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Some girls give their number but later on say they're not looking to meet anyone etc?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021

so i approached a girl (a 2-set actually) and i liked one of the girls, we had a nice (but brief) chat and then we exchanged numbers

she even said, right there and then, that it was very brave that i came up to her and approached her

However, the next day when i texted her she simply said

"I admire that you had the courage to come up to us yesterday! however I have to say that I am currently not looking for someone to date, and I would need to turn down on the offer to meet up with you."

I can understand that she might not be emotionally available in life or going through some shit, but, is there a way to handle this objection?

or are these girls simply a waste of time?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 24, 2024
Some girls are just really nice human beings and they dont want to hurt your feelings by turning you down right away after you demonstrated such balls.

Chin up and onto the next one.
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
What Freakester said. Also, for a girl it is much safer to reject a stranger over text, than in person.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 9, 2024
Hey Yaxir,

First of, kudos for the approach. I see you recently got into cold approaching, congratulations for starting this epic journey.

A few things:
1. Do yourself a favor and get a copy of Chase's How To Text A Girl. Or read the blog on texting, the book is mostly a compilation of articles anyway. It took me a year to realize, but, getting a girl's number is just the beginning of the journey. In-person you and text-you are two different conversations for her, and you need to develop some texting patterns if you want to reliably convert a number to a follow-up date.
2. When a girl gives you her number then later says "sorry but I'm not really looking for something", it's a symptom of one thing: your in-person impression wasn't strong enough. Here's a secret: if Leo DiCaprio had been at your place, she would have sent him a completely different text. She admired your courage because she realizes that it takes massive balls for a guy to dare to say hi, and, in the heat of the moment she wanted to give you her number. But, once she cooled down and thought back, your interaction didn't give her a "damn that was a great guy I'd love to see him again" feeling.
3. Cold approach is a long grind. Don't beat yourself on this "failure", treat it as precious experience. Next time you'll be slightly better. Then slightly better. Then slightly better. You'll make a bunch of mistakes, you'll feel embarrassed sometimes, and all of this is part of the natural process of accumulating enough experience where your subconscious picks up the subtle cues of how to behave in the moment versus what doesn't work.
4. Don't next her, don't be bitter on her. Here's a secret for you: girls operate on a massive grey zone called "maybe". When a girl says she's not interested, we guys treat it as she's not interested, as in, never interested. But girls operate in a different reality. Girls operate in a reality where they make their mind based on their in-the-moment feelings. This is probably too advanced for you but I want to plant this seed of an idea already: when a girls says no, it doesn't mean "never"; it means "not now". Don't shoot yourself in the foot, don't rage quit on her.

Without knowing all the specifics, here's an example of what I would text her back:
Hey Ashley [insert her name]! How are you doing? Good to hear back from you. No worries, dating is complicated, I go through those phases too. Just wanted to say thanks for our interaction of the other day, as you saw it was quite a nervous moment for me and I'm happy it turned into a nice conversation. Hey if I may insist, the offer for our coffee/drink/whatever is still open and I'd love to continue our conversation where we left it. If you change your mind just let me know :) Yaxir

See how this message is infused with positive moods and unapologetically but respectfully pushes the envelope. Girls are very sensitive to emotions, if you remain light-hearted and upbeat she may decide that actually it could be nice to spend an hour of her time with you. Maybe she'll respond in a few days, maybe she won't. Don't sweat about it, get back in the field and get more practice. As long as you don't shoot yourself in the foot you can always re-message her in a few months. (Chase has a killer template on how to reactivate old leads in the book.)

Hope this helps!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

so i approached a girl (a 2-set actually) and i liked one of the girls, we had a nice (but brief) chat and then we exchanged numbers

she even said, right there and then, that it was very brave that i came up to her and approached her

However, the next day when i texted her she simply said

"I admire that you had the courage to come up to us yesterday! however I have to say that I am currently not looking for someone to date, and I would need to turn down on the offer to meet up with you."

I can understand that she might not be emotionally available in life or going through some shit, but, is there a way to handle this objection?

or are these girls simply a waste of time?
Yes, she gave You number out of politenes she was not interested


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
Hey Yaxir,

First of, kudos for the approach. I see you recently got into cold approaching, congratulations for starting this epic journey.

