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FR  Supermarket 6-14


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Girl 1: walk right up to no problem, barely any anxiety. Cute little latina girl, her no bra status and too-small shirt distract me but I do my best to keep eyes on her face. Conversation is easy enough, still not so smooth (young man, pace thyself) and I try to initiate a three part yes ladder: "Do you like talking to me?", "Do you like me?", "Do you want to see me again?" In answer to the second question, I receive something I've been receiving for a WHILE now when I ask girls what they think of me: "You're friendly". Yeesh. Friendly is nice but friendly is not sexy. She says she has a boyfriend, I blow past that, but still don't get number.

To improve on: SEXIER: slower, more pauses in speech, more sexy eye contact, more sexy face, think sexy thoughts

Girl 2: little bit of anxiety, but approach. She is taken aback, obviously not expecting to be approached in a grocery store. Maybe I should have addressed her concern: "You probably weren't expecting to be approached while buying ham". Even though she is amicable enough towards making conversation, she is not engaged. She mentions being there with her grandma, I take this chance to make a clumsy qualifier: "Aw, that's sweet". Perhaps I should have said: "I like girls who respect their family. A lot of people don't have a real sense of family anymore". However, I am feeling really friendly again. Course I don't get number.

To improve on: SEXIER, address concern, "I like girls who..." qualifier, figure out a way to stand without looking like you're posturing

Girl 3: cute girl with sister, I presume. Approach, she is taken aback (naturally), deep dive, SHE IS 17! And I don't go for jailbait as nice as her butt was. Also, still too damn friendly. Still wasn't that comfortable with me.

To improve on: SEXIER, perhaps address sister who appeared at the end?

Summary: the only way to be sexier is to start taking risks and perhaps act like an asshole but I'm stuck at nice guy level and I need to dynamite my way out. So it's worth a shot.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey TomGray,

Great job on writing a journal each time you go out. I've noticed you've been talking to many girls, but what are you targeting specifically? Perhaps approach anxiety in general? Maybe conversational skills? I think targeting certain skills such as "conquer approach anxiety" or "get pre-opening and opening down" or "become an expert conversationalist" might bring more efficacy to your approaches, and increase the quantity of women you meet.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Hey, thanks for noticing! Looking back over my posts, I notice the recurring problem is that I don't give off a sexy vibe. So I think that that should be my main focus right now.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 19, 2013
Hey TG!

Thanks for sharing your experiences so we can learn with you. Girls are super savvy at detecting your head game. TG your a sexy man, act like it. Girls want sexy men to approach them, talk to them, and sleep with them. I highly recommend Chase's article on how to be smooth (it's linked in my signature). You should approach every girl with the destination in your mind. Fantasize about her back at your place sleeping together when you approach her, this will automatically give you sexy eye contact. I'll look forward to those lay reports!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
FR: Supermarket 6/30

Everyone, thanks for the support. It's good to get quality feedback. Here's a quick one that I didn't want to make its own post.


Girl: bigger than me (most people are) but well-proportioned with a too-short shirt (mmm). I decide to walk up and talk. Perhaps I should start getting in the habit of doing something other than direct openers but it feels evasive. Well, maybe if I made it sexier than it could be more fun. Anyway, she is more startled than flattered but I ignore her state and stay amiable. I ask her what she likes to do. "Oh, nothing really, just hang out with friends and work." Perhaps I could have teased her with: "Oh, so you're the kind of girl that likes to curl up on the couch with some and ice cream and watch "When Harry Met Sally" for the 12th time" (Too long but something along those lines, anything would have been better than: "Oh, yeah? That's cool") Blah, blah, blah, let's meet up sometime, blah, blah, blah, I have a boyfriend.

To improve on: SLEGIM, stand closer, slower