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The Dangers of Sex - Virgins


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey guys, Garrett here.

So you could probably tell from the title... yes I'm a virgin!

I've had my chances to lose it, I'm just picky with who I want to lose it to. Lately, I've been honing my skills and attracting girls more easily. There are girls who I could sleep with if I put the effort in, I'm just hesitant. Let me explain my situation...

So earlier this year I met this Asian girl from school. Typically, a lot of Asian girls who I've encountered have thin, smaller figures. I go to a predominantly Asian school, the thing is, I'm not attracted to this body type. Then I came across this girl, let's call her Maria.

Maria, on the other hand, has an explosive figure. Picture an Asian girl with a Kim Kardashian body... Smoking hot if you ask me!

Anyways, I know the window is definitely still open, and the first time I hungout with her I grabbed her and madeout with her, and she seemed into it. I screwed up a bit by texting her too much and not sleeping with her then and there, but I know I can turn things around fairly easily. She's easy to get out, and I know exactly what I have to do. I'm considering losing my virginity to her, and I believe she's a virgin as well. I'm too concerned/nervous to take a risk I feel is potentially life changing...

Although I'm picky about sex, I feel that more of the reason why I avoid it is because I'm extremely worried about getting a girl pregnant. I don't know much about sex, nor do I watch porn/masturbate either; however, I have a decent amount of testosterone in my veins and I really want to get intimate with this girl.

I've gone to Catholic school my entire life until starting University, so I've been warned countless times about sex. I'm just worried that the condom will break, the awkward moment when you put it on, and I don't know the true facts from an unbiased perspective. I know I'll be a bit nervous, but once I'm in the act I'll be fine! Also, I've read Chase's articles about this, and Ricardus' dangers of sex, but I still don't feel as though I could go out and do it. I'm looking for a bit more insight from those of you who are experienced in the game...

Anyways, that's why I'm posting on here. I know I could find more information pretty well anywhere, but I feel like the media, teachers, and family provides biased insight about sex, and I know a lot of experienced guys on this forum probably have more realistic advice and a more accurate perspective. I have big plans for my life just like many of you all, and I don't want to risk that on a quick night of physical fun...

Any genuine thoughts, statistics, or advice would be greatly appreciated!

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Garrett when you put the condom on pinch the tip- this pushes the air out so you have less likelyhood of breakage. Also only wear one (2 makes for more friction and breakage). Also if you want to be extra careful pullout when your about to cum and put another condom on.

Use Smooth tempoed thursts. If she wants it harder give it to her harder. "ask her- tell her not to be shy"

I have two moves I frequently use they are the "fastforward" and the "stall" gets the job done nice (names speak for them selves).

Just_Dave has some excellent posts on positions as well. I prefer doggy.


Cheers, The Tool


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012

So you're saying, when you're having sex with a girl, you eventually reach a climax/orgasm, and you have to pull out before this happens... what happens if you don't pull out? Does the condom explode off in a sea of semen? Do you guys all have STDs from all of your lays? Lol, I've been pretty sheltered from sex my whole life so thanks Tool and Urban dictionary for enlightening me! If anyone wants to add to this post feel free!


The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
oh didnt know you didnt know that much lol. While your having sex with a girl you will reach a climax where you will cum. you can cum into the condom becuase it prevents it from going inside the vagina, but just incase of accidental tearage from the condom as a result of things beyond your control, you can pull out (the condom will not break in a sea of seamen lol), cum inside the condom, take it off, clean yourself and put another one on and get right back to the act.

And no We do not all have STDS from our lays LOL, STDS come from an exchange of fluids such as you cum inside her or you get her vaginal fluid on your unit but unless you have an STD from a previous sexual experience you will not have to worry about this.

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
If you feel nervous about putting on the condom and such, you should tell her to do it for you! Frame it as a fantasy of some kind, i.e. right before you're about to do it, and this is pretty much assuming you're both naked I suppose, tell her
"I think you look really hot and sexy putting a condom on me," or something along those lines. She'll probably be very happy to do so.

One thing: after you come, make sure you pee before putting on a new condom. Peeing gets rid of and kills any extra semen.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Garrett said:
I'm just worried that the condom will break, the awkward moment when you put it on, and I don't know the true facts from an unbiased perspective.

