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FR++  Sly


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
Soo here goes my first field/lay report. Don't know exactly how to categorize it...

Began a great night like any great nights usually begin, with SHOTS on SHOTS. Lately, after reading some of Chases's material I've been hesitant to go out and really drink, if I plan on trying to pick up girls, but I had some friends over so I just decided I'd drink a bit with them. We all know what one shot with your friends turns into though, as 1 hour later I'm pretty drunk. Regardless, ended up heading to a house party where the booze was overflowing and spiralled into an even drunker state. After a bit of time there, I decided to head to the club. One of my buddies who was staying at my place for the weekend (a college town) who had already slept with a girl the night before, soo he was planning on meeting up with her again at the club. I told him I'd go with and try to see what I could get done that night.

After a 45 minute wait in line (which helped me sober up a bit), we got in and soon after found his girl dancing with her friend. I introduce myself to both of them and we all start dancing. The friend was pretty cute, nothing too special but was obviously very confident and thought pretty highly of herself. Knew I was going to have to impress her if I wanted anything to happen. Here's where I want to know what you all would have done in my situation. So after dancing for a bit and me teasing her about her age as I was a couple years older and her playfully hitting me and reciprocating with flirting, we all went to get a drink. I did end up splitting the cost of the drinks with my buddy for the two girls and I will tell you now, I rarely plan on doing that again. I have read not to buy drinks for girls and an alarm sign in my head did go off when we approached the bar, but I was the one speaking to the bartender, so I handed over the cash. I do see how buying drinks can really come off as desperate and a way to basically buy their time. I find a lot of the time when the conversation has halted, my mind just resorts to asking the girl to get a drink, to have something to do with her; which is a mistake. We finish our drinks and head back to dance some more.

This is where things start to get interesting. As we started dancing for a second time and things are escalating physically, I whispered in her that I bet I can beat her in a staring contest, which she immediately took the challenge. We start dancing really closely, our heads touching and me holding her. We play a couple rounds of this. Plan on doing this in the future, as it really escalates things sexually a lot. Honestly, when I think of it now, I don't know why I didn't make a move then. However, I did throughout the night debate whether or not to escalate in the club or wait to get her home and then actually kiss her, cause of what I've learned about logistics and last minute resistance. I knew I had to isolate from her friends so I grabbed her hand and brought her to sit down. I sat down first and surprisingly, she sat down on the opposite side. This had me a little discouraged, but I always like a challenge. I now always plan to have the girl sit down first and me to follow. After talking for a bit, I moved over to her side and tried to deep dive. She really wasn't giving me much and was being pretty stubborn with her answers, so I decided to do this ESP trick on her and really impressed her (trick rarely fails to impress people) and I really had her attention. I wish I could remember the conversation, but looking back I do feel like I was coming off as a little over confident myself, trying to find the perfect balance of confidence without seeming arrogant, but I guess I pushed it a little too far. So when I first made a move to kiss her, she resisted and basically said she's not like other girls and although I was smooth my tactics wouldn't work on her. I responded with a bit of arrogance, basically saying I know she wants to kiss me, which would later really bite me in the ass. Maybe 10 minutes later I went in for the kiss again and she accepted. I was still feeling a bit of hostility on her end and she said she wanted to go find my buddy and her friend. I was unsure if she was interested in coming back to my place, but my friend and his girl wanted to come back, so she did too. I even asked my buddy to see what her friend was told by this gir, which she was supposedly interested. On the way home it began to pour, so I grabbed her hand and we raced home.

We all got back to my place and started chilling on the couch. I wanted to move her to my bedroom, but I was getting a cold vibe and she wasn't acting so flirty. Finally, I told her to come check out my room. Once we got there I sat down and we started talking but she was standing up, which I found strange. After a couple minutes talking, I said to her I really wanted to kiss her but I didn't want to try if I was going to be turned down again. She responded by saying "So, don't"! I was honestly pretty shocked as although she was being a bit cold, I could tell she was definitely enjoying herself and was laughing at my jokes. I finally just got up and started to kiss her, which she quickly put an end to but then got on my bed. I then followed and went in for the kiss again and she turned me down again, saying that because I was so confident I could get her and she said I couldn't, she wasn't going to let me kiss her. I thought with a bit of persistance she'd give in, so I started to kiss her neck and ears, which she received really well. It was getting really intense, with me feeling her up, with my hand in her shirt and in the back of her pants but every time I tried to kiss her, she turned away. I was getting pretty frustrated but I just continued kissing her neck cause I could tell she was enjoying it and I sincerely was too. I tried to escalate and move to fingering her but she kept pulling my hand away. Even at one point she asked If this was exciting me, which I answered you're doing just okay, to which she put her hand "to check" over my pants and said "I definitely was." Again and again I tried to kiss her after kissing her neck and she wouldn't budge. She kept saying she liked seeing me squirm. Thinking about it now I should have been forward and said is anything actually going to happen or are you wasting my time, because obviously she had the power in this hookup and I should have put a stop to her playing games. After a while of whatever you want to call what we were doing, we just began to talk and she began complimenting me on my game and telling me I'm really attractive and that this would of worked on anyone else. She said that she usually never likes to kiss on the first date and I should be impressed I got that far with her. As we were getting up she got on top of me and quickly bit my lip. I handed her my phone telling her to put her number in, with the name I entered as "Plays too hard to get but still fun". She laughed and said it was clever. I drove her home, wondering the whole ride back wondering how I could have really finished the deal.

Today i got my buddy to ask his girl if the girl I was with said anything to her after. Supposedly she said she had fun and hopes I text her but just didn't want to kiss me out of principle. Thinking about if she's worth pursuing for round 2 or if she's just a waste of time...

I know this report is pretty long, but I hope I kept you guys entertained. Any suggestions and or feedback are appreciated. Just looking to improve and I know there's definitely room for that.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: FR++/LR: You tell me???

Hey Sly,

Great persistence here and the girl definitely liked you. There were a few technical mistakes that threw a monkey wrench into things; without them, you would've been sleeping with this girl.

Sly said:
Soo here goes my first field/lay report. Don't know exactly how to categorize it...

This one would be FR++ (isolation at your place / her place / somewhere you could have sex, but without sex).

Sly said:
So after dancing for a bit and me teasing her about her age as I was a couple years older and her playfully hitting me and reciprocating with flirting, we all went to get a drink. I did end up splitting the cost of the drinks with my buddy for the two girls and I will tell you now, I rarely plan on doing that again. I have read not to buy drinks for girls and an alarm sign in my head did go off when we approached the bar, but I was the one speaking to the bartender, so I handed over the cash. I do see how buying drinks can really come off as desperate and a way to basically buy their time.

If you're not sure what to do here, you can always just say, "I'll get this one if you've got the next one." Even if there isn't a next one, you're still fine... so long as you're doing things on your terms, and not because you've been asked / pressured / cajoled into doing so, you're usually going to be okay.

The only time buying drinks is out and out BAD is when a girl says, "Will you buy me a drink?" and you say, "Yeah, sure," unless you're REALLY in control in other ways and there's a strong sexual vibe (in which case, you can sometimes pull this one off well, so long as she knows money isn't an issue for you and this isn't breaking the bank).

Sly said:
I knew I had to isolate from her friends so I grabbed her hand and brought her to sit down. I sat down first and surprisingly, she sat down on the opposite side. This had me a little discouraged, but I always like a challenge. I now always plan to have the girl sit down first and me to follow.

The easier method is simply to command her. Say it very casually and calmly, but very firmly:

"Sit on this side. I don't want to shout across the table to you," or whatever the barrier is. You can make a joke about it ("What are we, Germany and France? Come sit over here!"), or just give her a command.

If you're unsure of the proper voice tone, see this post:

Tactics Tuesdays: Command Women (and Have Them Listen)

Sly said:
So when I first made a move to kiss her, she resisted and basically said she's not like other girls and although I was smooth my tactics wouldn't work on her. I responded with a bit of arrogance, basically saying I know she wants to kiss me, which would later really bite me in the ass. Maybe 10 minutes later I went in for the kiss again and she accepted.

Kissing before you get home normally reduces your chances of sleeping with girls substantially.

These days, I generally tell guys, "Kiss her in the club, or have sex with her later - pick ONE."

