something sometime. Down?
Her: Haha! Well...I actually have a boyfriend...but...
Me: But...sure? (With a mischievous grin)
Her: Haha! I don't know...I don't think he'd like that
Me: Well, he doesn't have to know...we're just getting frozen yogurt (bedroom voice and sexy smile)
Her: Hahaha...umm...no thanks

I think the last bit I said was a little too strong. I shall leave out "he doesn't have to know" the next time I run into that situation.

3. From a distance I saw a black-haired white girl with the most bangable body I've seen all day
Me: Hey! Hey! Excuse me
Her: (Stops and turns around)
Me: I was sitting by the tables back there, and I had to come tell you that you look fucking gorgeous
Her: Hah! (Mouth open, flattered)
Me: And you have this slow, powerful walk...it's just really attractive
Her: Well thank you so much! Haha
Me: How was your day?
Her: Good! Just got out of dance, and now I'm heading home
Me: Oooh...dance as in ballroom or twerking?
Her: HAHA! Mainly ballet but twerking? Sometimes. Hahaha
Me: Hahaha that's cool, how long have you been at ballet? (I thought being sexual about twerking was a bit too soon)
Her: Hmm...since I was in 7th grade
Me: Wow, so you must be like a prodigy
Her: Haha no, I just work really hard
Me: Yeah, I can tell...it shows in your body (checked her out from tit to toe)...you look amazing
Her: Hahaha thank you
Me: Well I'll let you get home for today, but would you be down to hang out sometime? Get coffee or frozen yogurt or something
Her: Haha that sounds nice, but I have a boyfriend...
Me: Aww, that's terrible
Her: But...I'm in dancing...so...(smiling, with a look that says "do you get me?")
Me: So maybe I'll come try out
Her: Yeah! Definitely!

Bleh. Maaaybe I could've extended the interaction and taken her out for an instant date. Too bad I don't attend that school =/

4. Direct opened another petite European girl. She wasn't interested. I got interrupted by a chubby orbiter who came out of nowhere to give her a hug. Then he stood right next to her, facing me, staring at me. I slowly looked at his chest and asked the girl "is this your boyfriend?" and she replied "no, he's just a friend of mine". LOL. We resumed talking, but she saw an exit opportunity and excused herself. The chubby orbiter went back where he came from. LOL, white knight.

On the positive side, I had two attractive girls who were sorta on the fence about me despite having a boyfriend. Also the Armenian who flaked is down to hang out as "friends". I'm pretty sure I can change her mind once she is out with me =]

So after going 0/4, I felt like I needed something different if I wanted to improve. So I went to the beach yesterday evening.

1. Saw a slim, gorgeous blonde walking along the water taking pictures of the sunset. I caught up to her, touched her arm to have her stop and turn around, and spat my usual "you're gorgeous" opener, similar to what you saw above. I also complimented on her abs. I noticed an accent, so we began our conversation with an inquiry about her origins. She was on vacation from Germany. She was an art teacher, an artist, and a model. When she mentioned that she was a teacher, I wanted to say something like "If you were my teacher, I don't think I'd be able to get anything done in class..(check her body out)...we might even get kicked out of school for having an affair". However, she did not give me much chance to open my mouth. She was super busy talking about herself and qualifying herself with really good body language. When she was excitedly showing me her portfolio on my phone, she was standing super close to me. I looked in her eyes and I KNEW I could've fucked her that evening.
But it was her last day in LA. FUCK FUCK FUCK. We just exchanged Facebook and parted. I spotted her again 10 minutes later about 800m away, and I began walking toward her in attempt to fuck her in my car or something. THEN SHE STARTS RUNNING TO THE PARKING LOT. LOL.
An excerpt of the Facebook chat we've had over the past couple hours:
Me: I wanted to ask you for some dessert or coffee or something, at least a stroll on the beach, but I wasn't sure about your schedule
Me: Would you have come?
Her: thanks for your words :D yes i would have come if I would have had enough time ;)

She also said I was sexy and seemed happy. Did I just get called sexy by a model? Yayuh =D

2. A couple of minutes later, on the way back to my car, I noticed two attractive girls. I couldn't really see because it was starting to get dark, but they had nice bodies. I saw one taking a picture or video of the other twirling.
Me: Excuse me
Her: (They stop and turn around)
Me: I walked by you and noticed that you had amazing legs...then I turn around and see you pull that twirling move in the sand...are you a dancer by any chance?
Her: HAHA no, I was just messing around
Me: Well, it looked very professional. What do you do then?
Her: Hahaha. I'm an actress
An actress and a model on the same evening? Fuck yeah I love LA. We had a pretty decent, platonic convo for about 10 minutes. I usually moderately deep dive a little, but I didn't get a chance because they were also putting in the effort to ask about me. I was also on the lookout for opportunities to make things sexual, but I didn't get any chance for that either. It felt like the convo was about to head downhill so I decided to number close the white girl, the one who twirled and I opened. SHIT. That was a mistake because the Asian girl she was with was the main one who was asking me about myself, and giving me the "I want to fuck you" eyes. I'm a fucking dumbass. I was a bit too focused on the white girl because I took the time to look at her face and she was pretty. I also like white girls hahah. Then I get home, Facebook stalk, and realize that both of them are absolutely gorgeous holy shit. I'm gonna be a little whore and try to get to the Asian. If the white chick is chill about it, awesome. If not, LOL fuck it.

I need to seriously consider approach invitations because so far I've been approaching whoever I thought was attractive...so mostly who I consider 9s with some 8s and some 10s. I realize now that if I act on the girls who give me invitations, then things will go pretty smooth like it did with the German model.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Note to self:
I'm defusing too much tension.
I need to employ a little more social pressure.
Humor is good in the beginning to lower approach walls, but I may be doing a little too much of it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Note to self:
I've been doing too much of the time-constraint-based number-grabbing approaches; I've been a bit too focused on grabbing the number then bouncing out. With some girls I feel like I've cut my interactions too short, so as a result I haven't been building a connection strong enough for them to want to see me again, and most of the numbers end up going nowhere. On a positive note though, I've gotten pretty good at cold approaching during the day. Even though I only approach girls I consider 8s and above, I still get a number out of four approaches or so, and within the 5-10 minutes I spend with the girl I've been able to extract basic information, moderately deep dive on some of them, and present myself as potentially a sexual man. I say "potentially sexual" for now because I'm not 100% sure about how I come across yet.

How I have been trying to convey a sexual vibe (before the date stage):
- I open a decent percentage of my approaches by complimenting her body or legs or by telling her that she was a sexy walk or sexy something.
- I actually check out her body from head to toe, calmly and slowly, as I compliment her body.
- I keep my eyes slightly smiling.
- I try to maintain a sexy smile, but often it becomes an actual laugh-smile throughout an interaction (defusing some tension, unfortunately)
- I talk fairly slowly by default
- I have a deep voice by default, and I'm currently working on speaking with that bedroom-y, feline "purr". I can do it, but I gotta keep reminding myself.
- Purposely mishearing things like, she'd say "I work at a boutique store", and I'd say, "...Wait, what? What do you do at a booty store?" with a grin
- I walk slowly with my legs somewhat apart. With my walk I try to convey dominance, confidence, the devil may care attitude, and sometimes "LOL" because I'd walk around eating ice cream or a slice of pizza or a baby bottle pop.
- My hair looks like a slightly-shorter version of this. I try to leave it a little messy, as I am also trying to convey this.
- The above is all I could think of at the moment

