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Should I read "The Game" or "Models"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024

My short combo would be:
  • Sleazy Stories (by Aaron Sleazy) - these are narratives to get you a sense of the energy and mindset in a MASF escalator type style
  • Sixty - The Complete System (physical game) - technical manual - simpler concepts but with deep layers behind them
  • Dave Riker - Language and Conversation - VERY technical manual.
  • I would find one book to handle social abilities and more spit game, handle sets type book - Lovesystem has an audio series that runs through details on a lot of technical components eg roleplays, teasing, social proof methods, attraction types etc. that is super applicable and quick to the point while still giving insight.
  • Potentially add Beyond words for physical presence game - study cajuns presence hard.
On top of that i would have a sharp skilled guy add particulars eg lock-ins and other key power moves hand picked from various styles. Eg Many bash RSD but juliens PIMP game eg. has a very strong opening to hook game component thats somewhat fast to learn and get effects from. Mystery has a load of heavy artillery elements like over the shoulder opening, body rocking etc.

These are potent tech-training reads with massive reading and training at home and in field. No time wasted cause its all gold.
Just curious, books written by Aaron Sleazy after Aaron sleezy seems to contradict PUA industry, especially he bashed whole NLP based game.

And I have read through Bishop's Journal, I liked his style. Even though its more complicated it gives far more control over approaches, in sense anchors keep reminding the girl, of you even when she is not with you.

That is something I want.

so, Is it possible of NLP based game is scam. Like it depends on the girl to keep thinking of you and she would have thought of you even if you have not used anchors. Eg girl A will think of you with anchors or without it and girl B won't think of you with anchors or without.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers