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The starting from nothing journal


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Mystique thanks! I've thought about it with a clear head and my conclusion is I could have persisted like one more time maximum before sending her away she was just wasting my time. I am not posting a report, I don't care anymore about that interaction . I have never seen anyone so uncomfortable and nervous so even if I persisted for 10 hours (minimum time required with her) and eventually had sex with her I can only see bad things coming out of it i.e. her thinking that we are in a relationship now or regretting it and getting even more emotional. Also it made me realize that tinder will keep sending awkward inexperienced girls so I just deleted it to motivate myself to cold approach more


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
ARgh I feel like a total idiot, after last night. Long story short after my friend leaves late at night I decide to stay in the club alone for a few minutes just to push my comfort zone. I walk around a bit, observe, then when I get bored I start leaving. As I am walking by the girls' toilets I happen to be at the right place, right time to overhear a girl telling her friend that I look very handsome. Her being very cute. I almost didnt' react in time, but I turn around, grab her and pull her to come close to me. She comes, seems very self conscious that I heard that and we talk for 1 min, then I kiss her. Talk some more then I see that she is looking behind me and I could guess that the friends are waiting for her so I take the easy way out of going for her number. She happily agrees, gives me the number, calls herself and checks her phone to make sure that she got it (very good). But then I realize that the friends thing wasn't anything serious, one of her friends came over to check the situation and from her reactions she would really leave us alone no problem. But I had already said that I will grab her number and leave so I couldn't decide what to do. NOt having been in that situation I couldn't think fast enough and played it safe and left. Which takes us back to the idiot thing, now that I thought of all the facts, she was hooked and invested if I had persisted just a little bit more I could have even pulled her. I guess I'll never know now... I wish the number substantiates but I don't have my hopes up due to the flaky nature of club numbers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Not much to report, went out on Friday and only got rejections, then yesterday I went out to shop thinking that I could try a daygame approach. Disappointingly I din't warm up effectively enough to do it. I asked for some directions and complemented 2 girls on their fashion and I could feel more social already but didn't make it past that stage.
I have realized that my emotions and general mood are way too dependent on the way girls treat me and especially if I have a date scheduled on for the week or if I am getting attention from any girls. This needs to be fixed so to this end I will take one week break from even texting a girl and just work out, read and work on my project. Just to keep pushing my comfort zone I will go out alone on Friday something that is super hard for me and see what I can get out of it, maybe just try and be social with everyone


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Been away for a while to focus on reading and work, also down with tonsilitis for a week so yesterday I went out after about 2 weeks! It was better than I expected after all this time off, first as I was walking in the club a girl spilled some drink on her hand and proceeded to wipe it on my shirt (wtf). I turned around and called her out she was quite hot so I teased her a lot. I told her that I am from south africa and that I have a pet lion (to amp my own state) then at some point she told me that she is engaged and her boyfriend was in there plus she was acting drunk so I just bounced. Then we were joking with my wing about lifting a small girl and moving her to another place in the venue and I asked her how much she weighs because I want to pick her up and steal her which she took for a compliment and kept thanking me. Then I saw a couple making out and a single friend sitting by them in her phone which I thought was a great opportunity so I pushed hard myself to cross all the distance and I just went to her. Just said Hi and introduced myself, she told me it was nice to meet me and went back to her phone, I jokingly asked if she usually comes to bars to play with her phone and then a friend came in and told me that she has a boyfriend. I didn't want to persist anymore, so I told the friend that she ruined everything while we were about to get married and I fucked off. I also chatted with a girl while waiting at the bar to order and she seemed interested but there was a huge gap in communication so I just dropped it. Last proper approach, I was alone in the club walking about and I saw two girls sitting in a table far from each other and one was on her phone so I went to the other one and chat her up. She told me that she was alone (bells started ringing in my head upon hearing this) but then I found out she meant that her friends were downstairs. So after a couple of minutes of trying to hear what I was saying she told me that it was nice to meet me and she went back to find the friends.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Super fun night yesterday. I got the closest to being in state up until now and there were moments that I just felt one with the environment and pure good emotions.

Started the night with the goal to do 3 openers by asking for compliance but ended up doing about 10 in total.

First girl I am wasting time, so my wing pushes me and I just go and give her my hand she takes it and I bounce.

Then I compliment a couple of girls on their look.

Then I go to a dancing girl, high five her, pull her close and start telling random bs to her but her friend comes in aggressively and drags her away.

After that I start feeling better and better, I half ass open a girl who is standing besides by gently taking her hand asking her a couple of questions and then I didn't even see the signals that she was ready, basically I ran out of things to say so I just kissed her and she rolled with it. It was 3 weeks since I kissed a girl so that amps my state incredibly (it shouldn't but I am working on it). She goes to buy a drink so I ditch her and go approach more.

My wing is dancing with 2 girls so I go in and pull the one close to me, asian chick and almost kissed her but I wasn't too sure about it ended up not kissing her lol.

Then a girl is walking towards me and she is eyeing me strong, I extend my hand which she half-takes and then I realize the dude in front of her was her boyfriend. I told him I am sorry (shouldn't) and then to make up for that I gesture her to call me and wink at her which she found hilarious.

Lastly in another floor I see a girl who is making strong eye contact and smiles, I instinctively pull her close and tell her that we are married now, she is all smiles and asks if i remember her and then I realize that we went on Tinder date but she was boring as fuck and I ended it early. Somehow in a period of 6 weeks she managed to put on massive weight and get shorter (...) but she has a very beautiful face so... Anyway I tell her that I am not sure if I remember her and I playfully kiss her lightly to refresh my memory then I was like "Oh I remember now you are.." Her friends appear and they are dragging her downstairs so I tell her that she can go and that I will see her later. Have some more fun, see her later in the night and stare at her super seductively and sexy smiling and she is loving it. I decide to not engage her then to demonstrate abundance. Then even later I look for her but didn't find her, as we were about to leave I see her walking towards me alone, great timing. She didn't see me but I reached to her and drag her to me and start making out. I keep telling her obnoxious shit and then I tell her that she is going home with me and she had a puzzled look on her face haha then I laughed it off and left. Maybe if I stayed there and aggressively made out with her I could make her horny enough to pull but it was so late that I didn't even consider that possibility.

Some rejections or girls ignoring me in between but are not listed here. Basically after getting "in state" I didn't care AT ALL about rejections it was quite liberating.

I think what did the trick for a great night is that I was trying to amp my own state constantly, even before getting in the club I was only trying to make myself laugh. Probably the goal setting helped as well will keep that up.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Got a chance to practice moving yesterday.

A few rejections, then as I was talking with my wing I see a hot girl behind his back that is sipping her drink while her 2 friends are aggressively making out. I own that shit and extend her my hand over my wing's shoulder, she hesitates and I motion towards the hand.
She takes it, I forcefully pull her in . She is latina and cant’ speak English for shit. I remain physical, spin her, try to dance tango with her which all make my state go up and up. I try to kiss her and she tells me that I am very nice but she has a boyfriend back home. I tell her to come with me outside for 2 mins to talk and she goes to tell her sister who looks at me laughing, then she tells me that they will go to the toilet first and that I should wait there. I tell her that she can go but I may or not be there when she comes back and I keep giving her obnoxiously seductive eye contact. She kept looking at her sister they were both like wtf is he doing but they were either attracted or found it funny. Then I let her go and decide to bounce and reengage her later. I find her later, I get her outside to practice pulling, I keep holding her hand and the way out seems like an eternity, good practice. Outside she busts a couple of cigarettes we try to chat for a bit, she mentions the boyfriend again and I bring her back in and release her into the sister.

Then interesting thing happens, a Dutch chick opened me asking If I like it there. First time that a sober girl opens me, I was excited with that. She was tall blonde with an average face. Reflexes kick in and I am on her face and holding her waist, tell her to come outside for 2 minutes to practice moving and pulling and she complies.
As soon as we go outside I turn the conversation too logical, but she was not holding eye contacts and she seemed to go through the motions socially. Then I start realizing that she was just social because she went to 4-5 random strangers to ask for a smoke. Then I bring her back in again before I fuck off.

I realize more and more that it's far harder to actually stick around and talk and seduce a girl than go for an instant make out.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Trying to implement meeting chicks in my day activities has failed miserably. Despite my progress in nightgame I can't even approach at day, much less progress. I failed 2/3 of the goals that I set of Chase's ebook. It's true that I am putting too much pressure on myself and then when I fail I feel like shit. Also for some reason both days my mood was quite bad which is unacceptable I need to find the roots of having mood fluctuations for no apparent reason and correct it. It will probably take me years to overcome AA but slow and steady seems to be the way for me, can't picture myself being an approach machine.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
I realize that posts like the previous one don't offer anything so I am gonna try and keep the journal positive.

On that note, I felt great today because I pushed myself to do an apporach in broad daylight ( definitely the first that I do on my own ). And it went very well, super smooth and easy actually.

I had a class on campus (actually about presentation and public speaking which included exercises like mixing and talking with random students so I was quite warmed up). After that I decided that I am not allowing myself to go home unless I do one approach. Typically, I walked around in circles for about 15 min, initially not finding any attractive girls and then when I found them I started making excuses. Looking at the clock it came to me that I am literally wasting time so I should just do it and go about my day. As I walk I see a cute girl with purple hair and I thought there it is, even the opener is ready if I don't do it now I am never gonna do it. She is walking towards me with headphones on so the difficulty is getting higher. I make eye contact before we get too close and I extend my hand to stop and yell
Me: " YOU, Hi just 2 minutes"
And what do you know, she stops, smiles and takes her headphones off. Game on.
Me: "Your hair looks adorable I wanted to say hi. I'm sakbishop, nice to meet you.
Her: all smiles "Oh thank you I am XXXX nice to meet you too"
Me: " Is that name from the North or the South?"
Her " The North blah blah"
Me: Looking at the hair "So is it something that you always wanted and then you just woke up one day and decided fuck it I am doing this?"
Her: "No I've had it for a long time blah blah"

Then I find out that she is a student, we connect about science and then tease her a bit. Then I ask her what time is her class (Mistake, she could tell that I am trying to see how much time we have) and I saw a 20 min insta-date window so I tell her that we are going for a 20 min get to know each other coffee. She hesitated for 2 seconds (which meant that I could have pulled it off differently) and then she told me that she was going there early to finish a paper that she had. I persist once more , I tell her that while she drinks the coffee I will take the paper and write the first 500 words that come to my head. She wasn't a big fan of the idea, so I chatted some more with her, found out that she didn't remember my name and told her that we are done and pretended to leave. Then she told something in defense so we went on. Then while she was laughing :

Me: "I should grab your number so we can meet some other time. "
Her: Immediately without hesitation" Add me on facebook because I have a broken phone.
Me : Even though she looked really sincere, I laughed, paused intently and tell her " Do you think it's the first time I hear that excuse?"
Her: " Nooo really look I am listening to music through my iPod I don't have a phone right now."
Me: "Haha alright we'll do FB, what's your last name?
Her: " blah blah"
Me: "OK I will add you. It was nice to meet you"
She leaves off in a super fast pace which makes me think that she actually had shit to do and she was just giving me her time. Not bad for a first daygame try I'd say. During the weekend I'll aim to do 3, it's been ages since i have been on a proper date.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
I must be an uncalibrated idiot haha the daygame girl didn't even respond to my facebook request and I thought she was hooked lol.

Anyways, Thursdays seem to be consistently killer nights, probably because of the venue. If I get a few more nights like this I believe I will have a breakthrough in my game, if I haven't had one already. All in all I heavily made out with 2 chicks, kissed one lightly just because it was late and I had to leave, and grinded with 2 more who with some persistence would be open to making out. Throw about 10 rejections in there and you have the recipe for a fun night out.

It was super interesting that initially I only got rejections but still my state was getting better instead of worse. Then I made eye contact with a girl across me, pointed at her and high fived her to which she seemed indifferent but complied. BUT, when I forcefully pulled her in after the high five her expression gave away everything, she might as well have said "Oh my god no one does that I am attracted now". So I went for an instant make out. We kept going on and off and dancing and we connected well, she introduced me to the friends (one friend must have been on drugs and she was looking at me as if I was the devil or something haha). Then I moved her to another floor, then we went back to the friends I went to get a water from the bar. When I went to find her again she still looked happy to see me, however somehow she ended up dancing with one of her male friends from the group. I was very unprepared for that I wasn't sure if the guy was hitting her or what, then that guy came next to me and started dancing with m, I was confused if it was a tactic to steal the girl or not. Anyway, her attention had been withdrawn from me so I decided to leave and reopen her later.