I think 99% of my approach anxiety is gone. Two weeks ago, I went to go grab some food with my frat bro just after waking up (at 6pm). We spotted a girl sitting alone on top of an arch kind of a thingy, and he dared me to go under it and say "How for art thou Juliet?". For the first time in a while I felt approach anxiety, but I began walking and stood below her anyway. I took a second or two to find my balls, then did it. It went well--she loved it, laughed, and actually continued the roleplay, but I didn't know the next line or how to play it off (brain was still asleep), so I just wished her a good night and left. Lols. But yeah, I think doing a silly opener like that right out of bed got rid of most of my anxiety, and I'm super happy about it. I still hesitate on some approaches because I'm not super creative, so I need some time to think of a good opener, and I'm just personally tired of telling girls that they're gorgeous all the time (my default opener). The fact that most girls dress very similarly doesn't really help either (usually whatever top + yoga pants or jean/spandex shorts). Yesterday though, I saw a girl I consider a 9.5 in a tight, leopard-print mini dress and a cougar I consider an 8 in red pants. With both girls I sprung into action immediately as their attire armed me with unique openers. The cougar was interested, but I saw the leopard dress walking toward us (I opened her about 10 minutes prior), so I bounced to avoid appearing like a worthless player or whatever. Lols.

I still gotta capitalize on approach invitations. I don't get too many, but when I spot them the girl is usually a 6 or a 7. I'm not super down to approach them because my school and the surrounding neighborhoods are full of 9s and 10s. A few times I've gotten good invitations from 8s or 9s, but I just let them slip by because I was busy having an egotistical orgasm in my head. Maybe I should appear a little more aloof and give girls a better chance to check me out. My Asian eyes kinda prevents me from developing a good peripheral vision though. =[

On a quick side note, I personally go with the 0-2 rating scale where 0 = NOPE, 1 = I'd escalate with her if she does most of the work, 2 = I'd put in the effort. Generally 8s and above are the "2", and I'm just using the 10-scale for description purposes.

The main reason why I began writing this is actually to celebrate the fact that I just shattered one of the mental blocks that I've had.
Long story short, I was a shy and awkward guy last year. I SUCKED with girls. I also didn't smile much, and I'm sure I appeared creepy in my first few approaches. Rather than the James Bond image, I was actually trying to go for the Owen Shaw (Luke Evans) image, so it was prolly real easy for me to appear awkward and creepy. So I refrained from cold approaching on campus because I didn't want a bad reputation for myself or my frat.

Tonight I did my first cold approach on campus. It didn't go well, but I no longer mind approaching on campus now. This is my last year anyway, so YOLO.
Me: Excuse me, I saw you while I was waiting in line, and I had to come tell you that you're super cute
Her: Oh thank you! (She smiled--like 95% of the girls I approach--but she wasn't lit up)
Me: Are you single by any chance?
Her: No, actually
Me: Oh, is that your boyfriend? (Pointing to her wallpaper on her phone)
Her: Haha yeah.
Me: He looks like a fun guy
Her: Hahaha yeah, he is!
Me: That's awesome. Well, have a great night.
If she was lit up, I would've asked her for her name and if she was alright with me joining her to eat.

Oh well.

I also noticed some girls putting in work to game guys. One girl was trying hard to deep dive a frat guy, but the frat guy was a total boner and reminded me of my old me.
Girl: So what are you trying to do with your life?
Guy: Uhh, I'm an Econ major so probably something in business or finance
Girl: (Deep diving question)
Guy: Uhh...I don't know
Girl: (Another question)
Guy: (Not too audible because I began building some distance between them and me, but it was short)
Then awkward silence. In my head I was like "AT LEAST ASK HER WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO WITH HER LIFE! You Sigma Boner Epsilon idiot..." These guys look amazing, have access to tons of super hot sorority girls, but ugh...
Another blonde with ass literally hanging out of her shorts (she was an 8.5 to me) was trying to get a guy to come with her somewhere after dinner, but the idiot was just like "Uhhh, I think I have homework due".

These girls shall meet me soon enough. There are way too many hot girls here and in the surrounding neighborhoods, and NO ONE cold approaches on my campus except SimplePickup guys.

I shall take over.

May we all become fucking monsters.

Thanks for reading my blah-di-blahs.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
This is sort of a continuation of my FR++/FU: Nobody loves me.

So I had a few more text exchanges with that South Central Latina, but she turned out to be one of those girls who is super focused on school although she looked like a classy-chola who you'd wanna just fuck the daylights out of. Maybe she was bullshitting to shed me off, or maybe she wasn't. Whatever. We ended on neutral terms though. Her last text was "It was really nice meeting you too. Despite being a flirt, you were very cool and entertaining. Good luck :)"

Oookay...so in her eyes, being a flirt isn't a good thing? I mean, I definitely was a bit too far in the flirty/sexual side of the spectrum, and I definitely should've cooled down a bit and tried to connect with her more and stuff...but bleh...whatever.


Anyway, my frat had another party last Friday.

Initial interaction to start off the night:
I woke up from my nap, poured myself a protein shake, then headed downstairs to make sure the pledges set up the security/barricade and the bar and everything properly. Party hadn't even started, but two random blonde sorority girls showed up and started chilling with my brothers. How did I know they were sorority girls? As I was walking down my stairs, I heard one of them say out loud, semi-drunkenly, "You're talking to a sorority girl, you know!" Lols. Cool beans. After checking out the house, I joined the group and introduced myself.

Her: You know, protein shakes actually don't help you much
Me: Really?...Thanks for the info. Maybe I should hire you as my private personal trainer (I tried a sexy smile, but I doubt I was able to pull it off, and I doubt she picked up on it)
Her: Yeah!

Then she goes off talking for ~5 minutes about how she's studying physiology and nutrition or something and blah blah, and I asked her why she chose to study that, but most of the time I was just like, "Yeah? Oh really? Cool. That's awesome. Etc", while trying to come up with shit to say because I was still not fully awake.

Her: So yeah, you're better off just eating more food.
Me: Unfortunately, my tiny tummy doesn't allow me to eat as much as I want.
Her: Ooh! I've been working on my abs! (She lifts up her crop top)
Me: Yeah, I can see that. It looks firm from all the way over here (I was like 3 feet away)
Her: They are!
Me: Let me feel (and I poke her tummy and lightly pinch her 2-pack)
Her: I've been doing a lot of squats too!
Me: Haha...I was actually about to compliment your legs next.
Her: Hehe, and my ass too! I'm trying to be like Jen Selter
Me: Hmm, yeah? Turn around a bit. Let me see your progress.
Her: (Turns around and sticks her butt out a bit)
Me: I can't really see...your skirt isn't tight enough
Her: (Grabs the bottoms of her skirt and pulls them tighter)
Me: Nice...that is a great looking ass already

I should've tried to grope that ass too...They looked great. Instead, I just left without saying anything and headed back to my room to get ready. I also felt a little bad for stealing the scene from my frat bros, who were looking at me like "WTF...you barely met her..." Muhahaha.


Cute sorority girl:
I come down later and spot a cute sorority girl who I've met earlier this year at another frat's party. We haven't really talked much because I was drunk when we met, and I tried to booty call her at 3am that night in a socially un-savvy manner. I've apologized to her sometime in Spring, and she resumed being warm to me. After a brief conversation (I don't remember the content), we decided to go dance.

Me: Lols, I have no idea how to dance
Her: Haha! You just gotta feel the music! (She dances SUPER well and sexy, and she's giving me some confident eye contact)
Me: Here, this is all I know how to do (I turn her around and try to grind on her)
Her: HAHA! That's no fun! (Hitting me playfully)
Me: Hmm...I think I know how to do this (then I try to ballroom dance with her to this song. Lols)
Her: Haha...this is a little better (she starts front-to-front grind thingy where her pussy is on one of my thighs and my dick is on one of hers)

Niiiiice. But I turn around at one point and see my homie all the way from UCSD standing at the entrance. I just leave her and greet my buddy, then I help him with parking his car.



