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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
The girl

I did an internship some years ago and got myself elected to a committee that gave me a lot of visibility with the other interns.

One of the initiatives I spearheaded was a “movie night”. To the first of these, a girl I barely knew from the internship showed up (among others).

This girl has big beautiful eyes, an otherwise not really pretty face, and an amazing body. I didn’t know it at the time, but even though I was already in my early thirties, she was in her early twenties.

Some time later, I organized a house party to which she came. I remember her walking in with boots, and what appeared to be a quite dominant demeanour. It might have been a phase. Turns out this chick dresses in a way a bit incongruent with what she’s like. As in, she’s actually feminine, and a “good girl,” despite dressing like a masculine bad girl.

That house party I threw was okay…the studio I lived in was tiny, at 28 sqm, so not really party proof. At the time I was still a bit of a mess wrt my whole back situation, so unable to assume the mantle of progressing to smash with this girl, even though I suspect that she was already into me then.

Fast forward to last Saturday, when I threw a housewarming party at my new place.

Even though she’d ignored my invite to come to my birthday late last year, I still somehow decided to invite her to the housewarming, and even though she said she wasn’t sure if she’d be around, I still gave her the details, and she still ended up coming.

This time around, I was quite attracted to her. She wasn’t wearing boots. All traces of the “dominant” version of herself had evaporated. She had this cute giggle / laugh that turned me on. Shortly into talking to her with relative isolation I asked her if she had a boyfriend. She said she didn’t. She asked me if I had a girlfriend. I said I didn’t. I asked her if she’d be down to grab a drink some time. She said she would be.

Dealing with resistance / Setting up the date

In the days after the party, I texted her thanking her for coming, and telling her it was nice to see her, and she texted back that she had enjoyed it and thanking me for having her. I remember reading her text and getting a hardon. I was already thinking about “having” her in another sense…

I texted her “let’s get a drink some time soon,” and she texted back something positive, and then I suggested two dates and a time (already with the name of the bar), and she picked one. We settled on that day, time, and bar, except, a day or two before the day we were supposed to meet, she texted back asking if I couldn’t pick a bar closer to her neighbourhood, since it would be “quite far” for her.

I responded with an audio message saying I didn’t know any good bars in that neighbourhood and that that was the reason I’d suggested an early time, so she would still have time to go back home at a decent hour in anticipation of her work day the next day.

Only two hours before the date she texted back “let’s go to your bar then” with a happy smiley.

I wasn’t even expecting her to accept, so I had to rush a bit to do everything (chores) before meeting her at the allotted time. One thing I had forgotten to do the day before (Wednesday 3 July), due to feeling hungover and exhausted, was buy a pack of condoms.

Tuesday night, I got a new L with a hot recently turned 25-y-o dancer. I only had one condom in the drawer and luckily she had one spare so we were still able to smash for about an hour.

I tend to be chronically low on rubbers since I’m circumcised so have less sensation on the tip of my shlong, so endeavour to usually force frame my way into smashing raw first draw. It’s a risky position though, and it has cost me a fair few fuckbuddies (especially the phase where I would finish up inside them without asking for permish).

I didn’t have time to buy the condoms before meeting this girl yesterday night.

The date

Anyway, I went to meet her after a short meditation. I took her to two bars. In the first bar I was asking her about herself, and talking about myself (connecting). In the second bar (where very soon into it I seeded the pull to my place) I started asking about her relationships.

During this bit I was connecting with her. Like me, she doesn’t do online dating. We discovered that, unlike me, she was a good girl (I was a bit of a wild guy in my teens / early twenties). But I still held onto the frame that sex is a good thing, and that it should be pursued regardless of whether or not you will end up dating the person in the end.

The way I transmit this, when they start with the whole “a relationship can only work if the two of you share the same values” meshugaas, is to simply ask her if she hasn’t already met a guy she got along really well with, whose personality she really liked, only to later find out, when they fucked, that he was shit in bed.

“Attraction is immediate,” I told her. She said “you need to talk to the person first, to see what they’re like.” I told her “if that was true, we wouldn’t be here anymore. Think about it - human beings were procreating long before they could talk.”

I also told her a recent true story about this girl I had a mostly sex-based relationship with for 1.5 years around 2018 who I’m still connected to.

But I didn’t say I wouldn’t be open to having a girlfriend or to getting married and having kids, quite the contrary in fact.


I met her at 8. At 10.30 I took her to my place.

Inside it was smooth sailing. No resistance.

On the bed, onto which I’d thrown her once I’d started kissing her, clothes came off progressively. I made sure to take my time and savour every moment. This girl is really hot.

She’s also very responsive. She was already squirming, getting all riled up, and eventually having mini orgasms just from me kissing her, groping her big breasts, groping her buttcheeks, sucking her nipples and biting them, licking her torso, and finally fingering her.

I asked her if she was on the pill, and, like the Greek dancer from Tuesday night, she said she wasn’t. Then she said “you have to wear protection.”

I then went to look for a condom in my drawer, even getting my cellphone light to help me, without success. I remembered I’d seen a 7/11 close by. I told her I’d go buy a pack and brb. I went to buy the pack, and came back 10 mins later.

She had her silk shirt on, and her panties, and was reading a book near my bookshelf, when I came back. I could tell it was over.

She told me she wanted to go home (it was 11.30).

I walked her down to the bus stop, and she kissed me on the lips to say goodbye, thanking me for the night. I asked, “let’s do it again?” and she said “yes” as she got on the bus.


If I could go back, I would tell her I’d run out and say, “we can leave it for next time,” instead of rushing out to buy them, which maybe didn’t transmit cool vibes.

Lastly, I would not ask her “let’s do it again?” as she got on the bus, and simply read from her passionate kiss in the mouth as she got on, that she was open to the possibility already.

As topcat wrote to me some time ago, there is a way to see girls again without putting undue pressure on them. Putting undue pressure on them can make them want to wrest themselves free of it, despite being nominally open to the possibility of seeing you again.

I texted her, just before I went to sleep (it was difficult to fall asleep last night due to the alcohol ingested (1 cocktail, then part of a beer in second bar, then a few sips of Port wine back at mine), “let me know when you arrive home,” and she ghosted.

Post scriptum

Since I wrote the above she got back to me and we’re still texting intermittently. I’m going to push for the close soon.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Great report!

Maybe should have taken her with you to grab the condoms? Risky to leave her alone. But possibly it's a buzzkill either way.

I'd have probably just had other forms of sex, for example oral or handjobs, if no condoms at hand. Especially as she was orgasming alrady.

Can still do "the real thing" next time. Good to know she's still interested!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
“Attraction is immediate,” I told her. She said “you need to talk to the person first, to see what they’re like.”
Hm, interesting observations from both sides here, Bismarck.

Isn’t this essentially one of the main differences between men and women?

My old friend on these boards @Estate corrected me on this score a few times: first and second examples.

Others have made the same point elsewhere. What’s your view, Bismarck?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for chiming in @gameboy and @Marty.

@gameboy I could maybe even have just gone in raw, with a bit of convincing. She was super hot at that point, and I remember leaning in to kiss her before I put my clothes on to head out to buy the condom pack, and her being completely pliant. Who knows what I could have gotten away with with a little bedroom voice whisper in her ear as I sucked her earlobe and continued heating her up? Of course her saying "you need to use protection" was congruent with the image she was trying to convey of being a "good girl." It could have simply been token resistance.

The only downside I see in that scenario is potential buyer's remorse the next day on her end.

@Marty I pretty much agree 100% with Estate's thoughts on the matter in both of the posts you linked.

I don't manipulate girls on dates. My recent process is to connect with them, in other words to understand their reality while finding similarities between it and mine, in a way to pace and lead their reality. I suggest that they like sex (an example was with the girl from this report, where I said she liked to run long distances because it felt like an orgasm for her afterward).

And in a very basic way, I ask them about their relationships, and explain where I'm at on that front. Everything I say is true to my experience. But in essence what I communicate verbally is that I am open to a wife and kids, in fact I'm searching for her, and that the way I am doing it is by playing the field with an open mind. I use examples such as the story of how my close friend met his wife, and how their relationship blossomed from casual to monogamous to living together to marriage. I also talk about how sexual dalliances of mine in the past resulted in strong connections. As stated above I reference the amazing personality guy who sucks in bed and the fact that humans were fucking long before they could talk.

Nonverbally, with my eyes, I am already fucking them on the date.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
Did you not even try to reascalate after you came back with condoms? It seems to me that you made a premature assumption "It's all over." . Even if she told you that she wants to go home, you could acknowledge her request but stil at least try to reengage her with delicate kissing and sensual touch. As a matter of fact, it might have worked real well due to being unintended pull-push.

I think there is a high chance that she will come for second time if you avoid being needy (I feel little needy vibes when you describe how it all proceeded after you came back with condoms). Instead of asking "Let's do it again?" why not "I had great time tonight, let's finish it next time." [SMILE]


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
@Jan I'm not gonna fight girls to get them in bed. They're either in 100%, or I don't want them there. I believe not fighting for it shows abundance (even if rushing out to buy the condoms didn't show abundance...)

Yeah the "let's do it again?" I regretted almost as soon as the words left my mouth haha.

But hey you live and learn.

As for your suggested line, I would argue that the last bit is putting undue pressure on her to put out so in the end it is similar to my "let's do it again," even if delivered differently. "I had a great time tonight" would have sufficed IMO.

Anyway all this is nitpicking - the texting has been smooth (thanks Dev for your support) and everything seems to indicate that I will be seeing her again next week.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Did you not even try to reascalate after you came back with condoms? It seems to me that you made a premature assumption "It's all over." . Even if she told you that she wants to go home, you could acknowledge her request but stil at least try to reengage her with delicate kissing and sensual touch. As a matter of fact, it might have worked real well due to being unintended pull-push.

I think there is a high chance that she will come for second time if you avoid being needy (I feel little needy vibes when you describe how it all proceeded after you came back with condoms). Instead of asking "Let's do it again?" why not "I had great time tonight, let's finish it next time." [SMILE]
Great point... but I'd replace the words "finish it" with "continue"!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Everything I say is true to my experience. But in essence what I communicate verbally is that I am open to a wife and kids, in fact I'm searching for her, and that the way I am doing it is by playing the field with an open mind.
Love it! That's essentially what most hot girls do when they're single. And if hot girls don't have sexual abundance then I don't know who does :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
I'm not gonna fight girls to get them in bed.
@Bismarck Why do interpret an attempt on reescalating as fighting?

Think about this situation from her perspective. Let's say it was her who left for condoms. You are in her apartment with your dick out but she is leaving. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna wank to keep your dick hard and wait for her in the exact same pose as when she had left? Maybe you told her that you gonna be away for 10" or maybe not, but she never really knew how long it's really gonna take. What is she supposed to do with herself during this time?

I'm pretty sure if I was in her situation, I would just put my pants on, and find something to occupy myself for the time she is away (like reading a book). And then when she is back I would expect her to go back to what we had done before she left. But that's not what happened in your case... you left for condoms, she was ok with that, waited patiently for you, and when you came back you didn't do what the whole purpose of this store trip was about... you didn't continue... weird.

I think the problem is that you had wrong expectations what she would/should during that break time. I think you expected her to be in the exact same state of mind as you when you had left. Which doesn't make sense if you imagine yourself being in her shoes. It's pretty obvious that your sexual arousal would have gone down too during these 10-15 minutes. Which basically means that you just need go one or two steps back and reescalate/rearouse.

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Agree with @Jan

Whenever I've had a situation in which the sexual escalation gets interrupted by something (whether it's bathroom break, going out for condoms, flatmates come home, etc) I've always found it necessary to start the escalation process over again.

In this case, it gave her time alone to think rationally about whether she wants to have sex with you, so her saying she wanted to go home seems like an ASD response more than anything. I think some verbal reassurance (like the Comfort & Trust gambit or Self Control gambit) may have been enough to disarm it and push past.

Still, sounds like you've got another shot at this, so good luck!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
@Atlas IV I don't think it was ASD. I think it was just he didn't escalate on her after he came back with condoms. She was just confused I think. "He went for condoms to fuck me, came back and didn't want to me fuck me anymore? Why? Did he change his mind? Did I do something wrong?" She was confused so she decided to evacuate herself from the situation.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Did you not even try to reascalate after you came back with condoms? It seems to me that you made a premature assumption "It's all over." . Even if she told you that she wants to go home, you could acknowledge her request but stil at least try to reengage her with delicate kissing and sensual touch. As a matter of fact, it might have worked real well due to being unintended pull-push.

