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The Power of the Slow Walk


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
This is not going to be new information. But, just like all fundamentals, I do believe it bears repeating.

Even as someone who is slightly more advanced, coming back to the fundamentals is crucial. Refining the nuances, and staying grounded in them while in field.

And if you are someone who is newer to the game, it cannot be stated enough just how crucial the fundamentals are. Watch how your results exponentially increase, the more you develop this aspect of your game.


Ever seen someone walking and their head is kind of in the clouds? They don't look very present. Their feet are hardly touching the ground.

Or what about someone with their head tilted forward as if it's leading them? They look rushed and anxious.

The way we move through space speaks volumes about who we are, how we feel in our bodies, how we relate to our environment, and the people in it. Our physiology is programmed with habits and patterns that reflect how we live our lives and see the world.

We are constantly sending subtle, or not-so-subtle messages about who we are, to the people around us.

Most people, as I am sure you have observed, move in very standard ways. Not really standing out much. Often in autopilot. Going about their day with tunnel vision. Focused on one task or another. Appearing busy. Often not exactly present in their surroundings.

A pace that is somewhat in sync with the flow of traffic. maybe a little faster, maybe a little slower. Just blending in

Most people blend in, in the way they walk. You might notice them due to proximity, or some circumstantial context. But they don't really stand out much otherwise. And they certainly don't elicit a large degree of intrigue.

The seducers walk is different. He stands out from the crowd. He has a captivating gravity to him, that catches the eye—intriguing those around him. Illiciting curiosity from those that notice.

He moves through the world self-possessed. Present. Casual. At ease.


There are two kinds of Seductive walks. Both are crucial to develop and are effective.

The Strut, and the Slow Walk.

Culturally when we think of some playboy walking around flirting with women, we tend to think about the strut.

There's is this famous opening sequence from Saturday Night Fever. John Travolta struts through the streets of New York while the B Gees song "you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a ladies man, no time to talk"

or how about this clip from Scarface at about 2 minutes in.

These are both very similar walks. Full of energy. Strong, yet at ease. There is a sense of rhythm and purpose. Both of these men are clearly in their body. Present. Projecting confidence. Maybe even a touch of cockiness.

It is a walk that can allow you stand out as someone who is bold. Projecting their energy out into the world.

People don't always move with such bright confidence.

This walk is great for certain environments, or when you are in a particular state of energy.

But it also has its limitations.

Watch that Saturday Night Fever Clip again. Does Johnny boy stick out from the crowd? Yeah, kind of. At least in certain moments he does. His stylish fit certainly helps with that. At other moments though, he honestly kind of blends in. He is just another person in the New York hustle and bustle.

This is one of the major limitations of the Strut. It's pacing. Not only is it more in sync with the average pace of a crowd. Its faster pace can often have you passing up good opportunities to meet women. Just zipping by them. Notice how when he approaches the gal he has to do an about-face, because they passed each other. Then, because of the higher effort approach, he is in a position where he has to be more direct. This is all well and good, but is there perhaps another way that you can position yourself to talk to this? A way that you can grab her attention before the approach? hmmm I wonder...

Now, the guy in the Scarface clip stands out more given the slower paced environment they are in. He exudes confidence. But the way he walks straight up to that girl still necessitates he make a more direct approach (bro, too direct. wtf).

What we can glean from these two clips is that how much the strut stands out greatly depends on the environment you are in. If you are strutting in a club full of strutting dudes, you will still be confident and have an energy that matches the environment. But you will also blend in more. Also, in general, your pace will be faster so you might pass by otherwise great opportunities to meet smooth.

And of course, the nature of the Strut often necessitates a more direct approach. Which of course is great in some circumstances, and not so great in others

Not that you can't go indirect with a strut. Indirect is just generally less of the strutting vibe.

Which is the last limitation, strutting is very state-dependent. If your state doesn't match your strut you will come across supremely incongruent once you make your approach. Suppose you could always fake it till you make it though.

Or, there is another option


the Slow Walk is, in my opinion, one of the seducers' most potent tools.

The Slow Walk is something you can refine, and keep refining.

Its benefits greatly indispensable. Deepening over time.

it is a walk that is intriguing to many onlookers and seductive to women.

It puts you squarely in the present moment.

Its pacing is advantageous when it comes to placing yourself in optimal approach positions (keeping in mind of course that sometimes you pick up your pace in order to be in the right place at the right time)

Unlike strutting, it is not state-dependent and can be used in pretty much any mood you are in.

Before, we dive into the nuts and bolts of the slow walk, and what makes it so effective, let's take a look at this clip of the iconic French actor Alain Delon

A pretty captivating way of moving through the world, wouldn't you say?

