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Shenanigans II


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
I was actively trying to manage my state for most of the day today, except just 5 minutes ago. I was heading out from the gym and Katy Perry was on the radio, so I was singing along in my head. Then a hot Asian chick's eyes and mine locked for 2 full seconds.

I froze.

When I gathered myself, it was too late.

Fuck you, Katy Perry. You will never alter my state again.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
FR: Studying with sorority girls

A couple of my frat bros and I went over to a sorority house to study and munch on snacks together. Some of them had some success with small talk, but I felt socially retarded because I couldn't get a decent conversation going with anyone. I think part of the issue was that my non-verbals and vibe were more toward the serious side than the "devil may care attitude" side, and I guess some girls are simply too young for deep diving, but I couldn't even get past surface-level questions. I suppose it's also my fault for not using cold reads, statements, small talk, etc., but my interactions ended up being very interview-like because I was the one asking questions and trying to get to know the girls while they were replying to my probes with simple responses with no additional statements that I could "jump off" of.

Out of the 5-7 girls who I met that night, the only things they knew about me were: my name, my major, and the assignment that I was working on that night. All I was asked throughout the entire 2 hours were "what do you study?" and "what are you working on?". Literally. I was bored as shit when I got asked the latter question by the last girl, so I told her I was working on SkyNet so I can take over the world. Nope, it didn't go anywhere; she just giggled and said that'd be cool. I suppose I could've asked her what she'd do first if she became the ruler of the world or whatever, but this was right after I met her and we exchanged names, so it may have been a bit too heavy/deep at the time. I was also already somewhat annoyed by the lack of conversation from the previous girls, so I didn't really feel like trying.

I should've tried harder with the last girl despite being annoyed. She was one of the few Asians that I found attractive, ever. I was sitting next to her and she had her body turned a considerable amount toward me, so I think she was waiting/hoping for me to initiate more conversation. Unfortunately, my mindset was like "Bitch, I'm tired of trying to get to know you and your sisters. How about you put in some effort and initiate a thread this time?" Also as I was packing to leave, she softly and genuinely apologetically said "Sorry for being so boring tonight..."


FR: Ice skating and kickback with sorority girls

The next day, my frat and a different sorority went ice skating then had a small kickback at our house afterwards. It was pretty much more of the same: I couldn't really get a decent conversation going. There were two girls I had good conversations with, but I wasn't interested in either of them so I kept it friendly. There were a few others I exchanged brief eyefucks with, but half of them gave me shitty conversation and the other half I didn't try. I had more to say about this event primarily because I was annoyed at the time, but I'm chill now so it's whatever. Furthermore, we see this sorority frequently, so It's pretty much a social circle game. I am not too down for social circle game, so that's another reason why I wasn't direct and didn't attempt to escalate as much.

I may be being cocky, but I think my attainability seemed low to these girls and with the girls from the sorority I studied with.

FR: Party

My frat had a party on Friday.

Our designated security bro and a couple of others were absent for various reasons, so I decided to guard the door for the entire party because only a few brothers can bounce effectively. It was still fun bouncing (AKA yelling at creepy random guys who try to get in). A cute, sexy, flirty sister from the "social circle" sorority bounced with me for a bit, and it was quite fun because she had random guys dance for her as an audition to get into the party. Another sister from the "social circle" sorority, who I'd actually consider marrying, also bounced with me for a bit. We had fun and built some more rapport. She wanted to fuck me last year, then I think she got jealous at one party last quarter and gave up. She would be a super easy lay if I tried, but another brother is pursuing her HARD, so nah.

Saw a cute blonde leaving the party as I was guarding the door. I got her number more out of a challenge than attraction.

My buddy: Damn, she's cute
Me: Go talk to her
My buddy: Mmm...nah
Me: If you don't do it, then I will
My buddy: Oh...okay, fine, let's see if you can get her number

Thankfully she stopped on the sidewalk not too far away.

Me: Hey
Her: (Turns around)
Me: I was doing security all night, so I didn't get to meet you. You're really freaking cute. What's your name?
Her: Oh! Haha thank you! I'm Sarah
Me: fsc (handshake, sexy eyes and sexy smile). Ooh, I like your necklace...I remember seeing this earlier
Her: Oh! Were you the one who complimented me on it earlier?
Me: Yeah, it probably was me as you were walking in. I like how it matches your hair.
Her: Aww thank you! No one else complimented me on it (sad face)
Me: That sucks...Oh shit, you have gold earrings too. Nice matching outfit

We small talk for a bit, then she briefly re-enters my frat house to fetch her friend. While I wait I chat up the blonde's Latina friend for a bit about where the Latina is from, about UCSB because she goes there, etc. Blonde returns.

Her: Your party was so much fun. Are you having anything tomorrow?
Me: Probably not. We could have a kickback if you'd like (referring to her and her group of friends)
Her: OMG, that would be cool!
Me: Yeah, I like kickbacks better...it's more intimate than a large party like this
Her: Yeah, I'm totally down. Here, let's do this. (She takes out her phone) Give me your number, and let me know if you have something tomorrow and I"ll come.

Sweet. She leaves with her friends. Latina looks jealous. Lols

Text exchange:
Her: Sarah
Me: Nice meeting you fashion star
Her: You too headband boy
Me: Doing security all night wasn't exactly the brightest idea. I didn't get to spend as much time as I could've with you
Her: Well maybe you'll make it up to me another night
Me: That's the plan. Are you staying over the weekend?
Her: Not tonight

I didn't know how I should respond to this, especially because i felt like she held more power at that point, so I decided to ignore it for a bit. Then she sends me another text an hour later aww yeeah.

Her: But the rest of the weekend yeah
Me: Awesome since I'm busy all day today. Sunday or Monday? I'm thinking we'll grab some sweets or whatever and see where things go

No response yet.

I was sitting on the front steps when I see an Asian girl with a slim/fit body in tube top and tight mini skirt walks past me to leave. I run down the stairs and catch her.

Me: Hey, hold up
Her: (Turns around)
Me: I didn't get to talk to you because security. Fuck. Because I was busy security. Fuck. I can't talk right now, my tongue's frozen.
Her: Haha
Me: But I felt like telling you that you have an amazing body
Her: Haha! Thank you!

Her sorority sister: No (she grabs the Asian's arms and tries to turn her around to keep walking)
Me: (I do this) OMG I'm totally a threat
Her: (Her body doesn't even turn--she's still facing me. Both girls laugh)
Me: What's your name?
Her: (I totally forgot) I'm from "social circle" sorority
Me: Oh...cool. I'm fsc.

We small talk briefly about my frat and her sorority, and her sister re-enters the house to grab a jacket she left behind. There was about 5 seconds of silence. The entire time I'm thinking "Damn it, I hate social circle...she's not even that pretty"

Me: You definitely played sports in high school or something...(checking her out, head to toe)

Then she tells me about swimming and shit, and I'm not really listening due to lack of attraction and lack of motivation to pursue. Conversation is about to die again after talking about ice skating and the kickback that she missed earlier in the week, so I close.

Me: Cool, so I guess I'll see you around then (sexy smile and eyes)
Her: Yeah! Nice meeting you!

FR: The day after the party (today)

Super hot cashier
A few of my frat bros and I went to the college town for some boba. The cashier at the spot was a super hot white-Asian mix with a great body. She looks like Jessica Burciaga. Apparently one of the frat bros who I went with has met her last year: she's in one of the top sororities here, and apparently is/was an Abercombie & Fitch model. My bros ordered their drinks before me. I turn around and see a long ass fucking line, so I decided to wait until the line died out. When I ordered my drink she was pretty warm and sociable. I wasn't sure if she was being a friendly employee or interested, but I didn't care. I just had to.

