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Suggestions for 2014 Articles


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Some colleagues may wish to pick up the list I'm starting here and run with it... feel free to add below!

What I'd like to see, if those who are capable of writing about it should be interested in doing so:

1. Facial muscle control

Chase already wrote a great article 7 Facial Expressions That Drive Women Wild, plus a couple others in a similar vein where he goes into greater detail on the bored look and skeptical look.

What I have in mind here is a little different: how you can "fake it till you make it" with your body language and especially the look that is "written across your face" to increase your dominance in situations such as the following:

  • Appearing comfortable and confident in a social situation when in reality you are anything but! :)
  • Giving the impression of having abundance with women (when you don't!)
  • Coming across as confident and carefree on an approach (when you're not!)
  • Looking like a leader, when in real life you're a talented hack at best...
...and more of the same.

2. A Macro-View of Dating

There's a few posts on this forum and some references in articles that I really, frankly, don't understand despite being a reasonably numerate person of above average intelligence with a good grasp of statistics and fair analytical ability.

The basic question is: why are there hints and indirect, subtle suggestions in many places on the site that imply that women have somewhat more power than men in the mating game?

Ricardus states it directly in What Do Girls Look for? They Look for This (Part I): he writes, "women are higher value than men" with shocking candor. Elsewhere, Chase posts a map that is completely incomprehensible to me that implies that across the entire US, women of childbearing age seeking a mate are outnumbered by men seeking a mate (blue all over, without exception), giving men an inherent disadvantage.

I cannot for a moment see why this would be. Baby boys and girls are born in more or less equal numbers as far as I know... well, maybe slightly more boys, but they are more prone to childhood accidents and disease in infancy meaning that by the time they reach puberty the population is pretty much split 50-50 male/female.

So what is skewing the numbers to be so adverse to men's interests?



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Ar...Chase is gonna kill us, knowing how many articles he has on his hands now. :D (300 plus articles, Must be lesser now i assume)

Here's mine.

1)When Women creates drama when she assumes you like her ("Superior rude article" has it though, Some of the guys here have actually ask how to handle this thing)
2)Office Politics and How to Triumph in it. (I ask for this long time ago, and Chase noted this for me personally. :) This will take awhile)
3)The Different Sources and Cases of Resentment
4)The "Pillar", How there's at least one man in her life (God,Father,Crush,) and Why Men should meet women anyway
5)Why you shouldn't introduce your Girlfriend (at least in the first 6 months)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
That was weird, we both had the exact same ideas for a thread just an hour apart (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4611)

Anyway, he's my input:

1. How to get a girl to HER place after a date/approach (Most of the advice on the main site is relevant if you have your own place to take her. But there will be times where taking her to your place won't be an option. So, how to persuade her to invite you to HER place instead? Especially after a successful approach.).

2. How to become good friends with a girl after sex, instead of just awkward acquaintances. (A girl will have lots of emotions for you after sex, but if she would make a good friend/business partner, you don't want these emotions to interfere. But you don't want to be 'friend-zoned' causing her to lose her previous respect for you- how do you get her to lose unnecessary sexual/romantic feelings, whilst her still maintaining respect and necessary emotions for a good friendship?).

3. How to be good friends with a girl you previously had sex with (different to #2, which is about becoming good friends with a girl you were intimate with. How to make her feel you're a treasured friend, rather than just throwing you on the pile with the dozens of other guy friends/shopping guys).

4. Relationship articles in general. Everything you need to do to to keep between the 'need' and 'satiation' stages in a relationship (see here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=41&p=42&hilit=+satisfied#p42).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
Hi Ryan

There are articles similar to a lot of your suggestions (but as you say difficult to find amongst all of them).

There is definitely one devoted to (1), and there are also a number about making sure that a girl is kept happy after sex, as well as a useful post by Franco.

There is also some stuff about good relationship maintenance. I would quite like to see one on the philosophy of why PUAs would ever want a relationship, both in terms of the abundance they have on offer and the fact they do not have a rose-tinted view of how women operate. For example, is the madonna/whore complex actually necessary for a successful relationship because of the illusion of security the madonna complex gives?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
Marty, with regard to the power imbalance I would say it ultimately comes down to evolutionary biology.

While we (men and women) might not want to do so intellectually, instinctively we want to reproduce.

Men can in theory impregnate 1000 women a year. Women can only bear one child per year.

Women therefore need to be a lot more picky about who they mate with because, comparatively, they can only bear a handful of young in their lifetime. With men, quality of "breeding partner" is not so important. If they can throw enough of their, er, mud at the wall some of it will stick. Their best strategy is to use their power to impregnate as many women as possible and therefore lots of young.

Also I think Chase would argue that while the numbers of men and women are roughly equal the ratios of "quality" men to "quality" women are not.

Hope I haven't totally misread your question!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
Could you direct me to these articles you speak of Nuncle? I can't find them anywhere


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
I'll try to address a few of these briefly since I believe some of these have either been covered by article or briefly on the boards (but I'll leave it up to Chase as to whether or not he wants to further elaborate on these topics in future articles).