Just look at the comments on that video. There are hundreds of people gushing about the way this man walks. Like, he is literally just a person walking. But something about it is utterly entrancing to so many people.

I also want to note that, unlike the strutt, I have had a way harder time finding clips that are a solid example of the slow walk. This one might be the best there is. I think that is is because a good slow walk is something that is rarer in general. It is not something that many men have developed. You don't see it quite as often in the media, or even out in the wild. This is actually part of its magic.

Okay, so now that we have seen a little bit of what a slow walk can look like let's break it down.

First off, notice how Alain Delon appears completely self-possessed. He is entirely present in his body, and the moment. He is relaxed and at ease, but there is still a confident strength to him.

Notice how is is not scanning his environment and looking around a bunch. Instead, he is present and directed with his attention. He is taking in his environment, but he is not overly eager to see everything, as you might observe in someone who is looking around a bunch at this and that.

Scanning your environment a bunch is often a display of lower value. It sub-communicates either a disease with your surroundings or an over-eagerness to engage with other people.

Especially in an environment with a lot of women. By scanning the room a bunch you are basically showing everyone you are looking for pussy, or at least that even though you are alone, you don't exactly want to be. That you are alone, but would rather be with everyone else in the room. You appear as though you are specifically looking for something.

Ask any bouncer and he will tell you that when a man enters a venue you can tell if he is looking for friends, drugs, trouble, or pussy.

A self-possessed man is different though. He is just present. Is he even looking for anything at all?

Hey may scan a room. But he does so with this casual presence and intention. It is unclear what exactly he is looking for. It is more so that he is just observing. Contemplating. He doesn't scan often either. When he enters a space with his casual slow walk he may take a pause and observe the room, to take in his environment before casually making his way forward. But his eyes to not linger on attractive women, and he doesn't keep scanning beyond just getting as sense of his surroundings.

When he walks through the space to wherever he is headed he is not looking around everywhere or laser-focused on one spot. Instead, he is just strolling, present. Taking in his environment as he moves to his destination. When he looks somewhere it is with a sense of contemplation and presence. He is not looking for something. He is not needing anything.

It is almost as though he owns the place, but has no need or desire to announce his arrival. When you slow walk you carry this vibe every where you go.

Imagine really quick (if this isn't already your reality) that your life is full of amazing people. Like incredibly remarkable people on all levels. Your life is abundant with them. Gorgeous women too. So much so that you barely have time in your schedule for every one. Tons of amazing people just always blowing up your phone trying to to get a piece of you, or contribute opportunities to your life.

What is your body language going to be like when you are out and about? Are you going to be looking everywhere for attention. Completely open to whoever is around you? Probably not.

It is more likely that you will have a bit of a bubble around you.

That is not to say that you are entirely closed off to other people. Or have an air of being unapproachable. Just that you will most likely already be rather quite satisfied. So your body language will not convey a need to connect with people. In fact, you will most likely be avoiding a lot of behavior that invites other people. Like making eye contact with just anybody. Because you are protecting your time and energy a bit. You don't have time to chat with any ol Joe Schmoe about this nonsense or that nonsense.

Does this mean that you are not warm and inviting? No, of course it doesn't.

Watch that clip again and see how warm Alain Delon is with the merchants around him. He is present with them. As someone comments on the video, it is almost as though he owns the market stalls. He has the strong familiar presence with them.

You could say that the self-possessed man is approachable, yet not wanting or needing to be approached. And even deflecting the attention or approach of people he does not desire to have in his world.

Think about Alain in that market, I am sure there are plenty of vendors that would want to grab his attention. Do you think he would get caught up in some needless conversation with someone guy trying to sell him something? He would probably just carry on, instead of interacting warmly with the people he CHOOSES to.

When he does choose to give others his attention, he is fully present, and warm in his demeanor.

Now, does one need to have all of that social abundance to be this way? No of course not. You just have to be self-possessed. Present in the moment and content with your own company.

So why am I going on about all this stuff that isn't exactly about walking?

Because it is at the heart of the slow walk. It is what is so magnetic about it.


Okay, let's get a bit more technical.

We'll start with reviewing some tenants of the slow walk, we have already touched on.

Be confident and tall in your posture. but be relaxed and at ease in your self.

Your chest is open and your breath is full.

Your shoulders are dropped and balanced

Your feet are firmly on the earth.

Having body practices like lifting weights, as well as restrictive practices like yoga or taichi can help with making this second nature. Also, practicing your balance

-Find your pace.

be at ease. there is no rush. Just be present.

Slow walking can be a bit awkward at first because we are generally rushing around every where. it takes some practice to find a natural gate at a slower pace.

play around with how slow you can actually walk, and have it still be natural. you'd be surprised at just how slow a slow walk can get going. Moving at a snails pace.

See what happens when you pick up the pace a bit.

The slow walk and the strut are on a spectrum. Be able to automatically switch between the two. Find a nice in-between.

-Be deliberate with your attention.

If you scan a room do it with purpose, and don't do it often.

Use your peripheral vision when examining your larger environment. as opposed to looking around a bunch.

When you observe things specifically do so with purpose. Perhaps you are intrigued by something, or contemplative, or have decided to engage with that thing/person. But you are doing so with intention.

Mediation can really help to develop this in-the-moment sort of attention.

-Move with purpose/but also appear as though that purpose isn't exactly clear.

That is to say, don't just idle about. Even if your purpose is to just. take in the moment and enjoy the day. You are not aimless or lost. You are present, and move deliberately

However, you are also not laser-focused on one thing.

For example, let's say you are at a shopping mall. Sure you are there shopping. but you are not so dialed into shopping that that is obviously the only thing you are doing.

Just like that clip of Alain Delon. He is shopping, but he is also there to take in the moment, to be amongst the people, to experience the sights and sounds and peculiarities of life.

People will notice when you move this way. They will see you observing something and wonder what you are thinking. Or see you laughing to yourself about some small peculiar event and think to themselves "That man seems to really be enjoying himself right now, I wonder what he is smiling about"

-Slow walking puts you in your environment

it allows you to take in all of the nuances of social movement.

it allows you to absorb social dynamics that are occurring.

You will see more approach opportunities. Be able to anticipate angles of approach. Or be in advantageous positions when women a woman is walking up from a distance.

You won't just rush by women.

You have more opportunities to make eye contact.

more opportunity to make eyes from all the way across the room.

-Slow walking makes you stand out.

Especially if you have a captivating fit on.
People will take notice.

I have had women I picked up tell me that they noticed me the moment I entered the room, or noticed me from all the way across the grocery store.

It's the slow walk that did it, amigos.

-Slow walking gives women the opportunity to elicit IOIs or position themselves in a place that makes them approachable.

Because they notice your presence before you approach they are more readily in a position to receive your approach. Or make eyes with you across the room.

-A word on vibe

While the slow walk is very relaxed and at ease, it is not exactly carefree. There is still a sexuality smoldering under the surface. Just like the strut it has a bit of big dick energy to it. It is just dialed back and not projecting outward as much.

If it wasn't for the relaxed demeanor, the warm smirk on your face, that sense of curiosity, that self-possessed air, you might actually come across as threatening.

Imagine some guy is walking super slow scanning the room intensely with a razor sharp focus. You'd probably think he is looking for someone to kill. You have to temper this intensity with a large dose of chill, and warmth.

A quick word on Approaching women.

When you approach using the slow walk. You do not want to walk directly towards a woman. That would be awkward. especially with how slow you are moving.

Instead, you want to mosey in their general direction, so it is as though you just happen to float her way. then once you are in a good position to open you open her. But up until the moment you open she is not really sure that you are approaching her. It is more so that you seem to be going about your life. And then... hey what's this cool connection here?

Alright gents. That about does it for now.

Don't underestimate the power of the slow walk. It is crucial to developing a seductive persona, and also just a great way to be in the world.

Honestly, unless I have somewhere to be (or I am in a particularly strutting mood) the slow walk is the only way to be, for me.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
Just look at the comments on that video. There are hundreds of people gushing about the way this man walks. Like, he is literally just a person walking. But something about it is utterly entrancing to so many people.
Maybe the fact that he’s probably the most handsome guy to ever walk the earth? Just saying. Replace Delon with Jonah Hill and no one will breakdown what is it about Jonah’s walk that is so attractive


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Maybe the fact that he’s probably the most handsome guy to ever walk the earth? Just saying. Replace Delon with Jonah Hill and no one will breakdown what is it about Jonah’s walk that is so attractive
have you watched any of his films, he really was a great actor.

Jonah Hill is pretty great too. but def in a totally different way.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
but let's not derail the thread. it's not really about Alain Delon or Jonah Hill. it's about using the slow walk to attract women
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Funny how we arrived at similar conclusions and even similar samples

right on.

yeah, all this business definitely isn't news to the pickup scene. And honestly, I think it works so well because it's kind of just universal to human social dynamics. The strut and slow walk are in our DNA.

Great vid breaking down the nuances of the Strut! thanks for sharing.

The Strut and the Slow Walk exist on a spectrum. They are basically two poles of the same sort of Seductive presence. They both exude confidence and presence, just in distinctly different ways. Ideally, you can switch between the two, all depending on the circumstances.

it's just that strut is way more energized and 'socially outward' (so to speak), and slow walk is more 'self-contained' and subdued.

Venue and state count a lot for how you might use one or the other, but I have found they both work well in both DG and NG.

The slow walk might not exactly work well in super-packed clubs or larger venues. But definitely can be ace in medium or smaller venues. Strut is not always the best for more subdued venues (day game included) but can still work depending on venue/personal state (obviously there are no hard and fast rules, just about calibrating).

Strut is a bit more direct. More Swagger

Slow Walk is more mysterious. Pretty much the go-to when doing sniper game.

I just tend to see more literature/videos about the strut than the slow walk and I wanted to give the slow walk some more representation since it is such a potent tool.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
At last, a part of pick-up that is easier for an old guy!
I get that you are joking here because old people are slow, but honestly there is something to this.

The more you age and refine you presence the more the slow walk can speak for you. part of its power is that of a cultivated man. It can become much more natural to become self possessed with age, and wear the slow walk like it's second nature.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I get that you are joking here because old people are slow, but honestly there is something to this.

The more you age and refine you presence the more the slow walk can speak for you. part of its power is that of a cultivated man. It can become much more natural to become self possessed with age, and wear the slow walk like it's second nature.
It reminds me of the stereotypical old Chinese person walking through the park with their hands clasped behind their back. It gives off an air of not a care in the world - which is like the opposite of an underling having to rush to meet the demands of someone else. It's like no one has control over you and you are free to leisurely stroll around, like walking through an art gallery or farmer's market like that one vid that you posted.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
It reminds me of the stereotypical old Chinese person walking through the park with their hands clasped behind their back. It gives off an air of not a care in the world - which is like the opposite of an underling having to rush to meet the demands of someone else. It's like no one has control over you and you are free to leisurely stroll around, like walking through an art gallery or farmer's market like that one vid that you posted.

yes, but there is one important ingredient that makes it differ from the stereotypical person strolling in a carefree manner. and that is an underlying sense that there is something smoldering under the surface.

It actually is akin to the strut in many ways. because you are kind of rolling your hips as you move. there is still an underlying sense of swagger. If you weren't so self-contained it could almost feel predatory. Like if you were moving so slowly and continually scanning the room people might feel a bit threatened. Like you were looking for someone to kill.

But since you're focus is softer. You are more absorbing than piercing, and your demeanor more curious and contemplative. You have a warmth about you. wearing a smirk. This tempers. what would otherwise come across as threatening

there is still some authority to it though. it's not exactly carefree per se. It's when you enter a space it's almost as though you own the place, but have no need or desire to announce yourself.

That's what makes the slow walk so intriguing. People sense there is something under the surface that people want to get at.

the intensity mixed with the warmth is what makes it so good for sniper game.

because you are so self-contained, the moment you catch a woman's eyes and look right into them from across the room, it's as though you had struck her with your presence. She isn't really expecting you to take all of that self-contained energy and direct it right at her.

Also, I wouldn't walk with my hands behind my back. it can feel like you are concealing something. I Never conceal my hands when approaching women. Triggers their threat alarm
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KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
yes, but there is one important ingredient that makes it differ from the stereotypical person strolling in a care free manner
Baggy style?


Just playing lol. Thanks for the clarifications. I am going to have to reread the whole thread to internalize and then contemplate the nuances of it... While walking slowly in the park haha


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Baggy style?


Just playing lol. Thanks for the clarifications. I am going to have to reread the whole thread to internalize and then contemplate the nuances of it... While walking slowly in the park haha
that is not baggy style, sorry....

P.s. me talking about chelsea in the video i posted is off...

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
that is not baggy style, sorry....

P.s. me talking about chelsea in the video i posted is off...
I know lol that is like an 85 year old man.


Was just joking and posting example of carefree Chinese elder. But yes @StrayDog I get what you mean it lacks the underlying intensity. And yeah wouldn't do hands behind back. Those old guys just all do it for some reason.

Actually side note I have noticed really big slow walking powerful guys often have their palms straight to the back rather than angled in. I don't know why. Maybe big lat muscles or something of that nature.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I know lol that is like an 85 year old man.


Was just joking and posting example of carefree Chinese elder. But yes @StrayDog I get what you mean it lacks the underlying intensity. And yeah wouldn't do hands behind back. Those old guys just all do it for some reason.

Actually side note I have noticed really big slow walking powerful guys often have their palms straight to the back rather than angled in. I don't know why. Maybe big lat muscles or something of that nature.
wow that picture exactly how i dress just lol... without the bag... (scary)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Actually side note I have noticed really big slow walking powerful guys often have their palms straight to the back rather than angled in. I don't know why. Maybe big lat muscles or something of that nature.
oh yeah I sent that too. Usually has kind of a chest puffed out, muscle head vibe.

Seducer is usually better off with a leaner physique. More nimble, and relaxed. I definitely like doing yoga and tai chi to supplement lifting.

But yes @StrayDog I get what you mean it lacks the underlying intensity. And yeah wouldn't do hands behind back. Those old guys just all do it for some reason.
I am super curious to hear about your insights on the practice infield.
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Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
This is not going to be new information. But, just like all fundamentals, I do believe it bears repeating.

Even as someone who is slightly more advanced, coming back to the fundamentals is crucial. Refining the nuances, and staying grounded in them while in field.

And if you are someone who is newer to the game, it cannot be stated enough just how crucial the fundamentals are. Watch how your results exponentially increase, the more you develop this aspect of your game.


Ever seen someone walking and their head is kind of in the clouds? They don't look very present. Their feet are hardly touching the ground.

Or what about someone with their head tilted forward as if it's leading them? They look rushed and anxious.

The way we move through space speaks volumes about who we are, how we feel in our bodies, how we relate to our environment, and the people in it. Our physiology is programmed with habits and patterns that reflect how we live our lives and see the world.

We are constantly sending subtle, or not-so-subtle messages about who we are, to the people around us.

Most people, as I am sure you have observed, move in very standard ways. Not really standing out much. Often in autopilot. Going about their day with tunnel vision. Focused on one task or another. Appearing busy. Often not exactly present in their surroundings.

A pace that is somewhat in sync with the flow of traffic. maybe a little faster, maybe a little slower. Just blending in

Most people blend in, in the way they walk. You might notice them due to proximity, or some circumstantial context. But they don't really stand out much otherwise. And they certainly don't elicit a large degree of intrigue.

The seducers walk is different. He stands out from the crowd. He has a captivating gravity to him, that catches the eye—intriguing those around him. Illiciting curiosity from those that notice.

He moves through the world self-possessed. Present. Casual. At ease.


There are two kinds of Seductive walks. Both are crucial to develop and are effective.

The Strut, and the Slow Walk.

Culturally when we think of some playboy walking around flirting with women, we tend to think about the strut.

There's is this famous opening sequence from Saturday Night Fever. John Travolta struts through the streets of New York while the B Gees song "you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a ladies man, no time to talk"

or how about this clip from Scarface at about 2 minutes in.

These are both very similar walks. Full of energy. Strong, yet at ease. There is a sense of rhythm and purpose. Both of these men are clearly in their body. Present. Projecting confidence. Maybe even a touch of cockiness.

It is a walk that can allow you stand out as someone who is bold. Projecting their energy out into the world.

People don't always move with such bright confidence.

This walk is great for certain environments, or when you are in a particular state of energy.

But it also has its limitations.

Watch that Saturday Night Fever Clip again. Does Johnny boy stick out from the crowd? Yeah, kind of. At least in certain moments he does. His stylish fit certainly helps with that. At other moments though, he honestly kind of blends in. He is just another person in the New York hustle and bustle.

This is one of the major limitations of the Strut. It's pacing. Not only is it more in sync with the average pace of a crowd. Its faster pace can often have you passing up good opportunities to meet women. Just zipping by them. Notice how when he approaches the gal he has to do an about-face, because they passed each other. Then, because of the higher effort approach, he is in a position where he has to be more direct. This is all well and good, but is there perhaps another way that you can position yourself to talk to this? A way that you can grab her attention before the approach? hmmm I wonder...

Now, the guy in the Scarface clip stands out more given the slower paced environment they are in. He exudes confidence. But the way he walks straight up to that girl still necessitates he make a more direct approach (bro, too direct. wtf).

What we can glean from these two clips is that how much the strut stands out greatly depends on the environment you are in. If you are strutting in a club full of strutting dudes, you will still be confident and have an energy that matches the environment. But you will also blend in more. Also, in general, your pace will be faster so you might pass by otherwise great opportunities to meet smooth.

And of course, the nature of the Strut often necessitates a more direct approach. Which of course is great in some circumstances, and not so great in others

Not that you can't go indirect with a strut. Indirect is just generally less of the strutting vibe.

Which is the last limitation, strutting is very state-dependent. If your state doesn't match your strut you will come across supremely incongruent once you make your approach. Suppose you could always fake it till you make it though.

Or, there is another option


the Slow Walk is, in my opinion, one of the seducers' most potent tools.

The Slow Walk is something you can refine, and keep refining.

Its benefits greatly indispensable. Deepening over time.

it is a walk that is intriguing to many onlookers and seductive to women.

It puts you squarely in the present moment.

Its pacing is advantageous when it comes to placing yourself in optimal approach positions (keeping in mind of course that sometimes you pick up your pace in order to be in the right place at the right time)

Unlike strutting, it is not state-dependent and can be used in pretty much any mood you are in.

Before, we dive into the nuts and bolts of the slow walk, and what makes it so effective, let's take a look at this clip of the iconic French actor Alain Delon

A pretty captivating way of moving through the world, wouldn't you say?

Just look at the comments on that video. There are hundreds of people gushing about the way this man walks. Like, he is literally just a person walking. But something about it is utterly entrancing to so many people.

I also want to note that, unlike the strutt, I have had a way harder time finding clips that are a solid example of the slow walk. This one might be the best there is. I think that is is because a good slow walk is something that is rarer in general. It is not something that many men have developed. You don't see it quite as often in the media, or even out in the wild. This is actually part of its magic.

Okay, so now that we have seen a little bit of what a slow walk can look like let's break it down.

First off, notice how Alain Delon appears completely self-possessed. He is entirely present in his body, and the moment. He is relaxed and at ease, but there is still a confident strength to him.

Notice how is is not scanning his environment and looking around a bunch. Instead, he is present and directed with his attention. He is taking in his environment, but he is not overly eager to see everything, as you might observe in someone who is looking around a bunch at this and that.

Scanning your environment a bunch is often a display of lower value. It sub-communicates either a disease with your surroundings or an over-eagerness to engage with other people.

Especially in an environment with a lot of women. By scanning the room a bunch you are basically showing everyone you are looking for pussy, or at least that even though you are alone, you don't exactly want to be. That you are alone, but would rather be with everyone else in the room. You appear as though you are specifically looking for something.

Ask any bouncer and he will tell you that when a man enters a venue you can tell if he is looking for friends, drugs, trouble, or pussy.

A self-possessed man is different though. He is just present. Is he even looking for anything at all?

Hey may scan a room. But he does so with this casual presence and intention. It is unclear what exactly he is looking for. It is more so that he is just observing. Contemplating. He doesn't scan often either. When he enters a space with his casual slow walk he may take a pause and observe the room, to take in his environment before casually making his way forward. But his eyes to not linger on attractive women, and he doesn't keep scanning beyond just getting as sense of his surroundings.

When he walks through the space to wherever he is headed he is not looking around everywhere or laser-focused on one spot. Instead, he is just strolling, present. Taking in his environment as he moves to his destination. When he looks somewhere it is with a sense of contemplation and presence. He is not looking for something. He is not needing anything.

It is almost as though he owns the place, but has no need or desire to announce his arrival. When you slow walk you carry this vibe every where you go.

Imagine really quick (if this isn't already your reality) that your life is full of amazing people. Like incredibly remarkable people on all levels. Your life is abundant with them. Gorgeous women too. So much so that you barely have time in your schedule for every one. Tons of amazing people just always blowing up your phone trying to to get a piece of you, or contribute opportunities to your life.

What is your body language going to be like when you are out and about? Are you going to be looking everywhere for attention. Completely open to whoever is around you? Probably not.

It is more likely that you will have a bit of a bubble around you.

That is not to say that you are entirely closed off to other people. Or have an air of being unapproachable. Just that you will most likely already be rather quite satisfied. So your body language will not convey a need to connect with people. In fact, you will most likely be avoiding a lot of behavior that invites other people. Like making eye contact with just anybody. Because you are protecting your time and energy a bit. You don't have time to chat with any ol Joe Schmoe about this nonsense or that nonsense.

Does this mean that you are not warm and inviting? No, of course it doesn't.

Watch that clip again and see how warm Alain Delon is with the merchants around him. He is present with them. As someone comments on the video, it is almost as though he owns the market stalls. He has the strong familiar presence with them.

You could say that the self-possessed man is approachable, yet not wanting or needing to be approached. And even deflecting the attention or approach of people he does not desire to have in his world.

Think about Alain in that market, I am sure there are plenty of vendors that would want to grab his attention. Do you think he would get caught up in some needless conversation with someone guy trying to sell him something? He would probably just carry on, instead of interacting warmly with the people he CHOOSES to.

When he does choose to give others his attention, he is fully present, and warm in his demeanor.

Now, does one need to have all of that social abundance to be this way? No of course not. You just have to be self-possessed. Present in the moment and content with your own company.

So why am I going on about all this stuff that isn't exactly about walking?

Because it is at the heart of the slow walk. It is what is so magnetic about it.


Okay, let's get a bit more technical.

We'll start with reviewing some tenants of the slow walk, we have already touched on.

Be confident and tall in your posture. but be relaxed and at ease in your self.

Your head is bright, and your chin slightly upward

Your chest is open and your breath is full.

Your shoulders are dropped and balanced

Your feet are firmly on the earth.

Having body practices like lifting weights, as well as restrictive practices like yoga or taichi can help with making this second nature. Also, practicing your balance

-Find your pace.

be at ease. there is no rush. Just be present.

Slow walking can be a bit awkward at first because we are generally rushing around every where. it takes some practice to find a natural gate at a slower pace.

play around with how slow you can actually walk, and have it still be natural. you'd be surprised at just how slow a slow walk can get going. Moving at a snails pace.

See what happens when you pick up the pace a bit.

The slow walk and the strut are on a spectrum. Be able to automatically switch between the two. Find a nice in-between.

-Be deliberate with your attention.

If you scan a room do it with purpose, and don't do it often.

Use your peripheral vision when examining your larger environment. as opposed to looking around a bunch.

When you observe things specifically do so with purpose. Perhaps you are intrigued by something, or contemplative, or have decided to engage with that thing/person. But you are doing so with intention.

Mediation can really help to develop this in-the-moment sort of attention.

-Move with purpose/but also appear as though that purpose isn't exactly clear.

That is to say, don't just idle about. Even if your purpose is to just. take in the moment and enjoy the day. You are not aimless or lost. You are present, and move deliberately

However, you are also not laser-focused on one thing.

For example, let's say you are at a shopping mall. Sure you are there shopping. but you are not so dialed into shopping that that is obviously the only thing you are doing.

Just like that clip of Alain Delon. He is shopping, but he is also there to take in the moment, to be amongst the people, to experience the sights and sounds and peculiarities of life.

People will notice when you move this way. They will see you observing something and wonder what you are thinking. Or see you laughing to yourself about some small peculiar event and think to themselves "That man seems to really be enjoying himself right now, I wonder what he is smiling about"

-Slow walking puts you in your environment

it allows you to take in all of the nuances of social movement.

it allows you to absorb social dynamics that are occurring.

You will see more approach opportunities. Be able to anticipate angles of approach. Or be in advantageous positions when women a woman is walking up from a distance.

You won't just rush by women.

You have more opportunities to make eye contact.

more opportunity to make eyes from all the way across the room.

-Slow walking makes you stand out.

Especially if you have a captivating fit on.
People will take notice.

I have had women I picked up tell me that they noticed me the moment I entered the room, or noticed me from all the way across the grocery store.

It's the slow walk that did it, amigos.

-Slow walking gives women the opportunity to elicit IOIs or position themselves in a place that makes them approachable.

Because they notice your presence before you approach they are more readily in a position to receive your approach. Or make eyes with you across the room.

-A word on vibe

While the slow walk is very relaxed and at ease, it is not exactly carefree. There is still a sexuality smoldering under the surface. Just like the strut it has a bit of big dick energy to it. It is just dialed back and not projecting outward as much.

If it wasn't for the relaxed demeanor, the warm smirk on your face, that sense of curiosity, that self-possessed air, you might actually come across as threatening.

Imagine some guy is walking super slow scanning the room intensely with a razor sharp focus. You'd probably think he is looking for someone to kill. You have to temper this intensity with a large dose of chill, and warmth.

A quick word on Approaching women.

When you approach using the slow walk. You do not want to walk directly towards a woman. That would be awkward. especially with how slow you are moving.

Instead, you want to mosey in their general direction, so it is as though you just happen to float her way. then once you are in a good position to open you open her. But up until the moment you open she is not really sure that you are approaching her. It is more so that you seem to be going about your life. And then... hey what's this cool connection here?

Alright gents. That about does it for now.

Don't underestimate the power of the slow walk. It is crucial to developing a seductive persona, and also just a great way to be in the world.

Honestly, unless I have somewhere to be (or I am in a particularly strutting mood) the slow walk is the only way to be, for me.

Good post!

A couple things I've found to be important:

- Don't stand too tall, there's something about a slightly lower center of gravity, down around your hips/balls, that is more seductive. That video you showed (and Connery's walk as well) are good examples of this.

- Pause for a tiny fraction of a second as you shift yourself into each step (always leading with the hips), it gives a sense of swinging/rocking and weightiness.

- Let your attention dictate your speed - as you narrow your focus on something, slow down the pace or increase the pause in each step, as if time itself is slowing down, then as your awareness opens up, move into a faster rhythm. Boring people just walk at a constant pace that tells you 'nothing is happening here' but interesting people convey a sense of anticipation to people watching, that things are afoot, changing, and might unleash at some point.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Good post!
- Don't stand too tall, there's something about a slightly lower center of gravity, down around your hips/balls, that is more seductive. That video you showed (and Connery's walk as well) are good examples of this.

- Pause for a tiny fraction of a second as you shift yourself into each step (always leading with the hips), it gives a sense of swinging/rocking and weightiness.
Excellent points, and very crucial in the slow walk. Gotta have a weight to it, leading from the hips. You are not being lofty with your nose turned up, or trying to stand out with this big upward erect spine. Your walk is earthy, and ever so slightly concealing (not to the point of slouched shoulders). You stand out not because you are making yourself as big as possible, but because of the weight your presence holds and the deliberateness of your movements.

- Let your attention dictate your speed - as you narrow your focus on something, slow down the pace or increase the pause in each step, as if time itself is slowing down, then as your awareness opens up, move into a faster rhythm. Boring people just walk at a constant pace that tells you 'nothing is happening here' but interesting people convey a sense of anticipation to people watching, that things are afoot, changing, and might unleash at some point.
oh man, such a good point. This change in rhythm happens because are just being present with the moment. When people walk in a monotone manner it is because they are on autopilot and not engaging with the more subtle nuances of the world around them.

This is part of why the slow walk conveys sensuality, it is because you are really taking in the environment and allowing it to move you. Tapping into deeper currents of rhythm, or moving at the beat of your own drum instead of just walking in pace with the crowd.

This change in rhythm is also what makes it so great for sniper game. There is an unpredictability to you. This goes in line with what I was saying to @KJ Francis about making eye contact with a woman across the room. Here you are just going about your business, so self-possessed, intriguing, so absorbed in the moment. And then all of a sudden, all of the self-possessed energy moves to action, and is directed at her. She wasn't expecting this at all when she looked in your direction. Because to her you couldn't have even noticed her. But of course you had. Because you have absorbed your whole environment using your peripheral vision, You were aware of her this whole time without once looking in her direction. She is struck with your gaze. Left to wonder what you might do next.

that things are afoot, changing, and might unleash at some point.
A simple example of this. Sometimes I will be sitting a table somewhere amongst a crowd, just minding my own business, taking in the moment. Kicked back, maybe one leg outstretched. And then all of a sudden I will stand up in one quick beat. Nothing too forceful or dramatic, but definitely with energy behind it. Heads turn. Here was this very grounded presence, that has suddenly moved to action. Then I will take a very small beat, and continue on casually. Strolling to wherever I fancy next.
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Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Great post. Having a good walk leans into being present, essential to getting "into state", which is itself key to success in cold approach. Seems like one of those small tweaks that can have outsized impact.

There's is this famous opening sequence from Saturday Night Fever. John Travolta struts through the streets of New York while the B Gees song "you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a ladies man, no time to talk"
Love this scene.

Travolta gets a classic IOI from a girl with a very sexy walk, tries to cold approach her, but gets blown out.

From an era in which a guy talking a girl on the street was a completely normal thing.

Doubt you would see a scene like that in a movie nowadays...


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Your walk is earthy, and ever so slightly concealing (not to the point of slouched shoulders).

Crucial point there about slightly concealing, that's a key ingredient in the seductive aspect - rather than just projecting your energy outward you are drawing energy in toward yourself. It's in line with the 'cute and sexy look'.

This is part of why the slow walk conveys sensuality, it is because you are really taking in the environment and allowing it to move you. Tapping into deeper currents of rhythm, or moving at the beat of your own drum instead of just walking in pace with the crowd.

Absolutely, this aspect of being moved by your environment builds the foundation of her sense that she is seducing you, that you are responding to signals, rather than just going around trying to run the numbers.

Here you are just going about your business, so self-possessed, intriguing, so absorbed in the moment. And then all of a sudden, all of the self-possessed energy moves to action, and is directed at her. She wasn't expecting this at all when she looked in your direction. Because to her you couldn't have even noticed her. But of course you had. Because you have absorbed your whole environment using your peripheral vision, You were aware of her this whole time without once looking in her direction. She is struck with your gaze. Left to wonder what you might do next.

Yes, moving your attention/energy forward and back toward her and then out again is very effective - playing with stuff like pausing near her while looking slightly to one side, swinging your shoulders or hips toward her and then away, she's extremely receptive to signals like this, and often she'll start to follow suit without realizing.

It's like the beginning of a dance, where the partners haven't come together yet but are already starting to align.

A simple example of this. Sometimes I will be sitting a table somewhere amongst a crowd, just minding my own business, taking in the moment. Kicked back, maybe one leg outstretched. And then all of a sudden I will stand up in one quick beat. Nothing too forceful or dramatic, but definitely with energy behind it. Heads turn. Here was this very grounded presence, that has suddenly moved to action. Then I will take a very small beat, and continue on casually. Strolling to wherever I fancy next.

Yeah, I enjoy this sort of stuff as well. The world is one big theater of energy interactions.