Her: Hi
Me: That was a long ass line
Her: (Smiles)
Me: Yeah, I just wanted to come back and tell you I think you're really cute
Her: What? (Looking flattered)
Me: You're freaking cute
Her: Oh haha...umm...haha, thanks
Me: Think you'd get in trouble if your boss caught you giving me your number?
Her: Umm...I don't know
Me: What's your name?
Her: (I forgot)
Me: I'm fsc. (Pause with a smile) You have a scratch paper?
Her: (Grabs a pen and starts looking for a paper)
Me: So what do you do when you're not working?
Her: I go to school
Me: Here?
Her: Yeah (handing me her number)
Me: That's cool. Awesome. So I'll text you and we'll hang out or something. Yeah?
Her: Sure haha (big smile, looks down)
Me: Cool, nice meeting you

Girl waiting for her order
I sit back down with my frat bros and we drink our bobas around the corner from the cash registers. The window where the orders come out is also around the corner where we are, and I notice a fairly pretty girl checking me out a few times. She's with another girl and a guy, and I try to gauge if he might be her boyfriend. It doesn't seem like it, and there's a line to keep the first girl above busy.

Me: Is he your boyfriend?
Her: Huh?
Me: Is he your boyfriend?
Her: Him?
Me: (Nodding yes)
Her: Oh, no...why?
Me: Perfect...I wanted to tell you that you look gorgeous
Her: Oh ahah thank you! (Her female friend's eye turn huge and the guy smiles awkwardly and looks down when I look at him for a split second)
Me: What's your name?
Her: Marissa. Yours?
Me: fsc. Nice to meet you
Her: Are you from around here?
Me: Yeah, you?
Her: I'm from Irvine, actually. It's pretty far
Me: Only half an hour away
Her: I think it's a bit longer
Me: Depends on how fast you drive
Her: Haha, I guess so
Me: You like it there?
Her: It's alright
Me: Oh yeah? (Pause for about 2 seconds with eyes locked) So, what are you up to all the way up here?
Her: Oh, I'm visiting my best friend (pointing to the girl). Just dropping something off
Me: I see...do you visit often?
Her: Umm...I don't know haha
Me: How about we exchange numbers, and the next time you're here we can hang out or something?
Her: Sure!

We exchange numbers, their order just comes out, and they leave.

My frat bro: That dude was salty as fuck
Me: Really?
My frat bro: Yeah, he was looking at you with a salty face lol

Lols. My bad if you were trying to get at her too. Not my fault I have balls.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Hey FSC,

Impressive pickups with the cashier hottie and the Irvine girl. Thanks for writing down the dialogue in detail, it's very helpful. I've yet to approach a girl in a group with a guy during the day like that: your account gives me confidence on how to proceed.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
You seem to be rediscovering your vibe, this is the fsc we know and love ;) top stuff I'm defo taking notes (not a social circle king but been dipping my toes as u saw in my FU -- anyway I'm getting my vibe back too, feeling very awesome).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.

Yeah, it's nice to have my balls back. The past month was shit thanks to some flu-like virus and internal/personal/mindset issues, but I feel nearly normal now. The most effective "cures" that I needed were being challenged by someone to perform and observing some terrible pick up attempts to fire me up. The state control exercises I've been doing have been helpful, but nothing gets me in state as fast as doing an approach.


Party blonde = No response still, I don't care.
Cashier = Oops, she may have just worked as a non-model employee. No response to my "Hey this is fsc from [boba]. Save this number =]" text. I might text her tomorrow if I feel like it. Apparently she has been to a couple of my frat's parties, so I might just catch her then or at work. I kinda care. She's fucking hot.
Irvine chick = Short text exchange, no response to my latest text. I don't care.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
FR: Grocery store

When I went to bed last night, I was feeling good and humorous about this, but for some reason I woke up irritated. I needed to meet new girls to make myself feel better. So I washed up, put on clothes, then went to go grab some coffee, food, and groceries.


My first approach was a 10 on the street. Absolutely gorgeous face and sexy body. Unfortunately, boning her would've made me a pedophile. I felt I was too smiley with her, so I decided to calm myself down a bit and appear a bit more authoritative for the next girl. James Bond-like, I suppose.

She walked by and we both checked each other out subtly-but-not-really. I swiveled around.
Me: Hey
Her: (Turns around)
Me: You just passed by me and I had to come back to tell you you're really cute
Her: Whoahohohohohaha thank you!
Me: Uhh...haha. (Kinda was at a loss for words. Shrugged my shoulders) What's your name?
Her: (Totally forgot)
Me: fsc. Nice to meet you (soft handshake and pause). So what are you up to?
Her: Oh my friend and I are about to eat at [this restaurant that's famous because everyone eats here at 2am after partying]
Me: Hmm, I see...are you from around here or are you visiting?
Her: I'm from Reseda, actually
Me: So I'm guessing Cal State Northridge?
Her: Haha, no...I'm actually in high school...I'm a bit young for you
Me: No way...I thought...what the fuck? I thought you were like mid-20s...
Her: Hahaha I'm actually 17
Me: Well, shit, I'm not trying to be a pedophile
Me: Do you wanna like...meet up at [this restaurant that's famous because everyone eats here at 2am after partying] a year from now?
Her: HAHAHAHA sure!

WTF, this chick was actually excited and was about to pull out her phone. LOLS. I just said I was kidding and parted ways. I was a bit thrown off because she looked mature, and I also asked too many questions.


I went inside the grocery store and noticed a cute girl who looks like Lorde check me out twice. I slowly bagged a bundle of cilantro and blankly stared at the other vegetables in front of me as I focused on this Lorde lookalike. She came to my right and checked me out as she scanned the vegetables. Then she came to my left, stood even closer, and checked me out again before grabbing a zucchini. I suppose I should've opened her here with a "that's a pretty long zucchini" with a sly grin for a sexual head start, but that didn't cross my mind until just now. A few seconds after she left, I turned around to check out some tomatoes behind me, and I noticed her checking me out again. She walked over to the berries section and stood alone except for some old lady next to her, but fuck it whatever.

Me: Hey
Her: (She turns her head to look at me but her body is still facing forward, and I position myself next to her with my body facing mostly forward)
Me: This is a bit weird in a grocery store, (pause) ...but you're really cute
Her: (Mouth opens in "smiley" shock and her body turns more toward me. I fully face her since I just went direct)
Me: (Calm smile) What's your name?
Her: Randi
Me: fsc. (Soft handshake) Randi...is that short for something? (Inquisitive look)
Her: No. It's just Randi. With an 'i'
Me: Haha (chuckled at the fact that she spelled it out for me) I see. (Pause) So are you a student here?
Her: Yeah! I'm a sophomore. What about you?
Me: 5th year. Haha (chuckled at the fact that I'm finally getting some damn decent interactions) Anyway, what's your schedule like during the week?
Her: I just have class... (looking down--what I felt from her at the moment was that she felt she was unqualified because she JUST has class and nothing else interesting, but I dunno)
Me: And when do you usually end? I'm thinking we could grab some hot chocolate when you get out...
Her: Umm...(I noticed a generally negative feel, so I cut her off)
Me: Or we could go check out that new boba place that opened up depending on the weather (broke eye contact to look outside--it was warm today)
Her: I usually don't really meet random people at grocery stores and stuff...(begins to walk away, I keep still)
Me: Well everyone is a stranger at one point (I'm now looking at her at 45-degree angle because she was trying to walk away)
Her: (Stops walking) That's true...
Me: Here, how about this: we'll exchange numbers and you can decide later
Her: Sure, that sounds nice
Me: (As she's putting her contact info in my phone) So what do you study here?
Her: Psychology
Me: As a pre-med or...?
Her: Yeah, either that or pre-law
Me: Oh, that's pretty badass
Her: (She smiled a bit and looked as if she felt a bit more accepted) I'm sorry, I'm just awkward
Me: That's fine, so am I. I'm in engineering
Her: (Laughs softly)
Me: Well, it was nice meeting you
Her: Yeah, nice meeting you too! Text me your name

She entered her last name as well. NICE =]

I got home and Facebook stalked her a bit, and I found out that she is in the same sorority as that hot white-Asian mix cashier in the FR above. SHIT, I pretty much used the same opener and texted her the same "Blah blah, this is fsc from blah blah earlier. Save this number =]" LOLOLOLOL. Hopefully I won't become a topic of conversation between them two, but it's a pretty big sorority, so I doubt this will happen. Actually, I don't think I even care all that much.

