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FR  St Patrick's Day weekend


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
St. Patrick's Day Weekend

Okay, so this will be a bit of a long read as it covers the entire St. Patrick's day weekend. I probably only cover maybe 33% of my interactions here, I leave out anything that doesn't last too long or is simply boring or uneventful. All names and locations have been changed to protect those involved. Story isn't necessarily told in sequential events but in what makes sense (sometimes I find stuff out later that's relevant, or I just flat out can't remember the order of events!) For the record, I went out by myself all three days.



Back in December I met this gorgeous blonde white girl in the library, named Jenna. I saw her studying alone and just went up to her to tell her how much I loved her hair. We chatted for a bit and she told me to add her on facebook (I couldn't get the number since she was "busy for finals and didn't want to reply to texts"). I add her and we chat for a bit periodically. She tells me how much she appreciated how bold and straightforward I was. She also said she's "not really available", a very unusual thing for a girl to say in this context/situation. If she was in a relationship she'd say so. After thinking about it for a bit I came to the conclusion that she's in a casual and/or unrequited relationship...but that didn't make much sense to me either. She also said she doesn't drink and is Christian and doesn't do anything too crazy....of course I didn't buy her bull. We still talk sometimes and agreed to meet up sometime "when she is in town" (she travels a lot for her work).

Flashforward to Friday, I go to Club X, one of my favorites. I start the night off the same way I start most nights, by exploring the club, trying to see who is with who (so I don't accidentally hit on 2 girls in the same group), which girls I want to talk to and just to get a general feel of the place. I'm walking around, I spot a pretty blonde white girl in a VIP booth....she looks familiar...and it's Jenna. She smiles at me as we make eye contact and she motions me over to her booth to sit down next to her. I do so and we chat for a min after I get past my surprise of seeing her there. She then introduces me to her friend...[First name]. I talk to both of them for another few minutes, he offers/gives me a drink and then I notice the name card in the booth....it reads [First name, last name], a name I suddenly recognize. Then a bunch of girls walk over to the booth and say to this guy "Hey! You were on that TV Show weren't you?!" and he says yes that was him. I then realize that this is indeed [First name, last name], a somewhat famous celebrity. I talk to him for a bit and he tells me about his life in Vegas. Eventually the girl moves back to sit in between us and she tells me to tell this guy the story of how we first met. I tell the aforementioned story (in a bit more detail) and she once again reiterates how bold I was and how adorable she found it. The guy agreed and said "yeah, that's just super cute...". She adds that I was the only guy in 4 years of college to ever just go up to her and talk to her (I actually kinda find that so hard to believe!). This is when I start to notice some body language. She's touching him on the leg and he's leaning in towards her. By the time they start kissing I get the idea....of course the reason she isn't "really available" is because of this guy. They are obviously into each other...but he lives in Vegas and is a famous celebrity. Realizing I can't make anything happen here with her tonight and I'm in a club full of gorgeous girls, I excuse myself and leave to mingle.

I'll flash forward a bit here to finish out this story. I spot them on the dance floor for a bit, stop by their booth once more and chat with her some more, her asking where I've been all night. Eventually they leave and she gives me a hug. We've exchanged a couple of messages since...my hopes are not high though.

Back in chronological order, I leave to mingle with other girls. Not too many things of interest here yet. I do run into a girl I know, in fact a girl I really liked (the backstory is a bit long and it's irrelevant for the night so I'll leave that for next time) and haven't seen in months. I see this girl and I say "Hannah!", I think she sees me but keeps walking. She goes back to her vip booth. I wait a minute or so and then approach her and say "Hey Hannah!"....and she legit cusses me out. She says "Stop f***ing talking to me, you f***ing stalker, I don't want to f***ing talk to you, I'm not f***ing Hannah". She seems super annoyed and this is very out of character as she's one of the sweetest girls I've ever known. I look at her friends and ask them "um, this is Hannah isn't it?" and they give me that horrified look of "I'm sorry man I have no idea what's going on" and nod their heads. So I say alright and leave her alone. My guess would be that something super annoying happened to her just before that, explaining the drunken outburst and annoyance. I do see her again later but don't even feel like approaching her, maybe I should have.

