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The ultimate way to make (almost) any woman fall in love with you within seconds using confident body language


Apr 27, 2023
TLDR: There's a method to make most girls to fall in love (and I mean love not just an attraction) with you within seconds doing certain body language (the ultimate confidence position). I've done this several times in the past mostly by accident but I'm not able to do this on command. However I have some clues regarding the body language involved and I need your help to try to decipher it. If you think this is crazy, don't waste your time here.


So I found that there is actually a method to make most women to fall in love with you within few seconds without needing to talk to her or even looking at her face. And when I'm talking love I mean the strongest feeling there exists. She wants to touch you and share with you her deepest secrets. This is not some sort of manipulation. You should actually be able to change her mind. For the purposes of this method your clothes, social status, money, whether the girl has boyfriend or what you say doesn't matter. The only important thing is that a girl sees you for a few seconds doing certain confident body language (the ultimate confident position).

About me

I'm a nerd, bad at sports, don't wear cool clothes, not particularly attractive, was bullied, didn't have many friends and don't like much of a social interactions. Yet several times in my life it happened that a girl who was clearly way out my league or made it repeatedly clear that "she would never stoop so low to date me", suddenly fell in love with me. I've never fully understood this but I tried reverse engineer the moment how did it happened.

I've obsessed about this for years and basically what made me found out about this, was a girl from the same class who I was in love with but she repeatedly made it clear that "she would never stoop so low to date me". We were friends but nothing more. I tried everything to get her and everything failed. And then suddenly one day she changed her opinion 180° degrees. She went from "would never stoop so low to date me" to loving me like if you snap your fingers. It didn't make sense. She still had the same boyfriend and nothing else in her life that would explain why this has changed. I won't bore you with the details (because it would take several pages to explain) but basically something like that has happened several times in my life.

How do I know this works

So I've tried to analyze these situations and find out what they had in common. I identified some of these moments (of falling in love) retroactively to an exact second. What they had in common was that the falling in love was very quick and sudden (few seconds). I excluded all other possible explanations. It couldn't have been what I said because sometimes I haven't even talked to a girl when this happened and other times I said something completely neutral and wasn't trying to pick up the girl at all. It couldn't have been the clothes because I wear similar clothes all the time. It couldn't have been money or social status because most of the time it was so quick that the girl (who I just met for the first time) couldn't have possibly known it and other times it was a girl who I knew for a longer period of time and neither money nor my social status has changed. It didn't matter whether the girl had a boyfriend or repeatedly made it clear that she would "never stoop so low" to date me. It didn't matter whether I knew a girl for a longer period of time or just met her for the first time in my life. The only thing that those situations had in common was body language.

And most importantly I was once actually aware of doing this in the real time for several days. However I'm not able to do this on command but I have rough idea of what body language is involved. And I need your help to decipher it.

What we're looking for (common denominator)

  • it should be the ultimate confidence position. But it's not "laid back", attention grabbing, "making yourself bigger" kind of confidence; it's more of a "lean forward", being able to argue with somebody kind of confidence
  • it is something deeply interconnected with your voice, while in the position you should notice that your voice (especially when arguing with somebody) has very strong, persuasive, decisive and authoritative effect (when you're arguing or disagreeing with somebody (with other men), you should notice they are visibly surprised with how strong your disagreement with them is - without shouting or anything like that - just speaking normally, you yourself might not notice it that much but other people should)
  • when arguing with somebody you should notice that you're leaning forward when you speak (maybe even sort of invading the other persons personal space), not back
  • it has to be something that can last through all normal everyday activities (I once did this for several days straight) like sitting, standing, walking, showering, working on the computer, lying, sleeping, talking, eating etc. (it took me some effort to maintain the position for several days but it should be doable), so anything that would change during these activities is not it
  • you might feel like you know exactly what to do and say without thinking about it (this feeling is a result of doing the body language right rather the cause)
  • it is something rare that most people do only on very rare occasions (I personally have done this only few times in my life), anything that is easily or often done by most people is not it
  • it is something that's visible from several meters on the upper part of your body (it's possible to do it while sitting behind a desk, lower portion of your body not visible)
  • it might be something indirectly connected to the anger (although you might be perfectly calm while doing this), few times this position happened shortly after I was angry with the girl

Body language

  • don't lean back and don't lean too much on your heels, you're generally leaning forward (or at least not too much to the back), when sitting it might even be a lot forward
  • whole surface of your feet should touch the ground, feet should be either parallel or slightly pointing towards each other
  • you might have to tilt your body or head (or both) little bit to the side (probably don't stand on both of your legs equally)
  • keep your fingers close together (touching each other except maybe for thumb), upper arms close to your body (not exposing the armpits), foot to leg angle should be small (right angle or less), legs close to your body when sitting, crotch not stuck out, shoulders should be hunched forward and up (not sure how much but certainly not straight, you might feel like you need to stretch your back once in a while) - essentially you're trying to keep your extremities close together and not expose a weakness, all of this is probably connected to leaning more on the front side of your feet (that should make most of these points happen partially automatically)
  • MOST IMPORTANT: relax you stomach, diaphragm and chest, push the middle of your body (diaphragm) back and down and then somehow expand your chest (or more precisely your diaphragm probably should be doing the expanding) to the both sides and forward (but not necessarily up), forcibly stretching the diaphragm or trying to move your chest too much up or back is wrong (this is the key point that I personally don't know how to do it exactly, there's some key instruction missing because you're not gonna be able to do this just by following these instructions, to imagine this better read bellow)
  • don't straighten your spine, it should be relaxed
  • don't try to make yourself bigger or take a lot of space (you might be actually doing little bit of opposite)
  • chin straight or slightly bowed down, neck might be bent too (your head might feel little bit like it's head-butting the air in front of you), you're generally not supposed to look too much in front of you (generally like few meters ahead you max, you don't have to (and maybe it's even better not to) look at a girl's face) - this should happen mostly naturally (and I suspect this is mostly done by positioning your eyes and tongue properly rather than bending your head too much down)
  • don't touch your face, your arms shouldn't touch each other
  • your facial expression should be largely neutral (certainly don't smile)
  • you might feel like your legs are carried by your body (instead of the opposite) and move automatically (this is probably result of correctly expanding your chest)

How to imagine this better

To better imagine it try this simple exercise. Stand up, lean on one leg and on the front of your feet, stomach, diaphragm and chest relaxed. Feet should be either parallel or slightly pointing to each other. Spread your fingers (naturally not forcibly) so they're not touching and put all of their tips on your front outer thighs. So now you're touching your thighs only with the tips of your fingers and maybe little bit of your palm near your thumb. Very slightly (almost not at all) push your fingers either up or down.

One direction will make your body bend more and the other (the correct one) will make your eyes go up and make your diaphragm naturally without forcibly stretching itself (still relaxed) expand your chest sort of in front and to the sides (but not much up). It makes it bigger but not in a forcible way. That's somewhat similar to what should happen in the target position although in the target position it should be stronger and more stable (not dependent on every small move). You should notice slightly tense feeling in the middle of your chest roughly at level of your nipples (that should also happen in the target position but stronger). You should also notice that the tip of your tongue touches your lower front teeth from the upper sharp side. Something like that should also probably happen in the target position. When I was doing the position for several days in row I noticed that the tip of my tongue slightly hurt because it was touching the sharp side of the front teeth (but I'm not completely sure about this).

This should illustrate mainly how your stomach, diaphragm and chest should be aligned. Which I suspect is the most important part and most of the other points are there just to make this possible.

You can also try opening your eyes as wide as possible (pupils in the middle upper part of your eyes) and let the rest of the body language automatically realign to adjust itself to this. It should make you quite energetic. You should also get a feeling that is similar to the target position but it's not exactly it.

How do you know, you're doing it right

- most women (within reason) you meet (that look at you at least for a few seconds), should immediately exhibit some signs of the attraction to you (like playing with their etc.), this is a subconscious reaction and you shouldn't miss it if you know what you're looking for, if it doesn't work within seconds, you're probably doing it wrong

How do eyes, tongue a diaphragm interact

While the eyes and tongue positions change too much during the day to be the cause of this, it's helpful to understand how they work. Tongue is the body part that copies your body position to a detail. Every movement you make with body (hands, legs or anything including tightening or relaxing some of your muscles) affects the eyes and the eyes subsequently affect the tongue. When you speak or eat, tongue can temporarily change its position but you should notice that the moment you stop doing that it goes automatically back to the place determined by other body language. You can use the body language to influence the tongue but the other way around it mostly doesn't work (tongue on its own can maybe influence the head position but other than that its effects are very limited). The eyes are influenced by the diaphragm (that is responsible for large part of your body posture). When diaphragm moves, the eyes move.

You can try a simple experiment. Move your pupils from the center of your eyes up as much as possible and then to the side (again as much as possible), wait here for a few seconds and then return them back to the center. You should notice that your body realigns into a certain "lean back" confident position - diaphragm gets stretched in a certain way. (This is the wrong kind of confidence - not what we're looking for here - but it still might be useful.) If you did this right, then if you try to realign your body to the different position it should automatically readjust itself back to the confident position. You will notice that unlike before the eyes and therefore tongue don't move when you move your body because they are determined by the diaphragm and the diaphragm is not moving and keeping the body in the roughly same posture. If you want to stop doing this, strongly push your diaphragm with your fingers right under your sternum for a few seconds.


So as I mentioned before I suspect that the key to this position is to properly position/expand the diaphragm (and the chest and stomach which are deeply interconnected with it). Stomach should be relaxed and if you stop the relaxation, you will immediately fall out of the target position. While most of the other points that are mentioned can be temporarily broken for a short period of time (such as you can straighten your shoulders as long as it is only for brief moment or don't keep your fingers fully stuck together) if you stop relaxing the stomach or correctly positioning the diaphragm (and therefore chest) the position will stop immediately and it will be very hard to do it again.

However simply relaxing your stomach and diaphragm is not sufficient to achieve the position. There must be some other factor that will affect the diaphragm and make it expand properly. And that's I think what we're looking for.
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Apr 27, 2023
Anger and different kind of confidence

Not many responses here. So I'm gonna try to put few more thoughts here. I suspect this position we're looking for is somehow closely connected to the anger. Few times it happened it was usually shortly after I was angry with a girl. Seems like too much of a coincidence (but maybe it is, who knows).

I should probably explain the logic behind the body language described here. Because lots of these points seem to be the exact opposite of what most people imagine under confidence (and if you do or combine them wrong, you easily might come off as very unconfident). To understand this better imagine you're talking to a girl, not trying to pick her up at all, and she verbally (or even physically) attacks you. How do you confidently respond? Well, you can either turn around and leave or you can verbally attack her back (or even physically restrain her if she's attacking you physically or won't leave you alone). In this case you're not gonna try to have open body language, be relaxed, lean back, smile, try to attract attention to yourself or to be sympathetic somehow. You're gonna protect your vulnerabilities (crotch, armpits, stomach), raise your voice, lean forward, react quickly and you won't necessarily try to make yourself bigger (because that would mean you're also bigger target) or try to attract attention to yourself. You might not even feel particularly (subjectively) confident yourself in this case but others should perceive you as such. So that's more of a confidence we're looking for.

However while you're in the target position you don't have to be angry at all. But it seems like there's some body language change that might be caused by anger that stays for a while even after you're not angry anymore. I should probably emphasize that you might not feel confident at all while doing this (It personally often happened to me when I was under lot of stress) but others should perceive you as confident.


You should notice that the way you position your feet has a huge impact on the body language even when you're sitting or lying and not touching the floor with your feet at all. It matters a lot whether you're leaning on your heels or more on to the front part of your feet. Generally leaning too much on your heels is wrong for this position (your body should lean forward). Left-right axis also plays an important role. For example leaning on the outer side of one foot and in the middle of the other makes you lean forward and not look too much ahead of you (which is desirable). However I'm not sure what is correct. I think most likely it's either stand on both feet in the middle (but lean on one leg more than the other) or stand on one feet in the middle a on the other put your weight more on the outer side.

Eyes and speaking

Notice when you speak, your eyes go up. The more up they go, the more your diaphragm expands and the stronger your voice is (if you push them also to the side little bit, it's even stronger). If you try to keep them down, you're gonna usually talk very unconfidently. Diaphragm in this case expands naturally without forcefully stretching itself. Since diaphragm seems to play major role in expanding the chest, we're looking for other body movements that might expand it without feeling like you're stretching it forcefully (some of the body movements might do this either directly or indirectly through raising your eyes). But we don't want to stretch it to the back! Anything that makes you lean too much to the back is wrong (you should be leaning mostly forward - although not sure how much). Simply raising your pupils as much as possible won't work but it could give you some idea for what kind of expansion of the chest we're looking for (it feels sort of similar except what we're looking for is much stronger and more stable than just raising your eyes).

Most important part of the method

The most important part of the position we're looking for is to properly expand your chest to the front and both sides (but not up, without leaning back or forcibly stretching your diaphragm). The way I remember this was that I completely relaxed the stomach, diaphragm (which I pushed little bit to the back and down) and chest (I tried to position it in a way that it doesn't call any attention to itself (basically push it down and back, shoulders to the front and up)) and then I sort of breathed in the air that somehow naturally resulted into diaphragm expanding the chest (and it stayed expanded even after I breathed out again). Simply forcefully pushing your chest forward or up is wrong. I also remember that while doing this position I focused a lot on keeping the stomach relaxed and the moment it stopped being relaxed "I fell out of the position" and wasn't able to do it again.

Something that lasts through all everyday activities

The other important clue is that you should be able to do this for several days in a row (if you focus on it). It means that it's done by something that doesn't have to change during any of the everyday activities. That seems like something that should narrow down the possibilities a lot. There aren't many body parts that could do that. Stomach, diaphragm, chest, some facial muscles and maybe where you put your weight on your feet (like in front or back, to the left or right side, whether feet are pointing together) would theoretically fit. But basically most of the body parts change too much during everyday activities to be the cause. Legs, arms, neck, eyes, tongue, some of the facial expressions have to move just way too much. Which means they are either result of other body parts aligning or just have to be positioned in a way that is compatible with the target position (such as don't spread your fingers too much or raise your head too high or something) but on their own they cannot be the main cause. Or maybe as long as the other body parts stay in their place you can temporarily misalign something as long as it is only for short period of time and other body language simply forces it to return to the original (compatible) position. Not sure about that.

Maybe just helping me to identify all the possible variants of positions that can last through all normal day activities might help a lot. Because I might be missing something. Especially interesting is that it has to last through sleeping. That seems like something that would exclude stuff like tightening your muscles and other similar things (or maybe not, maybe it is possible to keep some of the muscles tightened while sleeping - I don't know). So just listing all the positions of the body parts that could stay constant through walking, sitting, standing, sleeping, talking, eating, getting dressed etc. might help a lot. Maybe there's a body part that would last constant during all of these activities that I didn't think of.

Might have happened to you without realizing it

I feel like this is an almost "miraculous" method that could revolutionize dating forever.
Basically this method completely switches the dynamic. You don't have to approach a girl when using this method. You don't have to risk humiliating yourself. All you need to do is make sure girl sees you for a few seconds and she might even approach you herself (under some guise) and give you the opportunity to "pick her up". But I'm at the end of my wits and I need some ideas. Any interesting information about how body language works even if it doesn't directly relate to this might give me some idea.

Lastly I'd like to ask if anyone of you here ever experienced that a girl who has rejected you (maybe even repeatedly) in the past and then suddenly switched 180° degrees and became in love with you without an obvious reason (or something like this that would fit the method described here e.g. a girl suddenly changing her opinion like if snap your fingers and falling in love with you)? It's possible that some of you have done this in the past without realizing it. It would be an enormous coincidence if I was the only one who has ever done this. It's possible that multiple people did this and just never analyzed it as thoroughly as me.

If there's anybody who would be interested in researching this more I can provide you with more detailed information
(I tried to keep it as short as possible (which didn't work out anyway) but I have lots other subtle clues).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
I think you are confusing cause with effect here. I really doubt that the reason for the sudden change of feelings towards you is caused by the body language itself. Body language is just an external representation of your inner self. And this is also the reason you are not able to recreate this exact same body language posture on demand. Internal state/phenonomenon is absent, so your body has no instructions to create the external representation (body posture).

You mention anger as something which happens immediately before this body posture of you. When you show anger, you show the real you. Not just the mental image of you which are you trying to present to the world, but the full, imperfect, real you. And this is what women are attracted to. Real you and not some body posture. Btw, the idea that a woman can fall in love because she saw some body posture for split of a second seems ridiculous if you think about it. There is a single moment when she feels very strong emotions towards you (fall in love as you said), and there are millions of single moments which she can confirm/disprove the reality of that single moment further down the road. In other words, you are trying to build a model which assumes a woman is a creature which will deny all further experience just because she once felt a certain emotion for a split of a second.

I believe you would have much more success in women falling in love with you if you show them your real self instead of trying to generate some body posture on demand.

Also, I think you are really losing your time here. What you are really trying to do is to design some imaginary, magic pill which you would defend you from feelings of rejections and humiliation. The following quote explains why you really are doing this mental exercise:

"Basically this method completely switches the dynamic. You don't have to approach a girl when using this method. You don't have to risk humiliating yourself. All you need to do is make sure girl sees you for a few seconds and she might even approach you herself (under some guise) and give you the opportunity to "pick her up"."


Apr 27, 2023
I think you are confusing cause with effect here. I really doubt that the reason for the sudden change of feelings towards you is caused by the body language itself. Body language is just an external representation of your inner self. And this is also the reason you are not able to recreate this exact same body language posture on demand. Internal state/phenonomenon is absent, so your body has no instructions to create the external representation (body posture).

You mention anger as something which happens immediately before this body posture of you. When you show anger, you show the real you. Not just the mental image of you which are you trying to present to the world, but the full, imperfect, real you. And this is what women are attracted to. Real you and not some body posture. Btw, the idea that a woman can fall in love because she saw some body posture for split of a second seems ridiculous if you think about it. There is a single moment when she feels very strong emotions towards you (fall in love as you said), and there are millions of single moments which she can confirm/disprove the reality of that single moment further down the road. In other words, you are trying to build a model which assumes a woman is a creature which will deny all further experience just because she once felt a certain emotion for a split of a second.

I understand your scepticism. I know it sounds crazy and if I didn't experienced this multiple times myself, I would be sceptical too. But I've seen it. I was once aware of being in this position for several days and during that time basically almost every girl I met (including some that I didn't even talked to) suddenly started exhibiting signs of attraction towards me. There couldn't have been any other explanation. It was too quick. Emotions might be helpful but ultimately it's the body language. I understand that this doesn't sound credible and I don't know how to credibly explain it. I know that most people won't believe this and I'm fine with that. I was just hoping that there would be somebody who would believe this and tried to help me to solve it.

I should probably add it works the other way around too. If you behave very unconfidently, the girl can stop being in love with within seconds too. That also happened to me.

I believe you would have much more success in women falling in love with you if you show them your real self instead of trying to generate some body posture on demand.

Also, I think you are really losing your time here. What you are really trying to do is to design some imaginary, magic pill which you would defend you from feelings of rejections and humiliation. The following quote explains why you really are doing this mental exercise:

"Basically this method completely switches the dynamic. You don't have to approach a girl when using this method. You don't have to risk humiliating yourself. All you need to do is make sure girl sees you for a few seconds and she might even approach you herself (under some guise) and give you the opportunity to "pick her up"."

No, I originally discovered this by accident when I was trying to get one specific girl. I tried to get her for like a year and nothing worked. She brutally rejected me many times. Then suddenly one day she made complete u-turn and out of nowhere fell in love with me. Only much later I again by accident realized that this could be used to get other girls too. I wasn't originally looking for some miraculous method to get any girl. If it was just about getting some random girl rather than the specific one, it would have been easier to use some other method.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 2, 2022
Bro this is too much mental masturbation

Borderline close to being complete bs. Read what @Jan told you

Perfectly explains your situation.


Apr 27, 2023
How many girls that fell in love with you did you sleep with?

Using this method seven. Plus few more that I only dated. I didn't date every girl who fell in love with me using this method. Some of this has happened when I was in high school and not every girl was ready to have sex. I've only done this method few times in my life usually only for a very short period of time.

Bro this is too much mental masturbation

Borderline close to being complete bs. Read what @Jan told you

Perfectly explains your situation.

I don't want to spend time trying to persuade people that this is real. Anybody who doesn't believe it won't help me to solve it anyway. If you don't believe this, that's fine with me. I spent years analyzing this and obssesing about it and all of this is based on the facts.

I should probably mention I have aspergers and people with aspergers tend to be good at obssesing about stuff, pattern recognition and looking at things from completely different perspective than others. That's why there's so many scientists and innovators among them. I'm simply trying to approach this scientifically.

Also most people with aspergers spend their lives pretending something they're not in order to be able function in the society. So I don't think the answer is as simple as just being real me.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Sounds like you're aiming to identify the ideal charismatic/self-possessed male fundamentals: posture, eye contact, tone of voice, inflection, timber, movement speed, etc. Which is a big focus of Girls Chase in general... all these elements of excellent fundamentals.

I know what you're talking about, and it is something I do. I can 'gear up' from normal good fundamentals into very magnetic fundamentals, and suddenly girls are shooting approach invitations at me and very receptive. I have often done it when out with buddies... I'll say, "I'm going to make that girl start signaling me. Watch. She's going to start checking me out and playing with her hair." And then I'll straighten up, arch my back, begin behaving in a demonstrative, authoritative way, talking in a powerful dude way, and the girl will start looking over, checking me out, playing with her hair. I'll pretend to just notice and open her and we'll get a very easy open to her and her friend for my friend and me. The girl will already be very attracted from the get-go.

It's not 100%. If I am not in the right headspace, like if I am low energy and at a bar alone, I have sometimes tried it with, "All right, let's switch it on!" and tried to pull it off and just... nothing. You kind of look around sheepishly and say to yourself, "Hmm, looks like the power is not with me tonight."

There is no way to call this up unfailingly any time you want no matter what -- not that I have found, anyway.

However, you can get your overall fundamentals excellent enough that you are always reasonably close to it, that way you're never far from it, and when you get that little jolt of inspiration it's easy to turn on.

To me I think of it internally as "putting out vibes", literally like a magnet... that's what we call it, 'attraction', attracting things to you like a magnet drawing them in.... I have used it to have women literally walk across rooms and put themselves right next to me, etc.

It's not something I would generally write about, because I do not know how to teach it, and it's not always on-demand repeatable.

However, it is something you can consciously learn to do, and successfully pull off more often than not.

I would offer that part of the 'gearing up' for me often involves warming up with flirtatious eye contact with girls I pass on the street. One, two, then after the third I am geared up and magnetized -- that is pretty repeatable. You can do it without that too (e.g., sitting in a bar, talking with friends, etc.), but you need to have the right state for it. If I'm feeling good with a buddy, or very relaxedly content, I can do it. If I am at all self-conscious or insecure I cannot. It is easier to do it socially when you are already feeling good and behaving like a high value / high status guy.

There may be little micro expressions or small facial muscles that are in play here and cannot be controlled consciously that are affecting things. That's one theory I have about it. I went through a course on facial expressions years ago where the professor and his daughter both claimed to have learned to consciously control every individual muscle in the face (quite a feat)... even if you could do that though I don't know if you could use that for switching on the vibe. It's just too much to manage consciously.

Can't comment much on the anger element except to say I have had girlfriends get very attracted to me when I've gotten angry at times. The comment is that I seemed "very masculine" or "very powerful." I'm not angry around women I'm not dating though so I have no comments about women in those circumstances!

The only other thing I would say... I've probably spent more time analyzing overall male fundamentals than any other guy I know, specifically trying to reverse engineer 'peak fundamentals' to exhibit them constantly, at all times, and have been for decades, but I have not found a way to convey this kind of vibe without that 'gearing up', 'switching on' phenomenon first -- whatever that is.

You can get your fundamentals excellent normally, but to make that extra leap to this very magnetic, supremely attractive body language / voice tone / etc., you need to be in the right state, too -- much as I hate to say it, since I'd like to think in theory everything should be doable even without the right internal state if you have the mechanics of it down well enough. No such luck with this rather ephemeral phenomenon, though...



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 7, 2023
To me I think of it internally as "putting out vibes", literally like a magnet...
One, two, then after the third I am geared up and magnetized -- that is pretty repeatable. You can do it without that too (e.g., sitting in a bar, talking with friends, etc.), but you need to have the right state for it. ... switching on the vibe. ...
You can get your fundamentals excellent normally, but to make that extra leap to this very magnetic, supremely attractive body language / voice tone / etc., you need to be in the right state, too -- much as I hate to say it, since I'd like to think in theory everything should be doable even without the right internal state if you have the mechanics of it down well enough. No such luck with this rather ephemeral phenomenon, though...
So it seems a fair characterization of this phenomenon of magnetic attraction through excellent fundamentals is that it is dependent on one's "vibe" or "state". And that it's not always possible to get into this state merely by "willing it" directly, or by getting there by "acting as if" we're already there. Perhaps this is a topic where "inner game" can deliver its goods.

Interesting use of the word "magnet". Did you ever look into the early 1900's works on "personal magnetism"? Let me quote a bit from W. W. Atkinson: "Mind-Power: The Secret Of Mental Magic", Chapter XII Mental Atmosphere:

You will readily see, from what has been said, that the “Personal Atmospheres” of persons depend upon the character of their mental states, and are the result of the mental currents emanating from them. Every person has his or her own mentative aura, or body of radiant mentative energy, which flows from them in all directions. These mentative atmospheres affect the people with whom one comes in contact. You know people who seem to carry with them an atmosphere of “feeling” which affects a roomful of people, or even a building. This atmosphere may be positive or negative in its effect—that is, stimulating or depressing.
That which so many call “Personal Magnetism,” as distinguished from Personal Force, consists of this mentative atmosphere, or radiant mentative energy, which induces in all within its field a feeling of similar emotion or vibration
It will be well for you to practice the creation of special mental atmospheres in order to establish the habit and thus render it easier to avail yourself of the same on special occasions. Opportunities of all kinds will present themselves to you in everyday life. The gist of the matter is to surround yourself with a mental aura of such a nature that people will act toward you as you wish them to do. A few examples may help you to get a clearer idea of what I mean, so I herewith give you the same.
I know a lady, living in Chicago, who was constantly complaining that people were “always running over her” on State Street (the crowded retail street of the great Western metropolis). She said that they were always crowding her off the sidewalk and pushing, bumping and jostling her in a most annoying manner. She asked me for instructions as to what thought she should use to prevent individuals from so acting. I answered that I did not think it was necessary to consider the separate individuals in the case, but that she should “treat” the crowd as a whole, by means of a protective mental atmosphere. I then advised her to build up a mental atmosphere around this statement: “People respect my rights; they will not unduly impose on me in the street; I deny the power of the crowd to impose on me.” And she followed this advice, and in a short time had built up a protective mental atmosphere which acted almost magically upon the crowd, who stepped aside and gave her a full right‑of‑way on the pavement.
She would simply go on her way calmly, serenely and undisturbed, and the crowd let her alone. I must add that I think that the original trouble arose from a subconscious dislike of crowds and an extreme shrinking from people, the result being that this dislike acted almost as does fear, and really attracted to her the interference of people. The new mental atmosphere dispelled the old one and gave her an additional positivity besides.
I once directed a lady who complained that she was unpopular, and that “nobody loved her,” etc., etc., to apply a similar method. She created a new mental atmosphere around her along the lines of the general statement: “People like me; they find me attractive; they love me, and like to be in my company.” After a time she reported that from a state of “wall‑flower‑dom” she had become quite a favorite, and in fact was at a loss to adjust herself to the changed conditions, finding somewhat of an embarrassment of “likings” and “lovings.” This was a case of Desire‑Force pure and simple.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

So it seems a fair characterization of this phenomenon of magnetic attraction through excellent fundamentals is that it is dependent on one's "vibe" or "state". And that it's not always possible to get into this state merely by "willing it" directly, or by getting there by "acting as if" we're already there. Perhaps this is a topic where "inner game" can deliver its goods.

Yes, that's a fair characterization.

You have regular solid fundamentals, which you can cultivate through practice, and turn on at will, regardless of state.

Then you have this extra boost in magnetism, flowing entirely through state, which there is no state-independent way to call up.

In my opinion you need both. Your solid fundamentals are your attractiveness baseline. The state-dependent boost in magnetism is high performance. You want a high baseline so that even if your state fails you still remain an attractive, compelling individual -- if not the guy at peak magnetism.

Interesting use of the word "magnet". Did you ever look into the early 1900's works on "personal magnetism"? Let me quote a bit from W. W. Atkinson: "Mind-Power: The Secret Of Mental Magic", Chapter XII Mental Atmosphere:

Oh, looks fascinating. I hadn't read it, no. I'll check that out.

@Karea Ricardus D. has recommended Theron Q. Dumont's works quite a bit in the past for this:

I haven't read those yet either, admittedly. I probably should.

I believe he includes a lot of what he learned from his studies of this in his X-factor series. @Mewtwo, although it's a series focused more on 'vibe' than the mechanics of your fundamentals, you might like this 5-part series:



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 7, 2023
@Karea Ricardus D. has recommended Theron Q. Dumont's works quite a bit in the past for this:

Interesting, I see that @Karea mentions Dumont explicitly here.
Theron Q. Dumont is actually one of W.W. Atkinson's pen names, by the way.

@Karea Ricardus D. writes in his article:
I don’t know if you’ve heard of the California Pimp before… but if you haven’t, you’re in for a life-changing read today.
I almost hesitate to write this, because there is so much hype on the web these days… but there is simply no other way to put it.
And if you HAVE heard of him before, this post will help you to emulate what he’s doing.
Emulate what now?
Glad you asked.

Sleeping with girls within MINUTES of meeting them, for example.
In fact, the “CP” as his fans have come to call him, does this on the regular.
That’s right… it is VERY RARE that it takes him more than fifteen to twenty minutes to seduce a girl… meet to mate in minutes.
And he has done this HUNDREDS of times.
He has also video-taped every single one of these interactions, and uploaded them ALL on the web, for you to watch and learn (keep your hands where I can see them now!)
The California Pimp puts himself in a massive sexual state before he even opens the door. He has that anchored to stomping his feet and then he opens the door with a bang.

And transferring his state onto the girl is obviously a big part of his method; I had written about that on the blog before – put yourself into the emotional state you want her to experience… because emotions are contagious. See the series on here about the X-Factor and how to pick up girls.

The California Pimp himself actually talks about this state transfer, and he recommends an essay about personal magnetism that you can find online. It was written about a century ago by a guy named Theron Q. Dumont.
Personal Magnetism
Some quotes from Dumont's 86 page book:
Not only does each person emanate and project a certain amount or degree of personal magnetism, additionally, each person is also constantly surrounded by a field of personal magnetic influence – a personal atmosphere, so to speak. This personal atmosphere affects to a greater or lesser degree other persons coming within its field of influence.
Moreover, it is possible for any person possessing sufficient will, perseverance and determination to develop from a puny state of magnetism into a condition of giant magnetic powers. But this latter requires determination, constant practice until a certain stage is reached, and an indomitable will. While any one may easily increase his or her degree of power of personal magnetism, and still more easily change the character of one’s personal atmosphere, the higher prizes are reserved for those who will persevere to the end, and continue faithful in the exercises
For reference for other readers: @Karea Ricardus D. says more about California Pimp and the legitimacy of CP's claims here.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Haha... I did not realize they were the same man.

Well, now I definitely need to make sure I read these, I suppose!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 7, 2023
Haha... I did not realize they were the same man.

Well, now I definitely need to make sure I read these, I suppose!

Cool, would like to see a review.
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Apr 27, 2023
Sounds like you're aiming to identify the ideal charismatic/self-possessed male fundamentals: posture, eye contact, tone of voice, inflection, timber, movement speed, etc. Which is a big focus of Girls Chase in general... all these elements of excellent fundamentals.

I know what you're talking about, and it is something I do. I can 'gear up' from normal good fundamentals into very magnetic fundamentals, and suddenly girls are shooting approach invitations at me and very receptive. I have often done it when out with buddies... I'll say, "I'm going to make that girl start signaling me. Watch. She's going to start checking me out and playing with her hair." And then I'll straighten up, arch my back, begin behaving in a demonstrative, authoritative way, talking in a powerful dude way, and the girl will start looking over, checking me out, playing with her hair. I'll pretend to just notice and open her and we'll get a very easy open to her and her friend for my friend and me. The girl will already be very attracted from the get-go.

It's not 100%. If I am not in the right headspace, like if I am low energy and at a bar alone, I have sometimes tried it with, "All right, let's switch it on!" and tried to pull it off and just... nothing. You kind of look around sheepishly and say to yourself, "Hmm, looks like the power is not with me tonight."

There is no way to call this up unfailingly any time you want no matter what -- not that I have found, anyway.

However, you can get your overall fundamentals excellent enough that you are always reasonably close to it, that way you're never far from it, and when you get that little jolt of inspiration it's easy to turn on.

To me I think of it internally as "putting out vibes", literally like a magnet... that's what we call it, 'attraction', attracting things to you like a magnet drawing them in.... I have used it to have women literally walk across rooms and put themselves right next to me, etc.

It's not something I would generally write about, because I do not know how to teach it, and it's not always on-demand repeatable.

However, it is something you can consciously learn to do, and successfully pull off more often than not.

I would offer that part of the 'gearing up' for me often involves warming up with flirtatious eye contact with girls I pass on the street. One, two, then after the third I am geared up and magnetized -- that is pretty repeatable. You can do it without that too (e.g., sitting in a bar, talking with friends, etc.), but you need to have the right state for it. If I'm feeling good with a buddy, or very relaxedly content, I can do it. If I am at all self-conscious or insecure I cannot. It is easier to do it socially when you are already feeling good and behaving like a high value / high status guy.

There may be little micro expressions or small facial muscles that are in play here and cannot be controlled consciously that are affecting things. That's one theory I have about it. I went through a course on facial expressions years ago where the professor and his daughter both claimed to have learned to consciously control every individual muscle in the face (quite a feat)... even if you could do that though I don't know if you could use that for switching on the vibe. It's just too much to manage consciously.

Can't comment much on the anger element except to say I have had girlfriends get very attracted to me when I've gotten angry at times. The comment is that I seemed "very masculine" or "very powerful." I'm not angry around women I'm not dating though so I have no comments about women in those circumstances!

The only other thing I would say... I've probably spent more time analyzing overall male fundamentals than any other guy I know, specifically trying to reverse engineer 'peak fundamentals' to exhibit them constantly, at all times, and have been for decades, but I have not found a way to convey this kind of vibe without that 'gearing up', 'switching on' phenomenon first -- whatever that is.

You can get your fundamentals excellent normally, but to make that extra leap to this very magnetic, supremely attractive body language / voice tone / etc., you need to be in the right state, too -- much as I hate to say it, since I'd like to think in theory everything should be doable even without the right internal state if you have the mechanics of it down well enough. No such luck with this rather ephemeral phenomenon, though...


Finally some answers more into the direction I was hoping for. Although what you're describing is little bit different than what I'm looking for (but still interesting).

I've tried achieving this by changing my psychological outlook but I found out it took lot of time and effort and only marginally improved my chances on doing this position I'm looking for. (This is why I'm trying to pinpoint the exact body language because simply getting in the right head space doesn't work very well.) It might improve your chances with some random girl but it doesn't work in situations like where you're trying to get specific girl who rejected you (which is more of a what I'm looking for). I originally devised this method precisely for this (getting a girl who brutally rejected me multiple times) and I found out that a lot of traditional moves like ostentatious confidence, leaning back, smiling, eye contact, straightened body posture, attracting attention etc. are in that situation completely wrong even though they might work on the other girls. That's why most of the online materials aren't helpful. I'm possibly looking for something new that nobody has really described before.

I described this position I'm looking for like "the ultimate confidence position" but I'm not entirely sure it's correct. Because several of the instructions go directly against what is usually described as confidence (keep extremities close to you and tight, don't lean back, hunch your shoulders, bow your head, look down, don't try to make yourself big or attract attention) and you don't necessarily feel confident yourself while doing this (at least I usually didn't at all, I was usually quite under stress). But the effect on others was something like that. Maybe saying that the effect is authoritative would be more precise. I'm not sure how to exactly describe this. Because at those rare moments I usually felt like I wasn't trying to pick up a girl at all (there was no obvious sign by which a neutral observer would recognize that I'm trying to pick up a girl).

The question is sort of like how to do "the opposite of confidence" and yet somehow still end up appearing confident to the others. I wish it was as simple as just being angry but I wasn't angry in most of these moments at all (although sometimes I was shortly before that).

I mean what is so special about this position I'm looking for is that it creates instant love (not just attraction). There's no need for a game or anything else. Everything is over before you finish your first sentence. You don't have to try to pick up a girl. She will pick you up. I believe this is something worth spending time trying to find it.

I suspect the key to this is somehow positioning, changing, expanding, stretching or shrinking your diaphragm in combination with completely relaxed stomach.
Almost everything in your body, every movement, every tightened muscle affects the diaphragm and the diaphragm greatly affects whole body posture (I wrote some examples of this in my first post). These also seem like the only body parts (along with the chest - which is mostly result of diaphragm movement anyway) that could consistently last through all everyday activities for several days. Almost everything else changes too much.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
Yeah, keep going. NASA has done it, so you can too.