Sly said:
I thought with a bit of persistance she'd give in, so I started to kiss her neck and ears, which she received really well. It was getting really intense, with me feeling her up, with my hand in her shirt and in the back of her pants but every time I tried to kiss her, she turned away.

This is GREAT, except for the trying to kiss her on the mouth thing.

If she's that resistant to it, just drop trying to kiss her on the mouth. Let her have that "victory." And then just kiss her everywhere else instead.

Sly said:
Even at one point she asked If this was exciting me, which I answered you're doing just okay, to which she put her hand "to check" over my pants and said "I definitely was."

At that point, you've got free range to stick your hand down her pants to check if SHE's excited. When she protests, say, "Hold on, I'm not going to bite... I'm just seeing if you're excited." Then once your hand's down there, leave it there, and start making her really glad it's there.

Sly said:
She kept saying she liked seeing me squirm.

Might be time for PYCO ("pull your cock out"). When she's being that resistant, something that increases variance like this can push things over the edge - either to her leaving, or to her getting committed to doing something with you.

Sly said:
we just began to talk and she began complimenting me on my game and telling me I'm really attractive and that this would of worked on anyone else.

At this point she's taking care of your emotions, and it's pretty much done.

Although, you could still PYCO... preclude it with, "You know what else works on everyone else?" and then take it out.

Sly said:
Today i got my buddy to ask his girl if the girl I was with said anything to her after. Supposedly she said she had fun and hopes I text her but just didn't want to kiss me out of principle. Thinking about if she's worth pursuing for round 2 or if she's just a waste of time...

If you can get her to come to your place, it's worth it. Otherwise, probably not worth it.

Chances are, because the escalation is failed, you'll be written off as a lover candidate, and slotted for the friend zone or boyfriend candidacy. You can try winning her through the normal dating game, but you already have a big strike against you. It's better if you're a little scarce, and only available if she wants to come over and hang out and watch a movie.

Anyway, still, good going here Sly, and you just need some tweaks (and to not kiss girls before you get them back alone with you), and you'll be golden.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Sly said:
Thinking about it now I should have been forward and said is anything actually going to happen or are you wasting my time, because obviously she had the power in this hookup and I should have put a stop to her playing games.
Hey Sly - I really don't think this would have been a good idea - its logically engaging a girls resistance to sex and it makes you sound bitter/annoyed/desperate. I think when she felt you to "check" the least you should have done is hold her hand there and moved it up and down - then usually when you let go they'll carry on doing that. Then what chase said while kissing her neck would have been perfect!

What ESP trick did you play btw?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
I appreciate the feedback guys. I definitely do see there were a couple things I could have done better. Next time I will forsure pull PYCO if I feel like escalation has plateaued and I want to change things up a bit. Regarding "kiss in the club, or sex later" I do agree that is the general principle, but I do feel like women are a more inclined to come to your place, if you've made a strong connection with them, as well as physically escalated.

girlsfollow said:
What ESP trick did you play btw?

As for the ESP trick I used. I always start off with introducing the idea od ESP and then doing the simple routine of guessing the number between 1 and 4 (3 is the most common) and then regardless if I get it right or wrong I ask them to choose a number between 1 and 10 (usually 7). My grand finale which always blows their mind is ask them to:

1) Pick a number from 1 to 10
2) Multiply by 9
3) Add up digits of new Number
4) Subtract by 5
*Number should always come to 4 if math is done correctly
5) Find the letter that corresponds to their number 1=A B=2 --> Should always be D
6) Pick a country that starts with D (Only a couple countries and the most well known is Denmark)
7)Pick an animal that starts with the second letter of the country, it can be an animal from a circus for example (Circus part is key to throw in so that they pick elephant)
8) Ask the colour of the Animal (gray)
End off with saying- You know what's strange, there is really no such thing as grey elephants in Denmark.

Women are usually speechless and amazed. Pulled it on a girl last night too, which lead right into a hookup right after. Ohhh and to even add a bit more Kino and to get hem comfortable with my touch, Ill throw in at the start that she needs to hold my hands soo that her energy can pass through to me (some made up b.s)

Use the technique wisely. With great power comes great responsibility!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Sly said:
As for the ESP trick I used.


liking it, thanks for the input dude! need to be careful to use this casually and not tryhard of course. never heard of the stuff past the 1-10 (mystery stuff which I've done before).