I do talk to a ton of girls, nothing that interesting develops. I open a blonde and talk to her, she asks me to take a group picture, I do so, try to talk to her more and she displays 0 interest and goes to talk to her friend. But then her friend slides over and opens me and we talk for a bit, it's going very strong...until she introduces me to her friend and says she has to go talk to her boyfriend. That friend leaves me shortly after. I meet a girl I've seen at the club frequently named Jane (remember her, she'll come back later!). I have several encounters similar to these.

Then I'm at the bar and this gorgeous black haired white girl is nearby. I position and open her. She says "let's get drunk!" and I try to trick her into buying me a drink but failing terribly. I buy her a drink and we chat. Turns out she's a stripper...let's call her Tina. So we talk for a good while, and she invites me to an afterparty. The club closes, I say bye to the pretty barmaid I know and I leave the club with the stripper. I hold her hand as we leave and guys are saying things like "that guy's living the dream!". So we go to this afterparty (no, I couldn't get her to leave with me to my place) and we get there and I talk to her some more. And...she starts telling me that she'll give me a private lapdance for $100. She is very persistent and so is her friend. They let me slap their asses to try and sway me. Eventually I tell her that I don't even have $100 on me. She asks how much I have and I say $45...she hesitates and says that's fine. We go in the room and gives me a lapdance. Not going to get too graphic but she got totally naked and let me touch her, playfully slapping me if I tried to go any further (she later said she was being playful and kind of liked it, but I'm pretty sure she was just trying to rope me in). It lasted about 20ish minutes, or 4 songs. According to her and her friend it's a great deal compared to what they offer in the club. Apparently her friend was dancing for a guy and he whipped it out...and they got upset and kicked him out. The lapdance only ends when her friend comes in the room to stop her, she claims that Tina really likes me because she was willing to do so much for "so little". They try to get me to pay more but I'm out of cash. Tina was very persistent that I go to the ATM though, I could really feel her trying to rope me in, telling me things like how wet she was during the dance and more playful touching. The party ends, I sober up and Tina walks me to my car. She gives me a peck on the lips and then leaves. I texted her the next day but no reply. She probably liked me as a customer....but it seems like she was more interested in my money than me. Oh well.


Saturday I decide to go to a string of bars/clubs on X Street. I love this street but there's no one place that I really like. I start out the night by going to Club Y. I hate this club, it's very popular but as a "good place to dance" ie it's a terrible place to meet women. The place is super crowded, loud and there's nowhere to sit. I get here and I see three insanely gorgeous girls painted in body paint but other than that completely naked aside from a thong (they didn't even wear pasties...). They are the hottest girls in this place. I'd later find out they were there because it was the owner's birthday. So I try my luck, talking to 2 out of the 3....and the conversations last less than 30 seconds combined. The girls wouldn't even talk to me...I try my luck talking to other girls but strike out with every good looking girl there. I do run into a gorgeous girl that I saw at Club X the previous weekend but hesitated to talk and didn't get the chance. Didn't hesitate this time...but I lost her interest after a couple of minutes. So it took me just over an hour to strike out with every good looking girl in this place.

So I leave, go next door to Bar X. I find a good position to order a drink...and as luck would have it I found myself right next to Jane from the previous night! I open her and she does not remember me at all but is super flattered that I remember her. We talk for a good amount of time. She tells me that she and her friends are probably going to head over to some bar later a few blocks away that I've never been to and invites me to join them. I figure I might as well. I get her number and she goes out for a smoke. I had great positioning and was able to talk to every good looking girl that went to the bar to order, nothing that interesting happened here though. Eventually Jane and her friends come back and sit at a table and I join them. I talk to Jane some more and she starts asking me if I've been to all these clubs...I haven't but I realize that they are all gay clubs. So I ask her if she thinks I'm gay and she says "you aren't?" and I say "I'm tempted to kiss you right now just to prove you wrong!" and she says "no, don't do that..." and I say "I wouldn't, you aren't that lucky...". Probably the wrong thing to say. I talk to her more but she has really cooled on me at this point. Eventually I leave to use the restroom and mingle with other girls. I talk to a few other girls with nothing too interesting happening. I do meet one girl that's an artist and really pretty, named Allison. Got her number and we're supposed to meet up next week. I think Jane saw this. Eventually Jane leaves, I ask her where she's going and she tersely says "leaving". I stay a few more minutes, trying to convince Allison to move with me next door but she refuses since her sister is there. So I leave Bar X and I run into Jane outside. I tell her to come over and she refuses. I say "I'm going to leave and you don't even want to say bye?" and she says "Nope, I've had enough of you, in fact-" and then I cut her off, holding my hand up and say "you know what, nevermind, good bye". I turn to her friend and she has that "I'm so sorry for my friend" look on her face and say bye to her, she tells me to take care and I tell her to take care of Jane. She was a lot nicer, maybe it was her I should have been talking to....