The basic question is: why are there hints and indirect, subtle suggestions in many places on the site that imply that women have somewhat more power than men in the mating game?

This relates back to the "pyramid scheme" that I showed you on another post here on the boards -- I'm sure you know which one I am referring to. In essence, there are so many "weaker" men at the bottom of this pyramid that, by sheer numbers, women actually do tend to have more power in the mating game since they have so many more options in men. However the dominant men at the TOP of that pyramid hold the highest power, but there are so few of those men that a general statement saying that "men hold more power in the mating game" just wouldn't seem true when there are so many men out there chasing after women that they can't have.

So it's a matter of perspective: if you're on the top of that pyramid, then you hold much more power than all of the women below you (because none are really "above" you), but if you're on the BOTTOM of that pyramid (or somewhere in the lower echelons where the other women are), then there are plenty of women who are still chasing after the most attractive men while still having you (the "beta" male) as an option because she knows you'll keep chasing.


5)Why you shouldn't introduce your Girlfriend (at least in the first 6 months)

Maybe you've seen this one already, but it is still one of my favorites!


2. How to become good friends with a girl after sex, instead of just awkward acquaintances. (A girl will have lots of emotions for you after sex, but if she would make a good friend/business partner, you don't want these emotions to interfere. But you don't want to be 'friend-zoned' causing her to lose her previous respect for you- how do you get her to lose unnecessary sexual/romantic feelings, whilst her still maintaining respect and necessary emotions for a good friendship?).

3. How to be good friends with a girl you previously had sex with (different to #2, which is about becoming good friends with a girl you were intimate with. How to make her feel you're a treasured friend, rather than just throwing you on the pile with the dozens of other guy friends/shopping guys).

These sound very similar, and I'm not sure your explanation of both actually separates what the difference is between them. But either way, you are making some assumptions about how women feel about guys after sex here that rarely ever happen. I'll briefly explain as best as I can.

A girl will have lots of emotions for you after sex, but if she would make a good friend/business partner, you don't want these emotions to interfere. But you don't want to be 'friend-zoned' causing her to lose her previous respect for you- how do you get her to lose unnecessary sexual/romantic feelings, whilst her still maintaining respect and necessary emotions for a good friendship?

Girls rarely "friend-zone" you after a passionate roll in the hay with them. Friend-zoning almost always occurs before sex when a girl deems you as unworthy of a sexual partner. Now, if the sex was terrible (or not up to her standards), then it's possible that she might friend-zone you because she has no interest in sleeping with you again. Personally, I rarely allow this to happen. ;)

If you want to keep a girl around as a friend after becoming intimate with her for the first time, there are a few things that I believe need to happen (from personal experience).

  • 1) She needs to be a friend in your social circle. It's extremely difficult to friend-zone a girl who was never your "friend" to begin with! If she was simply your lover, then she'll likely either want you to be her lover or not in her life at all. This is simply for her own sake and to protect her own emotions. When a girl sleeps with a guy she just met, her feelings are very romantic and sexual, so it will be extremely difficult for her to see you in any other light from that point forward. So keep the "friend sex" to girls that are already friends!

    2) It needs to happen only once, or only once in a great while. You can't keep sleeping with a girl and continue to have her seeing you as a friend. It just doesn't happen. Emotions will always get involved in one way or another, and the more emotions that are involved, the more unstable the relationship becomes. The only girls that I've successfully friend-zoned were girls that I only hooked up with for one night. Girls know that these kinds of things "just happen" sometimes, but it will be a lot harder for her to use plausible deniability with her friends and your friends if she keeps hooking up with you in quick succession!

How to make her feel you're a treasured friend, rather than just throwing you on the pile with the dozens of other guy friends/shopping guys

Again, a girl doesn't sleep with new guys that then become labeled as "friends," so if she's slept with you, she will likely see you as a passionate lover or someone she should keep out of her life entirely. This is something you will come to understand as you witness women's behavior after you've slept with them. They are either head over heels for you or they go cold turkey on you. There's rarely middle-ground with women after she's experienced you in the bedroom (unless she was a friend prior to getting together as I mentioned in the scenario above).

4. Relationship articles in general. Everything you need to do to to keep between the 'need' and 'satiation' stages in a relationship

Almost everything you could possibly need to know is here if you take the time to dig through everything that is available! Here's a link that will narrow the articles down for you:

Ozzo also has a link to the article for getting a girl back to your place. So hopefully these things all help!

- Franco


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
Hey thanks Franco and ozzo :)

2. How to become good friends with a girl after sex, instead of just awkward acquaintances. (A girl will have lots of emotions for you after sex, but if she would make a good friend/business partner, you don't want these emotions to interfere. But you don't want to be 'friend-zoned' causing her to lose her previous respect for you- how do you get her to lose unnecessary sexual/romantic feelings, whilst her still maintaining respect and necessary emotions for a good friendship?).

3. How to be good friends with a girl you previously had sex with (different to #2, which is about becoming good friends with a girl you were intimate with. How to make her feel you're a treasured friend, rather than just throwing you on the pile with the dozens of other guy friends/shopping guys).

These sound very similar, and I'm not sure your explanation of both actually separates what the difference is between them. But either way, you are making some assumptions about how women feel about guys after sex here that rarely ever happen. I'll briefly explain as best as I can.

I really should have worded that better. My mistake.
#2 would be how to create a friendship with her, negating the sexual emotions she will have for you after sex.
#3 would refer to how to maintain a long-lasting friendship with a woman, instead of being 'just another guy friend'. I find it's all too common to be friends with a girl for a few weeks, and then she fades into obscurity, stops taking the initiative to call you and invite you out, and you either very infrequently hear from her or you have to always take the initiative to meet up somewhere. I don't like these one-sided friendships that always happen with girls and i want to know how to avoid them. She has so many of other guy friends, so i'm just another number.

But everything you just wrote just explained it all for me! I'm really sad to know i will have to treat girls i've had sex with as disposable goods and cut them from my life after i've moved onto the next girl. It would be much more satisfying to be friends with all the girls you can't have a relationship. But that's the way it is!

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
I'd like to see these articles:

- Nuances of hand holding/physical contact and what they mean (in terms of intensity)
- The differences in how you treat a girl when she's a FB, FWB, and you're in a relationship (type of contact, frequency, etc)...basically how to NOT treat her like a GF yet still be a sexual option for her.

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Franco said:

- Nuances of hand holding/physical contact and what they mean (in terms of intensity)

Took a bit of digging to find this one, but Ricardus used a "hand test" technique that was quite interesting (and I haven't experimented all too much with myself). This might help answer some of your questions about it.

- Franco


It's great you mention that, because I was referring to that article. I guess I meant I'd like to see an expansion of that. Or maybe even post one when I get better and understand it more ;-)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Just a quick to say "noted" on these, gentlemen. I've added all that haven't previously been covered here (as referenced in other comments in the thread) to the list.

And, the number's still over 300, Zac - haven't had quite as many requests lately, but the list continues to grow anyway... ~325 unwritten articles as of right now ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Chase said:
Just a quick to say "noted" on these, gentlemen. I've added all that haven't previously been covered here (as referenced in other comments in the thread) to the list.

And, the number's still over 300, Zac - haven't had quite as many requests lately, but the list continues to grow anyway... ~325 unwritten articles as of right now ;)


How are you guys looking on writers these days Chase? Are there any positions open for writers?

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
@ Dave. For a while I have had no reason to read the articles.

But if you start writing...All I can say is....



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
T Vaunswa said:
@ Dave. For a while I have had no reason to read the articles.

But if you start writing...All I can say is....


@ Tool you flatter me and my unorthodox method way too much good sir ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Marty said:
2. A Macro-View of Dating

There's a few posts on this forum and some references in articles that I really, frankly, don't understand despite being a reasonably numerate person of above average intelligence with a good grasp of statistics and fair analytical ability.

The basic question is: why are there hints and indirect, subtle suggestions in many places on the site that imply that women have somewhat more power than men in the mating game?

Chase wrote a great article on this that I can't find. It's about how women are the "buyers" and men are the "sellers." A woman can go on the street and ask 10 guys for sex and eventually get one. A guy can't do this. A beautiful woman walks up to you and says, "Hey, let's have sex right now." Are you going to say no? Probably not. On the other hand, if a handsome guy does this to a woman, she's more likely to say, "Hey, I need to get to know you first" (unless he's Brad Pitt). If the guy is lying, that's going to be a huge crush to her reputation. Also, looks don't always turn women on sexually; they need an experience, sexual tension, etc. It also comes down to evolution. If a woman gets pregnant, she has a huge responsibility and can't work and a huge bump in her stomach that tells her friends that she's a "whore" for not getting married (of course, we don't think she's a whore, but this is society talking). For a man, no worries. Yes, he may have to pay child support nowadays (wasn't always like that), but he's not going to have to deal with the hardships of birth for 9 months and then have to raise a child and find a babysitter, etc., etc. Even with the advances of birth control and condoms, these artifacts of human evolution are still in the heads of many. Chase writes this all better than me, just a short summary of the basic ideas.

As for the original topic, I do have an article suggestion that I thought of 2 weeks ago while on a date, but for the life of me, I can't currently remember it haha. If I remember it, I'll post it here. This is a good thread though.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Buyer's remorse article. "Ego Depletion"



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Just a quick to say "noted" on these, gentlemen. I've added all that haven't previously been covered here (as referenced in other comments in the thread) to the list.

And, the number's still over 300, Zac - haven't had quite as many requests lately, but the list continues to grow anyway... ~325 unwritten articles as of right now ;)


*Cough cough*

:) I'm joking. You actually did answer a lot of this.. and Actually, there's a lot of forum responses from you, Chase, that can be turn to articles.

Like the recent one that you responded to @SunKing . The response is amazing. That itself can be reframe as "Are Women and Your Society, Always Against, You?"