I chilled with some friends for a while, then I see that the two gorgeous alumni girls from last week have returned. I reopen them and focus on the slightly hotter girl, but no success. She's just all over the place. Fuck, she's so damn irresistible. She looks super fuckable, and when she talks to you she's all warm, cutesy, and smiley, then she just bounces away to the dance floor whenever she feels like it. (Note: I was imitating her with the Jen Selter girl and the cute sorority girl I just danced with--sorta like shotgun opening I guess, leaving them wanting more and not appearing needy). The most I get from the alumni is I played with her hair (put them up into a sexy bun and also tugged on them a bit with sexual context) and I massaged her arms and neck a bit. I also spotted the Jen Selter girl from earlier on in the night.

Me: Hey, Jen Selter!
Her: Oh hey!
Me: Come over here
Her: (Walks over to me)
Me: I didn't get to talk to you much
Her: Why...do you want to talk to me?
Me: Because you're gorgeous
Her: Oooooh (she looked super interested)

Then...I have no idea what happened after that. I haven't slept the night before, and I drank a bit later on in the night, so I don't remember what happened. The interaction ended there and I never saw her again =[. I then tried dancing with the alumni girl, but she wanted to dance alone. Ugh, I want to fuck her so bad, but I spotted the cute sorority girl sitting outside, so I decided to reopen her instead.


Cute sorority girl continued:
Me: You look bored. Down for another round of foosball? (That's how we met the first time)

So she follows me into the room where the foosball table is, but on the way I leave her for a moment as I spot another girl I had my eyes on, and I go up to her and hug her. Two-way preselection + shotgun opening (sorta..."warm" shotgun I guess). Aww yiss, When I get to the foosball table, the girl is sitting on a short swivel stool, maintaining seductive eye contact with me as she gracefully twirls around. I walk up to her, stopped her, and she looked up at me with cute puppy eyes. Aww yiss.

Me: So what are we playing for this time? (In bedroom voice and with sexy smile. The first time we played, we played for her number--I said "loser gives the winner his/her number")
Her: I don't know (smiling coyly/playfully). You decide.

As we're walking away from the foosball table after playing 2 fun rounds, I grab the girl's arm and turn her around.

Me: I forgot to mention what we were playing for (then went in for the kiss)
Her: (Pushing me away, weakly and smiling, then I went in for another)
Her: (Pushing me away again, smiling) Let's go dance

So we returned to the dance floor and did the front-to-front grinding thing again, and she looks into my eyes super sexually the entire time. It gets hot in the room, so we seat ourselves on the bench outside with her on my lap. I moderately deep dive her, banter quite a bit, and I make things a bit sexual.

Me: (I forgot what I said, but I made up some bullshit excuse to bring her up to my room)
Her: (Knowing smile) No...not tonight.
Me: Huh? (Playing stupid) What do you mean you don't wanna [whatever I used as excuse]?
Her: (Smiling with the "don't play stupid with me" look) Some other time...I just want to spend time with you while you're sober first.

Damn it...I guess her first impression of me was pretty bad. We resume talking.

Her: (Talked about singing)
Me: Oooh, there's this one song with really good vocals that I wanna hear you sing to
Her: (Skeptical look)
Me: No, really. We're just gonna go upstairs, I'm gonna put on the song, and I wanna hear you sing.
Her: (Skeptical look)
Me: I just really wanted to hear you sing, but I can't hear it tonight...(looking away)
Her: Fine, but we're not doing anything else.
Me: Of course (LOLS)

So we go up to my room, and I have her sit on my lap. I came up with some bullshit excuse to have my hand on her ass, and I'm rocking her gently as she sings for me with our eyes gazing into each others...then I hear banging on my door.

4 of her sorority sisters fisting and kicking at my door: OH MY GOD [her name]!!! ARE YOU OKAY?! ARE YOU IN THERE?! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!! [her name]!!! ARE YOU OKAY?! OH MY GOD!!! WE DON'T KNOW IF YOU HAVE CONSENT!!!

Jesus fuck...we open the door, and she tells her sisters that everything is fine.

The Cockblock Squadron 1: OMG, we need to go. All of our pledges are drunk as shit. They're at the stage right now where they're all like "You're my best friend!" to everyone.
The Cockblock Squadron 2: Yeah, they're really fucked up. And X is also fucked up, and Y just took Z home. We should get going.
Her: I'm fine, I'm gonna stay here
The Cockblock Squadron 1: No, we need to get the pledges home.
The Cockblock Squadron 3: I'm sorry (to me), it's our pledges' first frat party, and they're really drunk. We need to take care of them.
Me: Yeah, that's fine. (NO IT'S NOT! FUCK!)

They leave =/


At this point, I don't give a fuck. I drink a bit, talk with the other girl I've had my eyes on and build some connection (since I was too much on the flirty side last week), and I just dick around for the rest of the night.

Apparently I went around telling people that I was a porn addict. Lols...

So yeah, STILL nobody loves me =[


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
This isn't directly related to my progress in pick up, but I wanted to save this somewhere because it's indirectly related to the pick up community. It concerns this thread and this thread.

The following is an excerpt from a group chat I had with one of my female friends and her sister and her friends. I dunno. I just thought I kicked ass and wanted to save it somewhere.

I said:
This turned out to be REALLY long, but bear with me. Hopefully it's at least slight bit enlightening, and hopefully after reading ALL of my blah di blahs, you'll hate the video.

Actually, my "cool beans" remark was a lazy comment trying to brush off your response because I was no longer interested in discussing the video or my opinion at the time. Since then, however, I ended up spending a decent amount of time discussing this with other people, and I just HAVE to return to say that this video is pure feminazi propaganda trying to "[blow] everything up like it's a f'n controversy to keep women down", as said by some chick named Janice Rodriguez in the comments section.

Before I start though, let me clear a few things up:

This is an issue of overlooking my comments rather than the topic at hand, but earlier I said "Why would a man try to approach another man? What's in it for the guy approaching unless he's gay?" and Samira's response was "Lmao ummm first, men do court other men... Yes, that does happen lol!!"...You totally missed the part when I said "unless he's gay". So yeah, that's why I brought up the thing about me getting hit on by a few gay men. Also, I never said that YOU were bundling men. I just said that "people" will misinterpret the video without thoroughly considering everything. I dunno, with your last comment, it felt like we were having a 1-on-1 argument for a minute, rather than a generalized discussion--which was what I was aiming for.

I'm not targeting feminism. I'm totally for equality--not to the point where I'm like "OMG it's not fair that men aren't getting hit on"--but I'm for equality and fairness. What I am against are feminazis who blow shit up to make everything look bad.

I am also not defending the men in the video. All of them are idiots in one way or another. I'm not one of those macho-retards saying that it's her fault for not covering up enough or that the guys were just trying to be nice. Like I said, the only blaming I'm doing is toward the men for their lack of social skills.

Also, suggestions about me taking gender studies courses were brought up a few times. I could prolly learn a thing or two sitting in class by reading and discussing books, reports, theoretical articles and whatnot, but I feel like I got a decent grasp of the world by actually spending time out in the world. I spent the past year wandering around all over Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Las Vegas, and a bunch of other places observing people and walking up to and conversing with over 100 random girls on the streets, inside restaurants, in malls, on the beach, etc. So my beliefs and perspectives are based on what I directly experienced.

I'm sorry if my communication wasn't clear, but when I brought up Ryan Gosling, I wasn't talking specifically about Ryan Gosling--what I was alluding to was that when a guy who is attractive and socially savvy were to do the same thing that the guys did in the video, girls will respond very differently. So let me start with the guys in the video to prove my point that the video is pure feminazi propaganda.

Watch the video again and take note of the types of guys who "harass" her. Check out their race and socioeconomic status, as implied by their attire.

Watch the video a second time and take mental notes of the environment. Look at the buildings, other pedestrians, and the cars too.

I don't know what you saw, but let me tell you what I didn't see. Manhattan is home to the Financial District, Chinatown, and other affluent areas. Why is it that I did not see a single man in a suit or at least a nice button-down shirt (not counting the dude in purple who saw a thousand dollars)? Where are all my Asian cousins? Does no one in Manhattan drive Bentleys? Despite "walking through all areas of Manhattan", how many store windows did you see that were fully taped up with paper or stores that were out of business and closed up with the metal plate thingy (some of which had graffiti on them)? I don't know about you, but I'm thinking she purposely chose the areas to walk around because she KNEW she'd get "harassed" there. When she did actually go to an upscale area (Times Square), it was at night. I'd consider the place comparable to Hollywood and Vegas, and through my personal experiences, the types of people who are found on the streets of Hollywood and Vegas during the night and day are as different as night and day (normal people and tourists during the day, and drunk cat callers during night).

Watch the video one last time and explicitly count all the "harassments". I counted 15 that were stuff like "how are you?" and "have a nice day". I counted 10 guys that I considered as bad--and I counted "Damn!" as bad. Most guys left her alone after she ignored them. A few were legit harassments.

So...she walked for 10 whole hours, she passed by 100+ men who were ballsy enough to say anything to her, yet all she could conjure up was a 2-minute footage where at least half of the guys were simply saying "how are you?" and "have a nice day"? Hmm...

From my experience, very few men have the balls to even ask women for the time or directions. The only places where I've witnessed "harassments" similar to what you saw in the video were in Hollywood and Vegas, at night. I've prolly wandered close to a thousand hours on the streets during the day in SoCal and I've witnessed less than 25 men cat call. Maybe I should've wandered around Compton.

Here's the kicker: The video states that she walked through all areas of Manhattan at 0:11. We already know this may not be true because we saw no men in suits nor Asians nor Bentleys. Fast forward to 1:14. On the right you see a store with "JIMMY JAZZ" on the front. Guess what? There are 3 Jimmy Jazz stores in Manhattan, and 2 are located in Harlem. You can verify this using jimmyjazz.com and Google Maps street view, but the Jimmy Jazz store she's in front of is none of those 3. Most of the Jimmy Jazz stores are located in the Bronx or Brooklyn, so she's prolly in front of one of those. So yeah, she fucking chose the places to film, because she knew she'd find what she wanted, and she wanted to really push her agenda.

PS, I'm not saying "everything in the world is fine". No, there are obvious gender issues. I also definitely respect all of your opinions and beliefs. Feel free to disagree with me and call my opinion carp because very few things offend me (this video is one of them). Thank you for reading my super long blah di blahs, and fuck feminazis for spreading shit.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
That moment when you're writing a field report

And you try to press Ctrl+T to open a new tab on your browser

But you press Ctrl+R instead

And the page refreshes

And everything is lost

Because you didn't save drafts along the way



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
I was at the gym last night inside a large room where they host yoga, zumba, kickboxing, and other classes. I was punching the heavy bag inside the room, then I went out to the water fountain to hydrate. I spotted a pretty redhead in the free weights area who was looking in my direction. There was no eye contact, but I'm pretty sure she was looking at me. I took a sip and went back into the room.

A couple of minutes later she comes into the room and starts practicing some dance routine about 30 feet away from me. I walk past her to get to the water fountain, and as I pass her, she exerts herself and makes a sound like "unnh!", which felt quite unnecessary since she has been dancing quietly for the past 3 minutes. I walk back into the room after getting water, trying to make eye contact, but her eyes seemed intentionally super focused on the mirror in front of her, at herself. Lol...don't be shy. I was tired as shit, so I decided to write her off and go back to punching. Another 3 minutes or so later, after she finished practicing her routine once more, I noticed her standing around to catch her breath. I started walking towards her.

Me: Was that ballet?

I spoke quite loudly, and my voice is pretty deep, but she didn't hear me. I was approaching at her right side--she was turned 90 degrees from me. A middle-aged lady stopped doing yoga to look, and another guy who was also working out with the heavy bag went quiet. I walked a few more steps toward her.

Me: Was that ballet?

I was about 20 feet away from her at this point, but she still didn't hear. Then I noticed she had earphones on. Lol. Fuck. I kept walking. When I was about 10 feet from her, I made eye contact with her reflection in the mirror and waved at her. She turned towards me and removed her earphones.

Me: Was that ballet you were doing? (Smiling, because I thought it was funny that I had to repeat 3 times. It was still closed-lips though because I was too tired and my face didn't feel like forming a full smile)
Her: Oh, no, it's modern contemporary dance (Or some shit like that. Her expression was neutral)
Me: Oooh, I see. Do you perform, or is this a hobby of yours?
Her: I danced since I was little, and I used to compete, but not anymore
Me: Why? Why did you stop?

I forgot what she said. I just mainly deep dived her for about 3-5 minutes about dancing. During this time, her expression went from neutral to smiling. Her body language went from tense to relaxed. I was trying hard to not look deathly tired, and I think the end result was a bored look.

Her: So yeah, I'm just rehearsing for my final, but I'm really tired haha (she attends a dance academy)
Me: Well, you looked pretty good for someone who's tired (I turned my body slightly away and took a step back. I was getting ready to leave because I felt like going back to punching)
Her: Haha I sing too, but blah blah
Me: Oh yeah? blah blah blah (I faced my body back to her)

I forgot what I said. In my head I was just like LOLOL because she was trying harder to qualify herself (or display value) to keep me talking to her. I talked to her a little more about singing and other stuff, then I ended the interaction with a name exchange. I was just really tired, and I wanted to sweat more than meet girls because I haven't worked out in a really long time. I was also trying to practice talking emotionally, but I ended up deep diving, so I was like bleh.

After that, she started dancing more enthusiastically. She even danced her way close to me like three times, seeking attention. I should've rewarded her with a smile, but I didn't. Fuck me. The other guy who was also working out with the heavy bag was grunting and punching and kicking the bags harder than ever. LOL. I never liked that dude since I first saw him 2 years ago. He has "super cool" Chinese pop star hair, he wears the "I'm putting on a mad-looking face to look cool" facial expression, and his form and technique are functionally terrible--he puts way too much conscious effort into his stance and strikes to look cool, but his defense is poor and he just looks really really tryhard to anyone who actually learned combat sports.

I wished her good luck on her final on my way out. If I run into her again, I'll chat her up with more sexual intent and go for a number close then.

It was really nice interacting with a girl who responds with full sentences instead of 1-3 words. I liked how the approach was automatic. When I have a unique opener in mind, I have little to no hesitation/anxiety.


Also, the German model who I picked up on the beach over the summer messaged me last night, and we had a pretty deep and spiritual conversation about love. She's currently in Bali--she travels around the world and models. She's literally the living version of the film Eat, Pray, Love. I know I should be warm to everyone and treat all girls well, but I haven't been doing that lately. Primarily because I've encountered too many girls in the past 2-3 months who depend too much on me to lead the conversation and respond with very basic answers which have nothing for me to continue off of. So I've been annoyed. This girl changed that though. She reminded me of the warmth that I had when I met her, and inspired me to do that again. Some of the girls you meet during day gaming are truly amazing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Issues with my core psychology

I need to fix these problems if I want to stop being the little bitch that I've been for most of the past 3 months.

The desire to belong:
I never had many friends, and I can't say that I ever had a male best friend. I've always had a few close buddies and a gang of acquaintances with varying levels of closeness, but they always got swapped with new guys as I moved on from elementary school to middle school, to high school, and so forth. That's just how things turned out for me even though I've always wanted to have a ton of homies whom I could call on a random night to have them over for some video games, movies, or other mundane shit. Throughout the years, I wandered from group to group trying to fit in and belong, but I never quite did. Recently I've been feeling like an outcast again; I haven't had a set of close friends to do mundane shit with for the past month or so. Everyone that I've been close friends with, and even my fraternity brothers, seem to have faded into acquaintanceship. This has been bothering me for a while, but not anymore. Fuck it.

I won't waste any more time and energy trying to fit into a group. I'm not about to turn into an anti-social hermit crab; I will still befriend new guys, put in a bit of effort to maintain some existing friendships, and try my best to be a warm person. I'm just saying bye to trying to associate myself with a group because I'm unnecessarily investing too much by presenting a different version of myself to fit in, or I'm feeling detached and shitty by being myself and not fitting in. I think I'll be better off with the support and camaraderie of this community and by keeping myself busy with coding and seducing.

The desire to prove myself and validation-seeking:
This is related to my desire to belong to a group. By removing group association, I don't need to prove myself to anyone except me. I've substantially improved my social skills over the past year, and I'll continue to hold myself to a high standard. I've mentioned it somewhere on one of Anatman's LRs, but my goal is to reach his level by next year. I know, realistically I probably won't, but I like to aim high. "Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you'll still land among the stars"--right?

I will also stop looking to others for validation and reaction. My mentality with others used to be "try to be likable by most people", but to hell with that. I will be me, and I will do what I want (within reason--I will always strive to be as socially calibrated and graceful as possible).

Bitterness from previous relationship:
I didn't realize this until recently--prolly because I've rarely thought about my ex-girlfriend this year (I broke up with her last summer). During one of the arguments I've had with her, she told me "you'll never find anyone better than me!" This was actually the secondary reason why I got into seduction--I wanted to prove her wrong by showing her how much I have improved myself, and I wanted to make her feel like shit by showing off my skills/success with girls somehow. I've already accomplished the former beautifully. I ran into her one night when my fundamentals, mindset, and social momentum were peaked for the day, and I left her speechless. She actually hit me up the night after and tried to bait me into talking her out of her current relationship. LOLOLOLOLOL. As for the latter, there's really no need. She doesn't deserve any more of my thoughts or emotions.

Uncertainty about future:
Meh, I still don't know what I want to do after college. Maybe I'll become a freelance web/mobile/software developer or maybe I'll seek a full-time position. All I know is that I want to be a great father and husband and have financial stability. The details to getting there still need some figuring out, and the uncertainty makes me uneasy sometimes. Oh well.

Nice guy mentality:
Say that on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 is a super nice guy and 10 is a sexy lover. I started off at around 2 and I'm prolly around a 6-7 right now, trying to get to 10. However, reading Anatman's latest LR made me realize that the scale actually goes to 15--meaning that the "sexiest lover" that I had in mind, wasn't exactly the highest potential achievable. Eye contact, other non-verbals, and direct sexuality are the top three things that I need to work on in this department.

Yeah...it'll stahp.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
The desire to belong:
I never had many friends, and I can't say that I ever had a male best friend. I've always had a few close buddies and a gang of acquaintances with varying levels of closeness, but they always got swapped with new guys as I moved on from elementary school to middle school, to high school, and so forth. That's just how things turned out for me even though I've always wanted to have a ton of homies whom I could call on a random night to have them over for some video games, movies, or other mundane shit. Throughout the years, I wandered from group to group trying to fit in and belong, but I never quite did. Recently I've been feeling like an outcast again; I haven't had a set of close friends to do mundane shit with for the past month or so. Everyone that I've been close friends with, and even my fraternity brothers, seem to have faded into acquaintanceship. This has been bothering me for a while, but not anymore. Fuck it.

I won't waste any more time and energy trying to fit into a group. I'm not about to turn into an anti-social hermit crab; I will still befriend new guys, put in a bit of effort to maintain some existing friendships, and try my best to be a warm person. I'm just saying bye to trying to associate myself with a group because I'm unnecessarily investing too much by presenting a different version of myself to fit in, or I'm feeling detached and shitty by being myself and not fitting in. I think I'll be better off with the support and camaraderie of this community and by keeping myself busy with coding and seducing.

The desire to prove myself and validation-seeking:
This is related to my desire to belong to a group. By removing group association, I don't need to prove myself to anyone except me. I've substantially improved my social skills over the past year, and I'll continue to hold myself to a high standard. I've mentioned it somewhere on one of Anatman's LRs, but my goal is to reach his level by next year. I know, realistically I probably won't, but I like to aim high. "Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you'll still land among the stars"--right?
I will also stop looking to others for validation and reaction. My mentality with others used to be "try to be likable by most people", but to hell with that. I will be me, and I will do what I want (within reason--I will always strive to be as socially calibrated and graceful as possible).

I agree with you how you feel about it dude, and with what Chase says here: https://www.girlschase.com/content/true- ... trong-ones

I had points in middle school and high school where I was trying to fit in a lot, but figured out at some point in my teenage years (when I was starting to fit in more) that I didn't like it when I did fit in... I kind of realized that if I'm gonna keep growing and bettering myself, I'm not gonna be relatable to a group forever. 99% of people won't be trying to better themselves as much as I will be (which is neither here nor there, nothing really wrong with that) but because of that tying too much to a group could be bad; I like how it is now where I have groups of friends who I'll see maybe once a month or couple of months, and a few other like minded growth oriented friends I can see occasionally too (like you! lol ... guys who spend their time trying to really better themselves and are spending a lot of time to themselves on personal projects).

Say that on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 is a super nice guy and 10 is a sexy lover. I started off at around 2 and I'm prolly around a 6-7 right now, trying to get to 10. However, reading Anatman's latest LR made me realize that the scale actually goes to 15--meaning that the "sexiest lover" that I had in mind, wasn't exactly the highest potential achievable. Eye contact, other non-verbals, and direct sexuality are the top three things that I need to work on in this department.

I'll be honest dude I was pretty impressed meeting up with you with your vibe and stuff... we all need work and can better ourselves more sure, but thought that you were pretty high up there (felt so in my opinion and that I have a lot I could learn from you).


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
I agree, I have not met you personally but I have appreciated the help from time to time and I certainly look up to you in the field of seduction... you can be my homie ;)

Seriously though I hadn't realized your inner game is bothering you, I have the same problem although I must say that I've lately not been attacking inner game directly (although I still attend the 12 step co-dependents group) but operating on more of a "fake it till you make it" principle, this seems to be what is advocated by Chase and especially Franco whose universal panacea for inner game issues is to get out and approach more women ;) ;)

OTOH I can certainly see myself plateauing with this approach, I think there was an article about this on main site in recent days.

Keep improvin' bro ;)

cheers, Ray


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014

Thanks for the link. I just finished reading it, and it was a great article.