So then I move over to Club DX, saying hi to my bouncer friend along the way. I get to the club and see two scantily clad girls and go up to them, opening them by telling them how much I like their outfits and asking the reason behind them. Turns out they were the club dancers. I talk to them for a couple minutes, they don't seem to mind talking to me but kinda hint that they want to just be left alone during their break. So I switch gears from talking to both for a bit and talk to the one dressed as a hipster (she was the one I thought looked slightly cuter) and make some hipster jokes. She laughed and then I said I was going inside...and oddly they seemed disappointed that I left. Maybe I misread that one? I'll skip around a bit to finish this story. Saw them dancing, they were good. Ran into the hipster one on the way to the bathroom and she waved and smiled enthusiastically, I kinda just smiled and gave her a sexy look but it was dark so I'm not sure if she saw me. I should have just grabbed her and talked to her and gotten her number then and there. I saw her again one more time but couldn't maneuver my way into talking to her (logistically, too many people in the way) and then didn't see her again. Probably my biggest regret from that night.

Some more backstory:

Over last summer I met this girl at the gym, a pretty girl wearing a hat. She told me that she worked at Club DX as a bartender and we chat and get along, but I didn't ask her out and didn't see her again. It was months ago so I figured she wouldn't remember me.

So I enter Club DX and spot the bartender, I go up to her and say "hey, I'm not sure if you'll remember me..." and she interjects "from the gym!". Wow, maybe pretty girls don't get hit on that much during the day...or maybe I just made a really good impression. Anyways so we talk for a couple minutes but it's loud and she's working so not much happens.

I move around the club, this place is even worse for picking up girls than Club Y. Nothing that notable happens inside. So I step outside for some fresh air. I spot a couple of really cute girls talking to one of the bouncers. One of them moves to talk to her friend that just popped out of the club and I seize this chance to talk to the other girl. Talked to her for about 10 minutes and it went pretty well, turns out she's a (young) single mother. A cop pulls a car over on the street and she gets distracted. I'll skip ahead a bit here to finish this story. I spot this girl inside later, pull her aside and get her number, she seems enthusiastic. I text her, turns out to be the wrong number. She gave me her full name so I figured I might as well message her on facebook, after all drunk girls aren't always reliable for entering in numbers correctly. She apologizes and gives me her number (it was a digit off) and we talk for a bit, she still seems enthusiastic. I ask her to meet up and she says she can't since she's way too busy with work and being a mother.

Back to real time, the girl gets distracted, walks a few steps away....and then I spot body paint girl #3! I figure...might as well go for the trifecta...or maybe third time is the charm. I walk up to her and say "hey I saw you at Club Y earlier!...although I almost didn't recognize you just now with so much clothes on! (she had just put short shorts and a tank top over her body paint)". She seems to respond really well and we actually hit it off pretty well. We talked for a while, like 15-20 minutes. At one point I thought I had screwed up in the convo because I had asked her what her dream job was and she said she wanted to be a mother...and I said "mission accomplished!" and she said "what? I'm not a mother! not yet..." at which point I realized that I had confused her with the previous girl I had just been talking to. I admitted this to her and she said "oh my god! you have been flirting with too many girls! I knew you were trouble!" As an aside, it has always been a dream of mine for a girl to say she knew I was trouble, even before that Taylor Swift song came out, so mission accomplished on that front. Oddly enough she seemed to like me even more after that...So we're talking and flirting....but unfortunately she has told me that the bouncer is her boyfriend. This meant that I couldn't ask for her number since he was just 5 feet away and the bouncer is the last person you want to piss off. He actually seemed okay at first (I guess he wanted pawn her off on someone haha) but as we increased in flirting and touching and by the time I put my jacket around her (she said it was cold) he was giving me dirty looks. If she were single or he were further away I def would have asked for her number. Hell, maybe I should have asked anyways as friends (I don't know anyone who works at Club Y). So eventually I leave her and make my way back inside.

