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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Friday 27 August 2021
Met wingman at 13:30 and we were bigging each other's state up in the beginning then started approaching baes. Got a number from a hot 18-year-old Portuguese girl who after removing her mask upon my command wasn't really pretty. Ice-breaker text got a response with a fair bit of investment from her but follow-up text has been met by radio silence. Also got an Instagram from a tasty Turkish 21-year-old and am fixing to arrange for a Museum date with her and a girlfriend of hers. At 15h bid my farewells to wing and went to buy raw milk and then get immersed in a comic book series I'm currently going through (read 6 volumes on Sunday 29 August back-to-back lmao).

Still Friday 27 met a colleague from the internship at 19ish for dinner (he came over). We went out for drinks, where he hit on the barwoman, a sensual, feisty Spaniard with photos in lingerie on her Instagram profile. We came back to mine to put on more clothes (layers) then headed to rooftop bar at 21ish. 22ish he wanted to leave and we'd approached nothing in the bar even though a 2-set had come to look at the view next to us early on (and 1 of the 2 had shot me a few sidelong glances) and the 6-set that was sitting at the table closest to us containing mostly teenagers included 1 in particular who kept looking over at him.

I told him I'd open the set for him but he was chickening out. He wanted to go eat a kebab (he's Turkish-German). I spotted a 2-set of total baes sitting further up at the view (they'd just rolled in). I said I'd approach them. He said, "they look like total bitches; they're looking for 35-year-old bodybuilders; you need a better line to open them." I completely ignored him and moved in.

Opened the baes with "How's your night going?" (took this line from GLL) and they opened like butter. My colleague came in and asked them "is my friend bothering you?" lmao what a nab. Later he'd tell them I looked like a creeper from some Netflix TV show that goes around to parks wearing a cap and kills people wtf. Anyway, despite all his verbal diarrhea, the girls loved me and the set went extremely smoothly. We left the rooftop together straight to my apartment once closing time came (23h30?) on the way we bought a bottle of vino (I paid for it).

Back at home we were chatting listening to music and I ended up making out with one and grabbing her tiny ass. They both had boyfriends though. My colleague was also completely useless. With a skilled wing, I could probably have fucked mine. Didn't do good sex/bad sex, but did pretty much everything else, talking about how I needed connection nowadays, even if it was fast sex, in order not to have feelings of meaninglessness, and how 50 Shades had opened up society to BDSM more, despite being total trash, as she was saying.

2:00am told them they had to leave as I had social commitments planned for the next day.

Monday 30 August 2021
Went for drinks with another wing at 20h00. Bought him 2 beers since he helped me sort out my internet. We were chatting then went for a quick last round of approaches. Approached a 2-set and got the number of a Luxembourgish girl who seems nice. Let's see.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
Great to see u back in action bro! All I wanna know is... your not going back out with that friend from the intership again are you Bismarck? He sounds like the biggest loser ever. And in spite of that u still managed to bring those two girls back to your apartment, baller shit


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for your contribution Marcellus!

Yeah, he's not very experienced, but then he's only 23 or so, maybe younger. For someone in the blue pill high school-bachelor's-master's train that's still a green time. He's also a bit full of himself, but I suspect that's just overcompensation. Still, at bottom he's a good kid.

So while I may not go on game-related escapades with him (increasingly I'm beginning to think, at least for day game, I shouldn't be going on escapades with anybody else, but going by myself) I won't stop hanging out with the dude.

Tuesday 7 September 2021
While my accommodations still contained the faint afterglow of the German actress's passionate near-lovemaking, I decided to meet another German up for a "date" at 6:15pm. We went to get a waffle, then I took her to this lake place. She didn't want to drink alcohol. Had been a pro swimmer. 23 years old. Has a boyfriend whom she fucks once a month, so LSD.

Chatting with her was nice, but I didn't even attempt to extract, because she is extended social circle and just didn't seem interested enough.

After dropping her off at 7:30pmish I went home to have dinner then made my way out onto the streets once more. Walked to the square near my place, and opened a Chinese tourist who was taking photos by asking her if she'd been taking nice photos.

Walked her to the same place as the German and again she didn't want to drink alcohol. I attempted in vain to entice her to break out of her shell but this 26-year-old with a pristine Asian bod (slim how I like them) wouldn't budge. She revealed after some chat that she was bicurious. Groped her delicious derriere but got naught else out of her. 10:30pm was back at home.

Wednesday 8 September 2021
This girl from the internship hit me up on WA out of the blue and in the past I had associated such behavior with a girl wanting some shlong. So I decided to invite her out for a drink. But this girl is a total asperger/autist (I knew as much because a buddy has tried to smash her unsuccessfully in the past) and, again, she didn't want to drink alcohol, but I tried to practice some sex talk-type stuff (sex frame setting).

As I was walking home around 11:30pm after dropping her off I bumped into this cool dude who lives in the building I used to live in until I moved a month ago. He was outside a bar smoking, chatting to a short pretty and hot 18 year old French blonde blue eyed girl. He invited me to join them inside, after telling her I used to live in the building (he only found out then, when I told him). The girl has moved there temporarily.

Inside the ratio was amazing, there were a few dudes (some of which fags) and about 12 or so chicks. I hung out with them and Frenchie seemed interested. Then we went to another bar with a dancefloor.

Here there was a hot Polish girl (I know she's Polish coz a wing of mine approached her the night before lmao - he showed me her pic) who ended up making out with some random, but who before that had been shooting glances at me on the DF.

Also, a group of 3 girls who tried to join our dancing circle. Being in a club with a mixed set immediately gives you value, because you're no longer one of the vultures licking their lips in the corners looking up at the pussy expectantly.

In our little group I'd befriended an 18 year old rugby player jock alpha who told me he wanted Frenchie, so I thought I'd let him have her. But he was freezing up and not making moves. Haha it was fun to watch. I told him at one point, when he cried out to me "I lost my chance!" that "your chance is there whenever you decide to take it."

Anyway by 12:30am I went home as I had to work today.

Am getting lots of stares from girls since I improved my style. Once I have some money (which will take time, it seems) I'm going to buy a few more shirts/outfits to maximize thangs. Still, gotta do the discipline of approaching, else it's all for naught.

This morning (Thursday 9 September) at the supermarket there was a total bae who looked at me shyly when I let her pass one of the aisles who I had a visceral desire to approach but didn't. Gotta grab life by the balls and just go with it - what have I got to lose?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Went out with wing yesterday Saturday 18 September for day game 13:30 to 19:00.

Opened a few sets.

One approach stands out: at 16:15 I approached a 2-set of hot older gals (late 20s I’d say), both Flemings.

This is because I’d noticed the prettiest of the two looking at me as they walked by us.

I went back and said: “Hey, you look like you speak English.”

She responded: “Yes.”

I said: “I was walking over there with my friend, and saw you, and thought you looked nice, so I wanted to say hi”

She hooked straightaway, asking where I was from.

I told her she had a French accent and asked her if she was French. She said she also spoke French, but that she was Flemish.

I told her I thought it was impressive how Belgians could speak both languages.

From the first, there was a spark in her green eyes, like there’d been in the German actress’s from 2 weeks back.

I could feel the electricity.

I was smiling with my eyes, and in the best mood I’d be the whole day.

My wing was silent watching us, as was her girlfriend, who’d continued walking and she’d had to call back, but in general ignored completely.

Presently I told her: “My buddy and I were walking around, I guess you two are doing the same”

She said “Yes”

I asked her friend if she was Flemish as well, and she said “Yes”

So I told my target “Well I guess you’re going to continue walking with your friend and I’m going to continue doing the same with mine, so here our paths diverge”

She stood there, waiting, expectant.

Then she said: “Thanks for stopping and talking to us,” beaming.

My wing proceeded to chastise me for not having number-closed my target.

Actually he said I should have instadated them but I disagree. Looking back, I do agree that a number close would have been apposite though.

Moral of the story: Everything is allowed when you do a calibrated approach on a receptive target who’s already given you AIs.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Yesterday Sunday 19 September for the first time here in this foreign city where I’ve been living for the past few months I had the cojones to approach direct while out by myself.

During my morning walk I did a botched approach on a Russian bae.

In the late afternoon I did another solo approach this time on a petite half-Russian half-Vietnamese short black-haired candybar of a bae who was strolling sans brassiere auf der strasse.

She reacted well and told me she was a Lesbian otherwise she’d be interested so I bid her my adieux.

My plan now is to approach about 3-5 baes during my morning strolls, and supplement this with museum pussy.

I have a card I obtained in early August which gives me free access to 250 of the city’s museums.

Time to cash in on that investment.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
A Nice Guy doesn't know his value on the sexual marketplace. He acts as if he doesn't have any. Consequently, he puts women on a pedestal. He is afraid to express his masculine essence, because it is repressed (low testosterone, overworked, bad sleep, chronic pain, etc.) but also because he hasn't explored/discovered it.

A guy can dress like a badboy but if he doesn't behave like one then he's still only a reformed nice guy.

Negatives: rigid facial expression/scowl/too serious

The dichotomy is friendly/empathic but not nice. IOW doesn't get pushed around, teases/challenges. Strong EC. Talks in a loud voice. Smirks. Touches. Has some verbal crack to dish around (spirit animal game, the cube, strawberry fields, other old school pickup gambits). Keeps things light and fun. This is especially important with hot young girls as they require constant stimulation.

Approaching for the sake of approaching is no panacea. It is possible to simply waste time approaching, if you don't have a well-oiled verbal stack and need to rely on spontaneity, which is lacking when you're not in a good state/are tired/etc. In general, approaching with other guys around is inferior to approaching by yourself, esp. in day game. You're less concentrated on the girl(s), and more on impressing your mates by having the "gumption" to "directly" approach sexy girls/women.

Important to prep state before outings (meditation, green tea, perhaps explore sparxx's state stack) for better overall energy.

With girls, it seems that everything depends on context.
Last edited:


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
hi biz! your words yesterday caught my eye, specifically this part:
Important to prep state before outings (meditation, green tea, perhaps explore sparxx's state stack) for better overall energy.
its so true, good energy is one of those fundamentals....that i wish i had started working on earlier. helps me influence others states, get in with hotter women, builds tacit social frame etc. my personal favorite for good state is a chinese herb called polygala tenuifolia.

ive not heard of sparxx's state stack, could you reveal what is in this stack?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey buddy!

sparxx (I believe known in this forum as Carousel) doesn't want to share his stack outside a closed circle, due to the delicate contents contained therein.

However, you can find a very comprehensive post he made for GC about body-oriented therapy and its application to PU here.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Friday 1 October 2021
So I was sick basically from Monday 27 September until now. On Tuesday 28 September I felt like total crap. Caught a common cold it seems.

One of my superiors at work suggested I show a new intern around the building so on Friday 1 October I took him out to lunch then showed him the office. This put me in cheerful spirits, and the walking around helped counter the cold's laziness-inducing weak and nauseous feelings.

Later that day I met up with him and another intern at a gathering of the new arrivals for the Fall/Winter session. This was great to socialize as well, and there was a bit of flirting (mostly with EC) with basically 1 girl (and lots of AIs/non-verbal communication with others).

Saturday 2 October 2021
The next day I booked a date with this cute 18-21 y-o French blonde blue-eyed girl who I met at a party in my former building's kitchen. Met her at 3:00pm, we went to eat a waffle, then walked around (I had some shopping to do) held her hand, then brought her home as I had to drop the stuff I'd bought off. She also gave me my bottle opener, that I'd taken to the kitchen party the previous week and forgotten there.

As a thank you, when we were descending the elevator back out of my current building (she saw my studio, but she had to meet her colleagues at 5:00pm), I kissed her in the mouth. We also hugged briefly.

Back on the street I held her hand tight (had already held it but not so tight before) and then when saying goodbye kissed her on the lips again.

Sent her a text today and she's not responding (she was before, without much delay).

Life goes on.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for chiming in with your thoughts Bacc!

I used to go for sex always on first dates back when I was bringing girls home from my tours, and when instadating day game targets.

Now that I’m not touring I am unsure whether girls want to get fucked immediately or whether they need 2/3 dates for social frame (a la pureevil). And if the latter is the case, then I’d rather not try to fuck them, get ASD, and fail. (Chase did write that a girl tends to see a man who fucks her on first date as more powerful and impressive than one who takes 2 or 3 though).

My thinking on Saturday was keep the date lowkey (no big production) and when she said she had something to do with colleagues (she’s quite busy working and studying) I thought I wouldn’t escalate to sex and instead just give her a little peck on the lips to show her what I’m capable of/to keep some man-to-woman energy between us.

To be fair though I had already spent about 2/3 hours at that kitchen party, where I had around 4/5 girls around me at all times, of which yours truly was one of the most interested. I also rocked up to that party with a baseball cap turned backwards, so sporting a sporty badboy look. I ended up getting the numbers of 3 (discretely, without the others seeing) out of the 4 girls I wanted to smash, and to meet one (a 18-y-o, half-Lebanese half-Romanian) the next day, bringing her to a friend’s bbq.

Regarding Frenchie from this report, looking back when I met her for the waffle she was super invested, with high compliance, like agreeing to everything I said, and to handholding, etc. I had asked her to get my bottle opener from the kitchen and look after it in her room in the meantime, which she’d done for me.

So yeah maybe she wanted me to take her home and fuck her at 3:00pm. Maybe not. I tried to SOT by asking her the golden question (“what do you do besides…”) and turn the subject to traveling but that route proved fruitless when she told me she had traveled, but with her family lol.

But at the same time she never asked me where I was taking her and seemed comfortable with getting inside my apartment…

Towards the end I was telling her I’d like to see her again and would be up for watching a movie with her or checking out a museum, and she said she’d give me her availabilities. Anyway she leaves in December so it’s also possible she isn’t looking for anything serious and this sort of “multiple dates without dick” thing scares her.

Ultimately though there’s plenty more fish in the sea. Just got back from morning walk and saw like a dozen babes…Now just need to cure this damn cold definitively so I can start working on getting my state up.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
We spent a bit more than an hour together.

I didn’t bring her home with the intention of escalating to sex. She had already said she had a project to work on so I knew she would go in and out. Which is what happened. There were no isolation logistics as the door to my studio was never even closed.

Nothing wrong with having her see my place (getting comfortable with the idea of going back there in the future). The only isolation logistics was in the elevator on the way back out, when I gave her a peck on the lips as a thank you for her having brought me the bottle opener.

What I didn’t do, and yes, it’s true that pureevil mentioned it in his method, was set sexual frames. This is, according to Teevster, my sticking point. That may or may not have cost me this girl.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Now that I’m not touring I am unsure whether girls want to get fucked immediately or whether they need 2/3 dates for social frame (a la pureevil). And if the latter is the case, then I’d rather not try to fuck them, get ASD, and fail. (Chase did write that a girl tends to see a man who fucks her on first date as more powerful and impressive than one who takes 2 or 3 though).

The logic is off. It is not about whether one should wait or go for the kill asap. The only logic that applies is calibration - escalate according to her response to you and hence also follow a pace that suits her. some women require more time, others do not.

Waiting before having sex may in fact both decrease and increase your odds at facing ASD.
- It decreases it because she feels more comfort and it is more socially accepted to fuck a guy who has invested times and energy in her
- It increases ASD because investing in her and having multiple meetings puts you into the provider zone and thus also kills the initial sexual frame of you as a lover - hence increase the chances of ASD.

The rule is: it should always be as possible as possible, but always as fast as you are allowed to.

PE has admitted numerous times that he enjoyed waiting for sex because he personally enjoyed it.

My thinking on Saturday was keep the date lowkey (no big production) and when she said she had something to do with colleagues (she’s quite busy working and studying) I thought I wouldn’t escalate to sex and instead just give her a little peck on the lips to show her what I’m capable of/to keep some man-to-woman energy between us.

Here you have a mistake. You never want to stimulate or arouse, or escalate physically too much unless you plan on shagging her. Kissing and even pecking server only one purpose: create a compliance boost. Unless you intend to isolate, move her, extra or seal the deal, i see no reasons for opting for this type of stimulation. Especially kissing and related.

1. It may cause stimulate her, then reach the crest and then cause female-stat control resistance
2. More relevant for your case: pecking and kissing gives away some of your frame. It just hands over the meta-frame to her. You validated. You pecked her. She knows she has you now. Everything is in her hands. Her attraction may drop - and if not, she surely is the one in power now.

But at the same time she never asked me where I was taking her and seemed comfortable with getting inside my apartment…

All the info you need. She is DTF. You fail to fuck her that night and you will most likely lose her.
Towards the end I was telling her I’d like to see her again and would be up for watching a movie with her or checking out a museum, and she said she’d give me her availabilities. Anyway she leaves in December so it’s also possible she isn’t looking for anything serious and this sort of “multiple dates without dick” thing scares her.

Yeah you just committed sexual frame suicide right there.

- She was not looking for anything serious
- She went home with you without resisting
- You take her home and flash the provider flag right in her face!

It is like the reverse of what most guys do: they tend to show provider signs all the way and in the last minute they amp up the sexual frame. Seems you just did the opposite. Nevertheless the result are the same: cognitive dissonance on her end.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
The logic is off. It is not about whether one should wait or go for the kill asap. The only logic that applies is calibration - escalate according to her response to you and hence also follow a pace that suits her. some women require more time, others do not.

Waiting before having sex may in fact both decrease and increase your odds at facing ASD.
- It decreases it because she feels more comfort and it is more socially accepted to fuck a guy who has invested times and energy in her
- It increases ASD because investing in her and having multiple meetings puts you into the provider zone and thus also kills the initial sexual frame of you as a lover - hence increase the chances of ASD.

The rule is: it should always be as possible as possible, but always as fast as you are allowed to.

PE has admitted numerous times that he enjoyed waiting for sex because he personally enjoyed it.

Here you have a mistake. You never want to stimulate or arouse, or escalate physically too much unless you plan on shagging her. Kissing and even pecking server only one purpose: create a compliance boost. Unless you intend to isolate, move her, extra or seal the deal, i see no reasons for opting for this type of stimulation. Especially kissing and related.

1. It may cause stimulate her, then reach the crest and then cause female-stat control resistance
2. More relevant for your case: pecking and kissing gives away some of your frame. It just hands over the meta-frame to her. You validated. You pecked her. She knows she has you now. Everything is in her hands. Her attraction may drop - and if not, she surely is the one in power now.

All the info you need. She is DTF. You fail to fuck her that night and you will most likely lose her.

Yeah you just committed sexual frame suicide right there.

- She was not looking for anything serious
- She went home with you without resisting
- You take her home and flash the provider flag right in her face!

It is like the reverse of what most guys do: they tend to show provider signs all the way and in the last minute they amp up the sexual frame. Seems you just did the opposite. Nevertheless the result are the same: cognitive dissonance on her end.

I agree with all this minus the physical escalation, there is a right way to physical escalation and a wrong one, "kiss at the end of the date" obviously is a bad form of traditional courtship escalation that could cause the cognitive dissonance" the "leaving door open" that was also telling her "we are not fucking"

If the lay for whatever reason is not there, and you have establish sexual frames, it will not increase Asd on the second encounter in my experience, the second encounter will be just be like a formality (she will know she is going to do it in her head, when you do sexual frames, is just like a weird formality)...

i don't understand in every report most guys tell the same stuff to bismark yet, he still keep having sexual frame setting anxiety (lol i just made this up).... Maybe the issue which is hard for some guys, is he needs to find a way that he feels comfortable bringing the stuff up(hard part to transition).... It does make a huge difference, i have said that the only girl i brought home in the last couple of years and did not bang, is one that i did not do "sexual frames" but bait and switch without sexual frames under "after party"... I even used the one bis created, though that is part of it, you need to cover all the other stuff/frames to possible issues..

-also bismark 3 bounce for dates (if done right) is stronger than the pure evil 3 date model(by the way pe barely got to 3 he bang on second encounter most of them, which matches my experience)... Also again, a major part of 3 date model has the sexual frames.., Pure evil got off on long sexual tension stuff (which i agree could be super exiting the dopame rush and pure evil has lover written all over the face)...

P.s. guys when teevester says provider is his way of saying boyfriend type vs lover, no provider money wise.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
If the lay for whatever reason is not there, and you have establish sexual frames, it will not increase Asd on the second encounter in my experience, the second encounter will be just be like a formality (she will know she is going to do it in her head, when you do sexual frames, is just like a weird formality)..

Ok, I would agree here. Namely because the reason sex did not take place was not due to her, but due to circumstances (logistics). In this sense, Pureevil theory about "anti-logistics" generating sexual tension holds true.

This, however, does not seem to be the case here.

But on a theoretical level I will agree

i don't understand in every report most guys tell the same stuff to bismark yet, he still keep having sexual frame setting anxiety (lol i just made this up)....

Haha! Well it is what it is... sexual frame anxietty. I used to call it "anti-perv defense (ASP) but call it whatever you want.
make a huge difference, i have said that the only girl i brought home in the last couple of years and did not bang, is one that i did not do "sexual frames

I have very similar experiences - those who I forgot to set sexual frames with have a much high likely-hood to show important amounts of resistance at the end, and in worst case scenario, I will not have sex with them. Fortunately, I love setting sexual frames so this issue happens extremely rarely for me. However in the past it was also one of my sticking points.
-also bismark 3 bounce for dates (if done right) is stronger than the pure evil 3 date model

Agreed. It has a similar effect to having 3 dates in regards to rapport and comfort building, however without you setting the boyfriend/provider frame. Hence why this strategy is far superior to the "3-date" strategy.

P.s. guys when teevester says provider is his way of saying boyfriend type vs lover, no provider money wise.

In a way yes. Boyfriend frame is mostly a provider frame - basically one who provides wealth, emotional support or social value. Not saying these are bad thing, but these without a strong sexual frame will set a clear boyfriend/provider frame which will limit your chances of getting a quick bang on YOUR terms.

But yes, in general you are right. To me "provider" is a boyfriend candidate.

This is semantics - so I won't discuss this any further. If anyone dislike my semantic use of the words, then feel free to change out "provider frame" with "boyfriend frame".

I do not mind.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021
Wow, reading this thread made my head hurt.

See, this is why 99% of guys hate cold approach and would rather just use apps - because it's such a colossal time sink and forces you to spend hours upon hours doing things you ordinarily wouldn't do as a man just to have a "shot" at random girls' pussies.

Browsing an app for a few minutes a day or spending hours in grocery stores, coffee shops. loud obnoxious clubs and bars...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Wow, reading this thread made my head hurt.

See, this is why 99% of guys hate cold approach and would rather just use apps - because it's such a colossal time sink and forces you to spend hours upon hours doing things you ordinarily wouldn't do as a man just to have a "shot" at random girls' pussies.

Browsing an app for a few minutes a day or spending hours in grocery stores, coffee shops. loud obnoxious clubs and bars...
ridiculous! and i would love to see were you got the 99% statistic from...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Wow, reading this thread made my head hurt.

See, this is why 99% of guys hate cold approach and would rather just use apps - because it's such a colossal time sink and forces you to spend hours upon hours doing things you ordinarily wouldn't do as a man just to have a "shot" at random girls' pussies.

Browsing an app for a few minutes a day or spending hours in grocery stores, coffee shops. loud obnoxious clubs and bars...



Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Been experimenting with socializing more this past week. Went from spending entire weeks without socializing except with work colleagues when going to the office to having, this past week, socials or events Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Will have another one today.

I have to say I missed it. I love socializing.

Last night I went to this pre-drinks thing followed by heading to a renowned nightclub in town. I hadn't been in a nightclub in God knows how long...

Anyway, long story short: this girl who had been in the pres and I had struck up some chat with in the metro on the way to club we made out (I validated her, I know, mistake) then she was shitfaced so I just held her hand so she could stand straight and not fall over. Then at 2:00am she wanted to leave but I knew she was too fucked up to get home safely by herself so I walked her out of the club and then walked her home.

But she resisted at the door and said she wanted to go to hers. I said ok and just left her, went up to my studio. As I was about to open the door I thought this bitch is too fucked up she might get raped. So I went back out, WhatsApp called her, and asked her to share her location.

Met up with her, took her to bus stop, we had to run to catch bus. Then the police and ticket inspectors got on the bus (my brother's coworker took the bus 3 years without ever paying for a ticket and never saw the inspectors lmao (plus I'd been fined for jaywalking the day before)) so we had to get off and I got fined €107.

Walked her home. When we got there I asked if I could come in "for a glass of water and to use the bathroom." Once inside, I got off my shoes. We kissed some more and I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra but when I went to take her top off (which was this weird arm-covering bathing suit type thing) she explained it wasn't the way to do it. Then I said "take it off" (I had been giving her orders for some time, and she always complied - "get my jacket," etc.) but she said "Now I want to go to sleep."

It was 4:30am...We'd smoked a doobie in her little terrace in the meantime, and I'd tried to do sex talk / sexual prizing with her.

I was exhausted and I still don't know my PIN code for my cellphone whose battery had gone to zero and I'd been charging at hers. So I tried it twice and failed (was gonna walk home/take transport otherwise) and asked her if I could sleep with her. She said "ok but just sleep."

Then I slept 4 hours with my arm around her, and her ass sticking out touching my leg at one point. I kept thinking how I wanted to avoid an FRA and I didn't like drunk sex, and how she was giving off certain red flags. At 8:00am, when I removed my arm from around her, she pulled the bed she has underneath hers and went to sleep there (wtf? so she wanted me to smash her?? Incomprehensible).

Shortly thereafter I left back to mine.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Had to cut out socials for some time as I was studying for some exams the results of which come out soon. Still went to a Halloween party (actually, 2 Halloween house parties on the same night).

The other night I was invited to this hot girl's birthday drinks, and I've been doing this thing where I'm touchy-feely with hot girls, so like I find social frame excuses to touch them. Like if she says she drinks 3 coffees a day I'll touch her chest to feel her heartbeat. Or I might accidentally graze her hand with mine and remark: "wow, are your hands always this cold?" as I hold them. This is in for example board games playing session in the early evening, surrounded by well-meaning geeks, lmao. Did the same thing at a pub quiz end of last week with a hot-ass shortie. Damn she was fine... In a sense, the cap has kind of catapulted me back to the "jock" category I used to benefit from when I had an additional 15 or so kg of muscle mass.

But back to the hot girl's birthday drinks. Since I'd been doing the rugby player hug (where you basically lift her off the ground while hugging her and she falls on your body, then you spin her around) with this hot Ukrainian (23, shortish, pretty, slim) whom I'd invited to my birthday drinks and she'd seen me surrounded by girls there (2 bombing 18-y-os, 1 also 19 or 20-y-o, the hot girl whose birthday drinks I subsequently went to that I'm talking about here, among others), as I was complimenting a girl on her cooking skills (she'd made the birthday cake) Ukrainian simply walks over (ah, I hadn't said hi to her) and hugs me. I kiss her on the cheek and we chat in our own little bubble. Meanwhile, cute birthday cake cook girl is standing right next to us. Next, these two babes rock up and start flirting with me out of the blue. Finally, another babe (married) also says hi. During that hot girl's birthday drinks, I felt like the highest value male in the set. I kissed the birthday girl on the corner of the mouth to greet her with her boyfriend sitting not far away.

The reason Ukrainian has slowly fallen head over heels is I also lied about my age for social frame, (told her I was turning 25 on my birthday drinks, instead of 33) and I do the same job as her (similarity (this is true though)), and in general I've tried to withhold my opinions and find common ground as opposed to exposing my views. The inspiration to invite her to my bday came from the first time I met her - when a bunch of us went to watch the new James Bond flick, and I noticed she had very receptive BL towards me.

Last night I had a dissimilar experience in that regard (the similarity thing).

I'm still very hit or miss with dates. I find I'm better with swift pulls.

I feel like dates are basically a trap to get you to "lose" and have girls walk all over you or reject you for ridiculous reasons.

I mean if we consider that girls can fuck you in 10-15 minutes, like the Russian did in my last report, why do we need to sit in a bar for 1 hour drinking beer (I don't even like drinking alcohol, and only got one due to social frame) "getting to know each other" (according to society's dictates)? It's simply an opportunity for you to "impress" the girl and make the mistake of stating an opinion (or bunch of them) she disagrees with and get her to reject you.

As several buddies of mine on here (Bacc, Teev, etc.) already know, I'm still iffy on the whole technical verbal game front, where this kind of emotional stimulation, rainbow rusing, sex talk, etc. stuff is concerned.

But I feel like I will definitely need a process to follow. I don't want to run full canned game because I don't believe that I need to use gimmicks or tricks to get inside a girl's pants, but at the same time, I keep going on dates with girls who want to have sex with me and having them come over and then leave right afterward like my studio was on fire or something.

And in all honesty, my target isn't 29-year-olds, it's 18-22-year-olds. I want to be able to fuck a girl that I have little similarity with. Because I know that she is hot and wants to have sex with me, and I don't actually care what she thinks about the environment, America, or whatever (that doesn't impact one iota how hot sex we can both have). I can fuck her despite her silly statements (she's only spouting the trash she's brainwashed with due to being totally social-frame immersed in the Western mass media's emotionally stimulating hysteria agitprop campaigns (known as "news")).

So my conclusion is that I have to either fake similarity or smoothly reroute all conversation I'm not interested in and focus on commonalities, emotional stimulation on her passions (forgot to ask her the golden question last night), and sexual arousal. Find a way to set a sexual frame and just bond over our desire to tear each other's clothes off.

Thing is, this is easier said than done. The amount of trial and error, testing, approaching, and stuff required is enormous, to incorporate aspects of Gun and Riker and still be yourself and not appear like a robot spouting somebody else's lines. And I simply don't have this time. I work till 5 pm every day, and by that time it's night over here, and the temperatures are already close to zero. Additionally, at my job, I'm surrounded by fags and butch dikes giving me (and them) orders.

It's already the fourth time this year (German 31-year-old Ph.D. student in June, German 20-year-old actress in September, French 19-year-old student in October, and now Belgian 22-year-old student in November). I can't be 33 and be clueless about proper date procedure, losing almost every girl I go out with. The problem is compounded by my having low agreeableness and empathy. High extraversion and charisma.

I have a date next week with Ukrainian (who I get the sense wants me as her boyfriend), and would like not to fuck it up with her as well...

Been thinking this over and there may be a simpler solution: go from 1 to 2 dates, thereby building more anticipation in the girl. Yesterday night if, when she said "I'd love to go back to your place," after I told her "I have beer, just not here - back at home," as a response to her question: "what should we do now? do you want to have another drink or go for a walk?" when she came back from the WC 1 hour after we'd been sitting in that bar, I had said: "that's nice, I'd also like to have you come over, but I have to work tomorrow morning. How about we continue this on Sunday afternoon when I get back?" or something like that, I wouldn't have lost so much social frame as I did by validating her (by agreeing to come home with her like a salivating poodle before sexual frames were set). Then use date 2 to set all the sex frames. I would still have to set them though...


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
News from the grapevine:

1. Ghosted Ukrainian 23-y-o after attempting to get her over to mine to cook once and getting a "no" (recall the first date lasted 2 hours and ended in a peck on the lips and her sending me a message saying she enjoyed it) and then suggesting we see each other the following week and getting a "no" again, always being forced to wait several days for a long text back despite her being constantly online (she’s the typical 8 in that sense). Plan is to ”bump into her” at a social and take it from there

2. Went on second date with tall sporty Belgian 22-y-o, brought her home, sat her on my lap, kissed, unclipped bra, she said she “takes time to trust guys,” (TM) and left. Plan is to full ghost

3. Am fixing to lock Turkish Sweet in with a third sesh, but she might be more trouble than she’s worth, and I may‘ve caught an STD from her already. FML