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That Scene from Magnolia - Early/Mid Game "routine"


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Deep diving has been the rage for quite sometime, but if I were to analyze my own game - I don't so much get her to talk about her own thoughts and feelings and try to get her to get some meaning out of that (Gestalt Psychology) or use Barnum Statements/Cold Reads for anything meaningful. To be clear, I love both of those things, but I like this other thing more.

Instead, I like the "old" old school of PUA. I love frames and I love reframes. Though I think the idea of frame isn't really taught that well in PUA even then, I was also doing sales at the time. I immediately understood the power of reframes when it came to a prospect choosing one option or another. I still think it needs more and more explanation and examples - because I really do think it's "the thing" that really makes PUA different and special than just randomly talking to broads and being funny/provocative. (even if those things are actually frames! ha) (as an aside, frames, sub coms, non-verbals, along with understanding female psychology do most of the heavy lifting in PUA even when people aren't aware of it...)

I hate "hold frame" which is what frame has become in the modern era, if people even talk about frame at all.

This movie (Magnolia) came out when I was learning PUA, so I think about this (and the Matrix, lol) fairly often.

I'm a thief at heart.

I love stealing other people's ideas, words, routines, gambits, tricks, philosophies, etc. If I can do it wholesale, I'll do it. If you're reading this, I probably ripped you off. Shout out to both elders and young guns.

The full scene by different actors

I can't tell you how many times I've used the ideas in this scene to breakthrough to a chick/break past her "representative".

So in terms of the practicality - it's almost always a situation like this.
  1. My attraction to her is already there.
  2. Her attraction to me/curiosity about me is there.
  3. We're in the trust/comfort/rapport building stage.
  4. We have some privacy away from prying eyes. (If it's date, dates are almost always a lock in the first place)
In the early stage of the "trust" phase - I can be "vulnerable" etc, and that sets the stage for her being "vulnerable"

Then I try to work this conversation and this dynamic in.

It usually works.

And the result is a lot of the hiccups that guys run into the final stage of the pull - I don't run into. She's so comfortable, that I don't need to run many compliance hoops/cooperation tests, or run through any type of "natural woman" exercise.

Warning #1 - The other thing about this scene, and getting what I get from it, and how i use it - there are a lot of women with diarrhea of the mouth - and they'll tell you all of their "dark secrets" unbidden.

Not only does "too much" comfort put you in the friend/good listener/counselor/fatherly role - it can also turn you off, even if you have your brave non-judgmental body language dialed in.

I've found that I need to confront chicks directly on that, and basically accuse them of "lying" - even when they're telling the Jah's honest truth.

Warning #2

The other downside is that chicks that think you really "get them" - get ATTACHED.
I've learned over the years - after lots of post hook up hangover - to not pull this out willy nilly, and save it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
there are a lot of women with diarrhea of the mouth - and they'll tell you all of their "dark secrets" unbidden.

Not only does "too much" comfort put you in the friend/good listener/counselor/fatherly role

I've noticed with this that I sometimes USE girls I'm not attracted to as one-time "venting" counselors. I would mainly notice it with the tinder dates I had where I would pull the girl back to my apt but then not have any interest to fuck them since they looked much worse than their pics lol.

Ie: I start dominating the conversation and almost using this social spark of a new person to overcome some of my current life problems with reframing etc.

Sort of like the "taxi cab/uber driver shrink" phenomenon in which you reveal more than normal to the driver since you know the ride's going to end in 20 min and you'll never ever see that person again.

I've often wondered if getting a girl to qualify too much could lead to a similar thing.

It's the difference between a legitimate opening up and genuine "sharing" causing a connection to build


a one-sided, treating the other person as a single-use disposable therapist, kinda like an anonymous confession almost.

I would think the difference between these would be understanding and rapport, since in the situation I find myself doing it, it's because I find the person to be lower status than me and doesn't have much rapport with me, and also typically very boring/basic, so I'd rather just dump/vent on them since it's much more interesting to talk about myself than to fake being interested in them.

I wonder if anyone has experienced a similar thing, whether it is you doing it or a girl you're gaming treating you like that ?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take