Gem said:
I kind of realized that if I'm gonna keep growing and bettering myself, I'm not gonna be relatable to a group forever.
Agreed. I just realized this too. It's cool how you figured this out in high school haha. I loved it when I first felt accepted by the group--when they'd ask me if I wanted to come along to eat with them, etc. As I continued to improve myself, however, I felt less and less relatable to everyone in the group each day, and I eventually grew out of the group to a point where I no longer fit in. I also realized that if one of your groups knows that you have other groups that you hang out and associate with, then they sorta become less inclusive with you. Not necessarily in a vindictive way, but more in a passive manner like "eh, I don't think we need to invite him...he's prolly occupied with the other group..."

Thank you for your compliment. I'm done being self-conscious and worrying about what other people think. Let's have some fun over the break and take over LA.



I feel humbled to hear that you look up to me because you're one of the most resourceful and active members of the community.

All yall are my homies here. I've felt accepted and welcome here ever since day 1, when I used to be paralyzed by approach anxiety. VERY few people are as warm and inclusive as the men I've encountered on the boards.

For a while I didn't even know what was bothering me. I had gotten too good at ignoring hindrances that I had to sit down and really think about it haha. I hope to see you resolve your inner game issues as well and become a beast!

Thanks, and it's great to have you around.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Experienced a legit approach anxiety for the first time in a while. She eye fucked me and even smiled, but I looked off to the side and pussied out because she was hot as shit. Please excuse me while I go look for my balls.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Yeah well. Shit happens. I'm currently in Starbucks after walking around like a chode the last few hours telling myself I'm not really approaching just doing a bit of shopping... and kinda hoping someone hot will fall into my lap... did a few desultory opens but feel too anxious and out of state to approach anyone hot and own it. Fuck gotta get outta this mindset and amp up the energy, last few days the same.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
ray_zorse said:
Yeah well. Shit happens. I'm currently in Starbucks after walking around like a chode the last few hours telling myself I'm not really approaching just doing a bit of shopping... and kinda hoping someone hot will fall into my lap... did a few desultory opens but feel too anxious and out of state to approach anyone hot and own it. Fuck gotta get outta this mindset and amp up the energy, last few days the same.

Fuuuark this is a shitty feeling. I was literally like "when the F did I grow a vagina?!"

After I pussied out, I went on here to whine and read this thread. That really pumped me up (I'm competitive as shit so knowing that my competition is weak makes me feel even more powerful) but it was too late because the mall was near closing time and it ran out of attractive girls. =[

I wasted 3 hours or so today. Also lost good opportunities with three other attractive girls because I was trying to wait for a better moment or pre-open. That was stupid.

I'm pretty sure it's because I jacked off last night. I left porn and downgraded to nude solo pics and imagination, but I guess it still makes me feel like a bitch.

Eh well. On the positive side, I now know a mall that has an okay population of fairly attractive Latinas and black-haired white girls, and I think I got rid of most of my vagina. Hopefully by tomorrow morning my balls will grow back because I'm gonna hit up another mall that I haven't visited since the summer.

Let's end the year with a bang. Literally.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
So I decided to stay in tonight with my heater instead of dealing with LA/Hollywood traffic, drunken idiots, and the cold.

In preparation for the mall game, I watched a couple of NetVideoGirls videos per this article because I wanted to see the guy's skills. They were good lessons on compliance...but I ended up jacking off twice. So I was feeling like a bitch again when I arrived at the mall (late because my car repair took 3 hours longer than expected), but I felt better than the day before even though I still pussied out and missed opportunities (because I acted too late, she was with family, there were too many people around, etc). I am definitely going to visit that mall again this weekend because there were a good number of very attractive girls despite it being 2 hours before closing, I received a good amount of approach invitations (which is why I felt better than the day before, and I definitely could've gotten more if I hadn't been feeling like a bitch), AND the majority of the men there are chumps with poor fundamentals.

After leaving the mall, I went to my friend's place to chill with a couple of buddies from back home.

FR: First social circle attempts since my ex two years ago

She arrived a little late with another female friend when I was a bit intoxicated. They were the only two females there, and all of us guys are engineering majors, so the guys talked with each other while the girls talked to each other. They eventually got a bit uncomfortable, and I noticed them adjusting their bags to leave with the frame of "well, we stopped by to say happy new year blah blah bye". Luckily, my friend who had been sitting between Joan and me got up and started acting stupid with another guy on the other side of the room. I initially wasn't trying to seduce; I just wanted to warm them up a bit so that they felt more comfortable about hanging out with us again in the future.

Me: So how was your first quarter at [OUR UNIVERSITY]?

The conversation was a pretty bland exchange of information, but she put effort into it. She talked most of the time, and I just sat there managing the flow. My expression was something like "curious indifference" or "mildly bored but intrigued"--I wore a slight smile half of the time while I kept my eyes smiling and focused on her.

I have no idea how our conversation ended up here, but she says, "I actually had 20-something swipes left when the quarter ended! You should hit me up if you want me to swipe you in!" Swipes--card swipes--is the word we use to represent campus food. We swipe our university ID cards to pay and enter the dining halls. Hmm...so I guess this is how women feel when chasers offer them free shit out of nowhere.

Me: That would be very awesome of you. Thank you.
Her: Yeah, my roommates had a bunch of swipes left over too, so...they can probably swipe you in too
Me: (I raised my eyebrows for a second because in my head I was like "WTF?! You're now offering me your roommates' swipes? U thirsty?" then I smiled) Haha, sounds great because I got tired of cooking
Her: Umm...but they're all girls, so...

I did not understand that train of thought. My response was quite wack too. I should've just been like "So...?" or something along those lines to make her elaborate, but I said "That's fine, just tell them I'm gay". I think my main concern was to put her at ease because she seemed uncomfortable as she said her last bit, and I thought that would relax the tension a bit. Damn you, whiskey.

Others heard me mention "gay" and I somehow got into telling the story about the time I got hit on by a gay guy in Vegas. To demonstrate, I leaned into Joan like how the gay guy leaned into me, and I did it nonchalantly while focusing on everyone else. So I got some physical escalation down, which will make the next steps of touch and compliance a bit easier. Then she left soon after, a little awkwardly--her body language was saying something like "Dangit, I want to stay but we already said bye to some peeps, so I'll look awkward if I sit back down~ ...shit"

It was cool to see how much effect nonverbals had on a girl despite the conversation being generally boring. My socially-skilled friend noticed, and after the girls left, he remarked "damn, Joan was all on you, fsc!" I don't think I'll pursue her. I think she has a juicy ass, but I don't really find her attractive.

Background story: I met her over Thanksgiving break when a bunch of mutual friends met up for dinner and bar hopping. She showed interest from the beginning--she would focus her eyes on me to initiate conversation, and she'd be delighted when I did. I was against social circle game at the time (I still kinda am, albeit less opposed now), so I didn't pay her that much attention. She's super cute, and she seems pretty socially experienced. She has her eye contact down, and probably has a handful of chasers because half of her snapchats are selfies with alluring eyes on.

During dinner I obtained her number hella effortlessly and dominantly:
Friend sitting next to Tricia: (After talking about snapchat with Tricia) OMG, fsc! I don't have you on snapchat!
Me: (Added the friend, opened up the "add new contacts" screen and handed the phone to Tricia, and she entered her number and added me on snapchat while I continued conversing with the friend)

Side story regarding that friend: She sent me a pic of that night a couple of days later, in which I was drunk and hugging a tree.
Me: You could prolly sell that pic to the tree rights version of PETA to use as their ad
Her: LOL probably, but their ads are usually of nude models though
Me: Eww, Jessica, get your mind out of the gutter. I'm not sending you a nude snapchat
Her: YOU get your mind out of the gutter! Blah blah blah (defending herself saying that's not what she meant, playfully)
Can't remember and can't retrieve the exact details because it was a Snapchat chat. I didn't respond to her last bit. A few days later she sent a snapchat video of her spinning herself in her office chair, eyefucking the camera, with the words "at work" or something inconspicuous like that. Eh...I don't find her attractive, and she was in a relationship with one of my buddies in the social circle, so I'll pass. Sorry.

