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Spontaneous insta date and generational fumble

mike james

Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 7, 2024
After my date didnt showed up on time a few dazs earlier, I still had 1 date left to complete my monthly assignment.

I visited my college after a few months,which is filled with girls my I add, and I saw some of my female friends (I flirt with every one of them), so I had a great time there.

After that, went downtown to get food.

Im still pondering over getting back to daygame, so I was bombarded with thoughts, while pretty girls were walking by me left and right.

I entered the fast food place, and saw a girl sitting by herself, with a kind of wandering look.

I sat at the only free table, which happened to be across from her. I intentionally didnt look at her, and I noticed her looking at my direction.

I decided to listen to a podcast while eating (without headphones), to capture some more attention from her, but also I wasnt sure about approaching her.

When she got done eating, I saw her kind of waiting for me and intentionally spending more time at her seat, watching am I getting done too.

I was and funny enough, she got up at the same time as me, and even crossed my path a little too obvious.

I let her exit, and kind of walk off essentially, but when I saw her at the crosswalk, 60 feet from me, I was like:
she is making everything easy for me to approach her, so I gotta do it.

I catch up to her, and on my way I was still a little unsure, but when I finally got up to her, and looked at her the first time for real, I approached from the side so she can see me.

I open with: Hi you look interesting, so I came to check if you actually are.

She was very warm and excited,
even though I was really close to her, maybe even in her space a little bit. And she was cute. (I havent done day approaches in a while so I was a little nervous too.)

She was intrigued with my opener, and I think that I got her name the first thing after that.

I teased her about taking for seats at the restaurant, then I screened her to see if she has a Boyfriend, because she had flowers in her hand.

She said something like: noo I broke up with him 5 days ago, they are for my grandma (but her tone was like she is saying it as a joke, however, I was sure shes single)

She offered me a cigarette, and I refused with: Im an athlete, I take care of my self and I like girls who do the same. (wasnt lying here)

she: who doesnt smoke these days? (but not in the challenging frame)

ME: You smoke I dont like that, thats your first strike.

she: where are you going, what are you doing now?

Me. Where are YOU going?

she: I need to find an ATM, and the visit my grandma

Me: ok lets walk around a little bit

She agreed without any resistance and overall her vibe was really open and excited. She was really curious about me, so she asked a million questions about me, especially, where do I live, how old am I, what do I study etc...
We got to the ATM, and she called her dad in front of me, telling me to shut up, but I think this is still a good sign that she feels close to me.

She couldnt get the money, and I dont think if that matters, but we contined our walk, and after some more laughter, I said lets continue this over a coffee.

She said that she wants to walk and offered to go to the park which is even better for isloating so I agreed.

She was on her way to her grandma, but decided to spend time with me, even teeling me, because of you, I will be with her onlt 10 minutes, instead of 1 hour. I said lets go visit her together, tel her that Im your new boyfriend, or friend...

She continued pushing for the answer to the question "where am I from, where do I live" I used this to accuse her of liking me, saying I know you like me bt calm down with this questions, you will find out later(with a playfull tone). and she said: noo Im just curious about people.( with excited tone).
she said this a couple of times, and even when I tried to talked to her about things that interests her, she said that her interest is my education, and where do I live.

I said, chill out, we cant go there. (and we actually cant because I live in a small apartment with my parents and brother...)

She laughed it out.

Later she asked me for my address, which I again used to frame it in a sexual way, and she said: I asked it because I wanted to check if youre lying ( but she wasnt convincing)

God, only now Im realizing that maybe she was checking to see if I live close and if we can go to my place...

As we are walking, we are bumping into each other, and being very close to each other. The vibe is like we know each other and we are comfortable with being together.

I chose to sit on the first available bench, but she didnt like that spot, and offered the other one, the less visible and public one. It was darker there.

I said ok lets sit there, and she again wanted to chose a different bench, in the area that was probably even more darker and isolated, but I was not familiar with that area that much and I liked this bench more. Maybe she was actively looking for the most private bench possible.