A few things:
1. Do yourself a favor and get a copy of Chase's How To Text A Girl. Or read the blog on texting, the book is mostly a compilation of articles anyway. It took me a year to realize, but, getting a girl's number is just the beginning of the journey. In-person you and text-you are two different conversations for her, and you need to develop some texting patterns if you want to reliably convert a number to a follow-up date.
2. When a girl gives you her number then later says "sorry but I'm not really looking for something", it's a symptom of one thing: your in-person impression wasn't strong enough. Here's a secret: if Leo DiCaprio had been at your place, she would have sent him a completely different text. She admired your courage because she realizes that it takes massive balls for a guy to dare to say hi, and, in the heat of the moment she wanted to give you her number. But, once she cooled down and thought back, your interaction didn't give her a "damn that was a great guy I'd love to see him again" feeling.
3. Cold approach is a long grind. Don't beat yourself on this "failure", treat it as precious experience. Next time you'll be slightly better. Then slightly better. Then slightly better. You'll make a bunch of mistakes, you'll feel embarrassed sometimes, and all of this is part of the natural process of accumulating enough experience where your subconscious picks up the subtle cues of how to behave in the moment versus what doesn't work.
4. Don't next her, don't be bitter on her. Here's a secret for you: girls operate on a massive grey zone called "maybe". When a girl says she's not interested, we guys treat it as she's not interested, as in, never interested. But girls operate in a different reality. Girls operate in a reality where they make their mind based on their in-the-moment feelings. This is probably too advanced for you but I want to plant this seed of an idea already: when a girls says no, it doesn't mean "never"; it means "not now". Don't shoot yourself in the foot, don't rage quit on her.

Without knowing all the specifics, here's an example of what I would text her back:
Hey Ashley [insert her name]! How are you doing? Good to hear back from you. No worries, dating is complicated, I go through those phases too. Just wanted to say thanks for our interaction of the other day, as you saw it was quite a nervous moment for me and I'm happy it turned into a nice conversation. Hey if I may insist, the offer for our coffee/drink/whatever is still open and I'd love to continue our conversation where we left it. If you change your mind just let me know :) Yaxir

See how this message is infused with positive moods and unapologetically but respectfully pushes the envelope. Girls are very sensitive to emotions, if you remain light-hearted and upbeat she may decide that actually it could be nice to spend an hour of her time with you. Maybe she'll respond in a few days, maybe she won't. Don't sweat about it, get back in the field and get more practice. As long as you don't shoot yourself in the foot you can always re-message her in a few months. (Chase has a killer template on how to reactivate old leads in the book.)

Hope this helps!
thank you, for the detailed advice, the mindset that 'no' does not equal to never

and the message template (it is in fact, very positive!) and even i had a good feeling reading your message template!

much respect!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

Loverboy has already given you some great advice and ideas here.

With regard to this point he made:
When a girl gives you her number then later says "sorry but I'm not really looking for something", it's a symptom of one thing: your in-person impression wasn't strong enough. … She admired your courage because she realizes that it takes massive balls for a guy to dare to say hi, and, in the heat of the moment she wanted to give you her number. But, once she cooled down and thought back, your interaction didn't give her a "damn that was a great guy I'd love to see him again" feeling.
…it’s worth being aware of what patterns you can see and how to proceed thereafter. Here’s a great thread on this subject:

NarrowJ's scale of "eagerness"



Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021

Loverboy has already given you some great advice and ideas here.

With regard to this point he made:

…it’s worth being aware of what patterns you can see and how to proceed thereafter. Here’s a great thread on this subject:

NarrowJ's scale of "eagerness"

thanks Marty!

i really appreciate this, i will go through this thread when i have the time

i do need some help with text game, so your intervention is most appreciated!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 9, 2024
Often, when you think your problem is at a certain stage, it is because you didn't do so well at the stage before. Here, you ask how to handle her objection over text, but I would bet that the problems appear in person.

we had a nice (but brief) chat and then we exchanged numbers
What does "nice" mean in this context? I wouldn't describe many of the first conversations I've had that have led to me having sex with the girl as "nice." Fun, flirty, challenging, all, but perhaps not nice.

he even said, right there and then, that it was very brave that i came up to her and approached her
Sounds to me like she might have given you a gold star sticker for approaching. Take a think about the frame behind what she's saying, what it means. It's not something that a girl who is attracted to you would say. Maybe she should note that you are confident for approaching, but brave is quite different.