Went downstairs, tried to pull one middle eastern chick to dance with me but she was laughingly rejecting me, then I just pull one of her friends and she complies and starts grinding on me lol. We go at it for a while, I try to kiss her twice but she is shy and I literally didn't give a shit about it (she gets more and more attracted after that) and then the Alpha female of the group decides that I am a dick and drags them all away...

My state is super high, I just move to another area and go in dancing with 2 girls that I wasn't even attracted to, however one seemed really pleased by my presence so I decided fuck it, I started escalating on her and then kissed her. Upon closer inspection she was cuter than I thought but she was a very aggressive kisser which was repulsive. Then I made it a point to grab massive preselection and made sure that the chick that I made out initially sees me with the new one. However I think I overplayed my hand and burned it because as I was holding the new girl I extended my hand to the previous one and waved her hi. She looked confused and then I think she just autorejected instead of getting more attracted because when I tried to reopen her later I didn't have her attention. Oh well...

Then I realize it’s so late but still I had the hunger to use my state and approach more (loved that feeling usually I am content after some success, yesterday I just wanted more). So as we walk towards the exit I stop to dance with these 2 girls, get one of them to grind on me. My friend reminds me that we have to bounce so I tell her that I need to leave so I will just give her a goodbye kiss and she literally looked disappointed after she kissed me.

Went home feeling like a fucking king. Strange because I haven’t had sex in 2 months lol.
I think I have to go through that validation seeking making out phase before I focus on building rapport and trying to pull I am just having too much fun doing it plus I have many years of lost experiences to make up for…


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
I don't have time for a detailed report but briefly:

Amazing house party yesterday, typically me and my wing were possibly the only sober people in the venue.
Had 3-4 rejections, hooked a girl but didn't move things forward because she was drugged. Finally I kissed a hottie with limited attention span who was also getting hit on by 2 other dudes in her group throughout the night. Also stayed alone dancing very comfortable with myself for most of the night which is huge progress, it's getting easier and easier being out alone.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Yesterday we couldn't go to our usual Thursday venue and we ended up in another shitty club so my mood was bad due to that. Still, I pushed myself throughout the night and had many interactions, even though nothing was clicking and I couldn't hook anyone. Still progress, I took action when a few months ago in a similar situation I would excuse myself from approaching due to feeling bad.

Got a huge IOI at the beginning of the night as I was walking by a girl but my reflexes were too poor at the moment to react unfortunately. Then on the dancefloor I started making excuses and thought fuck it let's do it. I was mainly being physical grabbing girls close by and pulling them to dance but my state wasn't high so couldn't pull it off. Only rejections, apart from a girl that I high fived, pulled her in and she told me that she has a boyfriend and that I should talk to her friend who's single (the friend was nasty of course). Interesting thing is that 2 girls opened me and two positioned themselves in a way that they might as well have opened me. Still couldn't get anything out of them. It's very hard to act like you are the shit when you feel the exact opposite...

Saturday or Sunday is time for some beginner's daygame...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Posting again after quite some time, had to modify my exercise schedule and my nutrition this week so I spent a lot of time on that. Didn't go out at all on Thursday or Friday but come Saturday I thought fuck it I can't stay in for third night in a row so I just went to a singles meetup event. Even though I didn't get any results I pushed myself and expanded my comfort zone.

I'll just document one interaction which was very promising but somehow I managed to fuck it up.

As I was talking with a British and a Spanish guy, a blonde British chick opens me and introduces 2 other of her friends to us. I start gaming her and got her hooked immediately, then she brings her friend into the conversation who was far more attractive.

I start focusing on the friend who was 27 and exactly my type. Then their guy friend interrupts me loudly to compliment my beard, angry for interrupting me I mocked him a bit and the girls are laughing at him. Too reactive but couldn’t help it. Then I focus on the teacher again and I start getting attraction she has good eye contact, laughs frequently but I think I am overgaming her I am being too funny. I tell her that I like her style and ask her why she is so dressed up and she says that she is single so just getting of the house calls for good clothing. Asks me if I am single and I didn’t answer just making weird facial expressions and she was like ohh you are not don’t lie. I ask her if she is looking to fill the opening but she doesn’t receive that very well.

I am touching her and she is touching back, she pushes my chest playfully which if I had good reflexes should have taken as high point to number close and move. Instead I continue rambling about things but I believe she starts getting bored (maybe missed an escalation window). Then I go to get a water from the bar and I tell her to come with me and she is like no I am good here come back and find me.No idea how to recover from the failed compliance.

Then when I get the water a guy that I met earlier introduces me to these 2 guys, I decide to stick around with them for a bit to get some social proof. Then the previous girls come right next to us to the bar (coincidence?) and get their party drinks and fuck off.
After I finish with the guys I go back in, but I don’t go straight to her, instead I go to some guys that I met earlier and meet a cool positive dude who I indirectly tried to bait for game but he wasn’t biting.

I wanted to talk to the girl but a guy is speaking with her, then my new black friend is speaking with her, finally when I get a chance I tell her something about her drink but she is giving me a cold reception. I start talking to her friend instead who is drunk and quite receptive. Then at some point they start leaving and I stop her, she hangs around to talk to me which If I wasn’t an idiot I should have taken as a sign of some leftover interest and push.

I asked her where they are going and she is like I don’t know. I tell her that I am getting some people to go to a club and that she should join. Then she tells me that they are going to a place called hoop or something, not sure if she was trying to get me to go with them. But then immediately she kisses me on the cheek and starts leaving. I tell her that that’s very European and just keep eye contact, she hangs around for 2 seconds looking back and then just leaves. I believe I fucked it up twice, earlier and just when they left but even though I know I did a mistake I am not sure of the right move...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Had a good nightgame session, with physical openers, a quick makeout, few mild rejections and then I insta-pulled a girl but fucked it up I will post a Field report soon


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
I am keeping an exruciatingly detailed journal in my PC now that wouldn't serve for the boards so I'll just throw the results here to keep easier track of the progress.
I am getting better and actually a bit addicted to nightgame. Even a few weeks earlier I was anxious and scared before going out and now I want go get out there and see what I can pull off. Love the feeling of taking action and slowly but steadily killing approach anxiety. I am also unlocking the secret to seductive eye contact and initiating approach invitations. Plenty of times in the past weeks I have stared at girls as they walk by and they smile at me. What I need to do is focus on opening the really hot girls that intimidate me.

I went out on Thursday, I hard stopped a girl, separated her from the friends made out with her, moved her in the bar but then she fucked off. Then I made out with a really hot girl that I was super physically attracted to (so was she) but I tried to pull too early and too direct and it didn't go. I got her number and I never expected she'd reply but she did so I might get her out on a date. Then as I was about to leave a fat chick opened me, I stopped and hugged her and her friend but I liked the friend a bit so I danced with her and then kissed her and the fat chick must have been angry with her and left lol.

Then yesterday we went bar hopping here and there. I saw a hot girl that I had made out with in the past but I chickened out of approaching her because I wasn't warmed up and she was in a seemingly cool social group so I didn't feel it would go well. Limiting belief but can't change it now. In the same bar a chick came and started dancing with me but I wasn't attracted to her and she could tell and left disappointed. Towards the end of the night I was super in my head but I made eye contact with a girl who was walking by and she kept looking so I grabbed her arm and stopped her but a dude was trying to pass through at the time and ruined it. Then I figured fuck it but my wing pushed me to go after her. I did, hugged her and started dancing with her right off the bat but she was on some kind of drug so it didn't go anywhere.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Had an interesting night yesterday, hooked a girl on the dancefloor and just dominantly dragged her out to talk, it was quite eye opening how easy it is to do if you just assume she wants to follow you. Talked for a bit, grabbed her number and asked her if she can ditch her friends later. In the end it didn't go anywhere but I feel like I am getting there, a proper nightgame pull is getting closer


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 9, 2016
Let us know when you make that night game pull!
I actually felt like trying going out at night more, although I don't really go to "clubs"

Def sounds like you're about to breakthrough.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
Ergon my man, I haven't posted in ages since I keep a journal now, I still haven't pulled from nightgame but I am now going out regularly again and dont' let the lack of success get to me. Went through a period when I didn't go out consistently and seemed like I forgot everything I learnt by not going out for 3 weeks. Truth be told nightgame is a difficult beast to tame, but it is also fucking exciting, that's why I keep going. I have had all sort of funny things happening lately. Like yesterday a girl came up to me and tried to make out with me, when I didn't give in she left and reapproached me another 3 times during the night.
My sticking point right now is having nights when everything seems to flow well and nights when nothing is clicking so I am trying to identify a process that works for me so I can implement it religiously everytime.
Anyway, if you are intrigued by club game, FIND A WINGMAN and go out, push each other and fun things will happen.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
I had a really interesting thing happen yesterday that I want to document. We were in a bar with my wing, 2 girls standing beside us dancing. I extend my hand to one of them, keep good eye contact, she doesn't take it. I put pressure on her to take it, she makes a blocking gesture with her hand and tells me that she has a boyfriend.

To that, I back off and tell her are you allowed to say hi to me at least? I just introduce myself, she offers her name back and we just started talking really flowing and she had her arms on my chest almost immediately. I started seeing all the attraction signals and I am like "You don't really have a boyfriend do you" and she admitted not. We were making out 2 minutes in the interaction and she was really into it. She was with just one friend which she couldn't leave alone so I took her number and left.

I am perplexed as to why she initially blocked me and then was all over me. Just made me think that I've had several physical open rejections recently and maybe they could have led somewhere. Maybe it's putting too much pressure on the girl? or it was just the one strange incident I don't know ...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
I can't believe it's been 2 full years since I last wrote here. I hope the forum is still active as it was.

In this time I have finally pulled from nightgame, several times. I have slept with some wonderful girls that I would have never met. For this I am so grateful I couldn't even describe, to Chase, to other game resources and to the pickup gods lol.

I want to write here because I am trying to start a new habit. That is consistent daygame. Nightgame has given too little in return for the amount of time and energy it has taken. It's not that compatible with my schedule anymore and I was also disappointed by getting one-night-standed by some girls I pulled at nighttime. It's the nature of the beast.

To this end, I have made daygame my #1 priority and have aligned my whole schedule to supporting myself emotionally to do daygame. I have finally felt the need to experience true abundance, because in the past month I have lost 2 girls that I really really liked and that has been quite painful. The pain shows that my lifestyle sucks and that I am still in massive scarcity when it comes to women.

As always, the thing that holds me back is the self-invented prison that is called approach anxiety. After consistently experimenting with talking to strangers warming up etc, I have glimpses where I can get in the mood to approach girls in the daytime. The problem is that all the stars need to be aligned for this to happen. Typically, in day to day life, I am in my head and either in a bad mood or tired. The worst part is, I am 100% convinced in my ability to open very attractive girls and have it well received. I know I am an attractive guy. When I think about it like this I feel insane that I don't open every single hot girl I see. Then I get out in the field and my mind and body do a 180 degree turn and refuse to be proactive...

Enough with the negativity though. I have made the decision and I will solve this problem no matter how long it takes. I am sure that eventually the pain will reach the threshold when change will be necessary. I will probably post either a weekly sum up, or noteworthy interactions.

Up to now, what has felt really good, was :

I complimented a gorgeous girl who was carrying a suitcase and she even touched my arm and said thank you enthusiastically. Even though it felt liberatingly freeing to be so honest and confident, I simultaneously didn't have the reflexes to transition to a conversation and instead I bid her good day and bounced. Cringeworthy.

The second was a direct street stop, lovely blonde girl, told her that she looked really lovely and I want to meet her. It was smooth and well received. Talked to her for less than a minute until she said that she can't because she has a boyfriend but it was cool that I talked to her.

Hopefully more blonde girls to come


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
There is no progress to report in my daygame habit. My major issue is that at times during the day (when I am not out) I will feel massively inspired to do game and in touch with my higher thinking self.

Then, when I am out, I will very often feel like shit, anti-social and afraid. Just yesterday I had the perfect opportunity to stop a wonderful girl that was walking towards me and I actually ALMOST did it, I was ready to stop her and then in the last second something froze in me and I chickened out. Pathetic.

I am not using this as an excuse. I am describing the problem and I am actively trying to find a way to tackle it. I will not give up on this. I will crack this no matter how long it takes.

Things I will try this week:

-- Completely give up masturbation until I have laid a new girl
-- Fire under the ass method - Train myself to approach quickly withing 5 minutes of going out. Failing to do that, prohibit myself to approach, therefore wasting the day and linking massive pain to not approaching quickly
-- Practice getting hornier and being more in tune with my sexuality while out, as per the Chase article