It seems like ages ago when I was in her position--where I felt awkward around girls and apologized to them for being awkward. But that was less than 1.5 years ago. I wonder where I'll be another 1.5 years from now =]


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Blabbering about my life and some updates

I passed by 2 super hot girls on the street, swiveled around immediately, and saw that both had ass. I opened them direct right away. They stopped, giggled, and thanked me but turned around and started walking away. I tried to stop them by asking for their name but they turned their heads and giggled out a "nooo".

Eh, at least it seems like my balls grew back along with outcome independence and the "devil may care" attitude; I didn't hesitate at all despite it being my first approach of the day, and a few weeks ago I would've been intimidated by their beauty and sexy attire. When I spotted hot girls a few weeks ago, the first thing that would pop in my head was "Fuck, damn, where are my balls?". Once again, my initial thoughts have returned to "Hmm...what's a good, unique opener that I can use?", and I feel more natural and casual about my approaches rather than it feeling like a process. Now that I've pretty much returned to my baseline, I can focus on being sexy, sexual, and work on chase framing again.

At my previous "peak" a few months ago I was about the LOLs, and I was more of an aggressive "I don't effing care" type of a guy rather than a chill "devil may care" type. Now for some reason I feel more mature, calmer, warmer, and more sincere. I actually want to get to know people at a deeper level, and if a girl gives me an awkward interaction, I feel like I'd work a bit harder to get her to open up--before I'd just be like "lols, bye bye". I guess it was an ego issue. I've worked so hard to improve myself that when I encountered a girl who was shy/quiet/awkward, my reaction was like "lols, let me go find a more socially experienced bitch...come back when you're at my level". Now I just feel warmth. They're just girls. It was actually pretty fucked up how I was so cold to them; the old, socially retarded me would've felt depressed if an attractive girl turned around and walked away from me because I couldn't provide a decent interaction. Me doing that to these girls probably made them feel infinitely worse.

I began meditating again. I think that's one of the reasons why I'm feeling compassionate and even calmer than usual. I still jack off but probably once every 2-4 days. I've gauged myself for the past 2 weeks and realized that jacking off to porn makes me feel like a little bitch for the first couple of hours after jacking off. Afterwards, I can usually get myself back into my normal state with some conscious managing of my mind. I resumed weightlifting and training for boxing as well, so I think that helps increase my testosterone and counteracts the "little bitch" feeling.

I texted the girl from the FU report, and apologized for wasting so much time and being drunk and stupid. I wasn't sure at first whether it was a beta bitch move or not, but I felt like doing it so I did it. The main point of my text wasn't to apologize; it was worded as an alternative to radio silence in which I acknowledge my mistake to clear away any potential awkwardness between her and me. She replied in 2 minutes and was really chill about it. She repeated herself twice saying the night was fun and nothing is awkward, so I hope/guess that made her reinforce that idea into her mind.

I think I'll text the grocery store girl tomorrow and ask her what her thoughts are regarding meeting up with strangers or whatever. If she responds and I get a date, then cool; if not, whatever. There are plenty of model-quality babes in LA.

I've been working on checking out girls in a sexy manner the way Jude Law does it in this article. When I did it on a girl today who was walking towards me, she was stunned (her eyes got wide, mouth opened, and she got a "holy fuck shit fuck" look). Hehehe. I'll try this some more tomorrow on campus, at the grocery store, and at the dinner that I have with the FU report girl's sorority. I'm thinking I'll be "okay" at it by Friday's party.

May we all become fucking monsters


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
OR: Don't be this guy
Guys, work on your intelligence and learn to accept the fact that you may be wrong in an argument. I was out with an acquaintance (to him I'm his best friend), and at one point we were talking about allergies. His claim was that weather (or seasons...he used "weather" and "season" interchangeably) was the cause of allergies. Our conversation went like this:

Me: I'm allergic to something back home in the valley
Him: Wait...you should still have allergies because your place isn't even that far away
Me: What? No, my allergies went away since moving to LA
Him: Nah, that's weird...because weather causes allergies and your place is close, so there shouldn't be that much difference
Me: Haha, dawg it's things like pollen that cause allergic reactions
Him: Then why do we get allergies during certain seasons of the year then?
Me: Things like pollen are seasonal allergies. And you're talking about seasons now? It's not the same as weather
Him: Yeah, they're pretty much the same. Seasons cause weather and seasons cause allergies (or some shit like that)
Me: Are you trolling or are you being fucking serious?
Him: I'm being serious dude! I only have allergies in the spring! And spring is a season!
Me: (I just go silent, shake my head, and look away at this point)

He actually went on a bit more about seasons and allergies, so yeah, also learn when to stop talking as well. I had to turn my head and tell him that he was "fucking retarded" for him to shut up.

Also, this is pretty basic stuff, but don't interrupt the speaker when he/she is talking, especially if you're throwing out terribly wrong guesses. I don't recall the exact content of the conversation, but it went something like this with the same guy as above:

Me: Yeah, you shouldn't do it because...
Him: (Interrupting) Because ABC right?
Me: Nah, because XYZ. Because when you do XYZ...
Him: (Interrupting) Then DEF happens right?
Me: (Pause) Nah...actually, because UVW happens...
Him: (Interrupting) Hmm, that's weird! I would think that DEF happens when you do ABC because blah blah blah
Me: (Pause while looking at this guy as if he's legit retarded) No. As I was saying...

He also does this with girls.

FR: Sorority dinner
Finally had good conversations with girls today despite not having slept the night before. Holy shit, that was refreshing. My frat had a dinner at the FU report girl's sorority house today. We socialized for a bit in their living room before eating dinner. I forgot about practicing the Jude Law sexy check out but whatever.

Sarah/FU report girl:
We greeted each other when I walked in the house, but we didn't have a conversation since she was occupied by one of my frat bros. I tried to chat her up after the dinner, but she seemed kinda awkward. I should've limited my interactions with her to all non-verbals.

Not too long after entering the house, we were moved to the living room area, and the blonde happened to be standing in front of me along with two of her sisters. I think I just said out loud "Hey, what are your names?" to start conversation. I ended up focusing on the blonde since we were having decent small talk, and the other two girls peeled off. She was a transfer student, and she sorta hooked when I mentioned that I was too. Our community colleges were actually about 20 minutes apart.

The blonde and I were chatting by the stairs when Filipina came down. I broke circle (usually a bad thing, but it didn't matter here) and greeted Filipina. She was short and jolly and super cute, like...not an attractive type of cute, but a OMG I WANNA BITE YOUR CHEEKS type of cute. Conversation with her was more fun, and I forgot about the blonde. Initially the 3 of us stood in a circle, and I could just feel the blonde craving for attention. The Filipina was just really jolly in her own world and oblivious to the blonde's stares, and I kinda got sucked into it. She ended up getting all of my attention, and the blonde peeled off. A couple of minutes later, I noticed the blonde walking towards my direction. When I looked up at her, she kept her eyes locked to mine as she walked past me. She was definitely irritated, and I'm pretty sure she was horny. If she was a bit more attractive, I would've put in more effort.