I have to say that I am currently not looking for someone to date
Translates from girl speak into English as
I have to say that I don't want to date you

You had a nice chat with her, she's not attracted, and she's letting you down politely. Don't ask how to handle the objection, but ask how to do better on your next approach.

Good job on approaching - take this one as a failure, and look to the next girl.

- Tryst


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
Thanks @Tryst, your feedback is always appreciated and welcome!

i will be clear and admit, it is mentally exhausting to deal with girl speak - just outright hurts like a b*tch sometimes, makes me think i am not good enough a man

but i know, this is YET another limiting belief - one that i have to overcome

and would you believe, i approached another girl today (4 June 2024) who i was actually very, very scared of approaching because in my mind she was really, really hot! (it is all in the head, my mind was making me think that, i know this!)

she said the exact same thing and did not give me her number - even though she repeatedly kept saying that it was so sweet that i approached her - now that i put your words into perspective, its possible she rejected me because she did not see me as attractive (which, to be honest with you, feels like shit)

but so be it - i also have preferences with women

although i try to talk to all girls that i see and like even slightly..

ofcourse, i have also gotten looks from girls when i wear a certain type of clothing, because i know it suits me and probably gives off a very strong, attractive vibe!

now to ask the obvious question -
ask how to do better on your next approach
how can i do better on the next approach?

Fun, flirty, challenging,
i ofcourse need help with this! i have made girls laugh, one girl i approached told me that i was charming in my approach (that's new, for me!)

but i need to sexualize more, be more bold and be prepared to walk away / lose the girl any time!

I have read quite a few articles on GC, but i am not sure which kinds of escalation can i apply on girls (maybe i need to stop seeing them as these really kind, sweet women and start seeing them as human beings who have just as much desire for sex as men do - this is yet another mental shift i need to make!)

your help and advice is greatly appreciated!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 9, 2024
it is mentally exhausting to deal with girl speak
You just start to learn patterns. This polite rejection is a common theme. Don't worry, it will come.

makes me think i am not good enough a man
because she did not see me as attractive (which, to be honest with you, feels like shit
Man, it's all a game. If you suck at chess, it's not because you're stupid, it's because you haven't yet learned how to play chess. Some people are naturally talented at chess, some people aren't. If a girl doesn't find you attractive, it's not because there's anything wrong with you, just that you haven't learned how to make girls attracted to you yet. I suck too. But I don't feel bad about it, I just think of it like any other skill.

The most important part of my last message was about the "You're so brave" comment. You need to understand the ideas that come with it. I'll give you an example of a sentence that seems innocuous but which actually has a lot of ideas behind it: "You're cute, but I'm not sleeping with you tonight." In this sentence are embedded a few ideas:
  • I get to decide who is cute or not (because I am an authority)
  • You are trying to sleep with me (because I am higher value than you, so of course you're chasing)
  • I get to decide when and and what happens; everything happens on my terms (because I am an authority, and higher value than you)
  • In short, I am in charge, I am cooler, I am higher value, and therefore you are chasing me.
Obviously, you don't want to accept these ideas, but if you just say "That's okay! Maybe another time." or even "No, I wasn't trying to sleep with you!", you accept the ideas. It's all part of what I call the Hot Girl Frame, which is "I am a beautiful woman. Men will chase me and supplicate to me because they want me. I'll enjoy each suitor for what he can give me until I get bored, or maybe, if I really like him, he'll get lucky and I'll let him sleep with me." Look up some articles on frame control if you want to read about this stuff.

Take a think about the sentence "You're so brave for approaching me." and try to break it down into what it actually means as I have done with the sentence above.

one girl i approached told me that i was charming in my approach
I think this is the same thing as the "You're so brave" comment. A girl is condescending from her vaunting heights to pat you on the head and say "well done, you tried." You need to put more push into your interactions, and maybe come across as more secure and unneedy, willing to walk.

Do you do nightgame at all? It seems to me that you just need to, beyond all else, be more pushing and challenging. Negging is a great avenue to explore for this, and totally flipping the script about who is chasing whom. Instantly stops you from being the brave nice guy. But it might take some practise to understand. Also make sure you're teasing girls, just make fun of them for things. You know you've done it right when they start giggling.

