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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Did my 10 approaches today.

Noticeable set was a single set that turned into a 2 set. My wing was off on the side and for some reason didnt come in....

Girls from spain. I ended instagram closing on pretense of inviting them both out tonight. They werent doing anything at the moment, but I never instadated 2 girls at once, nor did I think it was a good idea...

It was a good reference experience on doing 2 sets for the future.

Stayed out from 3pm - 10pm. My wing pulled, and after that my focus drifted and I wasted lots of time. Now im too tired to go out to do street nightgame ;(


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Didn't have my usual wings for me to do my approach challenge today. I still went out solo for a bit then met up with another wing later.

Did around 5 approaches today without using $ as leverage, so that is a big improvement.

Only noticeable set was a 2 set around midnight. These girls were about to go into the train station, my wing opened them and they stopped so i joined. The one he was talking to was soooooo down to come with us to our rooftop. Like she was DTF for a gangbang with me and my wing if her friend wasnt there. Her friend was dealing with a insecure controlling BF issue. She looks like she just got scolded by him on the phone or something. Eventually, my wing tells the DTF girl to instagram close me....(i was so confused cause that was his target). We exchange instagrams and they leave.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Out solo today again. I'm happy with my progress so far. I was able to do around 5 approaches on my own. Had a 30 minute set, that went nowhere...i wasn't really attracted to the girl but i did it just to boost my momentum, although 30 mins is kinda too long.

These AA exercises are worth so much more than a bootcamp. I took one years ago (i've been dabbling ever since) for $3000 for someone to just tell you to approach, but you don't really build the muscle for doing it yourself.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Had a wing today, so continued the approaching challenge. Did like 5 with him, and later 5 on my own, so I completed it but took longer since I was solo for the 2nd half of the day.

One girl i approached and instagram closed, my wing later told me he tried pulling her before, and got to our apartment door but she didnt come in. So if i manage to get her out...that would be a funny story...i would have to frame it a certain way.

Current goal is to do more approaches or staying in set longer. So my goal is 20 approaches, but less is ok if each one last longer (5 minutes +).
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Didn't hit my goal I set yesterday...always a little distracted when I'm with wings.

However now i only do 5 approaches in the beginning with a timer, and then the rest of the day I do on my own, which has gotten a lot easier. Before I had to do 10 with a timer otherwise I wouldn't reach that number. Not sure how many approaches I did today, but more than 10, but less than 20. All very short.

The thing with my opener (pretending I have met them somewhere before) is that when I play the part well, it never gets a bad reaction, so it builds this confidence in me that I can use to open a girl anywhere. It is useable in group sets. Also, in cases where you need to be discreet, the open doesn't arouse suspicion in anyone who is listening. So very versatile, and requires little thought before hand. (I actually first learned this opener years ago from a high level wing who learned game with one of Gunwitch's old students).

The downside (if you call it that) is that the follow up has to be on point. If not, it reaches the point where we realize we don't know each other, and its like ok oops, cya around. I haven't really flushed out the immersion part of this, but I suppose something like "you know....I noticed that (something about her)" or "yeah that girl was like this, but you're like ______".
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Did around 15 approaches today, all on my own, didn't need the timer challenge anymore. This is definitely a first for me.

Only 2-3 sets I was able to really follow up with though, so the other were fairly quick. I definitely need to work on my followup.

One girl, she ended up being 30, but had a nice body. She was the first and only girl out of the 100+ approaches to call me out on my opener and try to imply I was making it up. She ended up offering her number to me without me asking.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Friday and Sat sucked in terms of approaching. Low volume + being unfocused with wings led to me doing less than 5 on Friday, and 4 on saturday. However the 4th approach on Saturday around midnight led to a lay


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Been averaging 5 approaches per day for the past 3 days. Not at all close to what i want which is around 10-15. But compared to a few weeks ago, its better than what i was doing.

I need to stick to the script, otherwise I am not really talking about anything insightful about the girl and the conversation tends to drift off.

The best thing for AA i found (besides the exercises i was doing) is working your state control muscle. My ability to shut off the negative voices in my head and take action are growing stronger each day.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Had an eventful Saturday night.

Was struggling to get my 1st approach in. Did it after a long while, then didn't hesitate to open the next girl across the street. She was very talkative and number closed me pretty much.

I went to the park and my wing opened a solo set there. I see it was pretty solid and didnt see any other solo sets around so I go to the boba place. While im waiting for my order I notice my wing comes in with the girl on a instadate. This kinda motivates me.

I spot a girl sitting by herself in the corner and approach her. I say "I guess this corner is where you hangout on a Saturday night...." Its well received and we start talking more and we can relate to each other with our tattoos. She just got one done that day. I guess I unknowingly did a reality pace when i told her how people think you put a lot of thought into a tattoo but sometimes the best ones you spontaneously decide to get, and she was like "Yeah! totally blah blah blah". She goes to an IVY league school, but looks nothing like it ( i tell her this). Also i spot cut marks on her arm :). She has nice round perky tits that I am looking down at.

Eventually i tell her im going to sit down for a bit and continue to talk. Shes waiting for a friend whos taking the train. We talk more and eventually she says her friend is here, so I grab her instagram. I couldve found out what their relationship was, and if they werent already fucking or trying to, I wouldve invited myself to join them to smoke weed, and invite them both to my rooftop, and then just continue to game her until the dude leaves.

A girl who i opened a few days ago and left on read in my instagram invites me to a party. I go with a different wing and it was lit. Latinas twerking on the floor right as I walk in. A lesbian couple ends up fucking in one room. The host (hot) was dancing with some short homeless skater mexican dude and makes out with him. Then grinds up on my wing, but he didnt want to makeout with her cause she just made out with him. She goes back to the mexican and he pushes her into her room and they fuck.

I pretty much ignore the girl who invited me most of the night and spend time with a new girl who had a cuter face but was a bit chubby. We are hardcore making out, shes rubbing herself on my crotch. Also didnt feel comfortable trying to close in one of the rooms cause it was the hosts, and we just met her. I didn't pull early enough cause her friend got super drunk and she had to leave with her to take care of her. I'm probably sure that girl will not invite me to party again :D


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Done a few approaches today...

Last approach of the day was in the front of the park. I see her in a cute outfit so I go and open her with the usual, hey....werent you at the _______ (what i think is relevant to her, this time i said anime thing) she said no but that it sounds awesome. After like a few minutes I had the feeling of ejecting again, possibly because she had a mask on and I couldnt tell her facial reactions. But i was like fuck it and just stuck it through.

I forget what follow up I had but we continue talking for a while standing in the same spot. So i say "you wanna go sit for a bit? cause my legs are kinda tired (lol wut...i did no heavy squats today)". Shes like yeah only for a bit cause she has to study. I say yeah me too cause im waiting for a friend hes late.

I notice she sits pretty close to me, so this is a good sign. I hit on a lot of topics and deep dive into, making sure to talk about how she feels doing certain activities like playing her musical instruments, traveling, etc...she agrees with it all. I said something about how when she plays, she probably doesnt consciously think of the next step, but memory allows her to play and be in a state where she just tunes out everything else. She loved that.

I also contrast other guys who are scared to be open minded towards femininity, how they are scared of dressing more fashionable, how they are judgemental etc

I see her touching her ring a lot and I make a comment on it, and use it as an excuse to touch her hands. She shows me her bracelets so Im touching her more. As time goes on I have my arm around her on the bench, and I touch her thighs here and there.

I hold back on making out with her. My logic is that she has a midterm tomorrow morning, and she didnt study at all. So if i madeout and tried to pull to go smoke weed like we talked about, she would have had a strong logical reason to object. And i thought not making out but building tension like being really close and touching her neck and hair, would give her something to look forward to. This was probably a mistake now that I think about it...cause I took up basically over an hour and a half of her time already....

She asks for my instagram. And then realizes she didnt tell me her name. At this point I withheld my name until she finally asked for it a bit later.

She suggests that we smoke up sometime. I tell her i wont hold her anymore and I get up, give her a hug and say bye.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Noteable set of the day....

I open this walking girl near a university, with the usual "oh hey i met you at that thing right?....the __________ thing with the _________ thing (lol)"

Its funny how the longer and more vague i make the opening, the more it makes them think in their own head to figure it out if they forgot something.

Shes like a mini margot robbie, like my type. In a cute outfit.

She stops right away and I talk to her a bit on the street. I use my previous field knowledge of the schools, and hers specifically and contrast how the different the kids are at each school. I tease her on her being a weeb. Its true though she likes anime and is actually an aspiring animator.

She says she was going to go to the park to practice her drawings, and i say lets walk there im headed the same way. She follows my lead.

On the way there I talk about how nice it must be when drawing to shut out the rest of the world and deeply focus on that one thing. She agrees.

We sit at the park and continue talking (she never ends up drawing anything). I hit the usual SOTs like traveling, dating, etc..

I use the excuses of her accessories to touch her hand, ears, and hair. I inspect her backpack and as we are going through it, my hands are resting on her thighs. I also touch them and leave my hand there for extended times with no resistance.

We spend a lot of time there talking. I eventually lead us to a boba place. We get boba there and I say lets go for a walk. By now i think i spent like 2 hours with her already.

As we are walking, I start talking about the view from my rooftop and how the apartment doubles has a dorm for dance students. I always say that, idk kind of makes it seems safer.

However at the front door, I say we should see the view from up there, but she says maybe next time :*(.

I walk her a few more streets then I say im going the other way. Number close, and give her a hug goodbye.

I feel like i made the same mistake as in my last post. I didn't escalate enough to turn her on enough to pull to my place.

My wing hits me up and says hes at a bar with some girls. In reality its a girl he met at a bar last week and some of her friends.

I don't really have the ability to isolate the girl that was single, so at the end i just instagram closed everyone. I dont think ill slide in her DMs though cause im not really into her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Haven't done a cold approach since 2 months ago.

But i have been closing on average 5 girls a week from apps these past 2 1/2 months. So around 50ish new closes. A few days where i had 2 closes in a day.

I did have 1 non app lay. Which is from a cold approach 3 set my wing went into like 3 months ago. The girl dubbed him and asked for my IG. She unfollowed me a few weeks into it (i learned later her bf made her do it). Then 2 weeks ago she slid in my DMs again and asked me to come straight over so I did. Shes hot, like a 8.5. 9 if she wouldve had an ass. I think im locked in now after closing 4 times.

What have I become.