A bit of a side story here. At one point in the night I talked to a pretty white blonde girl and she told me the DJ is her boyfriend. At the end of the night I talked to a pretty brunette white girl...who also told me the DJ is her boyfriend. Is that a common excuse by girls to get out of talking to guys? If you think about it, it's brilliant, explains that she has a bf, you don't expect him to make an appearance and everyone in the club respects the DJ....or maybe he's banging both of them (or there was more than one DJ?)

Nothing else that hasn't been stated really happened the rest of the night. At the end of the night I say bye to the bartender I know and leave. No street pickup tonight sadly as this place closes later than all the other places in the block.

Sunday (Green Day)

So I go to Lounge X. Not the first girl I talked to, but for the purposes of storytelling, this girl goes first. So I head to the bathroom and I run into an old friend. I met this girl here at Lounge X previously. Very nice pretty girl and a lot of fun. However, every time I see her (3 times) she is so drunk that she never remembers our previous encounters. This time is no exception, she's leaning on the security guard's shoulders. I open her and say "hey Aileen!" and she says "How do you know my name?!" so I tell her and she grabs me and starts playing/dancing with me. She says she's totally sloppy...of course. I talk to her for a bit, use the restroom and leave when I can't get her to join me on the dancefloor.

So I'm walking around, I haven't opened any girls yet and I feel like I should get started soon before I get too in my head. So I go to the bar and order a drink. I see a girl next to me, who looks good from an angle. I figure I might as well and open her asking her what she's drinking. She turns around...and just my luck she's quite gorgeous, her name's Andrea. So I talk to her for a bit. It goes well but eventually one of her friends arrives and she gets all excited and distracted from me. I'm at the bar, people want to order and she's distracted so I leave, figuring I'll come back to her later. I go mingle, come back about 15 min later and see her standing with her friends in a circle. I go up to her and open her again, telling her I need another drink and she should order me the drink she was telling me about previously. She agrees and goes to the bar with me and we chat. This time I don't even try to trick her and offer to buy her one too. I then move her to the dance floor, we dance for maybe 2-3 songs and then I move her to sit down. I deep dive her and...she's actually really cool and I like her a lot. So I try to move her outside and tell her to get some fresh air with me. She says she has to use the restroom....yikes. I actually do too so I get her number and then walk her over to the restroom. While she waits in line I go to talk to Aileen. She looks worse than before so I go to get her a glass of water (and one for myself) while Andrea waits in line.

While I'm at the bar ordering some waters, I see a girl in a black dress I've wanted to talk to all night and figure I might as well now. I talk to her and it goes well, but her breath isn't great so I just get her number and leave. I'll give Nellie the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was something she ate that night. But I liked my chances with Aileen and Andrea more. However by the time I get back to the bathroom Andrea has used it and gone since I took so long talking to Nellie. I give Aileen the water and go back to look for Andrea. I find her on the outside patio with one of her friends and I talk to them for a few minutes. I try to move Andrea again but no luck this time as she needs a rest/fresh air/doesn't want to leave her friend alone. I tell her I'll find her later then.

I'll flashforward a bit here to finish this story. I see Andrea once more later in the night as she heads towards the bathroom, I tell her to find me later and she agrees. Unfortunately, later I see her friends ask them where Andrea is...and they say she's left to meet up with other friends...just great.

So I text Nellie...and turns out she gave me the number of a landline....maybe she was drunk, maybe she didn't want to talk to me again. I look her up on facebook...and it turns out she's really good friends with Andrea. Oops...I hope they didn't talk about me after. Nellie was probably the friend Andrea left with. So I text Andrea a couple days later and she replies later agreeing to meet up with me next week, so we'll see how it goes.

A few random girls of mild interest...

I'm standing at the bar and a couple of pretty girls ask me to take a picture for them. I oblige and then open one of them up. We talk for a bit before she has to use the restroom. Then I talk to her friend, who is prettier and more into me. It goes pretty well until they want to go to the dancefloor but don't invite me. I tell her to give me her number and she asks for mine. I say "I don't give out my number, we can trade though...or you can walk away if you really want to." That normally always works when girls ask for my number but don't want to give me theirs....but this time she just walked away. Flashing forward a bit, I see her twice more, once we chat a bit more but she is kind of cold now and again as I'm leaving the club, she's warmer....but still refuses to give me her number.