- Tryst

If you're to win am'rous acclaim
You need to learn to change the frame


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
You just start to learn patterns. This polite rejection is a common theme. Don't worry, it will come.
noted, i will take this as a part of learning game!
Man, it's all a game. If you suck at chess, it's not because you're stupid, it's because you haven't yet learned how to play chess. Some people are naturally talented at chess, some people aren't. If a girl doesn't find you attractive, it's not because there's anything wrong with you, just that you haven't learned how to make girls attracted to you yet. I suck too. But I don't feel bad about it, I just think of it like any other skill.

The most important part of my last message was about the "You're so brave" comment. You need to understand the ideas that come with it. I'll give you an example of a sentence that seems innocuous but which actually has a lot of ideas behind it: "You're cute, but I'm not sleeping with you tonight." In this sentence are embedded a few ideas:
  • I get to decide who is cute or not (because I am an authority)
  • You are trying to sleep with me (because I am higher value than you, so of course you're chasing)
  • I get to decide when and and what happens; everything happens on my terms (because I am an authority, and higher value than you)
  • In short, I am in charge, I am cooler, I am higher value, and therefore you are chasing me.
Obviously, you don't want to accept these ideas, but if you just say "That's okay! Maybe another time." or even "No, I wasn't trying to sleep with you!", you accept the ideas. It's all part of what I call the Hot Girl Frame, which is "I am a beautiful woman. Men will chase me and supplicate to me because they want me. I'll enjoy each suitor for what he can give me until I get bored, or maybe, if I really like him, he'll get lucky and I'll let him sleep with me." Look up some articles on frame control if you want to read about this stuff.

Take a think about the sentence "You're so brave for approaching me." and try to break it down into what it actually means as I have done with the sentence above.
so in short, i need to stop taking this too seriously or too much on the heart

AND start learning rock solid frame control - to turn the tables on this hot girl frame, so that she starts seeing me as the authority.

As for the sentence,

"You're so brave for approaching me."
  • I get to decide you are brave
  • you are trying to sleep/seduce me by approaching me (this is a confusing one, because cold approach takes balls and very few men do it right )
  • it is indeed brave to approach me ( becuase i am higher value )
  • in short i decide that it was brave to approach a girl like me, as compared to other girls, as by approaching me you chase me
I think this is the same thing as the "You're so brave" comment. A girl is condescending from her vaunting heights to pat you on the head and say "well done, you tried." You need to put more push into your interactions, and maybe come across as more secure and unneedy, willing to walk.
ugh .. these are humans after all. so no saying if they're sincere in their conversation or just trying to exit an interaction.

Now, my friend, i have a question here. How can i put more push into my interaction WITHOUT coming across as needy? i don't think i have done any needy behavior (in fact, i have been a bit careful in my approaches - i stand at a bit of a distance from the girl, try to respect personal space etc)

feedback is always welcome

I would ofcourse, appreciate if you can point me to some articles on how i can be more secure and less needy in my interactions!
Do you do nightgame at all? It seems to me that you just need to, beyond all else, be more pushing and challenging. Negging is a great avenue to explore for this, and totally flipping the script about who is chasing whom. Instantly stops you from being the brave nice guy. But it might take some practise to understand. Also make sure you're teasing girls, just make fun of them for things. You know you've done it right when they start giggling.
i will be honest, nightgame is a different animal - too loud, too much going on, i just dont know what to do ..

i don't know how/where to meet girls in Zurich for nightgame .. the clubs here are quite limited and some of them dont allow dudes without women or have paid entry ( do you think its worth it to pay entry to nicer clubs? even just for practice? )

maybe i need to read more about night game and go to clubs where alot of girls come ( even if its paid entry for men)

negging, i have never really tried on a woman and it will probably take practice to understand, as you say.

your feedback is always appreciated, @Tryst


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 9, 2024
Yet another Tryst style pointless theoretical diatribe coming. I'm at home all day studying, so I'm at my computer a lot. At least I get to go out tonight. All the practical advice I give is in the old Mystery Method indirect school of thought. Maybe if you want to go direct it's not entirely applicable.