Anyway, I deep dived Tricia a few times during the dinner, danced/grinded with her while bar hopping, and complimented her outfit, but I didn't talk to her much. I also approached 3 other girls while I was with them. The first chick was quite gorgeous and was receptive to me. We exchanged names and danced together for a bit before getting separated by the crowd. As she was leaving, she actually stopped by to say bye to me...FUCK I should've number closed. I'm stupid. I'm not sure if Tricia saw that, but she likely saw the second chick I opened because the girl was sitting at the table right next to where we were all dancing. The girl smiled upon my opening, and kindly tried numerous times to tell me her name amidst the loud music, but her beta white knight orbiter came over to cut me off. I wasn't really in state to continue pursuring, so I just walked away and rejoined my group, smiled it off, and continued dancing.

We exchanged some texts twice since, but I didn't take them anywhere. She always replied promptly.

Back to last night: While I was chilling with my friends, she sends me another selfie snapchat about how she just arrived in NY. We exchanged a few snapchats and I texted her.
Me: What are you in NY for anyway? Leisure or...? 4:29 AM
Her: Hahah yeah just fir nye just wanted to experience it haha : ))) any plans for u today? 4:29 AM
Me: Ahh, doing it properly I see. Not sure yet actually. I'll decide later in the day but looking forward to your NY NYE snaps though 4:33 AM
Her: Ofc! Im beyond excited. fsc hahaha omg i havent slept.... and idk if ill get the chance to bc today is already nye. 4:34 AM
Me: Did you bring along a textbook? Open that up and you'll prolly fall asleep real quick after a few paragraphs. But yeah hope you get to recharge during the day though 4:38 AM (I felt I was being too nice/helpful/useful here)
Her: Lol week are you kidding... don't have time for that haha. Idk if ill make it their the day. But we are waiting for the cronut shop and coffee shop to open so we can get some 4:39 AM
Me: Lols. Planning on fueling yourself with caffeine instead? #respect 4:41 AM
Her: They are..... if i drink coffee im really not going to sleep and i really need to haha. BUT CRONUTS 4:42 AM
Me: I have no idea what those are but they must be bomb for you to put them in caps. You shall be generously compensated should you deliver some to LA 4:45 AM
Her: Haha compensated with what 4:45 AM
Me: Genie fsc speaking. You are granted 3 wishes 4:48 AM
Her: Alright well just sayin genies keep their word so if i were to really bring some back... Lol 3 wishes right 4:49 AM
Me: Might depend on the wishes...Asian genies notorious for ripping people off. And no naughty wishes 4:55 AM (I was hoping she'd take it in a naughty route)
Her: Hahahahahhahahahahahaha 4:55 AM
Her: #cheapasian #frugal #stingy #yourenotarealgenie 4:56 AM
Her: #asianwishes 4:56 AM
Her: Haha but yeah titally jk ill bring u back some if u want haha no need 3 wishes 4:56 AM
Me: And that was one example how #cheapasian gets freebies right there =] 5:00 AM
Me: Thanks for the offer though, but nah. Enjoy them and you can instead tell me about it and the NY experience over other tasty munchies later 5:01 AM
Her: Hahah aiight foshooo ahha. Mmm just got some earl grey ahha 5:12 AM
Me: I did not know you were a tea type of lady 5:55 AM

Not exactly the best/coolest text exchange, but it was 5 in the morning and not full sober. She didn't respond to that, but she has been sending me snapchats near the ball drop, so that's cool.

I know two other guys in my social circle are also after her, so my initial position was to be generous and let them have their shot since I have other methods of obtaining women. Now, however, I kinda wanna see where this goes. For fun.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Blabber on sexual vibe and compliance

This is why maintaining a journal is helpful--I just realized that back in September, I declared my next primary "seduction improvement project" was to build myself into a sexy man (my first was on being a conversationalist). I have improved my sexy vibe noticeably since, primarily in the external appearance department, but somewhere along the road I drifted off track. As a result, I haven't been building sexual tension in my interactions, and I have been bludgeoning my way through instead.

Now I realize that the reason why many of my interactions felt dull, forced, and robotic was because I wasn't building much sexual tension. Instead, I was executing a process without putting any emotions into it. NetVideoGirls and the California Pimp helped me realize this because you can just "feel" the arousal in CP's voice. My voice has been deep, calm, and slow, but even with the purr you just can't create sexual tension unless you feel aroused and transfer that emotion to her by letting her sense that you want to fuck her. This is also why I think many of my sexual innuendos and jokes fell flat--because my emotions were "flat"/nonexistent.

CP's process also amazed me because nearly everything he does and says serves a purpose. It's quite ridiculous. There is little to no "beating around the bush". Even the questions he asks the girl ("What type of a girl are you?") is designed to steer the interaction toward the goal of framing her as a naughty girl, so that she would start viewing herself as a naughty girl and eventually end up doing naughty things with CP a few minutes later.

Some things I need to focus on:
1. Work on sexy eye contact a little more
2. Invest more emotions into every interaction--be aroused and try to transfer that emotion to the girl
3. Use more pauses
4. Keep compliance stacking in mind
5. Keep my hands off my dick when watching NetVideoGirls, and stop watching once CP or the girl whips his dick out.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
I've been working on my state and projecting emotions per this article, but with a modified list:
1. Calm, serene, and effortless
2. Carefree, playful, and curiously indifferent
3. Conviction, masculine, powerful, and rebellious
4. Compassionate and adoring
5. Socially confident
6. Independent from social status and external validation
7. Sexually aroused

1 is automatic, 2 and 3 are easy to switch on but not fully automatic yet, 4 and 5 are slightly more difficult to switch on and the emotions don't last as long, I'm working on 6, and 7 isn't very strong and doesn't last as long unless I'm somewhere private 1-on-1 with the girl.

I'm still not fully comfortable with cold approaching on campus, but I'm getting really close. I notice plenty of girls I'm attracted to checking me out, so I definitely should stop being a little bitch and start taking action. I've been something closer to a dick in the past few months, but I'm trying to project warmth again. Service employees like cashiers are being friendly and deferential with me once more, and female employees occasionally try to chat me up.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
FR/FU/OR: Broke circle twice and being spontaneous/adventurous
My frat had a party on Friday.

I've been an aggressive, BMOC/wildcard type of guy for previous quarter's parties, and I more or less followed a process like an emotionless robot without fully gauging the girl's emotions and comfort levels and whatnot. So on Friday I thought I'd tone down a bit and try doing chill/casual/slowburn type of game for the party while being more aware and observant. Lol, it did not work out; I think I pulled back too much, and I just felt weak and lame because I was lacking directness, aggression, and sexuality, and I was overly cautious about gauging the girl's body language and whatever else and making "110%-sure mutual" escalations. I felt like a clueless idiot to be honest and prolly looked like one.

I decided to drink a bit and spent the first 90 minutes or so playing beer pong and talking to some female friends. That was stupid; I wasted too much time. Then I wandered into the main room and went to the pool table where Gem was playing pool with some Asian chick, then I spotted her roommate, a tall Russian chick with red hair. I think I opened her with "nice hair" or something like that. We talked. It was non-sexual, but she was putting in effort into the conversation, so that was cool since a lot of the girls I talk to tend to be quite mute/shy/socially inexperienced.