We were moved to the dining room, and I lost the Filipina when I left to stash my jacket somewhere. I didn't want to stand and look around, so I sat down at an empty table. A pretty Korean girl sat across the table from me, but I didn't get to talk to her as much as I wanted to because the Mexican girl below consumed almost all of my time, and she also left once she finished eating. I'm not sure what to make of this girl. She had an annoyed face as if she didn't want to be there, but I THINK she was just nervous, attracted, didn't know what to do, and jealous at the Mexican girl.

On one occasion, I saw the Korean girl and one of her sisters standing around on the other side of the dining room, positioned so that my body is facing them (in other words, they were in front of me at a distance--I didn't have to turn my head). Then she starts pulling off some dance moves...hmm. I'm think she was just trying to impress and get attention, but I'm not sure. On another occasion, long after she left the table, she returned and pulled the Mexican girl and spoke with her privately off to the side. I thought she was telling the Mexican girl to back off or something, but I briefly heard the two smalltalk...wtf? She pulled her off the table just to have smalltalk? I dunno, maybe she did tell the Mexican to back off then smalltalked a bit louder so that I can hear and think that nothing serious was going on. I don't know, this girl was a bit confusing.

So the table I chose became filled with the Korean and 6 other frat/sorority members. One of the girls decided to sit next to me, and we introduced ourselves. When she told me her name, I looked immediately at one of my brothers on the other end of the table because he has dated her before and things didn't go ideally. Even though conversation with her was one of the best I've had in a while, it was uncomfortable because I was consciously holding myself back the entire time. I didn't know how my bro felt about her, so I figured my best choice was to be chill and friendly without escalating. For example:

Her: OMG, there are so many movies that I've missed that I wanna watch
Me: Oh yeah? Which movie do you want to watch the most?
Her: Hmm...ABC, definitely!

This is where I would've been like "Hmm, I actually didn't get to watch that either...what are you doing after this?" and I would've tried to invite her over to "watch the movie". Instead, I just continued talking about movies while laughing in my head. It was interesting to purposely miss escalation windows.

FR but not really: Party
I met 8 girls or so at the party, but 1 of them barely spoke English, and the rest were either a roommate, friend, or neighbor of a girl I already knew. I am not about that social circle game...if shit went bad (I couldn't get hard, for example), I don't want people knowing about it. The blonde from the sorority dinner above greeted me and looked like she'd be very receptive to my sexual advances, but I actually had Sarah (they're sorority sisters) in my arms at the time. I didn't see the blonde for the rest of the party.

I was tired and not really feeling social, and Sarah/FU report girl kept me on leash for most of the night. The night went like this for the first half of the party: talk to Sarah -> wander off and meet new girls -> things didn't go well for one reason or another -> Sarah finds me again -> repeat. At one point she was like "you think I'm cute, but why do you keep wandering away from me? I'm starting to question what you think about me..." I just chuckled, hugged her, and kissed her head.

For the second half of the party, I gave up trying to ditch Sarah and stayed with her. I was just chilling, but I'm pretty sure she was waiting for me to pull. She eventually got frustrated, and she dragged some guy out of the party by his hand. I thought to myself, "Finally, I am free", but her friend who has been trying to get Sarah and me to fuck each other for the past week (I don't know why) cockblocked hard and got her to come back to the party. Lolwut?

Meanwhile, I found some foreign chick who looked like Pink crying because she was drunk and didn't know how to get home. I was caring for her and trying to figure out how to get her home when Sarah found me again. Sarah, her female friend, and I were trying to console PInk when a couple of my frat bros, alumni, and friends of bros kept trying to hit on them. Jesus fucking Christ...who the fuck tries to flirt with a girl who's crying and two girls who are trying to care for her?

Anyway, I end up driving Pink home, and Sarah comes with me so Pink feels safe. As I expected, this drunk idiot lost her keys, and she wouldn't let me ring her door bell because she was staying with a host family and didn't want to leave a bad impression. So I had to break into this bitch's host family's place to let her in. On the ride back with Sarah, she compliments me and my frat and shit. Damn it, I wasn't trying to up her attraction for me. I started getting a bit horny, so:

Me: What do you think of me?
Her: Hmm...I don't know. What do you think of me?
Me: You're cute
Her: Just cute?!
Me: Haha...(Shit, think! What else? Think! Thought!) and thoughtful
Her: Thoughtful?! (Looking unsatisfied)
Me: What do you think of me then?
Her: (Pause) I think you're cute
Me: Just cute?! (Imitating her)
Her: Hahaha, and...thoughtful
Me: Thoughtful?! (Imitating her)
Her: HAHAHA (Changes subject)
Me: (Repond to subject) Anyway, what I actually tried to ask was, what do you think of me as?
Her: Umm...I think you're friendzoned. Sorry fsc
Me: Oh nooo (sarcastically)
Her: Hahaha. But I don't think I've known you long enough to friendzone you, so I don't know yet. So...yay for you haha
Me: Thanks for that emotional rollercoaster ride

I arrive at my frat house, but we stay in my car for a bit. If I really wanted to get somewhere with her, I should've driven her somewhere else and tried to escalate in my car.

Her: Ugh, it's gonna be cold when we step out
Me: Hmm...you know what warm?
Her: What...? (Sly grin spreading)
Me: The heater in my room...
Her: Hahaha
Me: You know what else is warm?
Her: What?
Me: My blanket...
Her: Hahaha no, I think we'll not do that tonight
Me: What's your plan then?
Her: I don't know, meet up with my friends back inside, then I don't know. I don't plan things
Me: (Pause) Fine, I'll give you a plan. We'll drop your friends off at the dorms, then you're gonna come back with me...and I'll drop you off tomorrow morning.
Her: (I forgot what she said, but it was a no)

I walk back inside with her and 3 of my frat bros are chatting with 2 sorority girls I know. Last year I made out with one of them, had her alone in my room on my lap while she sang to me, got cockblocked by 4 of her sorority sisters, tried to set up a date but she was busy, then I lost interest in her and never talked to her again. So it was a bit awkward when she saw me walking in with Sarah. To make things even worse, one of my frat bros stopped me, let Sarah enter the house, then kept saying "fsc, you gotta fuck Sarah! You gotta fuck Sarah!" right in front of the girl who used to be quite interested in me and I tried to date. Lols.

My pull attempt in my car was pretty much my last effort, so I bid everyone a good night, kissed Sarah on the side of her head as I hugged her, and went to bed. As I was walking away, Sarah said disappointedly "You're leaving?!". I think she was still hopeful that I'd persist. As I walked out of the frat house, I heard her friend (the one who has been trying to get Sarah and me together) announce that they were going home. I think she was trying to get Sarah to go after me. Lols. Oh well, too late.

Post-party bull crap
One of my frat bros asked me for Sarah's number a few hours later, so I gave it to him. I knew she was playing the field--she was flirting with everyone, gave out her number, and even dragged that guy out of the party--so I thought she wouldn't mind having another option.

The next evening, Sarah texts me asking if she has been friendzoned, and she isn't happy about the fact that I gave her number to my frat bro. I didn't want to text and I was about to drive, so I invited her over to talk in person. She didn't respond for 2 hours, so I texted my frat bro asking how Sarah had been responding to him. I was hella surprised when he told me that she actually asked him out, and they were on a date at the moment, and were actually headed to the frat house. Then a few minutes later, Sarah texts me telling me she's coming over without mentioning my frat bro and the fact that she is sorta on a date with him.

That would've been a hella awkward situation if I didn't text my frat bro. I would've went down to meet her, expecting to have a conversation, then be met with my frat bro. I lied and told her that I wasn't home, and explicitly friendzoned myself over text while putting in good word for the frat bro and wished her the best. She texts me again after the date telling me that she actually liked me and tried to put me on a guilt trip and put me down saying it was weird of me to give away her number. I got a bit irritated, so I called her out on her shit without appearing salty. My text was generally positive and genuine, but she responded with a bitchy text. I responded in a chill manner, with a mindset like "Lols, she's like my bratty little sister". Party girls be weird.