"You're so brave for approaching me."
  • I get to decide you are brave
  • you are trying to sleep/seduce me by approaching me (this is a confusing one, because cold approach takes balls and very few men do it right )
  • it is indeed brave to approach me ( becuase i am higher value )
  • in short i decide that it was brave to approach a girl like me, as compared to other girls, as by approaching me you chase me
I see it more as:
  • It is brave to approach me, because approaching is scary
  • Approaching is scary because you are some random chump, and I am a beautiful woman
  • Like all the other chumps, you are terrified and nervous around me, but you were brave enough to face your fears and approach. And I think that's cute.
  • Approaching me is a big deal, it's something that you thought about a lot. I appreciate the effort, but no thanks. Keep trying though!
In short, you're only brave because approaching her is scary, and it's only scary because she's obviously higher value than you. That's her frame: by calling you brave, she cements herself as the prize. I'm not saying she intentionally planned this, she probably really believes that she is the prize over you, and because she really believes it, she really believes that you are brave for approaching.

You've given off the vibe that you see yourself as lower value than her, or you didn't and this is just some crazy frame control. But other women have said similar things, so you're giving off a lower value, but cute vibe.

Brave in this context is like the shaking farmboy taking up his scythe to try and fend off the dragon who is about to eat his sister. The farmboy knows he doesn't stand a chance, but instead of cowering and dying, he chooses to fight. He's brave. But he doesn't stand a chance. You feel for him, you respect him for what he did, but he was never ever ever going to slay the dragon. It makes for a nice story though. You see what I'm trying to say?

AND start learning rock solid frame control - to turn the tables on this hot girl frame, so that she starts seeing me as the authority.
Frame control starts from the moment you say hi. It's the vibe you give off, which shows what you truly, deep down, believe about the world. Your vibe should say something like "I am obviously the coolest guy in the room. You guys are probably cool too, but I don't know that yet." It shouldn't come off like you're trying to say you're cool, it's not like you're showing off, or being obnoxious, or saying that's what you believe. In fact you're not even consciously aware you're the coolest. But it's obvious that you are.

If you give off this vibe, other people will receive it, and ideally, accept the frame that you're cool. How do we give off this vibe on a cold approach?

  • Non-neediness: You're a cool guy who already has everything he wants. You're never gonna bother someone else and suck up their energy, you have plenty to give out. I accomplish this with stuff like indirect openers and false time constraints. I was just leaving, I don't really care to be around that girl, I'm not trying to get anything from her. Practise body rocking and FTCs.
  • Value-giving: When you enter the conversation, you're not saying boring shit. "So, what's your name? Where are you from? What do you work as?" You don't have time to waste on boring small talk. Instead, you're talking to share and have a good time. You're playing games, sharing cool anecdotes, teasing people for your own amusement, and connecting with people who seem worthwhile. Other people react to the value you give, and enjoy it. Practise a few teases or memorise some routines.
  • Unreactive: You're so cool that when people try to fuck with you, it doesn't even affect your mental state at all. You never feel negged, you pass shit tests, you naturally AMOG, when people try to set frames on you that you don't agree with, you never fall into them. Your own frames are unshakeable and other people fall into them. Hoop theory. Pay attention to shit tests and hoops.
  • You neg: A neg is an expression of how you deep down perceive your value as compared to the other person's. If you try to obviously brag about your value or put someone else down, it comes off like you're compensating for low value. But the neg seems like it just came out without thinking; something an obviously higher value person would naturally say. You don't really try to make sure you don't say anything that might shake the other person, because you don't really care that much, because you're not seeking their approval. A girl asks you what your first impression of her was, and you say Johnny Depp because she's wearing a funny red bandana. You didn't even realise that what you're saying could be interpreted as an insult, because you're not even in the headspace of trying to make sure she feels good. You just don't care that much. But people feel good around you anyway, without you even trying. Learn some negs. If yo

So the vibe isn't just some immaterial unknowable thing. You can actually create it with concrete steps that can be learned. I am now naturally a lot cooler than I was a year ago, and I get a lot more interest from women, even when I'm not even thinking about game. I just practised concrete steps and now I am naturally a higher value and cooler guy. Frame control isn't some specific technique to be learned - it's a constant ongoing process, which works through the entire vibe you give off.

If your vibe was obviously cooler and higher value than hers, she wouldn't even think that you're brave. It would just seem natural and obvious that you can approach her if you feel like it. You'd have no reason to be scared.
Now, my friend, i have a question here. How can i put more push into my interaction WITHOUT coming across as needy? i don't think i have done any needy behavior (in fact, i have been a bit careful in my approaches - i stand at a bit of a distance from the girl, try to respect personal space etc)
Push is inherently non needy. It's when you're showing disinterest in the girl. If you want to ask how to add pull into the interaction without it being needy, simple:

- Balance your pull with push: You're interested in her, but it's clearly not that big a deal to you because you're also pushing her away (FTCs, negs, statements of disinterest, non-compliance). (Notice how this is just a rephrase of what I said before? Push-pull is the same thing as having a cool, high value vibe.)