I think there is a high chance that she will come for second time if you avoid being needy (I feel little needy vibes when you describe how it all proceeded after you came back with condoms). Instead of asking "Let's do it again?" why not "I had great time tonight, let's finish it next time." [SMILE]

When the girl says she wants to go home, you DO NOT try to escalate. You do not directly tackle resistance, especially clear resistance with active explicit persistence. That would only limit your chances of her meeting you again.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I'm pretty sure if I was in her situation, I would just put my pants on, and find something to occupy myself for the time she is away (like reading a book). And then when she is back I would expect her to go back to what we had done before she left. But that's not what happened in your case... you left for condoms, she was ok with that, waited patiently for you, and when you came back you didn't do what the whole purpose of this store trip was about... you didn't continue... weird.

You are not, and never will be. You are projecting male logic onto the situation. This is a girl. They do not think like us. there are of course exceptions but... I doubt this applies to this case.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
@Teevster This is all speculation because we were not there, and that part of the report is very brief, but apparently we both imagine it differently. I don't imagine her saying' I want to go home' immediately after he returned. I imagined it that it came as a REACTION to his body language/facial expression when he realized/assumed that "It's over." So I think her decision to go home came as a result of him not reescalating rather than some other reason. But this is all speculation, not possible to know at this point.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
You are projecting male logic onto the situation.
I'm not projecting anything. I only said that I understand why she was back in her clothes when he came back. I don't know if it's male or female logic, I only said what she did, makes sense to me, and I would have done the same in her situation.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I'm not projecting anything. I only said that I understand why she was back in her clothes when he came back. I don't know if it's male or female logic, I only said what she did, makes sense to me, and I would have done the same in her situation.
That's because leaving her wondering triggers all kind of resistance - including ASD. This in addition to state fading down. Deadly combo. To add to it. Bismarck not having logistics set - e.g. not being in full logistic control was an additional turn off to her.

Speculation - sure. None of us where there. So we are both "speculating". But that's what commenting to reports is - although speculations can only be assessed on the (limited) information we possess, contextualized in current PU knowledge.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
@Teevster I agree that the break may have caused ASD and state crash in her. My main point thought is that no one truly knew what happened in her head (including Bismarck). Therefore, the bettter move was to make an escalation attempt to VERIFY these assumptions.

I know that the you don't handle resistance with escalation but you also don't handle it with giving up.

And I repeat that point again, all this is assuming that the resistance was actually there. I still believe that "I want to go home." was her auto-rejection (caused by his non-action) not her resistance to sex caused by ASD.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I can see where @Jan is coming from, if a girl is hot and wet and you disappear for 10 minutes, you aren't going to come back and find her there in the same state, and getting her going again will require some frame control and going back a few steps even if she's still down.

Sometimes though you can tell she's anxious to go or her mind is already on the next day or something and the moment's passed. In which case the best move is just to focus on keeping a good vibe and arrange another time.

I remember one time I had to run off to a servo to grab some condoms, it was a long time ago so I don't remember the details, also it was at her place so she was probably much more comfortable waiting. What I'd do in this sort of situation is tell her to come onto my lap and just chill for a bit, and see if we can start things up again. If she doesn't want to do that, then it's pretty clear it's time to close up for the night.

Nice work @Bismarck on smooth frame control from start to end, hopefully next time's the charm.

I think the moral here is to keep condoms always around, my wallet always has one tucked inside 24/7.
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
I can see where @Jan is coming from, if a girl is hot and wet and you disappear for 10 minutes, you aren't going to come back and find her there in the same state, and getting her going again will require some frame control and going back a few steps even if she's still down.
My exact point. Thank you, sir.
What I'd do in this sort of situation is tell her to come onto my lap and just chill for a bit, and see if we can start things up again.
That's what I meant by making an attempt on reescalation.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Everything I say is true to my experience. But in essence what I communicate verbally is that I am open to a wife and kids, in fact I'm searching for her, and that the way I am doing it is by playing the field with an open mind.
I have no idea how women perceive this, but it seems very logical to me as a man, and if that's your objective, it is a very systematic way of achieving it. I like the candor of your process.