Approach anxiety is gone, even with the super gorgeous women.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Up and down and up and down

I've been super busy with schoolwork. I've actually had sufficient free time to do approaches on campus on the way to and fro class, during my grocery shopping trips, and etc, but I've just been lazy.

Last week at around 1AM I decided to send a pinging text to one of the girls I stopped talking to. She responded immediately.

Me: Whatever happened to you?
Her: I'm still here. You feeling spontaneous adventure time?

I felt like it was too soon to get sexual, so I chose to send a text considering her situation first since she's a busy girl.

Me: Spontaneous adventures are the best. I'm starting to forget what you look like. Are you absurdly busy this quarter?
Her: (Blah blah blah). You up for an adventure?

Right after I sent my text, I hopped in the shower because I was at the gym and also had to shave my pubes. When I saw her second text mentioning "adventure", I thought this was guaranteed.

Me: My initial plan was to set something up for a later day, but you are tempting me to make bad decisions... Are you down to postpone your bedtime?

She texts me the next day saying she fell asleep...lols. She brought up a few date suggestions, and we exchanged a couple of logistical texts then went out Friday night. Before heading out, genius me decided to eat an apple that had been sitting in my fridge for 3-5 days. It was more mushy than crunchy, but I ate it anyway because it was still sweet and not brown inside. That motherfucker was rotten. My stomach felt like something was stabbing from inside, and my intestines felt like they tied each other up. For most of the outing, I wasn't able to provide a good interaction because I was a bit too focused on my tummy, and I haven't slept much that week because I had 2 projects due and 2 midterms.

At one point while we were walking I grabbed her arm and put it around mine, but shit got awkward and she broke off in an awkward way that made me laugh in my head. I'm 99% certain she's still a virgin. I saw an opportunity to pull, so I invited her to my place, but she declined. I didn't persist because I preferred to rub my tummy to sleep instead.

It's definitely my fault for not setting up a sexual frame properly and not making productive interactions, but it just didn't feel right. I don't know what she wants (I should've had a conversation about what she's looking for). In text she'd mention how she's going rogue and how she's gonna let loose and have fun during her final year, but last time when I invited her over for a movie, she froze up like a stone when I put my arm around her on the couch. It was a bit funny actually; I leaned into her, and I could feel her trying really hard to remain upright in her position--like...she was quietly trying really hard to remain still. Lols. She was more relaxed Friday, but she was also flighty. When I put her arm around mine, she held it there weakly for a minute then skipped away like a little girl. Lol wtf? She talks all this crap about adventures, yet she lingered around boring, asexual topics and shied away from physical contact all night. Again, my fault for not directing the interaction properly, but then again, it just didn't feel right. When a girl mentions going on adventures that many times and shit, you just expect her to behave in a certain way. But with her, I always feel like I'm dealing with a little girl who knows nothing about sex yet.

I really gotta start putting up sexual frames from the beginning, and avoid implying things sometimes because it can come across as "beating the bush"/"hiding the banana" or she may not pick up on it.

Anyway, I decided to write her off for good after that night. Then a few hours ago, she posted a picture of her at a sorority date party with another guy.

Then I remembered: girls have options. It made me smile. It made me realize that I had forgotten so many things, and that I hadn't been who I wanted to be and should've been.

It fired me up.

The last time I was fired up like this was when I tried to turn one of my fuck buddies into a girlfriend at the beginning of last summer. It didn't work out, and I was put down for a day or so. Then I came back and improved quite a bit over the rest of the summer.

I thought I had this girl in the bag. I thought she'd be available to me for Valentine's. I guess not. I guess I gotta stop being so lazy and start putting in work again.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Blabber about life

I'm in this crappy position again, where I'd be all motivated and fired up the prior week, then for one reason or another I don't put myself out there and I end up with nothing.

Now that I'm actually going to classes and doing my schoolwork, I've become a friggin nerdy turd with stress pimples, greenish-blue lower eyelids, and pale skin thanks to sitting in front of my laptop all day.

I took my grandma to the beach for alentine's Day because she hasn't been there in 4-5 years. I left out the first letter because I haven't been getting any 'V' lately. Also took her on her first Ferris Wheel ride, ever. She was hella happy, so I was hella happy. Sometimes it felt like we were the happiest two people out of all the couples around us. Then I was either sick in bed or sitting on the toilet the next day because I dropped my spoon on the pier, picked it up because I was too lazy to go get another, and kept using it. This is me.

I reactivated my Facebook a few hours ago because I realized it's a pretty useful networking tool. I also creeped on a few girls I was involved with, and the first 3 all had a man in their lives now, so this is me at the moment:

I'm not hating life or anything. Strangely, I'm actually quite content. I guess I didn't choose the engineering life. I just felt like bitching and didn't know where else to do it. I tried talking to my mom, who's in Korea, but right away she told me to go study.

Spring break is coming up. This shall be me in a few weeks:


Amidst my bitching, I forgot to mention that I'll be working on:

1. Sexualizing interactions (still)
2. Focusing more on non-verbal communication to convey interest
3. Focusing more on the emotional flow of the interaction instead of being absorbed with verbal content of the interaction because there has been too many of straight up information exchange

Mindset's pretty good now


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
Love your self deprecation, not taking your self too seriously is pretty important IMO.

Sometimes it felt like we were the happiest two people out of all the couples around us.

I took my mom out and it was way better then any valentines day I can remember, other then in elementary school where everyone was everyone else's valentine and you got a shit load of candy.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
brum said:
not taking your self too seriously is pretty important IMO.


Not sure if hysterical or DGAF


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
FU: First cold approach since Jan. 19

I was gone for the past 4-6 weeks or so because I was taking 3 project-heavy computer science courses...it was not a good idea. I took my last final on Friday and spent the weekend recovering and tending to family and friends. On Monday (yesterday) I arrived at my friend's place in Santa Barbara along with two others, and we pretty much continued recovering until today. Unfortunately, Santa Barbara (UCSB) was empty since everyone left for spring break, so we spent the two days munching on unhealthy goods, sleeping, catching up on Better Call Saul, and talking shit to each other.

I ran into two ridiculously hot girls yesterday by a convenience store (one inside, then encountered the other outside shortly thereafter). I had zero approach anxiety, but I was feeling rusty nonetheless and lagged a bit too much. Both girls got in their car and left before I could act.

Today, I saw a super cute Natalie Portman lookalike eating at a table with her female friend near the one my friends and I were sitting. When they were done, they walked by us on their way out. Her ass and tits were plump for her petite frame, and I just could not let such a girl walk away for the third time in a row. I got up and jogged after them with absolutely nothing in my head.

Me: Excuse me
Her: (Turns around, and I stop slightly farther away than usual because I haven't showered in two days)
Me: I...was waiting for you to finish eating so I don't interrupt yall...(pause)
Her: (Raises her eyebrow like 'hmm...okay? so?')
Me: You're freaking cute
Her: Are you talking to me?
Me: Yeah, you (with tone and expression of 'no shit, bitch, I'm looking right at you' because that's what was in my head)
Her: Oh...haha, thank you (with a smirk like 'hmm...interesting')
Me: What's your name?
Her: Megan
Me: fsc (shake hands)
Her: So do you live here?
Me: Nah, I'm visiting a friend. What about you?
Her: Me too. I'm visiting a friend who lives here...

Then I froze and realized...FUCK! She asked me about logistics. I could've led the interaction toward "my friend's place is like 50 steps from here" (it literally was), but it just totally flew over my head. Given her facial expression, her tone, and the way she was standing...I'm sure I could've pulled off a quick lay, but I was an idiot. Conversation got awkward because I was mentally punching myself and trying to think of ways to recover from it. She turned her body away a bit, so I decided to end the interaction.

