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STICKIED: Simple Technique for Age Gaps: Younger or Older (Daygame/Nightgame/Social Circle)

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
Women are alot less sensitive to a man’s age than many women will lead men to believe.

Many men think women THINK like men; where a man will discount a woman’s age (usually too old or too young) for a relationship. Men think women mostly do this same thing, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

I’ve experienced many older women being interested in me when I was very young (sometimes far too young for those women) or much older married women aswell as many younger women being far too interested in me (some are far too young to be interested in adult men, let alone old enough for me to return their interest).

I’ve used this technique a number of times with women of all ages from 18 to 40’s (at the extremes of a 10+ years age gap to me) and it’s always worked.

This technique is best used when she tells you her age and there’s more than a 5 year gap in age or whatever age gap is generally known locally or culturally as being a “relevant or significant age gap”.

This technique has been surprisingly successful on women who I would have otherwise expected to immediately reject me or heavily tested me based on my age.

The Age Disqualification Technique

She asks you, “Wait, how old are you?
She looks under 24 years old (and you’re not in a club/bar where she’s been age-verified) and you want to confirm she’s of legal age and use the age question like a non-sequiter qualifier:

(Cut her off in the middle of a sentence);
“Hey, how old are you?” (looking at her with playful scrutiny).

Me: “I’m ___ “ or

She replies: “I’m 19. How old are you?”(Some much younger or much older age than you)

The Technique:

Disqualify her age by saying simply replying:

“I usually date women that are 20-25 years old”

What? It’s a very gently implied disqualification for HER age.

How? Say it in a manner that sounds like a throwaway comment but then leave a silence after for her to respond. Say this before or after you’ve told her your age.

Why? This focuses on your experience, your standards and your desires and removes the opportunity for her to focus on HER age “standards” - because her standards, especially for age, are often very flexible anyway.

This also distracts her from the opportunity that women often take) to challenge or test you on your age, which women often do even if she doesn’t care much about the age gap.

The age range can be adjusted, for example; if you’re 21 and she’s 27, you would say,

“I usually date women that are 20-24 years old” - so there’s some distance between the edge of your stated age range preference and her actual age.

E.g. If she’s 18 and you’re 32, you might say,
“I usually date women that are 20-26 years old”


*The age range should be close to women you actually genuinely date in real life.

*It needs to be a reasonable age range: saying “I only date women who are 24-25 years old” or “only 18-20 year olds” sounds unreasonable, and potentially unbelievable or just silly and could lead to her discounting this entire part of the conversation wholesale.

The “usually” part of the statement gives her an opportunity and space to qualify herself to you and an out for you when or if she later discovers you’ve dated women outside the stated range you told her and then leaves some added mystery for her to discover later.

Her likely responses:

If she doesn’t respond and changes the subject: she’s accepted that age gap isn’t a significant issue for her.

But certainly be aware: she may raise the issue indirector do due dilligence on your age in a different way later or even qualify herself on it later in the interaction or the relationship.

From my experience, her most likely response is by qualifying herself and/or chasing you:

Don’t care about the age gap:
“I know girls who are with guys much older, and it’s fine”

“I really like older/younger men, they’re the only guys I’m interested in”

“I dated another guy that was ___ age (your age or close to it)”

“I’ve been interested in older/younger guys before”

“I’m mature for my age”

“Young women are terrible, older women (herself) are so much better”

“I’m almost (this age)” - implying closer to your age range or a reasonable age close enough to your range for you to date.

Her Challenging Your Statement

If she questions or challenges your age range preference - gently and vaguely hold your frame and give her an opening to qualify herself:

Her: “So you don’t date women my age?”

Me: “Not usually, but I have made exceptions for women that surprise me”

Her: “Well why would you want me then?”

Me: “It could be fun to find out if you’re an exception” (smirk, pause & then change the subject)

Another Technique Recommended in the Seduction community: ‘Guess’

I’ve used another technique often prescribed in the seduction community that has had a hit & miss record (with me) over the years:

The “Guess My Age” Technique (my version)

The way I’ve used this is to be a:
  1. fun teasing challenge when she asks how old I am
  2. to subdue it as her qualification and
  3. Feedback to discover how old she thinks I look/am
This is mostly for women I have no interest in seeing long term and am confident if she knew my real age, she would strongly object to it or me.

