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The magic of youth (perspective of a mid-30s guy)


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Some might think it premature of me to be waxing lyrical about youth when last year I only slept with 1 22-year-old, 1 24-year-old, 3 25-year-olds, 2 26-year-olds, and the rest were older. (We can even argue whether a 25 or a 26-year-old girl can still be properly classified as young, considering the faster biological path to maturation women undergo).

This year I’ve also only slept with 1 22-year-old and 1 24-year-old so far.

But this realisation has been crystalising in my mind for some time.

Perhaps it is more fleshed out now because I am seeing the 24-year-old more than the others, and the more time you spend with younger girls the greater the effect is, even if we can argue that the act of coitus itself already involves an “exchange of energies,” as a 23-year-old girl recently astutely observed to me on a date.

The crux of my argument is that normally the younger a girl is, the less beaten down by life she will be. The more hopeful and positive her outlook will still be. Also, considering the workings of Western society today, the more of a girl she will still be, despite the masculinization that inevitably occurs the older she gets and the more traditionally male endeavours she pursues (various degrees, full-time job, career, one-night stands, etc.)

A good example would be the look of sheer unadulterated glee I see on the face of this 24-year-old whenever I am taking off mine and her clothes and we are engaging in foreplay on the road to sexual intercourse. It’s priceless.

Or the typically female behaviour of being heavily emotionally directed, for instance getting visibly emotionally affected by news and seeking positive emotional stimulation via other means such as song lyrics.

Younger girls also have more energy. Hot young girls also sort of naturally bring rough sex out of you, like instinctually. You don’t need to think about it.

I’ve also found that hanging out with younger guys typically involves more jokes and fun. However, I should qualify this statement by adding that these are guys who aren’t repressing themselves as much as the average younger dude is today on the back of MeToo and all that claptrap.

What do you guys think? Have you had similar experiences?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Agreed, i’ve been dating this 19 year old for a few months now, the innocent quality you talk about is refreshing and they’re generally more enjoyable to be around.

On top of that she’s inexperienced and has more of a romantic outlook on life and relationships. Doesn’t party, drink, do drugs etc, isn’t very cynical about anything. Very feminine in her beliefs and behavior.

Part of this due to age, another part due to personality and how they grew up.

It’s a pretty ideal set up for someone who has traditional masculine energy and likes playing that teacher/student role in their relationships.

Downside to this I think is the boredom from having so much control & shaping them into how you want them to function for you in the dynamic. Training them sexually, the indecisiveness etc. They are also pretty easily hurt.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
it can be both, a lot of the gen z girls are massive clingers due to being afc and due to lack of experience they can be extremely annoying and at times demand a LOT OF ATTENTION.... so is on a case by case basis....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
it can be both, a lot of the gen z girls are massive clingers due to being afc and due to lack of experience they can be extremely annoying and at times demand a LOT OF ATTENTION.... so is on a case by case basis..
I’m glad you made this comment. I think we need to differentiate young girls into 2 categories. While yes girls under 30 years old are “gen z” and “young”. What you are describing is behavior coming from the girls that are 18-21. So if we are talking specifically about the 18-21 range girls. Yes in my experience they are annoying as fuck. And superficial as fuck (which is why I talk a lot about archetypes. Because that is specifically the demographic I’m talking aboutBut to OPs point. They are super positive about things only because they are very delusional.

at the end of the day, for me, what matters most is getting to fuck and eat the best pussy available. And that is the 18-21 range girls (to the devils advocate who will post a 18 year old girl who is fat and ugly. I’m talking about the top talent range from the 18-21 year old bracket only). After 22 (usually after they graduated college already) girls priority changes. They can be nice girls But they already been fucked a bunch of times so they are not the best quality girls (in terms of looks and freshness, you can get.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers