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LR  The Strawberry Princess


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019

It’s about 10:00 pm on Saturday and I’m feeling dazed.

The feeling where your eyes just can’t focus, the feeling where the mind tends to wander.

Friday night was a rather poor outing. Negative emotions crept in before I swatted them away with the stick of fruition. In actuality, I had some decent approaches but just didn’t weave together the seductive threads, so I went home cold and alone.

Such is the life in the street nightgame world of pandemic times. Each opportunity must be maximized because they are nary. In order to maximize these chances, the self must be maximized. A prepared, ever-improving self.

I get some thoughts down, meander through a phone call with my parents, and ready myself to take on impending girly puzzles. The weather is a little chilly, but it’s a Saturday night in a horny college town. House parties, dorm parties – these are around. Which means so will be hot girls.

Per usual, I’m out late because my grip of time is either immaculately relaxed or woefully incompetent. A couple more minutes were indeed spent on deciding whether that new white parka was too rakish or not, and I decided it was. We went back to our number one chilly weather attire: dark green bomber jacket, white undershirt with green accents, slim-fitting bleached jeans, white Air Force 1s, silver necklace, and silver bracelet.

1:15 am is when I step foot outside. From my late-night hours spent wandering around the areas surrounding the campus, I’ve observed that I’ll catch occasional passerby until a little after 2:00 am on both Fridays and Saturdays. It’s not high-volume game, but it’s something to work with, and I just try to fuck every girl I approach anyway.

All you need is one.

I’ve been testing a new post-up spot with better walking logistics, but it hasn’t worked out well so far. The traffic just simply hasn’t been there. What is there right now is an ambulance. So that location is skipped tonight.

Onto my favorite bench outside of an apartment complex, which is also en route to other apartment complexes. A casual resting place, say, for someone waiting for a ride or something like that.

As I’m getting there, a two-set appears behind me. I can hear their voices. There’s a decision to make now. Do I slow my walk and generate a casual encounter?

No, because I don’t have much time tonight. That is a low-probability move especially as I am walking in the opposite direction of my apartment.

I’m looking to take a lone wolf into my bed tonight.

Soon enough, I get to the bench. Propping up on my phone, doing breathing exercises. It’s a while before I get any chances.

Eventually, a MMMMF set comes my way. The girl is walking a bit behind the others, so it’s fairly ambiguous whether or not she’s a member of their party. Her bouncing blonde hair and leather pants tell me that this ambiguity is enough.

The guys pass, giving me head nods.

Girl nears, I wait to feel the eye contact, and I look back up from my phone when I do. If you know me, you’ll know that I’ve worked on stopping moving targets with attention-grab openers. I’m now testing how to merge these openers with more casual pre-openers for added sprezzatura.
Me: Hey there, how is your night going?
HB: Okay, you?
Me: Wait, hold on. I have a very important question to ask you.
*HB stops a few steps away from me as the guys go into the door of the complex*
HB: What?
Me: Have you ever noticed, like when women go out for the night… that they don’t get the respect that they truly deserve? It’s like all these guys are so pushy… and grabbing… and groping… it’s such a shame those guys treat women only as sexual objects.
HB: Oh… yeah. All the time.
Me: Right? Yeah, glad I’m not crazy for thinking this way. It’s like my friend Jada was at a party tonight… and I wasn’t there with her as usual… and I get a call from her saying that this guy just came up to her and started touching her… so creepy… and he was just harassing and harassing her… it’s like, ew, get away… you know?
HB: Oh yeah.
Me: Yeah… and let me know if you agree with this… it doesn’t even make sense for those guys to act that way… because women don’t want to be groped… they probably just want someone to talk to… someone who wants you for you...
HB: Maybe.
Me: Do you think that’s right then, like would you rather want someone who treats you like a sexual object or a human being?
HB (super teasing and sassy, putting her hands on her hips): Well, what if I don’t want them at all ;)
Me: Hold on… you’re not a serial killer, are you?
HB: No, are you?
Me: Of course not... okay, come sit down for a second then. You have this unique vibe about you and I’d like to hear your thoughts about something else…
HB (sassy): I’ll stand here and listen and then maybe sit down ;)
*HB is totally into it and is trying to hold frame, taking a couple steps closer until she’s about to my knees*
Me: Well you can sit down at any time. So the thing is that this guy who protected my friend Jada… apparently he’s like this super mysterious… and romantic guy… a great conservationist who makes it not about him but about her… and he invited Jada to go check out some of his portraits and maybe dance a little… she asked me what I thought… what would you say?
HB: ;)
HB (sassy): I would sa-
I’m wondering what will come next, when what comes next is a sudden whoosh of a door opening. The body of one of the guys in the group pops out.


Immersion broken. She’s startled, apologizes, and quickly walks over to him. The guy stares, stares me down. I smirk and wave, saying we were just having a fun chat and that she’s really insightful.

I’m already laughing to myself when he slams the door.

It was a good hook. I felt it. Pumps my state.

Then a loooooong time passes before a lone wolf appears. It’s all good, though, because I know what can happen in just an instant. I send myself a pair of texts as a mental tattoo.
3/7, 2:12 AM
To Myself

Me: Feeling good
Me: Let’s get one
As I click send, it’s like magic. Because I sense a girl coming.

Colors flash in the corner of my right eye. My focus is still on my phone, tapping away at nothing.

The sense of a girl transforms into a sense of a girl's eyes. I slowly look to them.

Holy fuck.

Approach and Pull

I say that because here’s what lies in my vision.

Flashy hazel eyes. I don’t know a lot about eyeliner and mascara, but I know this is what a delicate hand can do. Draw out emotion and make things pop.

Straight blonde hair swaying with a highly confident strut. The vivid color providing a compliment to the glow of her skin.

The skin. Her clothing covers only a little.

A white, three-quarter-sleeved, soft-looking top fondles a pair of tantalizingly exposed perky breasts. They are bouncing.

Crop-top style. Her midsection is exposed not only to the brisk wind but also to my gaze. Providing contrast in this picture is the soft-blueness of her super short daisy dukes.

So short that a plush booty is sticking out.

This is not a tall girl. Petite little bad bitch mama style. Expensive-looking white purse with gold buckles confirming.

Let’s call her… HBStrawberryPrincess.

My body language remains loose, but my dick… perhaps a different story. Or just a story for a few minutes later.

“Hey there,” I say. “How is your night going?”

“Not good!!!”

Alright. Now if her response to the pre-opener is either really positive or really negative, then I’ve been thinking about taking it down a different path. Because she probably wants to talk about it.
Me: Hey there. How is your night going?
HBStrawberryPrincess: Not good!!!
Me: Wait, hold on. I have something very important to ask you then.
*HB stops about a step passed me*
HB: Hm?
Me: If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
HB: Like a 1!!!!!!
*HB starts walking again*
Me: Hey, just a second. Let me know if you agree with this.
*HB stops again and turns towards me*
Me: Have you ever noticed… like when you go party or hang with friends… that what you really want… is just to let loose… relax… and hope that all the worries in your life will just drift away? For example, we don’t start our nights thinking, I want to have a 1 out of 10 night tonight!.... no, you probably think, I want to have a 10 out of 10 night tonight!... right?
HB: Yeah, yeah, of course.
Me: So let me know if you also agree with this.
HB: Okay…
Me: Have you ever had those nights… where you think it’s this bad night and nothing’s going right and you’re just like, ugh… so disappointing… but then… suddenly… something interesting happens… and you realize… that the night isn’t over yet… and your night can still get a lot better… very quickly?
HB: Yeah…
Me: Wait, you’re not a serial killer, are you?
HB: No haha.
Me: Okay, good… because that’s how my night is right now too... like it’s not the best night so far… and since your night is also like that… we’re kind of in the same boat here… so come sit down and let’s talk things out together.
Now, I motion with an open-hand to the space next to me on the bench. I always sit at the far edge of the bench to leave space for the girl to sit down.

So I am quite surprised when HBStrawberryPrincess not only comes over to me. But she also ignores my open-handed gesture. And instead tries to sit down right where I’m sitting, pushing my legs to the side with her ass.

I scoot over a little and make room.

“It’s so cold,” she says, with the adorable tinge of a Southern good-girl accent.

“Yeah,” I respond. “It is a little bit chilly out right now… we feel the brisk air brushing against our skin… and the nippiness of the brisk air sends shivers down our spine… but then we realize that there’s a reason why we’re out right now… that we could be inside and warm but we’re looking for so much more… something that other people are too lazy to get… we’re looking for the experiences of a lifetime, you know?”

She looks up at me and smiles. I’m also surprised by what she does next.

“Here, put your arm around me.”

She grabs my left arm, puts it around her shoulder, and snuggles into my chest.


So I have a mental realization that I should escalate the vibe.

I tighten my arm around her, slowly stroking back and forth – sometimes making small little circles with my fingers against her exposed skin - while softly whispering into her ear about my friend Jada. What happened to her, how it’s so unfair that men treat women like sexual objects, about that mysterious guy she’s spending time with right now… dancing and looking at portraits.

The Princess looks up at me. A whiff of her perfume.


Very sweet.

“She’s with him right now?”

“Yeah, seems like they’re having an amazing time… she texted me that he’s a really… really… good kisser…”

She giggles, snuggles her head back into me, and says that I’m warm. I’m not, but I’ll take it.

I’ll especially take it when she grabs my right hand and puts it in between her legs.

Okay, okay. Risk-averse, though. We can be quick and efficient but still risk-averse.

I quickly transition to topics that make us relax. For this guy, it’s dancing and portraits. For me, it’s making music. I actually have some new melodies I’ve been working on, melodies that I’d like to hear someone’s opinion about. She asks to hear them, but they’re only on my computer. I was thinking about going home and having a listen or two.

The horny girl then talks about how she’s so tired and also wants to go home... but “they’re” still at her apartment and she doesn’t want to go back with “them” there.

Okay, okay, I say. We can just hang out for a little while longer. In fact, since it’s so cold out, we could even just grab a quick Uber to my place, relax, talk, listen to music, and warm up.

I feel her nodding against my chest.

Like a racehorse I remove my right hand from between her squished-together legs and whip out my phone to order the Uber. Remembering what happened last time“No cars available.”

Not this time. Two minutes away.

Get ride, get ride, get ride. On its way.

Once I say that our ride is coming, she snatches my hand and phone, shoving it back between her thighs.

This girl is crazy.

Back to my fingers doing pirouettes on her soft skin. Making her warm. Telling her how much warmer she feels next to me. About how she can let go now – everything’s okay and she should push all of the bad stuff that happened tonight out of her mind… only thinking about the good things about to come. She deserves it, after all.

“It’s been such a hard week,” I hear from a space below my chin.

“So that means you really DESERVE what you really want now, right, like lots of fun, an opportunity to free your mind, and lots of… pleasure?”


Not much sex talk right now because she’s ready to go. Just delicate emotional simulators hinting at sexual arousal frames. She expectantly looks up at me a few times, looking for a kiss. Nope, not yet.

2:19 am and the ride gets here. Seven minutes since I texted myself those nice reminders.

I take her hand, leading her to the black Honda across the street. I let her get in first. Once I slide in the backseat, she promptly lays down on me with her head resting on my lap.

I don’t think the driver likes this, but I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

I’d like to put my seatbelt on, though. I sit her up for a second, which she groans about because she just wants to rest on my cock. I swiftly put the seatbelt on. Place my hand on her shoulder – her eyes are sultry and her face gets very, very close, and I allow a quick pleasant kiss. Well, she wants to tongue me a bit. But I pull away and she giggles, plopping back down on my lap.

Tasting the moistness on my lips. A little tinge of strawberry flavor.

I make sure to hold her close and gentle.

She’s a happy girl, and the driver wants no part of me – maybe he’s jealous. So I just relax and delicately caress her on the five-minute ride to my place.

We get there. Out of the car. It’s so cold, she repeats. We’ll be inside soon, I reassure her, with my arm around her pretty body.

Key fob out of my pocket and onto the lock. Inside. She makes a beeline for the nearest door – which is my new roommate’s. Other one, I say. Giggling, her hand thrusts open my door.

Into the room and immediately flops onto my futon.

“I’m sooooooooo cold.”

A moment is used to stare at this odd scene and reflect. Boy, oh boy, this is a crazy one. But she’s hot and about to be fucked, so we roll with it.

I lean over her, hands prancing on her body.

“Well, it is really, really warm… under my covers… probably even warmer than right here... you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Giggles. She asks to be picked up and carried to my bed.

Alright, alright. But only if you ask VERY nicely.



The soft net of my bed catches a beautiful body as I finely place her down. Sensual eye contact. My fingers tracing her face. Make-out.

Now I want to build arousal to the point where she just can’t take it - cue the slow and sensual sex talk.

It happens pretty quickly, and she’s already making girly sounds while I’m kissing her neck. Her hands venture down to remove her super soft white shirt. The Princess won’t take it all the way off, however. She wants me to.

Actually, she wants EVERYTHING to be done for her. Taking off her shirt, bra, daisy-dukes, thong, white sneakers.

She wants to lay down and be pampered. A PPP/OCP mix?

I make sure to let her know how much she deserves this, and how unfair things have been for her, but now she’s going to get everything she’s ever dreamed of.

“Ugh…. I DO deserve this…”

Truthfully, I struggle a bit to take off her short shorts. They are so tight. And I don’t realize there are side zippers? Hidden side zippers on tiny little shorts? We learn new things here every day in seduction world.

Her clothes come off – except for the thong because I still have to tease her a lot. I put her hands on my belt, but she just tugs and smiles, not wanting to use up any of her precious princess energy.

Tons and tons of teasing. Tongue strokes, licking, sensuality. She’s loving it, closing her eyes and letting out waves of sounds. Periodically opening her eyes for some kissing.

Eventually, my hands make their way down to her pussy. Extremely wet. I have her taste my fingers.

“Yes baby I’m so wet for you, just for you… I’m so wet just for you baby.”

I find her clit, and she goes crazy.

Saying oh my god my clit my clit my clit! No guy ever plays with my clit! Thank you thank thank you thank thank you! Please please please please please don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop playing with my clit, please!

So I grab hold of her neck, get really close, and growl into her ear that I’m in control of her body and will play with her however the fuck I want to.

It’s cute to hear the begging in her Southern accent.

“Please rub my clit, please rub my clit, please please please, I’ll do anything for you, please rub my clit, please please please…”

Soon enough, she’s cumming and making staunch proclamations.

Tells me that I’m the best ever. No guy has ever done this to her before. Licking her nipples and rubbing her clit AT THE SAME TIME? No guy, ever. I’m the best ever.

Yeah right, girlie, I haven’t even fucked you yet. But I’m glad she’s having fun. And her body feels amazing. She is a babe. Very nice quality and overall features. Such soft titties and ass… very nice. And all mine.

A good kisser, too. Yet she really just prefers to lay down and be pampered forever. My fingers slide in and out of her mouth, and she’s little bitey and teethy while sucking on them. I don’t make much of it.

Then an odd request.
HB: Do you like to watch porn??!?!?
Me: Uh, porn kind of messes me up mentally… I used to, but I like to live in the moment now.
HB: I really want to watch porn with you. SO BAD. What kind of porn do you like? Can we watch some?
Me: Well, if anything, like, BDSM stuff… submissive… obedient girls… only lesbians… and leashes…
HB: Oh, maybe not that…
Me: Ah. What do you like?
HB: Threesomes, things like that.
Me: Ah.
*I really don’t want to watch porn with a naked girl. I’ve worked so hard to be with real hotties. Why would I relapse on porn while I’m with one…?*
Me: Maybe later.
Judging from some of the chat comments, watching porn with a girl is a big fantasy for some. For me… it’s like an anti-fantasy. A big, big turnoff. Personally, I want to focus on the girl in front of me – not a screen. Plus, I’ve blocked all porn on my primary computer with FocusMe. If I whipped out one of my old laptops to watch some with her, that could open up a big can of worms that I don’t want opened.

She also wants the lights dimmed for the mood. I’m okay with that. Lights dimmed. Turn on my playlist of spacey-sounding instrumentals. Flip on my misting aromatherapy diffuser with tea tree essential oil.

The Princess likes all this.

Time to work towards a little penetration. First, I want my dick sucked some. Without cumming as @Sapphophire recommended. I plan on really teasing her by not cumming. Maybe I’ll cum once at max, I think.

With her still laying down – hardly having moved – I have her mouth open wide and the dick goes inside.

Soft tongue. Staring down at my conquest….


I feel sharp pains on the head of my dick. Every single red alert signal in my body is blaring.

This girl is being a shark my dick. She is teething the head of my dick.


I’m like, stop. Stop. Stop!

She doesn’t get it. I try to get my dick out, but she doesn’t fully open up. It grinds against her teeth.

I don’t understand. I genuinely do not get it. Why was she teething on my cock. She’s sorry, she says. Sorry, baby. But it is just not okay. I calmly-as-possible let her know that I really don’t like to feel her teeth and that I’d prefer if she’d be more careful.

Agreement and begs for more clit stimulation. Of course, I don’t give it to her after that. I get a little bit more aggressive with my talking and hands, but not too much. When I feel like she’s back under my control, I play with her pussy more to her compliments. I keep up the verbals as well, and she puts her finger to my mouth and whispers, "Shh..... listen to my pussy...."

Of course, I take her finger and shove it inside her mouth. Noted about how her vagina sounds turn her on, so I periodically describe what we're hearing.

Alright, now I want my dick sucked. I love blowjobs and they are an absolute must for all of my girls.

I have her lick and kiss it before promising not to use her teeth AT ALL. Okay, baby, she promises.

Back in her mouth.

And she keeps trying to suck on just the head now. Not opening wide enough, I feel more sharp pain again. It feels like this nibbling on my head.

No teeth, I remind. She nods while signaling her apology with some thorough licking.

I give her one more chance.

She fails again. I feel her teeth once more, and she’s really hurting me.

Struggling to get my dick away from her, I try to explain that she is legitimately, legitimately hurting me. Apologies, but it’s very disappointing. Was I spoiled with really good blowjobs before? Does a girl this hot really not know how to suck dick? Weird cognitive dissonance.

I instantly thought of HBWildflower’s unforgettable, passionate deep-throating on this very bed not too long ago. A sigh, and I walk to the bathroom because I think that I’ll just try to fuck her now.

And lo-and-behold one of the scariest sights of my life. The head of my dick is battered. There are splotches where blood has risen to the surface – kind of looking like blood blisters that aren’t raised. My dick is stinging - especially as I urinate.

It’s not bloody externally, just those markings in teeth-like patterns.

What adventure has happened in Lofty World now?

She’s lucky that she’s really hot, or else that would be it. I’m sure some of you would’ve thrown her out after that. Maybe I should have. But I decide to get inside of her because I feel the need to see this through and keep working with her.

Plus, I need more fucking experience. I take the condom out of my pillowcase and am just hard enough to put it on. I’m a little rough with her as I position her in doggystyle - she really does not like to move much. But she does nicely shake her ass for me when requested, though.

I get in, trying to start the Eros Technique. Unfortunately, my dick is really hurting. I am injured. The dick comes out.

She doesn’t care and begs for her clit to be rubbed and made to cum again.

Whatever. I’ll at least play with her body, but she is frustrating me with her attitude. It will be a ONS unless she really improves. Which is weird to say because there was a time not long ago when I’d wank myself off to thoughts of a girl like this.

So I tease her before more fingering. Again, comments about how I’m the best ever. That no guy has ever given her this much pleasure before. Starts calling me Daddy. Says that if I keep going, she’ll squirt all over me and lick it all up.

This girl watches way too much porn.

Also mentions how she wishes we had a vibrator. I don’t… that seems like it would disrupt the close sensuality that I really like. Unless, of course, I tie her up and push her to the edge with a vibrator, not allowing her to cum without my permission.

It’s an image that I paint her way, too, and she likes the description. Maybe I’ll consider buying one in the future.

She cums again after I do some of the triggers learned from the Eros Technique – verbal things, and pulling her hair hard. Those hazel eyes float someplace far away, and the strawberry lip-glossed lips mutter indiscernible sounds.

More compliments to me, but it’s clearly some BS. I know I’m alright-ish with foreplay stuff, but I’m not THAT good. Yet.

Around this time is when she asks if I’d like a threesome.

Well, yes, if it’s a hot girl.

She asks if I know anyone.

It kind of pains me to say no. I explain that "I’ve recently broken up with my ex," so no. The thought of this girl with HBMarina… those two would be quite the pair. They both mentioned liking vibrators as well. It really wasn’t that far away from a reality.

So I just ask if she knows anyone.

She says that she does. I don’t believe it. It’s 4:15 am, and she’s going to call up a girl to come have sex with this guy she met two hours ago?

I probe her a little, and I know she’s fabricating through her teeth. While she says to grab her phone for her and she’ll find someone, there’s just no way. She’s Mach with it. Says that it’s “for me.” Truth is that she wants her pussy licked while getting fucked.

By saying that she knows someone, I think she still believes that I do actually have another girl. Trying to get me to bring someone in that I feel comfortable with for her benefit. At least I think that’s what is going on.

In the end, I sensually explain how much I’d like to focus on just her right now. It’s a frame she enjoys.

We go back to caressing, well, me caressing her. Not much from her still – not really cooperating despite some of my dominant frames. At one point, I slap my dick across her face and tongue, saying how she’s lost the privilege of sucking me for being a disobedient little girl.

This kind of stuff definitely turned her on, but she never really made much of an effort to pleasure me. It was a physical assertion to even have her shift her body.

But I do like how much she enjoys being fingered by me. It’s Mach again. Helping her get what she wants, she learned what she animatedly needed to tell me, probably. While I’ve established full authority to do whatever I want to her body and have her thank me for it, she’s still not willing to make the actual full effort for my pleasure.

The squirting never does come, although I do feel her pussy clench a few times. My verbals and sex talk gambits helped her get there consistently – Mental G-Spot, 8 Orgasms, etc. She didn’t know what erogenous zones were, so that was a fun explanation. I think it was rather novel for her to hear me talking this way.

When it gets around 5:00 am, I go to urinate again. Dick still stinging and reddened. I’ve held off on ejaculating and am contemplating where I should ejaculate on or in her before we slink off into a cuddling slumber.

I see her beautiful body lying on my bed and start stroking my dick, which is having trouble staying erect due to the stinging from whatever she was doing with her chompers.


Wait, are you surprised that’s the end of the sex?

I surely was!

Just as I’m reaching the bed and about to get handsy with her luxurious body, she suddenly jumps up.

“Where’s my phone? Oh my god oh my god oh my god, where’s my phone?”

I try to calm her down while we look for it, but she’s absolutely bawling within about 10 seconds.

We can’t find it in the sheets or within our pile of clothing. Actually, I’d never seen her with it. At least I avoided it for a while longer by discouraging her from looking at it during the weird threesome discussion.

Her clothes start coming back on while she’s insanely freaking out. Her moans were loud, and I don’t care if I woke up my roommate that way. But with an obnoxiously crying girl? Not the best consideration there.

Moreover, I know that I’ll be without my orgasm. Now, I’m not all about my own hedonistic pleasure, but not giving enough attention to my pleasure during the effort of seduction is absolutely ludicrous, and frankly I was just not pleasured enough.

Even if I wanted to see her again despite her horrible sexual efforts, losing her phone with me would eradicate those chances entirely. I’d likely never cum in her mouth nor would she have positive memories of our time together.


With my oddly extensive experience with calming crying girls, I’m able to reason with her enough so that she sits down to figure it out. I have her use the Find My iPhone thing but it needs confirmation from one of her other devices or whatever. I also contact the Uber driver – I see that my Uber rating has dropped from that ride haha – in case her phone fell out while laying on me.

She eventually gets hysterical again. Trying to rush things without any plan or logic. But whatever, she’s her own person and I know I’ve done more for her than most guys would have. Good riddance to her future marriage...

So after I at least am able to help her formulate a plan of action, I take her to my door in my boxers and she storms out, even though I offered more of my help and even a ride to her place, which is a 40-minute walk away. She was just all crazy going on and on about needing her anxiety meds on the back of her phone or something.

I go back into my room thinking whatthefuck.

Then I realize that I let a hot girl take a two-mile walk alone, in the cold, at 5:00 am, in not the best town, while hysterical, not knowing where she is or how to get home.

Fuck me.

I throw back on my clothes and go after her. She’s walking fast in this cold morning air, and I see her down the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. I speedwalk for a moment before realizing that I’ll need to run to catch up with her.

So I get on my most elegant jog and stride after her. Not like a creepy guy. Like a motherfucking gallant stallion.

The daisy-dukes stop and stare when she notices me.

As I slow my pace to my most sexy strut possible, I begin to unzip my green bomber jacket. Gazing into her soul.

When I reach her, I don’t say anything. Instead, all I do is extra-delicately place my jacket over her goosebumped shoulders.

Then I peer into her further while tugging the jacket closed, trapping the warmth.

I couldn’t let my baby walk alone in the cold. And I couldn’t let you do this all on your own, even though I know you could handle it. Let’s find your phone together.”

Tell me… well, I know I didn’t need to do that. And she’s been a bit selfish. But I thought that was the correct thing to do and did it. Wouldn't most girls melt at that?

What does she do?

Turns away and keeps walking.

Needless to say, we don’t talk much while I walk her back.

A couple miles later, we reach the bench where we met. Where she fawned over me. No phone there or where the Uber was.

I grab her damn email just in case the Uber driver responds that he found her phone in the backseat. Which I thought was entirely possible considering how she was sprawled out.

We walk to the entrance of her apartment. She gives me my jacket back. We hug, and she does thank me. Apologizes for not kissing me goodbye. I wish her the best and she walks inside.

Welp. An adventure, that’s for sure,

Since I’m already all the way over here, I reason that I’ll do another quick sweep for her phone. It’d make me feel better at the least, as I do feel sympathetic for her. I know it sucks.

I actually do find an iPhone nearby. It’s completely smashed and even bent. Hoping that’s not it, I put it into my pocket hoping that the dirty glass doesn’t slice my fingers,

I’m back over by my favorite bench – partly reflecting and partly thinking about what flavor donut I’ll get from the local shop as my post-lay celebration. The one with the strawberry frosting and sprinkles, I think.

Disrupting my happpy thought, I see an erratically-driven black sedan swerving to the curb. Parks. Using a lot of brakes.

Out of the driver’s seat emerges a cute blonde wearing a black leather jacket. She smiles and asks how my morning is going. A shorter blonde with a nice ass wearing short floral shorts quickly paces to the front door of this apartment building, but I don’t see her face.

“Oh, it could be better. If I were to say on a scale of 1-10… it wouldn’t be a 10.”

“Yeah, us too.”

“One of those mornings, I guess.”

She’s hot enough and seems cool, but I don’t feel like gaming her right now.

The girl joins the other at the building door.

I end my search for the phone, deciding that it’s time for me to get breakfast and eat it on my porch. Then wash my sheets that I’ve slept with two girls in two weeks in, shower, and go to sleep.

As I walk past the two blondes on my way back, I notice that they’re trying to yank open a locked door. It’s an inefficient task.

The girl in the leather jacket asks me if I live there. I don’t. Then asks if I can please help them open this door because sometimes if you pull hard enough, it’ll open. They really need to get inside.

Oooooookay then.

Maybe I’ll help them out, and who knows what will happen. I have my body and my verbals. Who knows. This girl is cute and the other has a nice booty it seems.

So I’m like whatever, I’ll try one time.

I walk up to the blonde in the leather jacket, who steps aside as I reach for the door handle on the right side.

When she stepped away, it revealed the other blonde in the short floral shorts tugging on the door handle on the left side.

The moment that my fingertips touch the cold metal, my eyes dart to the left to catch the face of this girl.

Ah, what do we have here. Who else could it be? You saw this coming.

It’s the hazel eyes of HBStrawberryPrincess.

I laugh to myself because this is especially hilarious in my exhaustion.

It’s not so funny when she doesn’t acknowledge me. At all.

Like, at all at all.

Won’t even say hello back to me.

I think this girl might be evil.

So yeah. I just tug on the door a few times, but it’s locked, obviously. Locked doors don’t open when you pull the handle.

HBLeatherJacket explains that her roommate lost her phone in there and really needs to get in.

Is that right.

I give her “roommate” a look out of the corner of my eye.

Here we enter a moment of ethics.

Remember, I’ve spent hours sitting on the bench outside of this apartment complex. Gaming girls. Immersing girls. Getting pulls. Heck, even being a witness to an assault.

Now having two street nightgame lays from here.

I know how to get in this building.

After seeing HBAzure not being able to get in – nearly risking my lay – I’ve been observant with how people get in and out. Especially of those side doors.

I’ve seen how those naughty girls and boys without an access card slip into this massive, massive, super expensive complex.

There’s one particular side door that they leave propped open with a water bottle.

Hmmm. Hmmmmmmm. Decisions, decisions.

On one hand we have my inflamed dick and a duplicitous blonde.

On the other we have… morality? Not sure.

Eh, positive impacts I aspire to make.

I tell the girls that I know how to get inside and to follow me. The roommate follows me but HBSP does not. She stays trying to pull open a locked door. Accordingly, I take the moment to chat with her friend.
HBLJ: Thank you so much! She gets crazy like this when stressed out…
Me: Right, yeah, I know… she was freaking out earlier.
HB: Wait, you know her?
Me: Oh, she didn’t tell you…?
HB: Wait…
*Despite the little awkwardness, this girl and I have a vibe. So I just put my arm around her for this next part like a fuckboy and it feels really natural*
Me (devilish grin): I’m the guy.
HB: Wait, oh my god, you slept with her last night?
Me: Yep.
HB: That’s where she was. She didn’t tell me anything.
HB: So… was she any good?
Me: *slight grimace*
HB: Does she need birth control or anything?
Me: No, we used protection.
HB: Okay, good. Sorry about all this. Where do you live?
Me: [place].
HB: So what are you doing all the way over here?
Me: I walked her back and helped look for her phone.
HB: Thank you for doing that!
Me: :)
HB: :)
This girl is cool. I like her. We’re vibing.

Then we reach the secret open door. I pull it open, and she gets all excited. Calls out to HBSP to come over. Once my lay comes to the door, she doesn’t even thank me and walks straight inside. Her friend thanks me again and asks if I want to hang with them while they look for the phone, which apparently was tracked back to this building through Find My iPhone once HBSP returned to her laptop.

I think for a moment and decide whatever. It delays my breakfast, but I’ve slept with one girl and have good social frame with the other.

The two of us go inside while observing HBSP frantically looking for the elevator. I point out that the room she’s trying to get into now says “Electricity Room,” not “Elevator Room.” She huffs and still acts like she doesn’t know me.

I didn’t get it right away, but it’s ASD. I falsely assumed she fully explained the situation to her roommate who’s been kind enough to also help her out, but it seems that she left me entirely out of the story because that would make her feel slutty. Who knows the story she gave?

Also, I slipped up by telling her roommate that we had sex. Even though I didn’t mean anything by it, I shouldn't have done that. There are a lot of nuances there, and I let the cat out of the bag. This was the final confirmation that we’d never see each other again.

We finally reach the elevator, and it seems like HBSP actually knows where she’s going. Pressing the button for the second floor, she looks at her friend and remarks, “It’s in his room.”

She’s like, “Oh.”

I’m like, “What. You’re going to a dude’s room right now?”

A nod.

I respond by pressing the button for the ground floor. Lofty is out.

They leave at their stop with HBStrawberryPrincess stomping out of the elevator. The roommate says bye and thanks me.

Take care.

And the trek for my breakfast restarts. She had also given me her phone number on the walk to her place, so now that she’s probably picked up her phone, I just send a post-lay text for the etiquette knowing that there won’t be a response. I also include my alias because she never even asked. And before she tried to use Find My iPhone on my devices, I didn’t know her name, either.
3/7, 7:08 AM
Hey HBSP, it’s Lofty from last night. Glad I was able to help you two get inside and find your phone. Tbh I felt horrible about your phone after we had such a wonderful time together, so it’s awesome it all worked out. Also I hope you’re not too sore :)
45 minutes later, I’m on my porch. Staring out into the world with a strawberry-flavored donut in my right hand.

The flavor. Indeed quite reminiscent of The Princess’ lip-gloss.

Yet another crazy zany erotic absurd sweet sad ridiculous night in my journey. I’m glad I was able to go stranger-to-bedroom with a girl like her. At the same time, the sugar bouncing around in my mouth is merely a cover-up for the bitter taste underneath.

I realize that there’s a common denominator to the unorthodoxy of my SNL ONS experiences.


These are crazy girls, but time and time again… and even those that were almost lays but not quite… I am the common denominator. It would be blinded of me to think that somehow, someway, I’m just always encountering these crazy girls.

I have instabilities of my own that contribute to this. It’s a constructive realization and something to work on.

Always learning things, working on them, adding new tasty sprinkles along the way.
Last edited:


Feb 3, 2020
I always enjoy your LRs, Lofty! It's been informative to see what elements change and which are fixed across your LRs as well. As well as the analysis of what could have gone different/better/etc.

Great job keeping this momentum especially mid-pandemic!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015

So I have a mental realization that I should escalate the vibe.
You devil, you made me laugh.

Awesome work brother! It's always inspiring to read your conquests and thoughts. I especially love the way you're learning to immerse and pace girls.

Although here you went fishing for a mermaid on got a shark instead... ouch!

Look forwards to seeing more from you :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019

Lol, this cracked me up. Lofty you are killing it, these LRs are not just fun to read but super inspiring too.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019

It’s about 10:00 pm on Saturday and I’m feeling dazed.

The feeling where your eyes just can’t focus, the feeling where the mind tends to wander.

Friday night was a rather poor outing. Negative emotions crept in before I swatted them away with the stick of fruition. In actuality, I had some decent approaches but just didn’t weave together the seductive threads, so I went home cold and alone.

Such is the life in the street nightgame world of pandemic times. Each opportunity must be maximized because they are nary. In order to maximize these chances, the self must be maximized. A prepared, ever-improving self.

I get some thoughts down, meander through a phone call with my parents, and ready myself to take on impending girly puzzles. The weather is a little chilly, but it’s a Saturday night in a horny college town. House parties, dorm parties – these are around. Which means so will be hot girls.

Per usual, I’m out late because my grip of time is either immaculately relaxed or woefully incompetent. A couple more minutes were indeed spent on deciding whether that new white parka was too rakish or not, and I decided it was. We went back to our number one chilly weather attire: dark green bomber jacket, white undershirt with green accents, slim-fitting bleached jeans, white Air Force 1s, silver necklace, and silver bracelet.

1:15 am is when I step foot outside. From my late-night hours spent wandering around the areas surrounding the campus, I’ve observed that I’ll catch occasional passerby until a little after 2:00 am on both Fridays and Saturdays. It’s not high-volume game, but it’s something to work with, and I just try to fuck every girl I approach anyway.

All you need is one.

I’ve been testing a new post-up spot with better walking logistics, but it hasn’t worked out well so far. The traffic just simply hasn’t been there. What is there right now is an ambulance. So that location is skipped tonight.

Onto my favorite bench outside of an apartment complex, which is also en route to other apartment complexes. A casual resting place, say, for someone waiting for a ride or something like that.

As I’m getting there, a two-set appears behind me. I can hear their voices. There’s a decision to make now. Do I slow my walk and generate a casual encounter?

No, because I don’t have much time tonight. That is a low-probability move especially as I am walking in the opposite direction of my apartment.

I’m looking to take a lone wolf into my bed tonight.

Soon enough, I get to the bench. Propping up on my phone, doing breathing exercises. It’s a while before I get any chances.

Eventually, a MMMMF set comes my way. The girl is walking a bit behind the others, so it’s fairly ambiguous whether or not she’s a member of their party. Her bouncing blonde hair and leather pants tell me that this ambiguity is enough.

The guys pass, giving me head nods.

Girl nears, I wait to feel the eye contact, and I look back up from my phone when I do. If you know me, you’ll know that I’ve worked on stopping moving targets with attention-grab openers. I’m now testing how to merge these openers with more casual pre-openers for added sprezzatura.
Me: Hey there, how is your night going?
HB: Okay, you?
Me: Wait, hold on. I have a very important question to ask you.
*HB stops a few steps away from me as the guys go into the door of the complex*
HB: What?
Me: Have you ever noticed, like when women go out for the night… that they don’t get the respect that they truly deserve? It’s like all these guys are so pushy… and grabbing… and groping… it’s such a shame those guys treat women only as sexual objects.
HB: Oh… yeah. All the time.
Me: Right? Yeah, glad I’m not crazy for thinking this way. It’s like my friend Jada was at a party tonight… and I wasn’t there with her as usual… and I get a call from her saying that this guy just came up to her and started touching her… so creepy… and he was just harassing and harassing her… it’s like, ew, get away… you know?
HB: Oh yeah.
Me: Yeah… and let me know if you agree with this… it doesn’t even make sense for those guys to act that way… because women don’t want to be groped… they probably just want someone to talk to… someone who wants you for you...
HB: Maybe.
Me: Do you think that’s right then, like would you rather want someone who treats you like a sexual object or a human being?
HB (super teasing and sassy, putting her hands on her hips): Well, what if I don’t want them at all ;)
Me: Hold on… you’re not a serial killer, are you?
HB: No, are you?
Me: Of course not... okay, come sit down for a second then. You have this unique vibe about you and I’d like to hear your thoughts about something else…
HB (sassy): I’ll stand here and listen and then maybe sit down ;)
*HB is totally into it and is trying to hold frame, taking a couple steps closer until she’s about to my knees*
Me: Well you can sit down at any time. So the thing is that this guy who protected my friend Jada… apparently he’s like this super mysterious… and romantic guy… a great conservationist who makes it not about him but about her… and he invited Jada to go check out some of his portraits and maybe dance a little… she asked me what I thought… what would you say?
HB: ;)
HB (sassy): I would sa-
I’m wondering what will come next, when what comes next is a sudden whoosh of a door opening. The body of one of the guys in the group pops out.


Immersion broken. She’s startled, apologizes, and quickly walks over to him. The guy stares, stares me down. I smirk and wave, saying we were just having a fun chat and that she’s really insightful.

I’m already laughing to myself when he slams the door.

It was a good hook. I felt it. Pumps my state.

Then a loooooong time passes before a lone wolf appears. It’s all good, though, because I know what can happen in just an instant. I send myself a pair of texts as a mental tattoo.

As I click send, it’s like magic. Because I sense a girl coming.

Colors flash in the corner of my right eye. My focus is still on my phone, tapping away at nothing.

The sense of a girl transforms into a sense of a girl's eyes. I slowly look to them.

Holy fuck.

Approach and Pull

I say that because here’s what lies in my vision.

Flashy hazel eyes. I don’t know a lot about eyeliner and mascara, but I know this is what a delicate hand can do. Draw out emotion and make things pop.

Straight blonde hair swaying with a highly confident strut. The vivid color providing a compliment to the glow of her skin.

The skin. Her clothing covers only a little.

A white, three-quarter-sleeved, soft-looking top fondles a pair of tantalizingly exposed perky breasts. They are bouncing.

Crop-top style. Her midsection is exposed not only to the brisk wind but also to my gaze. Providing contrast in this picture is the soft-blueness of her super short daisy dukes.

So short that a plush booty is sticking out.

This is not a tall girl. Petite little bad bitch mama style. Expensive-looking white purse with gold buckles confirming.

Let’s call her… HBStrawberryPrincess.

My body language remains loose, but my dick… perhaps a different story. Or just a story for a few minutes later.

“Hey there,” I say. “How is your night going?”

“Not good!!!”

Alright. Now if her response to the pre-opener is either really positive or really negative, then I’ve been thinking about taking it down a different path. Because she probably wants to talk about it.
Me: Hey there. How is your night going?
HBStrawberryPrincess: Not good!!!
Me: Wait, hold on. I have something very important to ask you then.
*HB stops about a step passed me*
HB: Hm?
Me: If I were to ask you how your night was going on a scale of 1-10, what would you say?
HB: Like a 1!!!!!!
*HB starts walking again*
Me: Hey, just a second. Let me know if you agree with this.
*HB stops again and turns towards me*
Me: Have you ever noticed… like when you go party or hang with friends… that what you really want… is just to let loose… relax… and hope that all the worries in your life will just drift away? For example, we don’t start our nights thinking, I want to have a 1 out of 10 night tonight!.... no, you probably think, I want to have a 10 out of 10 night tonight!... right?
HB: Yeah, yeah, of course.
Me: So let me know if you also agree with this.
HB: Okay…
Me: Have you ever had those nights… where you think it’s this bad night and nothing’s going right and you’re just like, ugh… so disappointing… but then… suddenly… something interesting happens… and you realize… that the night isn’t over yet… and your night can still get a lot better… very quickly?
HB: Yeah…
Me: Wait, you’re not a serial killer, are you?
HB: No haha.
Me: Okay, good… because that’s how my night is right now too... like it’s not the best night so far… and since your night is also like that… we’re kind of in the same boat here… so come sit down and let’s talk things out together.
Now, I motion with an open-hand to the space next to me on the bench. I always sit at the far edge of the bench to leave space for the girl to sit down.

So I am quite surprised when HBStrawberryPrincess not only comes over to me. But she also ignores my open-handed gesture. And instead tries to sit down right where I’m sitting, pushing my legs to the side with her ass.

I scoot over a little and make room.

“It’s so cold,” she says, with the adorable tinge of a Southern good-girl accent.

“Yeah,” I respond. “It is a little bit chilly out right now… we feel the brisk air brushing against our skin… and the nippiness of the brisk air sends shivers down our spine… but then we realize that there’s a reason why we’re out right now… that we could be inside and warm but we’re looking for so much more… something that other people are too lazy to get… we’re looking for the experiences of a lifetime, you know?”

She looks up at me and smiles. I’m also surprised by what she does next.

“Here, put your arm around me.”

She grabs my left arm, puts it around her shoulder, and snuggles into my chest.


So I have a mental realization that I should escalate the vibe.

I tighten my arm around her, slowly stroking back and forth – sometimes making small little circles with my fingers against her exposed skin - while softly whispering into her ear about my friend Jada. What happened to her, how it’s so unfair that men treat women like sexual objects, about that mysterious guy she’s spending time with right now… dancing and looking at portraits.

The Princess looks up at me. A whiff of her perfume.


Very sweet.

“She’s with him right now?”

“Yeah, seems like they’re having an amazing time… she texted me that he’s a really… really… good kisser…”

She giggles, snuggles her head back into me, and says that I’m warm. I’m not, but I’ll take it.

I’ll especially take it when she grabs my right hand and puts it in between her legs.

Okay, okay. Risk-averse, though. We can be quick and efficient but still risk-averse.

I quickly transition to topics that make us relax. For this guy, it’s dancing and portraits. For me, it’s making music. I actually have some new melodies I’ve been working on, melodies that I’d like to hear someone’s opinion about. She asks to hear them, but they’re only on my computer. I was thinking about going home and having a listen or two.

The horny girl then talks about how she’s so tired and also wants to go home.. but “they’re” still at her apartment and she doesn’t want to back with “them” there.

Okay, okay, I say. We can just hang out for a little while longer. In fact, since it’s so cold out, we could even just grab a quick Uber to my place, relax, talk, listen to music, and warm up.

I feel her nodding against my chest.

Like a racehorse I remove my right hand from between her squished-together legs and whip out my phone to order the Uber. Remembering what happened last time… “No cars available.”

Not this time. Two minutes away.

Get ride, get ride, get ride. On its way.

Once I say that our ride is coming, she snatches my hand and phone, shoving it back between her thighs.

This girl is crazy.

Back to my fingers doing pirouettes on her sift skin. Making her warm. Telling her how much warmer she feels next to me. About how she can let go now – everything’s okay and she should push all of the bad stuff that happened tonight out of her mind… only thinking about the good things about to come. She deserves it, after all.

“It’s been such a hard week,” I hear from a space below my chin.

“So that means you really DESERVE what you really want now, right, like lots of fun, an opportunity to free your mind, and lots of… pleasure?”


Not much sex talk right now because she’s ready to go. Just delicate emotional simulators hinting at sexual arousal frames. She expectantly looks up at me a few times, looking for a kiss. Nope, not yet.

2:19 am and the ride gets here. Seven minutes since I texted myself those nice reminders.

I take her hand, leading her to the black Honda across the street. I let her get in first. Once I slide in the backseat, she promptly lays down on me with her head resting on my lap.

I don’t think the driver likes this, but I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

I’d like to put my seatbelt on, though. I sit her up for a second, which she groans about because she just wants to rest on my cock. I swiftly put the seatbelt on. Place my hand on her shoulder – her eyes are sultry and her face gets very, very close, and I allow a quick pleasant kiss. Well, she wants to tongue me a bit. But I pull away and she giggles, plopping back down on my lap.

Tasting the moistness on my lips. A little tinge of strawberry flavor.

I make sure to hold her close and gentle.

She’s a happy girl, and the driver wants no part of me – maybe he’s jealous. So I just relax and delicately caress her on the five-minute ride to my place.

We get there. Out of the car. It’s so cold, she repeats. We’ll be inside soon, I reassure her, with my arm around her pretty body.

Key fob out of my pocket and onto the lock. Inside. She makes a beeline for the nearest door – which is my new roommate’s. Other one, I say. Giggling, her hand thrusts open my door.

Into the room and immediately flops onto my futon.

“I’m sooooooooo cold.”

A moment is used to stare at this odd scene and reflect. Boy, oh boy, this is a crazy one. But she’s hot and about to be fucked, so we roll with it.

I lean over her, hands prancing on her body.

“Well, it is really, really warm… under my covers… probably even warmer than right here.. you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Giggles. She asks to be picked up and carried to my bed.

Alright, alright. But only if you ask VERY nicely.



The soft net of my bed catches a beautiful body as I finely place her down. Sensual eye contact. My fingers tracing her face. Make-out.

Now I want to building arousal to the point where she just can’t take it - cue the slow and sensual sex talk.

It happens pretty quickly, and she’s already making girly sounds while I’m kissing her neck. Her hands venture downn to remove her super soft white shirt. The Princess won’t take it all the way off, however. She wants me to.

Actually, she wants EVERYTHING to be done for her. Taking off her shirt, bra, daisy-dukes, thong, white sneakers.

She wants to lay down and be pampered. A PPP/OCP mix?

I make sure to let her know how much she deserves this, and how unfair things have been for her, but now she’s going to get everything she’s ever dreamed of.

“Ugh…. I DO deserve this…”

Truthfully, I struggle a bit to take off her short shorts. They are so tight. And I don’t realize there are side zippers? Hidden side zippers on tiny little shorts? We learn new things here every day in seduction world.

Her clothes come off – except for the thong because I still have to tease her a lot. I put her hands on my belt, but she just tugs and smiles, not wanting to use up any of her precious princess energy.

Tons and tons of teasing. Tongue strokes, licking, sensuality. She’s loving it, closing her eyes and letting out waves of sounds. Periodically opening her eyes for some kissing.

Eventually, my hands make their way down to her pussy. Extremely wet. I have her taste my fingers.

“Yes baby I’m so wet for you, just for you… I’m so wet just for you baby.”

I find her clit, and she goes crazy.

Saying oh my god my clit my clit my clit! No guy ever plays with my clit! Thank you thank thank you thank thank you! Please please please please please don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop playing with my clit, please!

So I grab hold of her neck, get really close, and growl into her ear that I’m in control of her body and will play with her however the fuck I want to.

It’s cute to her the begging in her Southern accent.

“Please rub my clit, please rub my clit, please please please, I’ll do anything for you, please rub my clit, please please please…”

Soon enough, she’s cumming and making staunch proclamations.

Tells me that I’m the best ever. No guy has ever done this to her before. Licking her nipples and rubbing her clit AT THE SAME TIME? No guy, ever. I’m the best ever.

Yeah right, girlie, I haven’t even fucked you yet. But I’m glad she’s having fun. And her body feels amazing. She is a babe. Very nice quality and overall features. Such soft titties and ass… very nice. And all mine.

A good kisser, too. Yet she really just prefers to lay down and be pampered forever. My fingers slide in and out of her mouth, and she’s little bitey and teethy while sucking on them. I don’t make much of it.

Then an odd request.
HB: Do you like to watch porn??!?!?
Me: Uh, porn kind of messes me up mentally… I used to, but I like to live in the moment now.
HB: I really want to watch porn with you. SO BAD. What kind of porn do you like? Can we watch some?
Me: Well, if anything, like, BDSM stuff… submissive… obedient girls… only lesbians… and leashes…
HB: Oh, maybe not that…
Me: Ah. What do you like?
HB: Threesomes, things like that.
Me: Ah.
*I really don’t want to watch porn with a naked girl. I’ve worked so hard to be with real hotties. Why would I relapse on porn while I’m with one…?*
Me: Maybe later.
Judging from some of the chat comments, watching porn with a girl is a big fantasy for some. For me… it’s like an anti-fantasy. A big, big turnoff. Personally, I want to focus on the girl in front of me – not a screen. Plus, I’ve blocked all porn on my primary computer with FocusMe. If I whipped out one of my old laptops to watch some with her, that could open up a big can of worms that I don’t want opened.

She also wants the lights dimmed for the mood. I’m okay with that. Lights dimmed. Turn on my playlist of spacey-sounding instrumentals. Flip on my misting aromatherapy diffuser with tea tree essential oil.

The Princess likes all this.

Time to work towards a little penetration. First, I want my dick sucked some. Without cumming as @Sapphophire recommended. I plan on really teasing her by not cumming. Maybe I’ll cum once at max, I think.

With her still laying down – hardly having moved – I have her mouth open wide and the dick goes inside.

Soft tongue. Staring down at my conquest….


I feel sharp pains on the head of my dick. Every single red alert signal in my body is blaring.

This girl is being a shark my dick. She is teething the head of my dick.


I’m like, stop. Stop. Stop!

She doesn’t get it. I try to get my dick out, but she doesn’t fully open up. It grinds against her teeth.

I don’t understand. I genuinely do not get it. Why was she teething on my cock. She’s sorry, she says. Sorry, baby. But it is just not okay. I calmly-as-possible let her know that I really don’t like to feel her teeth and that I’d prefer if she’d be more careful.

Agreement and begs for more clit stimulation. Of course, I don’t give it to her after that. I get a little bit more aggressive with my talking and hands, but not too much. When I feel like she’s back under my control, I play with her pussy more to her compliments. I keep up the verbals as well, and she puts her finger to my mouth and whispers, "Shh..... listen to my pussy...."

Of course, I take her finger and shove it inside her mouth. Noted about how her vagina sounds turn her on, so I periodically describe what we're hearing.

Alright, now I want my dick sucked. I love blowjobs and they are an absolute must for all of my girls.

I have her lick and kiss it before promising not to use her teeth AT ALL. Okay, baby, she promises.

Back in her mouth.

And she keeps trying to suck on just the head now. Not opening wide enough, I feel more sharp pain again. It feels like this nibbling on my head.

No teeth, I remind. She nods while signaling her apology with some thorough licking.

I give her one more chance.

She fails again. I feel her teeth once more, and she’s really hurting me.

Struggling to get my dick away from her, I try to explain that she is legitimately, legitimately hurting me. Apologies, but it’s very disappointing. Was I spoiled with really good blowjobs before? Does a girl this hot really not know how to suck dick? Weird cognitive dissonance.

I instantly thought of HBWildflower’s unforgettable, passionate deep-throating on this very bed not too long ago. A sigh, and I walk to the bathroom because I think that I’ll just try to fuck her now.

And lo-and-behold one of the scariest sights of my life. The head of my dick is battered. There are splotches where blood has risen to the surface – kind of looking like blood blisters that aren’t raised. My dick is stinging - especially as I urinate.

It’s not bloody externally, just those markings in teeth-like patterns.

What adventure has happened in Lofty World now?

She’s lucky that she’s really hot, or else that would be it. I’m sure some of you would’ve thrown her out after that. Maybe I should have. But I decide to get inside of her because I feel the need to see this through and keep working with her.

Plus, I need more fucking experience. I take the condom out of my pillowcase and am just hard enough to put it on. I’m a little rough with her as I position her in doggystyle - she really does not like to move much. But she does nicely shake her ass for me when requested, though.

I get in, trying to start the Eros Technique. Unfortunately, my dick is really hurting. I am injured. The dick comes out.

She doesn’t care and begs for her clit to be rubbed and made to cum again.

Whatever. I’ll at least play with her body, but she is frustrating me with her attitude. It will be a ONS unless she really improves. Which is weird to say because there was a time not long ago when I’d wank myself off to thoughts of a girl like this.

So I tease her before more fingering. Again, comments about how I’m the best ever. That no guy has ever given her this much pleasure before. Starts calling me Daddy. Says that if I keep going, she’ll squirt all over me and lick it all up.

This girl watches way too much porn.

Also mentions how she wishes we had a vibrator. I don’t… that seems like it would disrupt the close sensuality that I really like. Unless, of course, I tie her up and push her to the edge with a vibrator, not allowing her to cum without my permission.

It’s an image that I paint her way, too, and she likes the description. Maybe I’ll consider buying one in the future.

She cums again after I do some of the triggers learned from the Eros Technique – verbal things, and pulling her hair hard. Those hazel eyes float someplace far away, and the strawberry lip-glossed lips mutter indiscernible sounds.

More compliments to me, but it’s clearly some BS. I know I’m alright-ish with foreplay stuff, but I’m not THAT good. Yet.

Around this time is when she asks if I’d like a threesome.

Well, yes, if it’s a hot girl.

She asks if I know anyone.

It kind of pains me to say no. I explain that I’ve recently broken up with my ex, so no. The thought of this girl with HBMarina… those two would be quite the pair. They both mentioned liking vibrators as well. It really wasn’t that far away from a reality.

So I just ask if she knows anyone.

She says that she does. I don’t believe it. It’s 4:15 am, and she’s going to call up a girl to come have sex with this guy she met two hours ago?

I probe her a little, and I know she’s fabricating through her teeth. While she says to grab her phone for her and she’ll find someone, there’s just no way. She’s Mach with it. Says that it’s “for me.” Truth is that she wants her pussy licked while getting fucked.

By saying that she knows someone, I think she still believes that I do actually have another girl. Trying to get me to bring someone in that I feel comfortable with for her benefit. At least I think that’s what is going on.

In the end, I sensually explain how much I’d like to focus on just her right now. It’s a frame she enjoys.

We go back to caressing, well, me caressing her. Not much from her still – not really cooperating despite some of my dominate frames. At one point, I slap my dick across her face and tongue, saying how she’s lost the privilege of sucking me for being a disobedient little girl.

This kind of stuff definitely turned her on, but she never really made much of an effort to pleasure me. It was a physical assertion to even have her shift her body.

But I do like how much she enjoys being fingered by me. It’s Mach again. Helping her get what she wants, she learned what she animatedly needed to tell me, probably. While I’ve established full authority to do whatever I want to her body and have her thank me for it, she’s still not willing to make the actual full effort for my pleasure.

The squirting never does come, although I do feel her pussy clench a few times. My verbals and sex talk gambits helped her get there consistently – Mental G-Spot, 8 Orgasms, etc. She didn’t know what erogenous zones were, so that was a fun explanation. I think it was rather novel for her to hear me talking this way.

When it gets around 5:00 am, I go to urinate again. Dick still stinging and reddened. I’ve held off on ejaculating and am contemplating where I should ejaculate on or in her before we slink off into a cuddling slumber.

I see her beautiful body lying on my bed and start stroking my dick, which is having trouble staying erect due to the stinging from whatever she was doing with her chompers.


Wait, are you surprised that’s the end of the sex?

I surely was!

Just as I’m reaching the bed and about to get handsy with her luxurious body, she suddenly jumps up.

“Where’s my phone? Oh my god oh my god oh my god, where’s my phone?”

I try to calm her down while we look for it, but she’s absolutely bawling within about 10 seconds.

We can’t find it in the sheets or within our pile of clothing. Actually, I’d never seen her with it. At least I avoided it for a while longer by discouraging her from looking at it during the weird threesome discussion.

Her clothes start coming back on while she’s insanely freaking out. Her moans were loud, and I don’t care if I woke up my roommate that way. But with an obnoxiously crying girl? Not the best consideration there.

Moreover, I know that I’ll be without my orgasm. Now, I’m not all about my own hedonistic pleasure, but not giving enough attention to my pleasure during the effort of seduction is absolutely ludicrous, and frankly I was just not pleasured enough.

Even if I wanted to see her again despite her horrible sexual efforts, losing her phone with me would eradicate those chances entirely. I’d likely never cum in her mouth nor would she have positive memories of our time together.


With my oddly extensive experience with calming crying girls, I’m able to reason with her enough so that she sits down to figure it out. I have her use the Find My iPhone thing but it needs confirmation from one of her other devices or whatever. I also contact the Uber driver – I see that my Uber rating has dropped from that ride haha – in case her phone fell out while laying on me.

She eventually gets hysterical again. Trying to rush things without any plan or logic. But whatever, she’s her own person and I know I’ve done more for her than most guys would have. Good riddance to her future marriage...

So after I at least am able to help her formulate a plan of action, I take her to my door in my boxers and she storms out, even though I offered more of my help and even a ride to her place, which is a 40-minute walk away. She was just all crazy hoing on and on about needing her anxiety meds on the back of her phone or something.

I go back into my room thinking whatthefuck.

Then I realize that I let a hot girl take a two-mile walk alone, in the cold, at 5:00 am, in not the best town, while hysterical, not knowing where she is or how to get home.

Fuck me.

I throw back on my clothes and go after her. She’s walking fast in this cold morning air, and I see her down the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. I speedwalk for a moment before realizing that I’ll need to run to catch up with her.

So I get on my most elegant jog and stride after her. Not like a creepy guy. Like a motherfucking gallant stallion.

The daisy-dukes stop and stare when she notices me.

As I slow my pace to my most sexy strut possible, I begin to unzip my green bomber jacket. Gazing into her soul.

When I reach her, I don’t say anything. Instead, all I do is extra-delicately place my jacket over her goosebumped shoulders.

Then I peer into her further while tugging the jacket closed, trapping the warmth.

I couldn’t let my baby walk alone in the cold. And I couldn’t let you do this all on your own, even though I know you could handle it. Let’s find your phone together.”

Tell me… well, I know I didn’t need to do that. And she’s been a bit selfish. But I thought that was the correct thing to do and did it. Wouldn't most girls melt at that?

What does she do?

Turns away and keeps walking.

Needless to say, we don’t talk much while I walk her back.

A couple miles later, we reach the bench where we met. Where she fawned over me. No phone there or where the Uber was.

I grab her damn email just in case the Uber driver responds that he found her phone in the backseat. Which I thought was entirely possible considering how she was sprawled out.

We walk to the entrance of her apartment. She gives me my jacket back. We hug, and she does thank me. Apologizes for not kissing me goodbye. I wish her the best and she walks inside.

Welp. An adventure, that’s for sure,

Since I’m already all the way over here, I reason that I’ll do another quick sweep for her phone. It’d make me feel better at the least, as I do feel sympathetic for her. I know it sucks.

I actually do find an iPhone nearby. It’s completely smashed and even bent. Hoping that’s not it, I put it into my pocket hoping that the dirty glass doesn’t slice my fingers,

I’m back over by my favorite bench – partly reflecting and partly thinking about what flavor donut I’ll get from the local shop as my post-lay celebration. The one with the strawberry frosting and sprinkles, I think.

Disrupting my happpy thought, I see an erratically-driven black sedan swerving to the curb. Parks. Using a lot of brakes.

Out of the driver’s seat emerges a cute blonde wearing a black leather jacket. She smiles and asks how my morning is going. A shorter blonde with a nice ass wearing short floral shorts quickly paces to the front door of this apartment building, but I don’t see her face.

“Oh, it could be better. If I were to say on a scale of 1-10… it wouldn’t be a 10.”

“Yeah, us too.”

“One of those mornings, I guess.”

She’s hot enough and seems cool, but I don’t feel like gaming her right now.

The girl joins the other at the building door.

I end my search for the phone, deciding that it’s time for me to get breakfast and eat it on my porch. Then wash my sheets that I’ve slept with two girls in two weeks in, shower, and go to sleep.

As I walk past the two blondes on my way back, I notice that they’re trying to yank open a locked door. It’s an inefficient task.

The girl in the leather jacket asks me if I live there. I don’t. Then asks if I can please help them open this door because sometimes if you pull hard enough, it’ll open. They really need to get inside.

Oooooookay then.

Maybe I’ll help them out, and who knows what will happen. I have my body and my verbals. Who knows. This girl is cute and the other has a nice booty it seems.

So I’m like whatever, I’ll try one time.

I walk up to the blonde in the leather jacket, who steps aside as I reach for the door handle on the right side.

When she stepped away, it revealed the other blonde in the short floral shorts tugging on the door handle on the left side.

The moment that my fingertips touch the cold metal, my eyes dart to the left to catch the face of this girl.

Ah, what do we have here. Who else could it be? You saw this coming.

It’s the hazel eyes of HBStrawberryPrincess.

I laugh to myself because this is especially hilarious in my exhaustion.

It’s not so funny when she doesn’t acknowledge me. At all.

Like, at all at all.

Won’t even say hello back to me.

I think this girl might be evil.

So yeah. I just tug on the door a few times, but it’s locked, obviously. Locked doors don’t open when you pull the handle.

HBLeatherJacket explains that her roommate lost her phone in there and really needs to get in.

Is that right.

I give her “roommate” a look out of the corner of my eye.

Here we enter a moment of ethics.

Remember, I’ve spent hours sitting on the bench outside of this apartment complex. Gaming girls. Immersing girls. Getting pulls. Heck, even being a witness to an assault.

Now having two street nightgame lays from here.

I know how to get in this building.

After seeing HBAzure not being able to get in – nearly risking my lay – I’ve been observant with how people get in and out. Especially of those side doors.

I’ve seen how those naughty girls and boys without an access card slip into this massive, massive, super expensive complex.

There’s one particular side door that they leave propped open with a water bottle.

Hmmm. Hmmmmmmm. Decisions, decisions.

On one hand we have my inflamed dick and a duplicitous blonde.

On the other we have… morality? Not sure.

Eh, positive impacts I aspire to make.

I tell the girls that I know how to get inside and to follow me. The roommate follows me but HBSP does not. She stays trying to pull open a locked door. Accordingly, I take the moment to chat with her friend.
HBLJ: Thank you so much! She gets crazy like this when stressed out…
Me: Right, yeah, I know… she was freaking out earlier.
HB: Wait, you know her?
Me: Oh, she didn’t tell you…?
HB: Wait…
*Despite the little awkwardness, this girl and I have a vibe. So I just put my arm around her for this next part like a fuckboy and it feels really natural*
Me (devilish grin): I’m the guy.
HB: Wait, oh my god, you slept with her last night?
Me: Yep.
HB: That’s where she was. She didn’t tell me anything.
HB: So… was she any good?
Me: *slight grimace*
HB: Does she need birth control or anything?
Me: No, we used protection.
HB: Okay, good. Sorry about all this. Where do you live?
Me: [place].
HB: So what are you doing all the way over here?
Me: I walked her back and helped look for her phone.
HB: Thank you for doing that!
Me: :)
HB: :)
This girl is cool. I like her. We’re vibing.

Then we reach the secret open door. I pull it open, and she gets all excited. Calls out to HBSP to come over. Once my lay comes to the door, she doesn’t even thank me and walks straight inside. Her friend thanks me again and asks if I want to hang with them while they look for the phone, which apparently was tracked back to this building through Find My iPhone once HBSP returned to her laptop.

I think for a moment and decide whatever. It delays my breakfast, but I’ve slept with one girl and have good social frame with the other.

The two of us go inside while observing HBSP frantically looking for the elevator. I point out that the room she’s trying to get into now says “Electricity Room,” not “Elevator Room.” She huffs and still acts like she doesn’t know me.

I didn’t get it right away, but it’s ASD. I falsely assumed she fully explained the situation to her roommate who’s been kind enough to also help her out, but it seems that she left me entirely out of the story because that would make her feel slutty. Who knows the story she gave?

Also, I slipped up by telling her roommate that we had sex. Even though I didn’t mean anything by it, I shouldn't have done that. There are a lot of nuances there, and I let the cat out of the bag. This was the final confirmation that we’d never see each other again.

We finally reach the elevator, and it seems like HBSP actually knows where she’s going. Pressing the button for the second floor, she looks at her friend and remarks, “It’s in his room.”

She’s like, “Oh.”

I’m like, “What. You’re going to a dude’s room right now?”

A nod.

I respond by pressing the button for the ground floor. Lofty is out.

They leave at their stop with HBStrawberryPrincess stomping out of the elevator. The roommate says bye and thanks me.

Take care.

And the trek for my breakfast restarts. She had also given me her phone number on the walk to her place, so now that she’s probably picked up her phone, I just send a post-lay text for the etiquette knowing that there won’t be a response. I also include my alias because she never even asked. And before she tried to use Find My iPhone on my devices, I didn’t know her name, either.

45 minutes later, I’m on my porch. Staring out into the world with a strawberry-flavored donut in my right hand.

The flavor. Indeed quite reminiscent of The Princess’ lip-gloss.

Yet another crazy zany erotic absurd sweet sad ridiculous night in my journey. I’m glad I was able to go stranger-to-bedroom with a girl like her. At the same time, the sugar bouncing around in my mouth is merely a cover-up for the bitter taste underneath.

I realize that there’s a common denominator to the unorthodoxy of my SNL ONS experiences.


These are crazy girls, but time and time again… and even those that were almost lays but not quite… I am the common denominator. It would be blinded of me to think that somehow, someway, I’m just always encountering these crazy girls.

I have instabilities of my own that contribute to this. It’s a constructive realization and something to work on.

Always learning things, working on them, adding new tasty sprinkles along the way.
Great report @Lofty ! Love your approach to hook, it's fucking magic. I fuck up my gambits in person because i have the structure of them and then i just freestyle them in the moment. I'm gonna make some good ones, write them down and practice them in-field until i'm better. Night-life here is totally dead. I have tried doing some late-night street game on friday and saturday nights but they are absolutely empty the streets. So for now i just do daygame.

Agreed about the porn man. I would rather enjoy the moment with her and not get too kinky with alot of shit the first time. Personally i was porn-addicted for a long time and is undergoing rewiring and recovery. If a girl asked to watched porn with me it would be like asking a recovering alcoholic if they shouldn't share a bottle of wine, if you know what i mean.

Congrats on the lay.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2020
Inspiring stuff man.

Your approach to hook ratio is insane bro.I definitely shud try out indirect approach once I master going direct. I always learn something reading ur reports man.

Keep up the good work bro


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Jesus christ lofty you have some of the weirdest adventures ever, I had to stop reading couple of times, cause of the teeth on dick, I never ever experience something like that ever.... About the porn stuff it seems that she's on the freak side which is awesome, though she needs training on the oral, actually I would have looked for a good porn with oral and use the girl on the porn giving oral as a training opportunity for her teething problem, actually one of my girls had some weird type of Gentle teething technique, I coach her to stop that shit and taught her proper technique.... let me illustrate something powerful I do with porn, I sometimes have the girl get involved in a 2 dick fantasy by doing my 2 cocks routine but at times I would put a double penetration porn on the bed in my computer and put her in a position were she can see the screen and I can not and have her verbally describe me what the 2 dudes are doing to the girl like a play by play while I am doing the 2 cock routine and it gives the effect of she having a 3 some with 2 dudes http://www.theskillsmethod.com/unusual-sexual-techniques-using-successfully-2-cocks-routine/


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 27, 2021
My reactions:
1) Complete intoxication with the confidence of your vibe

2) angry about the biting

3) sad and sorry for her psychological dysfunction (grr, why won't she work with the opportunity?)

4) actually, maybe her deal all adds up as Attatchment Disorder, where a person lost or was separated from a parent early on. Anything to do with bonding / oxytocin / sensual closeness puts her into fight or flight, because she associates bonding with the pain of that broken attatchment. AD correlates with all manner of f-ed up outcomes.

5) She had a nice stash of gambits for breaking out of sensual closeness: biting, porn, threesome, lost phone. Threesome request as a way to throw a wrench in a perfectly good hookup, wow, good one hbsp.

6) Maybe the biting is a bit of a predatory thing? Maybe some abuse in her past? That also fits with her not really grasping how she should participate/cooperate (she's used to a fully passive experience, what does that mean?)

7) Actually, her being out alone at that time, without her phone and without telling her roommate, in teeny shorts, sounds like something traumatized people do: they recreate the conditions of the traumatic event. They're hoping to relive it, with a different ending, so they can break out of the memory loop. So, was she re-creating the scene of a rape, but this time biting? Getting back at the bad guy?

8) Maybe someday you'll be able to sexually heal deeply damaged women like this. (Sounds like a huge maybe. No pressure.)

9) Megan. Oh girl. don't be with all those dudes. Tough break.

10) engaging the F of a MMMMF situation. because you're @Lofty. gah, YESSSS! Your boldness 10/10

11) Yeah, why did you end up with crazy HBSP instead of Megan or the cool friend? Interesting thoughts. I tend to think we attract exactly what we need, but I don't have a sense for this one.

12) Total speculation... certain things make sense if she's a sex worker /trafficking victim?

I crossed paths with a trafficked girl once, and she did the same solo night walking with no phone, which normal girls do not do.

Also fits with the whole scene at her apartment place. Is that normal for girls to reconvene at 5 am and say how was your night, and rate it 1-10? And then why didn't they have normal ways of getting in their own building? her friend was like, kcool does she need birth control? SO NOT a normal follow up question, right?

This would also fit with the advanced evasion skills (let's watch porn, have a three-way, etc), and the sketchy goings on at that location (the assault). The "you're the best ever with clit!" sounds like a good strategy with clients.

This girl was deeply brainwashed and wouldn't necessarily have thought she's in a bad situation. Drug dependency was a part of the control over her.

For whatever that might mean... I hope they don't send you a bill

And I wonder if Megan will make another appearance
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
My reactions:
1) Complete intoxication with the confidence of your vibe
2) angry about the biting
Thank you for your empathy! Took all week but my skin is just about healed up now, thankfully.
3) sad and sorry for her psychological dysfunction (grr, why won't she work with the opportunity?)
Yep… we typically draw into personality disorder jargon for “Cluster B” girls like this.
4) actually, maybe her deal all adds up as Attatchment Disorder, where a person lost or was separated from a parent early on. Anything to do with bonding / oxytocin / sensual closeness puts her into fight or flight, because she associates bonding with the pain of that broken attatchment. AD correlates with all manner of f-ed up outcomes.
Very interesting! She mentioned her parents one time while walking her back. Said they we “out of the country” and would be really upset if she lost her “$1500 phone.” I got the impression that her family is rather well-off due to her high-rent apartment, fancy clothes/accessories, and some other clues - maybe she didn’t get a lot of attention when young due to her parents’ careers? Possible.
5) She had a nice stash of gambits for breaking out of sensual closeness: biting, porn, threesome, lost phone. Threesome request as a way to throw a wrench in a perfectly good hookup, wow, good one hbsp.
Haha yeah! She really liked being pampered but had some WEIRD behaviors/fetishes. But who am I to talk about that…
6) Maybe the biting is a bit of a predatory thing? Maybe some abuse in her past? That also fits with her not really grasping how she should participate/cooperate (she's used to a fully passive experience, what does that mean?)
Could be! I don’t think she was being malicious, and I think she was trying to do a good job for me to an extent. So maybe she just had horrible, horrible technique, or thought that it would feel good or something. Maybe she wasn’t as sexually experienced as she seemed, or perhaps a previous partner enjoyed getting his penis nibbled? Yikes.
7) Actually, her being out alone at that time, without her phone and without telling her roommate, in teeny shorts, sounds like something traumatized people do: they recreate the conditions of the traumatic event. They're hoping to relive it, with a different ending, so they can break out of the memory loop. So, was she re-creating the scene of a rape, but this time biting? Getting back at the bad guy?
Very interesting. She definitely was not too afraid of being alone. Many college girls (which she is as well) here will be on their phone/FaceTiming if walking alone late at night. There are definitely exceptions, though, maybe especially with an high-openness girl like her.
8) Maybe someday you'll be able to sexually heal deeply damaged women like this. (Sounds like a huge maybe. No pressure.)
Haha maybe! I’d imagine a girl like that could get really, really invested, so it could be a careful line to walk, but I do always want to leave girls better off than when I found them!
9) Megan. Oh girl. don't be with all those dudes. Tough break.
She was cooooool. Got the sense that the guy who yelled after her was her boyfriend.
10) engaging the F of a MMMMF situation. because you're @Lofty. gah, YESSSS! Your boldness 10/10
Aw shucks. I’m blushing. I’ve had to fend off my fair share of jealous dudes for stuff like this haha.
11) Yeah, why did you end up with crazy HBSP instead of Megan or the cool friend? Interesting thoughts. I tend to think we attract exactly what we need, but I don't have a sense for this one.
I’ve also been wondering why I always tend to end up with crazy girls. Fighting girls, crying girls, girls with cuts on their faces, girls who want to make out in shrubs, etc. Part of that is surely because I’m out late in college world, and crazy people and crazy circumstances tend to come out at these times. The other parts, who knows? I likely contribute to it to some degree. Not going to lie, I do find crazy bad girls very alluring, however.
12) Total speculation... certain things make sense if she's a sex worker /trafficking victim?

I crossed paths with a trafficked girl once, and she did the same solo night walking with no phone, which normal girls do not do.

Also fits with the whole scene at her apartment place. Is that normal for girls to reconvene at 5 am and say how was your night, and rate it 1-10? And then why didn't they have normal ways of getting in their own building? her friend was like, kcool does she need birth control? SO NOT a normal follow up question, right?

This would also fit with the advanced evasion skills (let's watch porn, have a three-way, etc), and the sketchy goings on at that location (the assault). The "you're the best ever with clit!" sounds like a good strategy with clients.

This girl was deeply brainwashed and wouldn't necessarily have thought she's in a bad situation. Drug dependency was a part of the control over her.

For whatever that might mean... I hope they don't send you a bill
I mean, who knows if she’s had a troubled past? Buuuuuuut what I do know is that she’s a college student who lives in a very fancy, very expensive apartment complex. With a nice phone and nice clothing. Probably in one of the more prestigious sororities. Judging from the area code of her phone number, I’d imagine she’s a well-off Southern girl who probably went to a highfalutin private school in one of the big metro areas around here.

I could Instagram stalk her to find out more – and probably see 37 pictures of her in adorable little rompers with a White Claw in hand – but nah, I should probably keep our memories together locked up as is.

Clarification on her apartment – these two did not live at the fancy apartment complex that they were trying to get into, which is also the one I often hang outside of. Call that Apartment 1.

They lived at a different, fancy apartment complex just a couple blocks down the street from there. Call that Apartment 2.

The residents in this area are 99% college students. So because college students party, there are occasional passerby who are either party-hopping or going home late into the night. Hence my COVID-time, street nightgame strategy. Catch these girls on their way somewhere and redirect them into Lofty World. No masks, social circle, or dating apps needed.

My theory on what HBStrawberryPrincess was up to?

I’d guess that she was partying at Apartment 1 with her roommate and their friends. And judging from her final comment about how she realized the lost phone was in “his room,” she may have also been partying with her boyfriend. Something happened - maybe she got a little upset or tired – and decided to take the short walk back home to Apartment 2 by herself. Perhaps sexually frustrated/horny as well.

She’s on her way back when she notices a mysterious guy who appears to be waiting for a ride or something… and the rest of the story is a few posts above. As she said, she was having a rough night and a tough week, so she really deserved to relax. Hoping someone could sweep her off her feet and take care of her Princess-style fantasies. And as seducers, we can help with that.

As such, she had a great time with my attention on her. Haha yeah, she could have been playing me a little with the sexual compliments because she knew how much I liked hearing it, and that it would encourage me to keep going. But maybe not? Maybe I am the best ever?!?!?

But then she lost her phone. Imagine posh sorority girls without their phone… and oh god, Instagram! It’s like imagining peanut butter without jelly. Left without right. The Bible without Jesus.

So she got a little panicked and snapped out of our seductive bubble. On top of that, there are a lot of social pressures on women NOT to be “slutty,” of course. Therefore, acknowledging that she had sex with a stranger while in front of her roommate would be a social faux pas – especially if she did in fact have a boyfriend. The boyfriend and high sex drive/openness concepts are additionally supported by how she fully accepted a one-night-stand after a reasonably enjoyable time for her pre-meltdown.

Like you note, her roommate was not too shocked when learning about our escapade. Seemed like both HBSP and her roommate are fairly comfortable with idea of casual sex overall. In addition, the roommate seemed like the protective, “mother hen” type. Albeit a little strange, it makes some sense that she would gain satisfaction from taking care of cute little promiscuous HBSP wit this in mind. I think that’s how it was working out.

Yeah, I think she was just a horny college girl letting herself go with a bit of seductive help...
And I wonder if Megan will make another appearance
We'll see! She apparently hangs around that area, and so do I. Perhaps fate will have her meet me alone next time. That could get very interesting.

Thanks for the insight, @Sapphophire!
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 27, 2021
and that it would encourage me to keep going. But maybe not? Maybe I am the best ever?!?!?
Haha, let's go with that!

Thanks for being _super cool_ about my imaginative sherlock holmes deep dive. I'm learning so much about myself here, thanks for being friendly.

I guess my entire idea of prostitution comes from the pussy eating shop in Inherent Vice?? Hilarious.

Your account adds up ... except the biting. There is really no excuse. Her bf would have taught her. She ignored your input. Something strange for sure.

The trafficked girl I encountered was kept in a top shelf lifestyle with all the trappings... college setting as well. She was ridiculously hot and fit in as a college girl, though she was a little older. Everything she said that night would have fit with, bad night at her boyfriend's. It wasn't until later that we found out from a solid source that she was in a trafficking situation. I was really shocked it could happen so close to home, and that her brainwashing was so intense.

@Bacchus, amazing. I have so much hope and positivity right now.

Happy gardening, all


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 27, 2021
@Bacchus, I get what you're -not- saying, too. Talking shop with women would be a bad habit for lofty, and that would be a shame. I'll back off.

Lofty, I think I've already said everything I've got that's useful:

1) Listen to the wisdom of your body, and her body
2) Treasure your seed
3) Think bigger than you've ever imagined about her capacity for pleasure, and make space for it

(Note how porn devalues and misleads on all of the above)

Oh! No wait, I have to riff off what bacchus was saying. (Talking game, no, but talking about sex, that's different, right?)

as you continue to seek new heights you still need to find the time. . . to master your desires and log more hours of between-the-sheets experience. . . as you explore the mystical gardens of sex.

As these relationships develop you will have more than enough time. . . to try different ways to celebrate.
... so lofty, if you should pull in a really inexperienced girl (with night streetgame...? Sure, why not) ... or I guess any really interesting girl you would want to log a lot of hours with, you could go extremely slow, session by session, escalate one thing at a time. Could you log 30 sessions before you get inside? It's stoic, sure, but it's for your development in the craft. It's for teaching her the vassssst array of different pleasures her body can experience. Kind of setting her up for life, don't you think?

my experience... I _savored_ 4 years of experimenting before going all the way. I had an astounding, body-rocking orgasm just from having my breasts held. Loads of satisfaction all around. I sucked a lot of c*cks. But early on, sometimes we both walked away still burning, and that's life-enriching in a different way... so much energy to work with! It was so amazing to have lots of time to process in between new experiences, and feel like I could have just what I could handle at any one time. I think taking the scenic route really helped me avoid the damage and issues.

as for retention, out of 4 years, I had one guy not come back for more, and that's probably because he pushed for too much, was young, and was afraid to face me again. I only lost interest when my guys got needy / impatient, and it wasn't a romp anymore. (obv, retention is what will get you the hours to get you legendary)

You might like Women's Anatomy of Arousal by Sheri Winston. . your 8 orgasms talk is great, but there's mooooore... "Did you know your clit has legs? Shall we find them?", but also lots of specific things to play with: combinations of physical stuff with breathing, energy, and mental stuff. (It does have fun 1800s erotica illustrations, so trigger warning for anyone freshly getting out of porn) (I profit in no way, not spamming, no affiliate link)

Be sure to sleep, okay? It's the anti-crazy, and there is no substitute.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 27, 2021
@Bacchus, I didn't feel slighted or think you were being underhanded at all. I thought it might be a 'find and obey the secret message' game, which I totally dig, so I was playing to win.

I'm more a tourist than a native here, so, when in Rome, naturally there are unwritten rules. I feel super alert to read between the lines and find out the lay of the land. Also with my background, talking with men about sex feels fairly transgressive, so I'm like, oh yes sir, I'll stop.

I feel like a lady dolphin here, surfing a bow wave of masculine energy, leaping for joy.

I'm married, not looking for trouble, not trying to get entangled with anyone, just surfing the wave. I guess that's all good: "here's how your masculine deal strikes my feminine being. Here's my experience... "

(Side note: whoah, married people and our WFH game. I'd be killin it rn in fog's tournament

actually this could be part of why I'm here. We're together all the time, so a conversation like this recharges/ helps keep up polarization. But don't most women recharge at the spa? Why am I so different aghhh? I don't see other dolphins here, is it dangerous for dolphins here??!!??)

I feel like a milfy godmother thing toward lofty. Like a real interest in his development as a seducer. (how is that not feminism... think of all the women who can benefit, all the jouissance)

But I go back and forth, thinking but lofty doesn't NEED a milfy godmother. (not for the pull, that's for sure) I don't want to be like a sad useless orbiter. I don't want the sparkle in my step to be somehow subtracting from or depolarizing someone else.

But maybe we sharpen/brighten each other. I guess that's what "my friend Jada" is about:
hey, I have a fun relation to the feminine; dolphins like to jump in my wake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
@Bacchus, I didn't feel slighted or think you were being underhanded at all. I thought it might be a 'find and obey the secret message' game, which I totally dig, so I was playing to win.

I'm more a tourist than a native here, so, when in Rome, naturally there are unwritten rules. I feel super alert to read between the lines and find out the lay of the land. Also with my background, talking with men about sex feels fairly transgressive, so I'm like, oh yes sir, I'll stop.

I feel like a lady dolphin here, surfing a bow wave of masculine energy, leaping for joy.

I'm married, not looking for trouble, not trying to get entangled with anyone, just surfing the wave. I guess that's all good: "here's how your masculine deal strikes my feminine being. Here's my experience... "

(Side note: whoah, married people and our WFH game. I'd be killin it rn in fog's tournament

actually this could be part of why I'm here. We're together all the time, so a conversation like this recharges/ helps keep up polarization. But don't most women recharge at the spa? Why am I so different aghhh? I don't see other dolphins here, is it dangerous for dolphins here??!!??)

I feel like a milfy godmother thing toward lofty. Like a real interest in his development as a seducer. (how is that not feminism... think of all the women who can benefit, all the jouissance)

But I go back and forth, thinking but lofty doesn't NEED a milfy godmother. (not for the pull, that's for sure) I don't want to be like a sad useless orbiter. I don't want the sparkle in my step to be somehow subtracting from or depolarizing someone else.

But maybe we sharpen/brighten each other. I guess that's what "my friend Jada" is about:
hey, I have a fun relation to the feminine; dolphins like to jump in my wake

If a lady dolphin can use the word jouissance and riff off metaphorical language, then she’s more than welcome in my book! Plus, you’re like super sexually liberated yourself. Sexually liberated people are the best!

Why there aren’t more women around, well, there’s probably many reasons for that. None nefarious, really - just how things are working now for the most part. Before my time, however, I know that there was an active female poster on a now-defunct predecessor forum. I’ve been pointed to her blog before - maybe it’ll be of interest to you.

Those seducers here who are working to get better every day are actually extremely open-minded. After sniffing around, you’ve probably even seen that the material from our top guys is not only pragmatic but even eye-opening... to both sexes.

You do have an open invitation to these waters, milfy godmother. Of course, there’s a lot of nuance in seduction, and there are technical aspects of it that can be rather mystifying when first hopping on the forum. I’m sure that when you saw Bacchus' post, you were like woooooah, this is next level stuff. So yes, of course some things are a bit different from a seduction perspective.

Here’s the thing, though. I know that you have a wise, unselfish, experienced mind. With a wise, unselfish, experienced mind, you have a lot of insight to offer. When you have a lot of insight to offer, then be my guest to share it amongst us! You never know what impact it may make.

I didn’t even cum with The Strawberry Princess because of your recommendation. Gave it a try. Let me tell you - that was one of the hardest things that I’ve ever (not) done. The temptation to cum all over her pretty face after she was so naughty was real, real. Now, I have that reference experience in the bag. This will help my decision-making process in the future, among other things you’ve said, too.

Personally, I’d say to engage however you want, or observe however you want, or do whatever however you want. If you choose to swim in this pool of seduction, know that I always closely read what you write and think about it in-depth. Anyone who’s ever helped me is a hero in my book, and the support is very much appreciated!

P.S. I've seen HBSP’s Instagram page and am 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% convinced that she lives a very safe, very normal, and very happy life with many friends, by the way :)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Wonderful pickup. Key moment here was that first 45 seconds or so when you took this walking girl in a bad mood and turned her around and got her seated. After that, it was management + escalation (which was all expertly handled). Well done.

Girls in bad moods who flip and turn into fast lays whom you meet late at night... very high probability of them being pissed off at some guy. Usually a boyfriend, FWB, or some guy they have a crush on who isn't reading their signals / escalating. Based on her phone being in some dude's room and her deading you out once she left your room, it sounds like you were the revenge shag. She got what she needed with you and cast you aside.

Teeth: it's basically impossible to give you blood blisters on your glans unless she's biting hard. So that was intentional. She's not going to "accidentally" really hurt and bruise your glans, repeatedly, with her teeth anymore than you're going to "accidentally" do that to her clit.

Likely either a biter who gets off on inflicting pain, or super passive-aggressive and was annoyed at you asking for her to service you when you should be (in her opinion) servicing her.

Also, we've got another case here of "Girl who got hers, then ran off before I got mines."

I know it feels nice to make girls cum. But especially with super fast lays, unstable girls, emotional girls, you've basically got no guarantee they're going to stick around to satisfy you once they've had theirs, and a high chance they will jet. This girl too was giving you constant signals she was only there for her pleasure... so you know good odds that once she's satisfied, she's outta there.

(it wasn't ASD, her going ice cold, by the way. It was, "I'm done with this guy. He needs to stay away from me and not cling. He fulfilled his role; now he needs to beat it." It's not a good feeling to have a girl do this to you, but on the other hand it is a nice reassurance that you're sufficiently sexy and skilled that you can serve as the 'walking dick' man for the girls who want that. Just make sure you're balancing it out with lays with sweet girls who don't just want to use you for Os then hit the road)

Good lesson here too: you may have thought, "Man, I'm really blowing this girl's mind!" but as soon as she was done with you, she went ice cold, and didn't even want you around. Zero appreciation. Just a dick/tongue/fingers she used, then tossed.

A good first lay is a balance between giving her pleasure, but making sure you get yours too. Ideally she's not climaxing until you are. If one of you must cum first, it should be you. Girls generally respect it more (you're a man, not a servant).

And... the girls you're most likely to pick up from nighttime street game... while it's a great way to pick girls up, there is always going to be a higher probability of these "pissed off", "looking for a revenge shag", "copycat shag because her friend got laid and she doesn't want to be left out", etc. type girls, where the goal for them is just the stiff tongue or hard cock, and they don't care at all about the man behind it. It can be a rough time if you're not making sure you get yours and remembering to drop your expectations at the door. So long as your thought though is "We're going to have a nice, mutual time, and if it's only the once, and that's it, it will have been a nice simple union that satisfies a need both of us had", you'll be fine with the type of lays you get from it ;)



Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thanks, @Chase!

You taught me a lot here. There were things that I didn’t understand at all, and there were things that I thought I understood but didn’t at all. Your acclaimed clarity is much appreciated once again!

Girls in bad moods who flip and turn into fast lays whom you meet late at night... very high probability of them being pissed off at some guy. Usually a boyfriend, FWB, or some guy they have a crush on who isn't reading their signals / escalating. Based on her phone being in some dude's room and her deading you out once she left your room, it sounds like you were the revenge shag. She got what she needed with you and cast you aside.
Okay, gotcha. I was surprised by how closed-off she became and this makes a lot of sense now.

Teeth: it's basically impossible to give you blood blisters on your glans unless she's biting hard. So that was intentional. She's not going to "accidentally" really hurt and bruise your glans, repeatedly, with her teeth anymore than you're going to "accidentally" do that to her clit.
Likely either a biter who gets off on inflicting pain, or super passive-aggressive and was annoyed at you asking for her to service you when you should be (in her opinion) servicing her.
Yikes, guess I gave her too much slack with that. It was just so strange and unexpected, and looks-wise, I found her quite attractive. So I had that cognitive dissonance of a sexy girl not performing the way that my brain thought a sexy girl should.

So I even gave a second opportunity. Could've ended up worse; I'm thankful that it didn't.

Still took me out of the game for a little over a week, though, to heal up and stop stinging. Took lots of aloe. Still some discoloration in the spots as well...

Also, we've got another case here of "Girl who got hers, then ran off before I got mines."

I know it feels nice to make girls cum. But especially with super fast lays, unstable girls, emotional girls, you've basically got no guarantee they're going to stick around to satisfy you once they've had theirs, and a high chance they will jet. This girl too was giving you constant signals she was only there for her pleasure... so you know good odds that once she's satisfied, she's outta there.
Understood. I definitely became too caught up in her pleasant body and intoxicating validations. Along with that, I was trying to tease her by not cumming. Which didn't work because, as you illustrate, she was there for something else. Facepalm.

Now I know for next time.

(it wasn't ASD, her going ice cold, by the way. It was, "I'm done with this guy. He needs to stay away from me and not cling. He fulfilled his role; now he needs to beat it." It's not a good feeling to have a girl do this to you, but on the other hand it is a nice reassurance that you're sufficiently sexy and skilled that you can serve as the 'walking dick' man for the girls who want that. Just make sure you're balancing it out with lays with sweet girls who don't just want to use you for Os then hit the road)
Okay, cool. This REALLY confused me, so I tried to parse it out some way. And indeed, it has been a long and arduous road to become the walking dick :p

Noted on the sweet girls. I’ll have to test out some different venues to get more of these types like you describe later on.

Good lesson here too: you may have thought, "Man, I'm really blowing this girl's mind!" but as soon as she was done with you, she went ice cold, and didn't even want you around. Zero appreciation. Just a dick/tongue/fingers she used, then tossed.

A good first lay is a balance between giving her pleasure, but making sure you get yours too. Ideally she's not climaxing until you are. If one of you must cum first, it should be you. Girls generally respect it more (you're a man, not a servant).
Yep, that’s exactly what I was thinking! And yeah, just got entranced in a crazy girl’s playtime instead.

Not gonna lie, it absolutely frustrated me that I didn’t cum with her. I wasn't sure what to make of it. I’ll remember what you say!
And... the girls you're most likely to pick up from nighttime street game... while it's a great way to pick girls up, there is always going to be a higher probability of these "pissed off", "looking for a revenge shag", "copycat shag because her friend got laid and she doesn't want to be left out", etc. type girls, where the goal for them is just the stiff tongue or hard cock, and they don't care at all about the man behind it. It can be a rough time if you're not making sure you get yours and remembering to drop your expectations at the door. So long as your thought though is "We're going to have a nice, mutual time, and if it's only the once, and that's it, it will have been a nice simple union that satisfies a need both of us had", you'll be fine with the type of lays you get from it
I’ve been wondering why so many of my encounters have been with crazy girls, crying girls, and/or crazy and crying girls. The thought that it’s somewhat venue-dependent has hovered around my mind, but I also began to wonder: is it me, too? Am I crazy??

So thanks for the clarification! These last couple of lays in particular have taught me not to become too attached/emotional and just focus on the experience. ONS are good with me for now as I work on refining my transition phases and all of that. Plus, the semester is almost over and not conducive to starting a relationship considering that most leave for the summer.

Another thing that I’ve noticed from working in this niche is that I’ve maybe grown a little too accustomed to these quick pulls.

I caught myself a couple weeks ago when a lead invited me to the park with her and a dog during the afternoon. The logistics started flowing through my head – alright, she’ll need to pick me up, then it’d be like an hour at the park working verbals, while also wearing out the dog so he falls asleep later, then she’d need to drive me back to isolate at my place with plausible deniability, etc. Like oh my god, that sounded so tiring.

After I turned down the offer and attempted to arrange a faster set-up instead (and failed), I realized how my mind had become addicted to street nightgame-like scenarios. Rapid state changes and fast pulls.

I definitely don’t want to be one-dimensional and limit my development, so I’ll have to focus more on cross-gaming in the future. Just experimenting with different scenarios, being the Anytime Seducer, and finding those sweeter girls along the way.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
You're welcome, @Lofty.

There's all kinds of people in the world, including many who think/act very differently from how you do.

Pickup puts you in touch with all types... generally it takes some time to figure out who is who.

One thing to add here:

Another thing that I’ve noticed from working in this niche is that I’ve maybe grown a little too accustomed to these quick pulls.

I caught myself a couple weeks ago when a lead invited me to the park with her and a dog during the afternoon. The logistics started flowing through my head – alright, she’ll need to pick me up, then it’d be like an hour at the park working verbals, while also wearing out the dog so he falls asleep later, then she’d need to drive me back to isolate at my place with plausible deniability, etc. Like oh my god, that sounded so tiring.

After I turned down the offer and attempted to arrange a faster set-up instead (and failed), I realized how my mind had become addicted to street nightgame-like scenarios. Rapid state changes and fast pulls.

I definitely don’t want to be one-dimensional and limit my development, so I’ll have to focus more on cross-gaming in the future. Just experimenting with different scenarios, being the Anytime Seducer, and finding those sweeter girls along the way.

Yes. Quick pickups heavily slant your results toward girls with issues.

The faster a pickup occurs, the more likely the girl is to be highly impulsive.

Not always... it's not 100%. But there's a strong correlation there.

Then you mix in it being a quick pull off the street, and the risk factor for "girl with issues" jumps up again.

(i.e., it is actually a lot more natural for a girl to get pulled quick from a bar... she's drinking, she's had guys hitting on her all night, she's seen other people hooking up, it is kind of "the thing to do" there, it's the end of the night and there's some urgency there... whereas when she is walking down the street, she isn't in that head space at all, and is in fact far from it. Flipping her to a state where suddenly she is going to go home and have rapid sex with this guy who's a total stranger requires a LOT of impulsivity, generally speaking!)

Also, the kind of girl you're likely to find walking alone, who is likely to stop and talk to a random guy on a bench at 1 o'clock in the morning, no matter how charming that guy may be... again, impulsivity goes up.

There's a very strong correlation between impulsivity and various personality disorders.

Which is not to say not to pick up this way! I've long enjoyed it. These pickups can happen really quick, you can get some real hot girls, and they're great for bragging rights. On top of that, they push you to develop a degree of turn-on-a-dime finesse that is very useful for all other seductions you have.

You just have to understand what they are, and what they aren't, when going in, so you're not flying blind.

I wouldn't be so quick to be dismissive of slower seductions. If you've got to travel a few places, and the seduction takes you 2, 3, 4 hours, or a couple of meets, it's not the end of the world.

The old Mystery line was that "the typical non-fool's mate seduction takes 7 hours of face time, end-to-end." I don't know if I completely agree, but I think about his "7 hours" metric sometimes when looking at this stuff (in the Mystery framing of things, there were "fool's mates", the super quick pickups you have with only minimal game involved, where you are just guiding the girl to somewhere alone with you -- I called these "hookup dates" in One Date -- and then there's everything else, with that "everything else" generally requiring an average of 7 hours of face time before the lay).

Cross-gaming is good. The last thing you want to be is the guy who constantly pulls super quick personality disordered girls, occasionally has a dysfunctional relationship with one of them, then realizes years in that he wishes he'd have learned some other style of game that let him meet saner, more girlfriend-y girls... but he's so deep in his style it's hard to switch styles, and he's so into these dysfunctional girls and their addictive crazy sex and drama it's hard for him to content himself with a sweet-but-boring 'normal' girl.

Keep a little variety in your seduction diet -- it'll keep you a more well-rounded seducer (and let you still be able to get healthy relationships) ;)



Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Update for posterity:

Saw HBStrawberryPrincess at a trashy bar a couple weeks ago. She was wearing very skimpy clothing, looking hot, with one accessory being a rather buff male clinging to her side like a protective puppy. I had seen this guy before in her Instagram photos - almost certainly a boyfriend. So probably the guy whose room her phone was in.

Her and I made eye contact once from a distance. The apprehensive look in her eyes seemed to beg me to pretend as if we didn’t know each other. I recognized that, gave a little smile and head nod, and moved on with my life, and on with other girls.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Update for posterity:

Saw HBStrawberryPrincess at a trashy bar a couple weeks ago. She was wearing very skimpy clothing, looking hot, with one accessory being a rather buff male clinging to her side like a protective puppy. I had seen this guy before in her Instagram photos - almost certainly a boyfriend. So probably the guy whose room her phone was in.

Her and I made eye contact once from a distance. The apprehensive look in her eyes seemed to beg me to pretend as if we didn’t know each other. I recognized that, gave a little smile and head nod, and moved on with my life, and on with other girls.
Yeah i do that too when i run into girls i have approached/dated/slept with and they are walking with a new date/boyfriend. I just smile and nod at them and pretend like nothing. The dudes never seem to notice this, totally clueless. It's actually very much like you see in movies... where you lock eyes and focus for a few moments, just you and the girl, the dude cluelessly keeps looking into his phone or keep talking unattentively, then you smile and nod your head slightly and she smiles back at you and then snap you're back to reality and you walk past eachother and life goes on.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 30, 2021
Lofty, this girl is neither mature nor sexually normal.

1) She's highly clit-dependent.

2) She wanted a vibrator rather than your cock.

3) She either never gives blowjobs and therefore has no freakin' idea what she's doing -- OR -- she's a sadistic, callous bitch who bites a cock so she doesn't have to suck it.

4) She wanted to watch porn. Sorry, that's just another distraction from interacting DIRECTLY with the man present (you).

5) She wanted to stop the proceedings at 4AM and get another girl to come over -- at 4AM -- rather than do what any normal heterosexual woman would do at that time -- which is enjoy some good, hard, heterosexual intercourse WITH THE **MAN** SHE WENT HOME WITH.

6) My GUESS is that she saw that you were "strokin' it" and headed in her general direction and she freaked out because she never did intend to have intercourse with you and saw that such was eminent if she didn't somehow spoil the situation.

7) At this point, she turns from Dr. Jekyl into Mr. Hyde and after all the consideration you've shown her and the pleasure you've given her, she turns into a flaming fucking bitch who is as fucking RUDE as a person can be and doesn't even want to make eye contact with you or acknowledge that you exist -- INSTANTLY, as if someone threw a switch.

That girl is an immature, selfish, self-centered, narcissistic little cunt.

It's clear to me that she wanted impersonal sexual stimulation of her clit and that you were just a prop. She doesn't need either a man or a cock. When you stopped rubbing her clit, she asked to get a girl to come over -- most likely just so that girl could lick her clit.

My guess is also that when you saw her later in a trashy bar and there was some guy clinging to her like a protective puppy, that guy was a prop, also. I think she manipulates men, pretending to "date" them, but she's just using them to ward off other men, using them for transportation and probably food and drinks, but she's really interested only in sex with other girls.

Or vibrators.

Once she jumped up and started freaking out and treating you like shit, you were far, far nicer and kinder to her than she deserved. Of course, it can be very difficult to assess the situation in realtime and figure out the proper response in realtime. I'm TERRIBLE at reading a situation in realtime and going from my usual Nice Guy to Angry Asshole when someone deserves it. My reaction to someone being an asshole to me usually takes somewhere between 2 to 3 hours and 2 to 3 days.

My recommendation is to place this experience in the "Fucked-Up Women" file. There is nothing normal about that girl or her behavior. I also believe that there's not too much to learn from your experience with this wacko that will translate to interactions with normal, well-adjusted, sexually healthy, heterosexual women.