This is also the better option if you’re so far out of her usual age range but are still very interested in her, e.g. if you’re 45-55 and she’s 19. Or you’re 19 and she’s 45-55.

The Technique: (When she asks your age) and you say: “Guess”

And she responds: 23 years old (I’m over 30)

And I say, “higher” - if she has a look of deep concern or consternation on her face, it’s best to let her believe her next guess is your actual age - as her concern response is usually a sign your age is a factor she may genuinely disqualify you for.

Then whatever her next guess is: “Great guess, you’re good at this” (smile playfully) > Then change the subject to her age or any other unrelated subject that’s compelling enough to redirect her attention.

Where I’ve used this is for the ambiguity of my answer - as she never actually confirmed my age and the subject is changed back to her or something else entirely.

This is best NOT to be used in:
  1. Social Circle situations, or
  2. you’re out with friends that would tell people your age or
  3. if you’re age is already published online or easily discoverable publicly

Note: I personally don’t use the ‘Guess’ technique anymore because a girl who I used this on a few years ago became more serious after several months of dating: she later overheard me telling a client my age and she was very upset about it. It was an over-reaction in my opinion, but the results were the same.

In this situation, the difference between my real age and the age she guessed was 2-3 years, so not much of a difference, but I suspect it was the fact she has told her friends and family about me and my age already.

When she backtracks to tell those same people that she discoved I was actually a different age than what she originally thought, was “suggested” or assumed, it may have been humiliating or perhaps unsettling for her to tell them this and led to more questions about me and how much she truly knows or trusts me.

Note that in this situation: I had shown her my ID card a few times with my exact age on it, something she hadn’t paid much attention to apparently (as per the technique below).

The Slow Discovery Reveal

This brings me to how you would reveal your age over time, as stated above:

Slowly but indirectly (and inadvertantly) showing her things that reveal your age, or leaving things out that reveal your age:

This helps her to discover your age gently and on her own (but indirectly) over time.

This releases you to seem like you’re being honest but also allowing her to discover the information herself, which women seem to enjoy.

This is a very non-confrontational way of her discovering your age, where you weren’t attempting to hide it and there’s time to allow herself to adjust to knowing your age without causing as much confrontation (women despise confrontation) and lessening the drama and need for defensiveness on your side.
This way she can justify that she may have initially misinterpreted or misunderstood your age on her own.

The ‘Hail Mary’ Double-Up Combination

This is for those guys that are FAR older and often way out of the target range of the woman you’re talking to (or younger men, if much older women float your boat). Please keep it legal though lads.

She may also not even be aware you want to seduce her (a social circle situation, networking or random encounter) because she’s already discounted you based on your age and YOU want to put the age issue on the table and eliminate that objection for her so you can move the escalate the interaction seductively.

This is a “Guess my Age” technique above followed by the ‘Age Disqualification’ Technique directly after it.
I’ve only used both of these techniques together a few times for women who were very testy about my age.

Use both of these techniques back-to-back and then move the conversation to another more interesting topic.
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Michael Chief

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 10, 2018
Your Age Disqualifying one is brilliant. I've mostly just been telling them to guess except I make them keep guessing until they get it right as a compliance test, and I'm still being honest in the end. Any dishonesty or hiding of the truth is some scarcity mentality shit.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Got my vote. Nice one Cruse.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Not my type of technique personally but totally one I can see working rally well. It is also slightly innovative and interesting. I think mods did the right call to stick this post.

Also good shop on the writing of the post - with details, clear step by step processes, and discussing all the "whens" and "whys". Post written like a pro. Really impressive.

Pleasant and interesting read!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
I usually make a playful joke then Tell her my real age 🤷🏾‍♂️


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
What to do if she responds to this with.

We are not dating


I can't increase my age for you?

She nither qualified nor disqualifed herself.

Just steeped out of conversation and put the pressure on me.

I have received these responses.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake