Why are you getting so angry? Just a discussion.Has it happened to you? I guess not.
The only time this has happened to me, has been with chlamydia, which as I already told you oftentimes gives no symptoms, so no way she could have known.
When it comes to herpes, I still know few pua's who caught it. Because we look before we fuck. Again, as said earlier, women do not want to have sex if their pussy looks bad or shady looking. Do you even know how much women care about how her pussy smell and looks? It is quite a lot, and this worry of hers related to how men perceive her pussy makes up one of the top 3 causes of potential LMR.
Your scenario is unlikely. Do you think a woman intentionally wants to give herpes to men and be EVEN MORE judged for being skanky than she perhaps already would? Women get the slut label from having sex with men. Do you honestly think she has ANY interest in being shamed even more than she already risk being? Your whole mental construction is just incoherent with reality and makes no sense.
What the heck dude. This is just weird.
Any STD's aside from hepatitis and HIV goes away after 1-2 weeks after being treated/cured. Good news is that those STD's that does not go away ARE hard to catch, really hard to catch. Unlikely you will ever even have sex with a HIV-positiv girl in your entire life, and if by any weird chance you do, your chance of contracting it is, as I mentioned it below 1% (actually below 0,5%) unless you fuck her ass,where the risk is estimated between 1%-2% (but could be more if she is not under threatment and just caught it - i.e. having an acute HIV infection). See your odds here?
Herpes is different - easy to catch and the virus stays with you - but you do not get breakouts that lasts more than 2 weeks usually (first breakout lasts longer, than they last shorter and shorter, usually around a week - maybe less with medication). When the outbreak is gone, wait 1-3 days and then you are all good again.
All others STD's are cured after 1-2 weeks (chlamydia, gonorhea etc). Those are very contagious and easy to catch . most common STD's.
Yes you won't be banging for a week or two, cry me a river.
Basically, your worst case scenartio is you won't be fucking for 2-3 weeks (maybe 4). Is that really a big deal? Based on your posts, you don't seem to fuck that much in the first place. No offence, you do not strike me as sexually experienced. I do not blame you for that, but I do however blame you for not taking the time to read up on STDs which I believe you must do now! Or talk to a doc as your local STD clinic (they are there to not only and cure, but also inform you).
Not sure that is true lol.
No, you will most likely just be out of comission for a week or more (usually max 3 weeks). It is not like getting an STD ruins your sex life. It does not. I am here talking about the trivial and common STD's like chlamydia. But even with the hardcore STD's like hepatitis C which can now even be cured! (I won't mention hepatitis B, since you can take a vaccine and not think about it no more - talk to your doc about it - the vaccine is called twinrix) and HIV which you cannot cure, can be so well maintained that you can actually after taking meds for 1-2 months not be contagious no more and actually live a normal sex life. I am not trying to trivialize HIV since it is no joke (but again, as mentioned over and over, your unlikely to catch it as a straight guy, not going for risk groups etc) but I want to mention that even HIV positive can have a decent and close to normal sex life. So maybe stop bitching about herpes and chlamydia (which I will be honest, you are most prone to catch), because they are easily dealt with.
If you get an STD, get cured, and you won't have to tell nobody about it. No problem.
Only HIV does not go away.
Same with herpes , but it is not dangerous (unlike HIV) and you can somewhat protect yourself against it by taking a look. If you catch it, you maybe only get one outbreak and never get it again (very common), or you are unlucky, and you get a few outbreaks a year which puts you out of commission for approx a week if you take your meds (and up to 2 weeks without) and then you are fine again.
Chlamydia goes away after 2 pills. 1 week later you are fine.
Are you also affraid of kissing girls? You know that you can catch a serious strepthroat and be on harder antibiotics than if you catch chlamydia. You may also catch the flu, that could be deadly to some. Hell you may catch the latter by being around your bros or take public transport.
I would prefer chlamydia over the flu ANY DAY. And chlamydia is most common STD.
But only 2 STD's does not go away. One can be contained (HIV) and one is only a pain in the ass and really contagious during outbreaks. All the rest goes away, it is like caching a cold, or a strepthroat. Calm the fuck down lol.
Getting an STD ruins your week, not your life.
Are you even reading what I write? Again, when you do not have the STD no more, you do not need to tell anyone about anything (unless you get HIV, which you are VERY unlikely to catch - you are more at risk of getting cancer - that is if you are straight and do not fuck men, or women who are at risk of having hiv - you can read more about this on aidsmap.com)
AGAIN, this is very unlikely. She won't want to have sex with you if she has a herpes outbreak. She may give you chlamydia, but that's no biggie. It is like her passing over a cold.
Use condoms with strangers and you are unlikely to catch anything. If your girlfriend cheats once or twice, it is unlikely she catches something. If she does, it will most likely just be something trivial like chlamydia. Who cares really.
No, your issue is (it may sound rude but I give you the honest truth) that:
- You have no to little sexual experience
- Have not really spoken to a medical professional about this
- Have not done your homework of reading up on FACTS about STD's. You may start here.
This is a pick up forum, and it is weird of me to give you the most basic high school sexual education to be honest. It is like a professor of literature at the uni teaching you about grammar.
Lol that’s fine you can try to make fun of me all you want. I’ll tell you this, I have been having sex consistently for more than a decade with very few dry spells, I’m currently going though a rough one right now because I left a girl who was annoying to me, who is still trying to give it up to me, I have girls who come in from out of town trying to sleep with me that I had before.
That’s not gonna get me better though, I need it from multiple women. That’s why I’m here, if that makes you feel better.
Now I’m not some super player and never claimed to be, I have mostly fucked girls like we were in a relationship.
Ever since joining this forum, I have always had one woman that I was seeing and sleeping with for months or years straight.
Might not be impressive to you, cool, I never said I was laying every girl left and right, and that’s why I’m on here, I have admitted it many times that I can not pull consistently and only have had sex with girls who wanted me.
And again, why would you think I would be so paranoid about it? I won’t tell you if I had an std or not, but there’s a reason why I’m paranoid, I didn’t make this thread, I was stating why someone would be paranoid.
As for stds that I’m talking about not going away, I’m talking about herp and the other skin std.
I heard mixed things about both for how you should handle them.