Anyways, we sit on the bench, and she sat far from me, all the way to the other end of bench, and she puts her stuff between us. I didnt like this, but little by little I got close to her.

We talked about our red and green flags, and I said that I dont like girls who dont take care of themselves and their health, and accused her of this because she smokes. She protested, saying that she does take care of herself... ( god this is a historical fumble...)

I dont remember her answers but, I continued by saying that I dont like girls who have a lot of guy friends and are close to them, asking her is she like that and if she has them.

Now, this is the climax of this interaction.

She said: Not really, but people KISS, and see if they like each other, its not a big deal. ( with this seductive, and expecting look in her eyes, while biting her lip)

In that moment, I thought of saying something like: ok lets see then
but I wasnt ready for this, especially because she brought up kissing first. I thought that we need some more time before we get to sexual tension and escalation, and I was still far from here even though I got a litlle closer...

I said something like, we are not gonna be friends, but it was lame and I realized that I just missed an escalation window.

We played 2 truths 1 lie, and I was right almost every out of 5 rounds, and she was impressed.

She wanted to go visit her grandma, who lives close, but she was having too much with me
, saying this is so interesting exciting, and I guees after all, she was horny and craving for a young, charming stud like me... I think around here she decided to ditch the grandma.

We changed topics trough playing this game, and I asked her how much is her body count.

She said 1, 5 or 10.

I guessed 1, but it was 5 and we get to talking about sex.

She told me that she only liked 1 form this 5 guys, and that she dont even want to count the last one.

By this time, I was pretty close to her, and I was touching her knees, thighs, hands.. she crossed her legs, touching my calf with her foot...

I ran a couple of more gambits, but they were mainly for comfort, which was a mistake I think, since the comfort was there.

The thing that was missing was sexual tension/escalation, and after an hour on this bench, I have found myself not knowing what to do next.

I knew the vibe was getting colder, but I think she wasnt ready for escalation then.

She told me earlier that she has to meet up with her friends that night, so it was time for her to go.

She got up and we started walking. I tried to take her hand, with a nice playful joke, which went well, but she resisted, saying that she is not a touchy person. Funny enough, the only to times she rejected my physical advances was when I tried to take her hand while walking.

Then I felt like I was too much passive, and that Im almost in the friend zone.

She continued to ask me some questions though, which I think I handled well, but I sensed the vibe getting colder and colder, even though she was really friendly.

She asked me a couple of times where Im going, like she was confused, maybe, because I wanted to accompany her while choosing a differnt station of my bus...

In the end I tried to set up the date, asked when she is free, and she said some bullshit like, I dont know I gotta do this and that ...

We kissed goodby (on the cheek ofc), and we paeted ways.

I intentionally looked at her while she was walking away, to read her reaction upon leaving me, but she just looked at her phone.

I was hoping that she would turn back to look at me
, but then, I thought that I fucked up, but that I still have chances throgh texting.

Next day, I text her, and she didnt reply for like 6 hours, so I knew shes done with me.

I think she only replied because she saw my insta story before oppening my message, so she replied after seeing the story. (btw, Im really working on putting up great pictures on my profile, and I think that I have done a great job so far. I need a couple of more good pics and my instagram is set! Maybe she replied when she saw me dropping value on my insta, just by living my life)

Guys this girl was really really open for my approach, and probably much more, but again I was a little pussy,too much friendly too passive, not enough flirting, man to women frame, and of course not escalating... I missed 1 or maybe 2 windows that I had with her, and it was over...

Honestly, half of this stuff I realized while writing this, but I cant describe how much momentum, and pride this pull would have game me, she was cute...

Im gonna try to take the best from this and move on, also, this can be a great motivator to finally get back to daygame...

Please point out what you saw in this report, good and bad, and tell me what do you think. How can I break this mental barrier and kiss escalate,kiss and close girls effortlessly?

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take