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Tall Girl Specific Game


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Thought it would be fun to compile tactics specifically tall girls respond to. Here are some of mine, and please contribute your own!

Tall Girls

1. Qualify her on her height - tall girls are used to guys not being able to handle how tall they are, and become self-conscious about their height because of it. Show her you are not one of those guys, and in fact value her height over other heights.

For instance, say a girl is tall and of a Northern European background. I will half-jokingly make a comment like:
With our genetics, we could make some mighty conquering Viking babies
Lot of things going on here:
- You are framing yourself as someone she'd want to give her babies, and validating her as a worthy mate for you (dating and sex are ultimately all about finding an optimal partner to make the best babies with)
- You obviously need sex to make babies (usually, anyway LOL), so it puts the idea in her head, which frames your interaction the way you want it
- It is said half-jokingly, so it is both daring without being too forward

Another example:

Ask how she feels about wearing heels, then roleplay we are at some event she would wear high heels to, and how fun it would be to tower over all the "nerds" on the dance floor, and then when her feet get sore from the high heels you will carry her home. Which brings me to my next tactic...

2. Be physical - tall girls are still girls, except most men don't treat them as such. So be the one to throw her over your shoulder, or give her a piggyback ride, or put her on your shoulders. "Accidentally" bump into her, guide her hands when showing her how to do something, move her around on the couch or when walking around in public. Grab her to plant one on her.

3. Disparage short guys/people - you probably want to be at least 6' to do this. Also, ideally you don't want to be too direct about this as it could look tryhard. Just lightly tease people for being short when with her. Tall girls (at least the athletic ones I always seem to go for) often have superiority complexes about their heights, so you feed that while building commonality with her, as you are both "two peak specimens" who know it.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Great tips here, @Ambiance.

One more is meet her standing up (so she isn't disillusioned about your height... plus you get bonus points not being intimidated by her height, as most guys tend to be), but then get her sitting down.

Once you're seated the visible height disparity goes down or disappears.

It is simply easier for a woman to feel attraction for a man when she is eye-to-eye with him (or looking up at him) versus looking down, so you want to usually reduce the amount of time she's standing around staring down her nose at you (assuming she's taller than you are... or the same height but in heels).

Better not to meet her sitting down though. I have heard horror stories from women about meeting some guy sitting down whom they had not seen before he was seated, being charmed by the guy, then they both stood up and they realized the guy was significantly shorter than them and felt horrified (because it was unexpected... she probably imagined him to be taller, just due to the attraction she felt -- reality shattered the expectation).

Meeting her first standing up circumvents that, so you can get the "oh, he's shorter" part out of the way, then charm her, without having expectations building up that'll end up popped.