I was standing at the bar, this pretty girl positions herself across from me perfectly, I lean in like 6 inches to talk to her and it goes alright. I ask her to move with me and she refuses. Now I decide to test something new...I've read that you should try asking girls to comply at least 20 times. I have never gone up that much, usually stopping at 3 or so. So this time, I didn't get up to 20 but I did get up to like 12. And oddly enough, each time I thought she would crack. And asking 12 times didn't seem to irritate her as much as I thought it would. Maybe I should have went for 20...

Didn't see Aileen again...she probably had to take a cab home (the bouncers would take care of her, she knows them all)
I see a pretty short blonde white girl on the dance floor. I walk right up to her and ask her to dance with me...and she shakes her head and says sorry. Later I see her sitting down with one friend and I go up to her and open her saying I recognize her as the girl who refused to dance with me (I don't know why I even brought it up again tbh, I should have started fresh) and then quickly switched tact and asked about her hair and then we started talking. It was going pretty well enough, but eventually her friend grabs her and tells her to go. I grab her back and say I'd like to talk to her more and ask for her number. She agrees, her friends stand still, I hand her my phone and she hesitates for a second before saying "sorry we really have to go and I don't really give my number out" and then hands me my phone back and walks off..while her friends are still standing there. Later I see her holding hands with a guy I noticed her with earlier...might be her boyfriend tbh.

I see a pretty white girl with black hair I've been wanting to talk to all night. She's had some guy over her most of the night, a guy who obviously isn't her boyfriend from body language, but they arrived together. I had one chance to talk to her earlier, her and one of her friends walked right by me, I could have just grabbed her...but I hate grabbing girls like that, especially when she's holding her friend's hand too. So I want for them to separate just a bit...and then I make my move. I go up to her and open complimenting her tattoo. She actually responded really well and I started talking to her. After a couple of minutes the guy comes by, puts his arm around her. She rolls her eyes and says "nice to meet you". What a shame, it was going so well, I guess I could have kept going but...whatever.

So the club closes and I go to the elevator. I'm in the elevator with a white guy and white girl. And then just my luck, this gorgeous tall girl I've been wanting to talk to all night gets on the elevator with her 2 blonde white friends. I don't hesitate and open the girl with "you know...I really like your outfit (she was wearing a purple tank top, short shorts and a green piece of fabric wrapped around her leg), I especially like how it forces guys to look at your legs" and she says "haha, that's the point!" and then drops her phone. I pick it up but don't give it back to her. She moves from 2 feet away from me to 6 inches away from me, kissing distance. She starts fixing and playing with my collar and we chat for a minute. She gets distracted after that and talks to the other white girl on the elevator. I talk to her 2 friends for this time, asking if they were sisters and making a joke. The elevator arrives and I walk out with this girl, get her name and give her her phone back...unfortunately once we get outside she gets distracted by talking to a bouncer. She then gets in a limo and leaves. In hindsight I definitely should have asked for her number.

And that was my weekend!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012

I ran into the go-go dancer girl again tonight at a pizza place. She remembers me and we chat some more. I do get her number and she says she'll be partying at the same place as me the next night so we make tentative plans to meet up. She also introduces me to her boyfriend the bouncer officially. She should be a good friend to have at the very least.

Forgot one interaction from Sunday:

I see a pretty brunette white girl, we make eye contact, she smiles, I don't hesitate and I walk right over and open her by telling her that I love her headband and that it's a good look on her (a genuine compliment) she says thank you, I ask her name and she tells me and says she's there with-and then her SO interrupts, putting himself between us and making a walling motion. I don't flinch and put my hand out and ask his name. He just shakes his head and I leave my hand out. He then gives me a big hug and then physically turns me around and pats me on my butt to leave. I turn back around and in a calm and emotionless voice I say "I'm going to go now, but do not f***ing touch me like that. He sounds surprised and then says "oh, ok sorry man". A few min later, I run into him walking around the club. He comes up to me and says he is sorry and that he was an ass. He offers to buy me a drink and I decline as I've hit my limit. He says he'll feel bad forever if I don't let him so I let him buy me a soda. He then tells me that he admires people like me, that I saw a gorgeous girl and didn't hesitate to talk to her and the second I found out she was with someone I was ready to back off. He apologizes for being an ass and says that about 8 guys just hit on her before me. I let him buy me a soda and then take off.