Quick side note about girls who aren't super social with me:
I shall try to tackle this by being direct and sexual from the start, and try moving shit forward when conversation gets dull. I'm thinking this will either screen out the girl if she isn't interested in me, or I'll be hitting a super-duper-unclear escalation window.

Anyway, I repeatedly tried to put myself in a sexual mood and transfer that emotion, but my half-drunk brain kept interrupting like "Fuck, that was such a weak opening. Fuck, this conversation is pretty lame. Fuck, when and how am I gonna sexualize this? Fuck, WTF am I doing?" I think the best two things I've said to her were:

Her: Blah blah I've been dancing for 14 years
Me: Oooh, that's quite amazing. (Pause) When you say dancing...do you mean twerking or ballet?
Her: Oh, no I do mostly modern contemporary (or some shit that sounds like that)

I was hoping she'd at least giggle at the twerking statement, so I could work off of her response and try to get her to show me her ass or twerk, but NOPE.

Her: I'm such a dork and a nerd
Me: Haha (pause and smile). I like nerds...especially ones who dance

I wanted to have her show me (and invest) some dance moves and maybe move her to the dance floor, but she kept talking about Harry Potter and took the conversation elsewhere. I know...conversation was super exciting.

Russian and Asian:
As I was talking to the Russian, some other Asian chick came up to her side and asked her "Hey...introduce me to your new friend" In my mind, I was a mixture of this and still "Fuck, that was such a weak opening. Fuck, this conversation is pretty lame. Fuck, when and how am I gonna sexualize this? Fuck, WTF am I doing?"

I gave the Asian girl some attention, but I should've given her more. She was putting in slightly more effort to chat me up than the Russian had so far, then I noticed a slight hint of jealousy from the Russian, so I turned my focus back to her. I think it was too early because the Russian seemed assured about my interest in her while the Asian started giving up because in her eyes, I likely gave off the impression that I was pursuing the Russian and she was interrupting. After a few minutes, conversation felt like it was about to die, so I moved them over to the foosball table to play them two vs me. The Asian chick was all like "I love foosball!" while the Russian was like "I'm not too good at it, but okay". The Asian chick was pretty competitive and complained about the Russian's lack of skills a couple of times, and she also initiated two more games. Fuck, I should've focused on the Asian chick; she was decently pretty as well, but she peeled off not too long after the 3rd game. Then the Russian didn't hear something that I said and asked me to repeat myself, so I moved her outside with a "It's a bit too loud in here. Come outside with me, yeah?"

I continued deep diving her and stuff outside, and I felt like it wasn't going to be too long until I try to move her to my room. She has been putting in effort into the conversation, and she was following my lead, but I needed to warm her up a little more; I felt like I just needed a sexual frame and a "trigger" to make a smooth transition off of, because her eyes and body language didn't appear as "eager" as I deemed necessary, and to maximize compliance and congruence while minimizing LMR.

I felt like a rookie at this because this wasn't my style. I know most of the issues could've been fixed with a strong sexual vibe, but that just wasn't happening with my stupid brain at the time. A huge issue in my overall game that I realized was that I've been trying to work off of the girl's responses; we'd talk and I'd be on the lookout for opportunities to sexualize the interaction based on what she said or did. I totally forgot I could've directed the conversation that way--for example, I could've pulled the California Pimp move of asking her what type of girl she is, then framing her as being naughty or whatever. I'll most likely return to being direct from the get-go, but that was a good realization.

She also seemed to be either consciously or subconsciously somewhat socially adept. When we stepped outside, I locked myself in by putting my back against the wall and she stood in front of me. Then less than two minutes later, she sorta nullified this by coming to my side and leaning against the wall with me.

First case of breaking circle and fucking up:
I saw a bunch of my frat bros looking for our president, so I broke circle to ask what was going on like a fucking genius. Well, we actually weren't allowed to party this weekend, so the university organization that oversees fraternities paid us a visit to shut us the fuck down...I don't think it had too much of an impact because I had a valid reason, and I explained it to her.

The Russian's roommate and friends joined us, and we chatted for a little bit and took some Snapchats. The girls then gave me a window but I blew it like a super genius:

One of the girls: "Hey, they're kicking us out, so we should go...do you want to go?" (Looking at the Russian slightly wide-eyed and communicating some shit like "do you like him enough to stay?")
Russian: Umm...I don't know...

I was waaay too fucking passive here. I was still trying to do the whole chill game thing, so I thought non-verbals would suffice. NOPE because eventually she left with her roommate and friends. I should've persisted with something like "you could stay if you'd like", or I could've upped the aggression a little bit and whispered "I'd like you to say" or "You should stay".

Mexican and the second case of breaking circle
The party was already shut down, but she managed to stay. She was probably the least attractive girl I'd go for, but she was the best option at the time and her body was alright. I didn't reflect much after the Russian, so this girl and I ended up having a similar interaction. She put in effort as well, but she was somewhat distracted because she kept looking over her shoulder to make sure her drunk sister was alright. I broke circle with her because one of my frat bros came over to say something, and she visibly lost interest. It became a group conversation and she continued to lose interest as time went on despite me putting more focus on her. If I still wasn't in that "passive game" mode, I would've/should've just grabbed her hand and moved her outside. Reason? "I just want to spend time with you and only you tonight". She eventually left, and I didn't bother to number close because she attends another university halfway to Santa Barbara.

Bitches love adventure
Everyone left the party except for two of my frat bros and two sorority girls I've met last year. I'm not interested in either girl, so I kept conversations light and fun. After blabbering about until 4am, some of us wanted to eat while others wanted to smoke hookah. I wanted to do both and the latest hookah place was closing in an hour, so I drove everyone to smoke for an hour then go eat at a 24-hour restaurant. Hookah was a lot of fun. One of the employees joined us with his own hookah, introduced us to some cool tricks, and let us stay about an hour past their closing time until around 6am. Then we went to go eat and blabbered some more at the restaurant until 9am.

We talked quite a bit about horror films, supernatural shit, etc while at the hookah lounge and the restaurant, then someone came up with the idea of checking out an abandoned asylum that was supposedly haunted. So we went. We drove to some mountains by Pasadena and began hiking up to the haunted asylum despite the fact that it was raining. There was a trail that was wide enough for a service truck to drive on, but we decided to take a "shortcut". We called it the #YOLOSWAG trail because it was difficult, and to be honest we had no idea where the fuck we were going. It was a path that has clearly been traveled through before, albeit not much, and it was so narrow that we had to hike in a line, and we were on the side of the mountain with a fatal drop just inches away from our feet half of the time.

About 30 minutes into the hike, we had service so we researched a bit on our phones and realized that my frat bro had misread; there was no asylum. It's the Cobb Estate that was supposedly haunted, but it has been torn down 50 years ago, AND we trailed waaay off course. LOL. Oh well, we decided to continue our way into the mountains anyway for fun and exercise. It was a rather intense hike thanks to the rain making shit slippery, and we often had to climb rocks using roots and branches for support. We actually passed by a small cave that had someone living in it, so that was pretty cool and creepy. We stopped when we reached a dead end where our path was blocked on 3 sides by massive rocks.

We almost got lost on the way back, but we made it to my car, ate lunch, then arrived home at around 5pm. It was a fun 18 hours or so. Throughout the night->morning->afternoon, my eyes met with both girls' from time to time and they returned good eye contact, and they also occasionally whispered shit into each other's ear. We all had fun, and I'm hoping they will talk about the adventure with their sorority sisters and improve relations with my fraternity, and put me in good standing with their members.