- Pull in a cool, non-calculated, non-supplicating way: You're not giving her a compliment because you want something from her, you're not buying her a drink to get a chance to talk to her, you're not gushing with praise to make her feel good so she'll like you. Instead, you have genuine emotions that at appropriate times guide you to indicate interest. She tells you how she's an expert violinist, and you just can't help but lean in and grin, asking "Really? I used to love the violin- I can't play anymore but I still adore classical music. Who's your favourite musician?" That sentence is a massive pull, but does it come off as needy, am I trying to get anything? Or are we just naturally and unconsciously building the vibe together?

- Tryst


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Hey @Yaxir, did I catch that right? You texted her one whole day later?

That was a mistake in itself, buddy.

In any case, this is a common objection you’re going to get with cold approach.
The best thing you can do is try to get some kind of commitment from her during your interaction (whenever possible) like “let’s go for a coffee next week” or something.

Nothing too formal, you just want to give her a chance to voice her objections preemptively.
It is far easier to solve them in person.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Remember this, getting the number is not the goal.

A lot of guys focus on the number and see it as a win because “if she gave out her number she must like me!”

Wrong, girls give out numbers pretty easily, and as mentioned by the other guys above, as a safer way to reject a man.

Another thing to note is the prescription to remedy uninterested numbers is not text game.

It’s improving the initial interaction.

You did not give her a good enough reason to be interested, in other words you need to do more than have a nice chat, you need to game.

Do you have a process to your approaches?

I would lay out your process here and we can dissect it.

Also if you write up detailed FRs, you can get a lot of great feedback.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
Hi @ulrich

yes i try to give the girls some space, so i text the next day

That was a mistake in itself, buddy.
what do you think is the optimal time to send her a text, once i get her number?

The best thing you can do is try to get some kind of commitment from her during your interaction (whenever possible) like “let’s go for a coffee next week” or something.
hmm, this seems like an excellent idea - i worry about becoming too pushy/too needy with this, so i don't propose anything definite like "next week" or "this weekend"

Nothing too formal, you just want to give her a chance to voice her objections preemptively.
It is far easier to solve them in person.
hmm, this suggests that it is better to elicit a response within the cold approach interaction

can you advise how i can do that? any articles on gc that supplement this concept?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
Hi Wick!

A lot of guys focus on the number and see it as a win because “if she gave out her number she must like me!”
ugh, i do suffer from this! how do you get rid of this

Another thing to note is the prescription to remedy uninterested numbers is not text game.

It’s improving the initial interaction.

You did not give her a good enough reason to be interested, in other words you need to do more than have a nice chat, you need to game.

thanks for pointing this out! please advise how i can game the girls more

Do you have a process to your approaches?

I would lay out your process here and we can dissect it.
i do, i posted it in these very forums actually

you can check it out here

Also if you write up detailed FRs, you can get a lot of great feedback.

definitely, next time i go out, i am going to note down my interactions in this forum!

thanks Wick!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Hi @ulrich

yes i try to give the girls some space, so i text the next day

Yeah, that’s a common mistake. I used to do it.

I’d say 2 hours max for first message.
You can actually strike a conversation until next day, that’s OK but you got to send an icebreaker message somewhere between 15 min and 2 hours to cement the good feelings.

Have you read Chase’s guide to texting? It will serve you well.

hmm, this seems like an excellent idea - i worry about becoming too pushy/too needy with this, so i don't propose anything definite like "next week" or "this weekend"

You can be nonchalant about it, like
“yeah, we could go for a coffee… or not”

It’s a matter of tonality and nonverbal.

Make it seem like you are not that hung up on setting the date and make it sound more like a surveying question… she will feel less pressure and will be more likely to share a concern if she has one.

hmm, this suggests that it is better to elicit a response within the cold approach interaction

can you advise how i can do that? any articles on gc that supplement this concept?

Have you ever seen how posh girls talk… like they say sentences but there is an inflection at the end that sounds like it was a question.
Like you don’t know if they’re saying something or asking it.

That’s the tonality you want here.

“We could go for a coffee…” (with interrogation inflexión at the end)