Oh well, I'm back in LA now, so there will be more opportunities with hot girls before school starts again on Monday.

Wish me luck yall.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
FR/FU: Damn lifeguard stole my girl

But first, to be chronological...

Addition to previous post:
The main reason why I fucked up was because I didn't have the end goal (sex) in mind. I just wanted to approach her for the sake of approaching.

Short update on life:
My friends and I all caught something in Santa Barbara. We all look like we haven't slept for weeks even though we've been getting decent sleep. I still look like a zombie and have digestion problems even though it has been about 2 weeks now. I'm seeing a doctor on Tuesday, and I hope it's nothing serious. This has prevented me from approaching because I look much worse than I did during last quarter, when I actually wasn't getting enough sleep.

Actual report:
I got sick of being sick and not having any girls in my life, so I went to the beach today. It wasn't exactly approach anxiety, but I just couldn't approach for the first 2 hours because: I couldn't think of a good opener, there were too many people around, or some other strange/lame/bullshit excuse. I had a good amount of really attractive girls checking me out, but I ended up walking around for 2 hours.

The sun was starting to set when I spotted a blonde sitting alone. Her body was great, but I needed to see her face. I changed my path to go directly to the water, wet my feet a little bit, then walked up the beach toward her. Her face was amazing.

Me: Hey, how long are you staying?

I stopped saying "excuse me" because it makes me feel like a little bitch who's worried about inconveniencing girls.

Her: ...Huh? Sorry, what did you say?
Me: How much longer are you gonna stay?
Her: Umm...I don't know. Why?
Me: Do you mind watching my stuff for a little bit while I go dip in the water real quick?
Her: Sure, where is it? (Looking around her)

I snapped out of my adrenaline-fueled "zone" and realized that she wasn't making eye contact with me. During the whole interaction with her, she only glanced in my eyes a few times--she usually just glanced her eyes about at the water in front of her or at my thighs. She was very nervous. Although I haven't interacted with many girls in the past 3 months, I remained conscious about my fundamentals. I guess I did a good job at it because she was the hottest girl yet to be nervous like this with me.

Me: Haha...I'll just put my stuff here

I took out my phone, wallet and shit and laid them down about 3 feet from her. Visibly, she realized how stupid her question was, and she took out her phone and started fiddling with it quietly. I thought it would be too much pressure for her if I continued to talk, so I went into the water.

A few minutes later, I started making my way back to her. She spotted me coming out of the water, pulled her top away from her body to inspect her tits, then adjusted her tits, top, and hair. Then she grabbed her phone and started fiddling with it. LOLOLOL. "SHE IS MINE!" I thought.

Me: Thank you
Her: Oh, you're welcome (barely audible)
Me: (Sitting down like a dumbass, getting sand all over myself) What's your name?
Her: K
Me: fsc

I stood back up to shake her hand with my non-sand-covered hand. I looked at myself and chuckled because my right hand and ass were all covered with sand. She looks and chuckles too.

Her: Do you live around here?
Me: Yeah, about 15 minutes from here actually.

I paused for a second to think: "Is it normal for a girl to ask me about where I live, this early in a conversation?"

Me: What about you?
Her: Oh, I'm from West Hollywood...so yeah...it took me like 30 minutes to get here...

I zoned out. Half of my brain was like "holy shit it's cold" and the other half was like "LOL" at how cute her conversation and behavior were.

Me: (Looking at her quizzically for 2 seconds) Are you from England? I notice an accent
Her: Oh, no, it's Australian actually.
Me: Ah, I see. Sounds nice.

LOL. Holy shit, that rust. I should've said "Ah, I heard many gorgeous women originate from there" or something like that. (Credits to Mr. Rob or Ray for this--I think)

I mentally beat myself up because shit gets awkward after this. After 2 seconds of silence or so, I head back in the water to let the waves wash off the sand that I stupidly just got on myself. Then as I'm returning to her, I notice that a lifeguard has begun talking to her. I get next to them and listen as I slowly dry myself and wait for an opportunity to interrupt.

He's deep diving her, but he's not doing a good job at it--he's changing topics too fast, so it gives off the interview-y feel. His speech is fairly slow-paced, but he leaves no pauses, and his tone is a bit too polite/friendly with that fake-ish excited tone like "Oh! Okay!". As soon as she's done responding to his question, he makes a statement about her response, then asks another question. The entire interaction was like this. He's also standing at an awkward distance from her (a little too far, at her 2 O clock), and both of their bodies are facing the water. This makes things even more awkward because he's occasionally turning his body around to talk to her, while she keeps his eyes on him. She's actually looking at this dude in the eyes (or head), and her speech is flowing more comfortably. This motherfucker is releasing her tension, damn it.

Being rusty and not being able to think of a way to get her back, I just grab my stuff and leave. I recall two conversation pieces that did not help him:

Fucker: So what do you do?
Her: (I couldn't hear)
Fucker: Oh, haha, that's a field I know nothing about.

Okay, you thieving motherfucker, you just "othered" yourself here. If you don't know anything about what she does, don't announce that fact.

Fucker: I used to own a restaurant in downtown LA

No. Just no. This statement just came out of nowhere--she didn't ask about your life. In fact, all I heard her ask while I was listening was the polite return-of-convo "what about you?" He just threw it out there. Now that I think about it, I think it may have been his attempt to save a dying conversation. Maybe he saw that he was losing her interest--I wouldn't know because I couldn't see her face or body language. Her voice was polite and she was pretty elaborate in her responses.

As I was walking away, I realized I had a small cut on my foot. I've actually had this cut the whole day. Then it hit me:


Anywho, if he happened to get her, then props to him. She was pretty hot, so congratulations motherfucker.


This quarter seems pretty tough, but A LOT lighter than my previous quarter. I should have time to dick around and redeem myself. Thank you, lifeguard motherfucker, you managed to pissed me off into motivation.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
fsc said:
This quarter seems pretty tough, but A LOT lighter than my previous quarter. I should have time to dick around and redeem myself.

LOL. Nope, Past 6 months was hell. Thanks to my dumbass project teammates who cheated their way into the university or something, I basically had to complete ~80% of a quarter-long project on my own. Anyway, I'm finally decently sorta caught up with personal stuff and sleep. Time to resume working on my social and sex life.

Past 2-3 months
While working on my school projects at a nearby cafe, I ran into a girl I fucked up with back in 2012. We ran into each other a few more times and had decent conversation. Her social skills were A+, but mine was a bit shit. Still, it seemed like my past mistakes had been forgotten, then she booty called me during finals week at 4am. It was late and I was studying for a final, so I wasn't able to handle it smoothly. We've returned to the awkward zone. Lol.

Another girl I fucked up with asked me out after her BFF pulled me aside during one of our parties and had one of those "repair" talks. I initially said yes, but ended up letting it die out because I was ridiculously busy carrying that quarter-long project. It could be salvageable, but I'm too lazy and it's prolly not worth the effort.

I found out I'm blacklisted by a sorority. Why? I was in the process of scheduling a date with one of their members then I got bored with her and stopped texting her. The story that's being told around is that I led her on then stopped talking to her all of a sudden. Lol. It's half true, but to be fair, she could've initiated a new thread of text but she never did. Even their new pledges know; after exchanging names upon meeting them, I've gotten responses like "Oh, so YOU'RE fsc..." in both verbatim and body language. LOLOL oh well, but i don't care. There's a few sisters I wanna bang, and this isn't gonna stop me from trying.

Nothing else exciting happened other than that. I've spent the parties getting drunk and having fun with my buddies rather than trying to get laid. I was under too much stress.