Condoms break if you're wearing one that's too small for you, or if you continue / resume sex after ejaculating into it (you can still wind down the sex after you cum, you just don't want to go at it again full bore with a sperm-filled condom; there's too much pressure on the inside, and it increases the likelihood of it breaking). Try a normal-sized condom on; if it feels too tight, try an XL sized one on. Most guys are fine with either regular or XL (which is actually the same length, but designed to accomodate a heavier girth). If you have sex and condoms fall off mid-sex, try going a size up, as it's more often that the condom was on too tight and is being squeezed off of you by the friction than it is that it's too loose.

The Tool said:
And no We do not all have STDS from our lays LOL, STDS come from an exchange of fluids such as you cum inside her or you get her vaginal fluid on your unit but unless you have an STD from a previous sexual experience you will not have to worry about this.

Some are skin-based: HPV, herpes, and molluscum are the most common skin-based diseases. Statistically, condoms reduce risk of transmission on these by 70%, but anecdotally, it seems pretty hard to pick these up if you're strapped up. If you're still worried about skin-transmitted STDs, slap a little carageenan-based lubricant on and you're protected (carageenan protects against skin-transmission, reducing skin-transmitted diseases by something like 90% or 95% even without the use of a condom; no protection against fluid-based diseases, however). There's also crabs, which are just hanging out in pubic hair... no condom prevents against those.

I'm pretty skeptical about HIV / AIDS as something you can contract as a male from unprotected vaginal sex; the risk factor for men is low enough that the CDC removed vaginal sex as a real risk for males (still a risk for females, though). And all the risk that there is seems to be around fluids getting into an open wound or sore on the penis, which is probably why diseases like herpes simplex up the risk for HIV - it creates open sores if you're not on medication, which create the potential entry point for that disease.

Of course, the other fluid-based diseases you can get.

Most guys I know who go bareback regularly pick something up sooner or later. The guys I know who are religious about using condoms are almost entirely STD-free.

Most STDs are very curable with a round of antibiotics... the only ones that are worth getting freaked out about are herpes (which causes sores, but not everyone who gets it expresses it - many are just carriers - and these outbreaks can be controlled with medication), HPV (can cause genital warts, which usually clear after 3 months to a year; there are also strains that don't cause genital warts, but can cause precancerous cells in the cervix of any girl you infect if you have it - 98% of the time these disappear on their own, but 2% of the time they become cancerous, so gynecologists normally opt to remove them when they see them, which entails going into the vagina and cutting a square of tissue out that contains the cells, with either a freezing tool or an electric current tool... it feels like a pinch to the girl, but she has a brownish discharge for 3 to 5 weeks and she won't be able to have sex for 2 months), and HIV (which, again, I'm skeptical you can even get from vaginal sex if you don't have an open cut or sore on your member).

Everything else is nasty, but you can get rid of it with penicillin or another drug.

As far as pregnancy, if you slip up, morning after pills are pretty reliable so long as they're used within the first 24 hours. Every 24 hours that pass after that and their efficacy drops dramatically... most boxes will say, "Good within 72 hours!" but that's a sham; they're only 60% effective or less within 72 hours. The good news is, if your girls gets knocked up anyway despite the morning after pill, there's no effect on the baby; the pill only makes her shed the uterine lining, but if it doesn't work, no bad effects.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Good points Tool, Oz and Chase.
The other more experienced men might have different advice but I've come to understood if you have foreskin you should pull that back before putting on the condom. Also, when you pull out make sure to grip it via your left hand and slowly pull out, there is a small chance it could slip off due to many factors. Make sure you clean yourself off afterwards and dispose of the condom by putting it into a tissue/toilet paper and folding it before throwing it into the bin. I'm sure many wouldn't worry about that but it just makes everything that more clean. Um, also make sure that if in the event that you use any lubricant that it will not eat through the condom itself. I can't remember myself the different combinations at this very time, but a simple google/bing search will help you out there.

Lastly I'd like to point out that you're not the only virgin. I too hold that title, and will hopefully move away from it soon when I get my processes down more. :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake