I must be an uncalibrated idiot haha the daygame girl didn't even respond to my facebook request and I thought she was hooked lol.
Anyways, Thursdays seem to be consistently killer nights, probably because of the venue. If I get a few more nights like this I believe I will have a breakthrough in my game, if I haven't had one already. All in all I heavily made out with 2 chicks, kissed one lightly just because it was late and I had to leave, and grinded with 2 more who with some persistence would be open to making out. Throw about 10 rejections in there and you have the recipe for a fun night out.
It was super interesting that initially I only got rejections but still my state was getting better instead of worse. Then I made eye contact with a girl across me, pointed at her and high fived her to which she seemed indifferent but complied. BUT, when I forcefully pulled her in after the high five her expression gave away everything, she might as well have said "Oh my god no one does that I am attracted now". So I went for an instant make out. We kept going on and off and dancing and we connected well, she introduced me to the friends (one friend must have been on drugs and she was looking at me as if I was the devil or something haha). Then I moved her to another floor, then we went back to the friends I went to get a water from the bar. When I went to find her again she still looked happy to see me, however somehow she ended up dancing with one of her male friends from the group. I was very unprepared for that I wasn't sure if the guy was hitting her or what, then that guy came next to me and started dancing with m, I was confused if it was a tactic to steal the girl or not. Anyway, her attention had been withdrawn from me so I decided to leave and reopen her later.
Went downstairs, tried to pull one middle eastern chick to dance with me but she was laughingly rejecting me, then I just pull one of her friends and she complies and starts grinding on me lol. We go at it for a while, I try to kiss her twice but she is shy and I literally didn't give a shit about it (she gets more and more attracted after that) and then the Alpha female of the group decides that I am a dick and drags them all away...
My state is super high, I just move to another area and go in dancing with 2 girls that I wasn't even attracted to, however one seemed really pleased by my presence so I decided fuck it, I started escalating on her and then kissed her. Upon closer inspection she was cuter than I thought but she was a very aggressive kisser which was repulsive. Then I made it a point to grab massive preselection and made sure that the chick that I made out initially sees me with the new one. However I think I overplayed my hand and burned it because as I was holding the new girl I extended my hand to the previous one and waved her hi. She looked confused and then I think she just autorejected instead of getting more attracted because when I tried to reopen her later I didn't have her attention. Oh well...
Then I realize it’s so late but still I had the hunger to use my state and approach more (loved that feeling usually I am content after some success, yesterday I just wanted more). So as we walk towards the exit I stop to dance with these 2 girls, get one of them to grind on me. My friend reminds me that we have to bounce so I tell her that I need to leave so I will just give her a goodbye kiss and she literally looked disappointed after she kissed me.
Went home feeling like a fucking king. Strange because I haven’t had sex in 2 months lol.
I think I have to go through that validation seeking making out phase before I focus on building rapport and trying to pull I am just having too much fun doing it plus I have many years of lost experiences to make up for…