Now: I feel hella rusty
British girl at kickback: I was waaay too rusty for her at this point and a bit nervous because she was hot. Opened her by asking her for her name, then went situational.
Her: (We had decent short small talk and I got her talking about her hometown in the country)
Me: Oh really? So you've got like sheeps and shit wandering about outside your place?

LOLOL WHAT?! Obviously, conversation died after this.

The little things
I've always done little things to help improve myself. For example, when all the tables at a dining area are taken with a few tables occupied by just one male or one female, I always join the table with the female.

So that's what I did a few days ago. I was planning on just eating my lunch, but the girl opened me. I put in some effort as a reward and ended up leading the conversation and made it about her. However, I didn't find her attractive enough so it didn't go anywhere--the motive wasn't there. I tried to put on a warm, inquisitive look, and she was visibly nervous. Her face was like "WTF?! Why?! You're leaving?!" when I finished my food and left. I felt kinda bad, but I don't wanna be stuck in a situation with a girl I don't lust for. Sorry.

Strip club
Got a random urge to go to a strip club so I went to a classy one I know that hires classy-looking girls.

I decided to get a lap dance from one of the girls who looks like Ariana Grande because I just felt like playing with some pretty ass and titties for 0 effort. I chatted her up and she ended up dancing at least twice longer than she was supposed to because she just kept going on about anime, Korean drama, how she likes Asian men (seemed legit, but she could've been working for dem dollas), charity, culture, food, and some other shit I forgot. She also kept complimenting me on my looks and hair (my hair now). I should've said "Damn, just ask me for my number already", but I was a bit dazed at how much this girl was talking. She also almost forgot to charge me. LOL.

Decided to get another lap dance from a super pretty blonde. Chatted her up about more personal, sexual stuff. She also went past her time and ended up letting me choke her, pull her hair, and smack her titties around. Yay. She left a snail trail on my shorts saying "it's your fault" and gave me her number but this isn't a good path for self-improvement.

Another British girl at another kickback:
She smiled and said hello as she was walking toward me, so I smiled back and opened with "Hello, and what's your name?" then started conversation regarding her accent. Conversation was great, albeit not sexual. The conversation started dying when my cheek muscles twitched a bit (I was a bit nervous again because her face, fashion, and accent were all so hot) and I started getting self-conscious. Grabbed her contact and parted smoothly though when I saw the opportunity to number close.

Blonde party girl at the same kickback
Opened her by offering a shot in a very warm, friendly, confident way. Her and her female friend seemed to be having a fairly lively conversation with two other guys, but they got quieter after I interjected. MUHAHA. I'm not sure, but I think this a form of qualifying: the friend name-dropped my frat bro and talked about how she's friends with the sorority (that I'm blacklisted LOLOLOL). I went inside to find some alcohol, and when I returned they had moved to another group of people. Was it the tension? I dunno.

Later I saw the two by the speakers trying to change the music so I joined them. Smalltalked a bit and changed the music to a more-ratchet music upon their request. They danced sexily yet coyly in front of me for a bit. I just smiled, and they left again. I didn't wanna go after them again, so I just stayed by the speakers looking for the next song to play. Blonde party girl came back, stood next to me with her arm touching mine and requested another song. Then she leaves again to play some drinking game outside. Long story short, I just number close her and go to bed because I was tired. She seems more interested in partying than me though, but I don't know. Could be wrong.


I'll be going out more often starting this Wednesday or so, and I shall try to have better material to post.

May we all be fucking monsters =]


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
I was chilling and smoking hookah at a lounge on Wednesday. I sat outside so I can holla at sum hoez as they walked by or whatever. I pussied out about 4 or 5 times throughout the daygame sesh.

Rejection: married
Saw her smoking a cigarette a few meters away from me. She had an ID tag clipped on her skirt.

Me: Are you on break?
Her: Huh? (I was still a bit far away)
Me: Are you on break?
Her: (confused look)
Me: (Smile and wait)
Her: Umm...yeah
Me: Well, I saw that you're smoking and...you're gorgeous, and I'm smoking back there, so I figured I ask if you're interested in hanging out sometime and smoke some hookah

Pretty bad approach. She said she was married and I exited. A few minutes later a guy (her husband?) walked out of the store she was standing in front of and they walked off together.

Rejection: boyfriend
I was distracted but my buddy caught a cute Latina in one of those tight, long, one-piece dresses walk by. So after her I went. Caught up to her at a crosswalk.

Me: Hey
Her: (Turns around)
Me: You're really cute
Her: Haha! Thank you!
Me: Yeah, you walked by me at the hookah place...I had to come tell you
Her: (The light changes and she turns her head)
Me: Hey, hey, hold up. You can wait like 5 minutes for the next light
Her: (Open-mouthed smile, complies and stays)
Me: What's your name?

Asked her if she was from the area and if she wanted to hang out, but she says she has a boyfriend.

Rejection: flawless beauty
She actually stopped walking less than 10 feet away from me and fiddled with her phone. I don't think she ever looked at me, but it was a great opportunity. But her body and face were just too hot...and I succumbed to approach anxiety. She resumed walking, and my buddies started giving me shit for pussying out. The pressure was just what I needed, so I jogged after her.

Me: Hey (coming from behind, gently placed the back of my fingers on the side of her shoulder)
Her: (Turns around, she has earphones on)
Me: (I place my hands by my ears and imitate the removal of earphones)
Her: (Removes her earphones)
Me: You are just...gorgeous
Her: Oh my god! Thank you so much!
Me: Yeah, I just had to come tell you...I was back there hookah. Wait...that didn't make sense
Her: LOL
Me: (Recollect myself with a closed-mouth smile and stayed silent for a second) What's your name?

We talk briefly. She mentions she owns her own business.

Me: That's pretty badass (looking at her from neck, to her handbag, down to her shoes--but semi-obviously just checking out her body) it seems like you're doing pretty well for yourself

That was probably the closest thing to anything sexual that I did.

We talked a bit more. I realized I was doing the moderate-deep-diving thing again, so I tried to make the conversation more casual and contain more emotions. Kinda failed, kinda succeeded I think. But I found out she actually used to work at a few hookah bars, so she was down to smoke.

Her: (After ending the topic) And I'm actually headed to the gym right now, so...
Me: Yeah, yeah, I'll let you head off, but we should exchdajkfha (my fucking tongue just twitched inside my mouth or something)
Me: Wow, I just can not talk today (smiled and calmed/slowed down)
Her: Hahaha, you're fine
Me: We should exchange numbers and go chill sometime
Her: I'd love to! But I actually got my phone stolen a few days ago
Me: Shit, that sucks...Facebook?
Her: Also pointless...I can't log in

At this point, I should've asked for her email or her fax number or if she got pigeons for shits and giggles, but I was all in my head thinking "alright, this is a rejection" and just stood there saying "hmm". She asked if I had Instagram, but I didn't, and I'm not down to be another one of her follower-orbiters. I also considered asking for Snapchat, but there was a risk of her rejecting for the third time, which could've been bad.

Her: Hmm...I actually smoke pretty often at that lounge, so we'll see each other again. I promise.
Me: You promise?
Her: Yeah!
Me: (I make her pinky swear)
Her: LOL

I befriended everyone who works at the hookah lounge so I asked about her. Turns out she does visit pretty frequently, but one of the staff warns me to stay away from her because I can do better because she's a whore.

Too bad I like whores.

Number close
Pretty much the same start as above.

Her: My name is Sunset
Me: Ooh...I'm Sunrise
Her: LOL
Me: Haha, I'm fsc

Interaction was pretty decent. She was headed to go eat, so I got her number and ended the interaction. I should've set something up before getting the number though. I texted her the "blah blah save this number" text, but no response. Checked her number via Snapchat, and it's not a fake so that's cool. I'll prolly text her again some time today.

Rejection: grocery store
My buddies and I headed to the grocery store to get some liquor after smoking. While we were talking, a pretty girl slowly walked by us in the wine aisle and disappeared. I ended the conversation with my buddies and walked over to the next aisle, where I hoped she'd be. Yup, there she was at the opposite end of the aisle...but I run into a friend. Fuck. We get into a conversation about how it's one of our mutual friend's 21st birthday and how there's a party later that evening. Dumbass me doesn't think clearly--I'm so focused on ending the conversation to talk to the girl, that I direct the conversation in a way such that I un-invite myself to the party. LOL

By the time the conversation is over, the girl has slowly walked to about 5 feet away from me.

Me: Any suggestions on what to get? (without hesitation--on a good amount of social momentum now)
Her: Excuse me?
Me: I can't decide what to buy...got any favorites?

Talked a bit, then tried for a number close.

Her: Sorry, I'm seeing someone
Me: Oh yeah? Is it serious?
Her: It seems like it could be...

Was she giving me a slight chance?

After I said "is it serious?" I realized that I've just given her an exit, so I got all in my head again. Gracefully exited the conversation. It was an indirect opener, so I definitely should've tried to sexualize the interaction, I'm pretty sure my eye contact and body language were good. I should've taken things slower, stirred more emotions, and introduced casual touch.

Oh well, next time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014

Upon a bit of reflection, I think I'm gonna start being more simple with my openers.

I liked how I opened at the kickbacks with a simple "Hey" followed by "So what's your name?" as well as the indirect opener at the grocery store. I was stuck in some faulty mindset of how I must communicate my intentions as soon as possible, so much of my openers have been some variation of "Excuse me, I saw you [blah blah], and I had to come tell you that you're [some compliment]". I will try to communicate my intentions via body language and sexual framing rather than explicit words.

Regarding the use of "excuse me":
me said:
I stopped saying "excuse me" because it makes me feel like a little bitch who's worried about inconveniencing girls.

Regarding the contextual "I saw you walking across the street" or whatever:
I think I'll position myself so that I don't have to run after girls anymore and open with full body language. I'll try to open more girls over the shoulder at intersections, grocery store aisles, etc.

Chase pointed out that I lay on my compliments thick. I definitely do. So I'll avoid direct/explicit compliments unless I feel like it or it seems natural for me to do so.

The main thing I'm trying to achieve is to be more like a casual, laid-back, IDGAF guy. I realized that my mindset towards seduction is still largely process-based. I'll try to be more adaptable depending on the circumstances.

I think I'll have time to go out for a bit on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll have something to post then.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
FR: At least it went smooth...

I was smoking hookah at a table by the sidewalk, working on school stuff, when I noticed a cutie waiting around for at least 10 minutes across the street. I took it as a sign and walked over to her.

Me: Is your date late?
Her: Huh?
Me: (Smile)...is your date late?
Her: Oh...no...it's my friends

Cool, so I don't have to worry about a potentially-pissed off dude =]

Me: (I opened my mouth to say something)
Her: Ugh, they're like 40 minutes late
Me: Oh yeah? They're coming from far away?
Her: Not really, but they're stuck in traffic
Me: Typical day in LA huh

We had a few more exchanges regarding her friends, then that thread died down.
I also re-positioned my body so that I'm casually leaning on a half-wall that she's sitting on and closed a teeny bit of distance. I had a slight smile on the whole time, talked slowly in my natural low-tone, sorta like James Bond-ish, but I still had a very noticeable playfulness.

Me: Oh yeah, I was smoking hookah across the street over there and I noticed you were here for like the past 30 hours
Her: Haha, yeah
Me: ...and you looked cute so I figured I'd come say hi
Her: Hah (half laugh, half gasp)
Me: What's your name?

Then we had a short conversation about what we're studying and where we're from.

Somewhere, somehow, she mentioned that she was 17, but my mind just totally brushed it off with:
Me: Haha, so I'd have to wait a whole year before I don't get arrested for talking to you huh?
Me: (I looked around with an exaggerated-suspicious look for cops)
Her: LOL! No, you're fine
Me: (Just smiled, and inside my head I'm thinking "damn it")
Her: So...do you think they'd check my ID (talking about the hookah lounge)
Me: Nah, I'd tell them you're 18. You could totally pass for one.

Sort of a weak/semi "us against the world" type of thing, maybe.
Had a few exchanges about shit I don't remember.

Me: Hmm...I was gonna invite you over to come smoke with me and keep you company until your friends arrive, but I guess they'll be here soon now that they're running here
Her: Yeah...
Me: Well, since we both live nearby and aren't doing jack shit for the rest of the summer...we should hang out sometime
Her: Haha sure!

Then she gives me her phone.

At this point, I remembered 2 things:
1. It's optimal to set something up before the number exchange -- I said eh, fuck it...she's 17 anyway
2. It's not optimal to give her my number -- I said eh, fuck it...she's 17 anyway

Me: (As I was punching in my number) you know what's better than getting a girl's number?
Her: What?
Me: Her phone (then I turned around and started walking away)
Her: HEEY! NOO! COME BAAAACK! (in a playful way)
Me: Hehehe
Her: But that would defeat the purpose of getting my number!
Me: But I'd have your phone (I saved my number as "fsc hookah")
Her: Heeey, "Hookah" isn't your last name!
Me: No, it's not...haha, I'll tell you what it is when we meet up.
Her: (Super cute and playful puppy dog eyes)
Me: Text me and we'll set something up yeah?
Her: Okay!

Then I walked away after saying bye, then I was like



I started freaking out a bit when I got home later that evening because I also saw this article, but she texted me with a winky face, so I sent her a pleasant NEXT text, to which she said thanks with a smiley face.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
It's good to see a post bro.

I'm not currently approaching which is a bummer because I had myself pretty well trained to "see->approach", anyway I suppose being in r/ship has its compensations. My girl just spent the weekend here and boy was she horny, haha. I'm really tired, couldn't concentrate well at work today. But anyway, I digress...

Here the age of consent is 16 so unless you get on the bad side of an angry father I think you'd be okay... in the US does she have to be 18? I don't see why you panicked, you could easily have set up a date. I do see where you're coming from though, because I can think of at least 3 approaches (one a while ago, the other 2 in the last month) when she turned out to be 14, yet I had great conversation and connected quite well. It's really surprising how maturity often does not seem to depend on age. Also I think attraction plays a part, when they're 14 they're sexually mature and so if they see a guy who's attractive they'll invest in the conversation. Hmm.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
ray_zorse said:
It's good to see a post bro.

I'm not currently approaching which is a bummer because I had myself pretty well trained to "see->approach", anyway I suppose being in r/ship has its compensations. My girl just spent the weekend here and boy was she horny, haha. I'm really tired, couldn't concentrate well at work today. But anyway, I digress...

Here the age of consent is 16 so unless you get on the bad side of an angry father I think you'd be okay... in the US does she have to be 18? I don't see why you panicked, you could easily have set up a date. I do see where you're coming from though, because I can think of at least 3 approaches (one a while ago, the other 2 in the last month) when she turned out to be 14, yet I had great conversation and connected quite well. It's really surprising how maturity often does not seem to depend on age. Also I think attraction plays a part, when they're 14 they're sexually mature and so if they see a guy who's attractive they'll invest in the conversation. Hmm.

Eh, the panic was more for entertainment purposes. I only panicked a teeny bit. =p

I actually saw her the other day while I was smoking at the lounge again. She walked by TWICE in a super sexy strut as if she was saying "THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE MISSING OUT ON" in short jean shorts and a crop top showing off her flat tummy...ugh. The legal age of consent in California is 18. I just didn't wanna risk anything when there are infinitely many hotties around.

It's great to see that you're around and helping others as always though. =D